Saturday, August 10, 2024

Once Upon A Time In The West - 3

Another bridge to Everywhere

Bob received recognition for elevating song writing into the stratosphere of 'literature' so they gave him the only, so far, Nobel Price For Literature because of the lyrics in his songs.

Here is a Dredd Blog Onion example of how Bob portrays the mental/emotional dynamics of civilization (modern man) in the current location inhabited by right-wing USA males (and no doubt many other latitude/longitude points on the 'map' of current civilization) eh? ...

Just Sayin'

A worried man with a worried mind
No one in front of me and nothing behind
There’s a woman on my lap and she’s doing a campaign
Got white skin, blood in my eyes
I’m looking up into the sapphire-tinted skies
I’m well dressed, waiting on the last train

Standing on the gallows with my head in a caboose
Any minute now I’m expecting all hell to break loose

People are crazy and time is strange
I’m locked in right, I’m out of change
I used to care, but now I'm arranged

This place ain’t going anywhere good
It’s the wrong realm, we are in Hollywood
Just for a first there I thought I saw another grove
Gonna take prancing lessons from the jittering hag
Ain’t no shortcuts, gonna race in drag
Only a fool in here would think we've got anything prove

Lot of water under the bridge, lot of bodies too
Don’t get up gentlemen, I’m only floating through

The other are crazy and rhymes are changed
I’m locked up tight, I’m out of exchange
I used to hear, but only sounds remain

I’ve been walking forty lies on a bad road
The Bible is 'Right' or 'Left' so versa vise will implode
So I’m  getting as far away from ourselves as I can
Some things are too bot and too much
The human kind can only stand to touch
You just ones can’t win with a losing band

Feel like crawling in love with a lonely woman I meat
Putting her in a wheelbarrow and dealing down the street

People are crazy and times are arranged
sleeping up tight, I’m out of change
I used to share, now things are arranged

I blurt greasy, I just don’t know it
You can hurt someone and not even show it
The next sixty seconds could be like a reality
Gonna go down slow, gonna fly a sigh
All of a truth in the world subs to one big lie
I’m in love with everyone who don’t appeal to me

Mr. Netlinks and Miss Juicy, they thumbed uptake
I’m not that eager to cash a mistake

People are crazy and times are strange
I’m locked in tight, I’m out of range
I used to care, but things have changed

(Apologies to Bob Dylan).

The previous post in this series is here.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Here Come De Conservative Judges - 14

Project 2025 Law In 2024
I. Background

The Supreme Court decision to overturn the 4 decades old 'Chevron doctrine' case will have a greater impact on governing than the other cases that struck down long standing US law:

 "The Supreme Court has overturned longstanding precedent by striking down the 'Chevron doctrine'” a 40-year-old standard that required courts to defer to regulatory agencies to interpret ambiguous laws. Experts, including credit agency Moody’s Ratings, say it will dramatically change the way key health agencies do business and the decision is sending shockwaves through the policymaking community that will reverberate for years to come. The anticipated impact of this ruling includes legal challenges to regulations, a slower rulemaking process, diminished federal ability to develop new programs or innovations, or impose new requirements such as the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Service’s (CMS) minimum-staffing requirements for nursing homes, EPA rules about limiting air pollution for lung health, Food and Drug Administration rules ensuring the safety and efficacy of drug trials and keeping food free of contaminants, and more."

(Milbank). The disruption that will be coming on strong involves ~439 federal agencies (Federal Register).

II. Project 2025 Is Already Here

The impact of "Project 2025" is a part of the striking down of the Chevron doctrine: 

"Project 2025— the Heritage Foundation’s policy playbook for a possible Trump second term — encouraged a dismantling of “the administrative state,” with a particular focus on HHS, the agency with most of the administrative authority over Medicare, Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act and other health statutes, and that houses key public health organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health." 

(ibid). Project 2025 is ahead of schedule,  is here NOW.

III. Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied

Criminal cases are generally given preference over civil cases, so, if the civil docket skyrockets the excruciating delay coming compared to now will seem like nothing we have ever seen:

"The backlog of pending criminal cases in the federal court system has increased by more than a quarter over the past five years even as the number of new arrests and criminal cases filed have declined significantly. 

This has resulted in lengthy delays in the time it takes to resolve criminal cases. The average criminal case now takes nearly ten months to resolve if there is a guilty plea and more than two years if a trial is required. Many victims and defendants alike go without justice for months or even years."

(Delayed justice is a hidden crisis in our federal justice system). This '2025 effect' will virtually remove the right to a jury trial, what little of it remains:

"At the federal level, trial sentences are roughly three times higher than plea sentences for the same crime on average and sometimes as much as eight or ten times higher. This sentencing differential is extremely coercive. As a result only 2-3% of federal convictions are the result of trial. The rest are plea bargains. The trial penalty is so coercive that it causes some innocent people to plead guilty."

(NACDL, emphasis added). This will have a very high impact on civil cases too:

"The Speedy Trial Act of 1974 establishes standard time requirements for the timely prosecution and disposition of criminal cases in district courts. There is no similar law governing civil trial scheduling, and as a result, the scheduling of criminal cases is assigned a higher priority.

In 1990, Congress enacted legislation that directs each district court to devise and adopt a civil expense and delay reduction plan. One goal established under the legislation is for each civil case to be scheduled for trial within 18 months of filing the complaint.

Litigants should keep in mind that judges have many duties in addition to deciding cases. The average district court judge has more than 400 newly filed cases to contend with each year. In addition to trials, judges conduct sentencings, pretrial conferences, settlement conferences, motions hearings, write orders and opinions, and consider other court matters both in the courtroom and in their chambers.

