Friday, August 26, 2022

Seaports With Sea Level Change - 24

This series has focused on various aspects of global seaports where sea level is changing (Seaports With Sea Level Change, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23).

Today's post narrows the scope down to only seaports with one foot or more of sea level change.

The data are presented in three appendices (Appendix SLR, Appendix SLF, and Appendix Ports By Zone). 

The Ports By Zone appendix lists WOD Zones and links to seaports within those zones which have had a one foot or more of sea level change.

The SLR appendix links to sea ports that have had a foot or more of sea level rise, the country they are in, and the WOD Zone they are in.

The SLF appendix links to sea ports that have had a foot or more of sea level fall, the country they are in, and the WOD Zone they are in.

The way to fully use the appendices is to first look up the sea level change value at a location in the SLF/SLR appendices ("Station Link Country and (Zone)" column), then notice the WOD Zone (a four digit number, e.g. "1313") which the tide gauge station is located in; with that info, go to the Ports By Zone appendix to check out the sea ports in that zone (Zone column).

A foot or more of sea level change can cause increasing amounts of sea port damage (The Extinction of Robust Sea Ports, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13).

The next post in this series is here, the previous post in this series is here.


  1. Scary. Sea port reality, for politicians, is for the most part little more than a comic trance (link)

  2. Rising sea levels will be good for business. Just imagine all the employment this is going to create. All the new design possibilities. All the new resources required. All the people to be employed and circulate that money throughout the economy. It's 'business-as-usual' (as always) and it will be looked at as a good thing vs a harbinger of disaster, which is what this really is.

    But who am I to piss on the parade of 'development' and 'new opportunities' to abound (in the struggle for our future survival)?

    Growth and greed is still 'good', right? Over-exploitation and connedsumption is still desirable. The supposed advancement of the species is worth any cost (which is why they always include the economic claims), including the future habitability of the entire planet if you just LOOK at what is being done.

    Exactly what IS IT with our particular species that we absolutely INSIST on the right to screw everything up for our supposed sole benefit, writ Manifest Destiny over and over again? In fact, it's NOT species-centric, but it is cultural and it needs to die out.

    I'd be quite content to know that our species could exist here for millions of years, then going extinct and never reach the stars (we all will, just not in the way science fiction imagines). But I have serious doubts we'll even achieve a thousand more the way we are going about it.

    1. Anonymous (August 27, 2022 at 1:07 PM),

      Good points. Just think how much employment nuclear weaponry and 'forever toxins' generates. And don't forget what the centuries-old oil-qaeda economy (which produces green house gases) has engendered. "Oil-is the lifeblood of America's economy" according to the state department (Petroleum Civilization: The Final Chapter (Confusing Life with Death)). It takes a lot of paychecks and hard work to destroy a civilization. Enjoy the prosperity! /snark.

  3. Zombie news reports about Greenland sea ice to originate by 2100 (link).