There are numerous reasons for delay, many of which are outside of a court's control, and for which attorneys and/or litigants may be responsible. Cases may be delayed because settlement negotiations are in progress. Some courts also experience shortages in judges or available courtrooms."

(United States Courts). Many citizens do not see the judicial system as a part of government, thus they may not consider delayed justice as an impact on governing, so politicians may not be in a mood to respond in a timely manner.

IV. Closing Comments

Cases over the once upon a time Roe v Wade rights will be delayed even if congress enacts a legislative version of it.

Cases over who won the election will be delayed (they already are but it can get worse).

Cases over gun laws regarding the number one cause of the death of children will be delayed.

Cases over pollution will be delayed.

And on and on.

So, once again when we are asked if this decades old question here on Dredd Blog "Will they [conservative judges] be activists" can be answered with "Is the Pope Catholic?"

What do we answer when asked Will Elections Cure The Disease?, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ??? (not while the UN-elected Trump Supreme Court is an infected group).

The previous post in this series is here.


"Man’s ego is inflated, his laws are outdated, they don’t apply no more
You can’t rely no more to be standin’ around waitin'
In the home of the brave
Jefferson turnin’ over in his grave
Fools glorifying themselves, trying to manipulate Satan
And there’s a slow, slow train comin’ up around the bend

Big-time negotiators, false healers and woman haters
Masters of the bluff and masters of the proposition
But the enemy I see
Wears a cloak of decency
All nonbelievers and men stealers talkin’ in the name of religion
And there’s a slow, slow train comin’ up around the bend"

Monday, August 5, 2024

Proof of Concept - 12

Fig. 1 Coastal N. Atlantic (red line)

I. Background

In the previous post we took a look at the Coastal N. Pacific.

So, in this post we are taking a look at the Coastal N. Atlantic (Fig. 1).

We can apply the same questions that we used in the previous post to contemplate the falsification or verification of the geological hypothesis.

That hypothesis advanced by geologists is that the changing height of land (land-level-change) is what is causing sea level change in the Coastal N. Pacific (Proof of Concept - 11).

Some of the analogy is the same in the sense that we have both sea level fall in the Coastal N. Atlantic (APNDX Zones, APNDX Combined Zones) as we did in the Coastal N. Pacific.

Another sameness is that a large ice sheet is near both the Coastal N. Atlantic (Greenland Ice Sheet) and the Coastal N. Pacific (Glacier Bay Ice Sheet).

Yet another sameness is that both areas have sea level fall and sea level rise recorded by the PSMSL stations that record sea level with tide gauges (PSMSL).

II. What It Hinges On

One of the main falsification arguments advanced in the previous post was the issue of a hinge point as applied to both land level change and sea level change.

Fig. 2 Ancient Ice Age Factors

A hinge point where sea level fall ends and sea level rise begins is a main point in sea level change science (The Evolution and Migration of Sea Level Hinge Points, 2).

But there is no such evidence for a land level hinge point commensurate and at the same longitude and latitude location where one should be if that land level characteristic is really causing the ocean characteristic.

In other words "where is the land hinge point that equates to the sea level hinge point?".

One important aspect of that falsifying assertion is that the sea level hinge point moves as the ice sheet melts and loses it gravitational power being asserted on the ocean near the ice sheet.

There is no assertion of a hinge point in the land hypothesis, much less one that parallels the sea level hinge point as it moves as the ice sheet melts.

Furthermore, the land hypothesis asserts that vast ice sheets on the land were so thick that they compressed the earth below them, so as they melted from south to north the land beneath the expanded also in that direction.

However, with sea level change the hinge point can move from north to south, east to west, south to north, or west to east depending on where the sea water is compared to where the ice sheet is.

On 'islands' like Greenland and Antarctica where the ocean water is surrounding them, the hinge point is a 360 degree factor.

In the Coastal N. Pacific waters related to Glacier Bay the hinge points are both southward moving and westward moving because the Glacier Bay Ice Sheet is not an island location, so the northward moving ancient ice sheet melt is not causing the southern or western moving hinge points.

Additionally, in both coastal areas the sea level change is both sea level rise and sea level fall activity.

Neither the short term rises and falls (upward and downward zigs and zags) nor the long term upward or downward trends are caused by land moving up and down as long gone ice sheet locations show in Fig. 2 (I added the blue color to show N. America ice age coverage, and some red color to show the current location of Greenland and Glacier Bay).

To accentuate this further I have added graphs of all of the PSMSL tide gauge station reports around the globe, with the country names alphabetized in three new appendices (Appendices A-G, H-M, and N-Y).

So, you can look up coastlines by PSMSL country or coast id number here to see clearly that there is no way the land is moving up and down so rapidly to change sea levels shown in RLR millimeters on those appendices.

III. Book 'em Dano

The fingerprints of sea level change indicate "the culprits" where sea level fall and sea level change is initiated by ice sheet gravity in several origin locations around the globe (see video below; cf. Beyond Fingerprints: Sea Level DNA, 2, 3, 4).

These factors do not get into the geology textbooks because Big Oil pays for them not to:

"Big Oil and U.S. universities have long enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship, as fossil fuel money has flowed to academic centers for decades in exchange for research that advances their objectives, access to policymakers, and civic goodwill. Yet this relationship has for years gone mostly unquestioned by mainstream media and regulators."

(Research or Lobbying? New Documents Reveal What Fossil Fuel Companies Are Really Paying for at Top Universities). In other words, the textbooks are written so as to cover up the events that are endangering current civilization:

"Fossil fuel companies have ploughed more than £147m into British universities in seven years and been given “horrifying” influence over academic degree courses.

An investigation by openDemocracy today reveals that BP, Shell and Equinor are among the firms routinely invited to private meetings with university officials, with some institutions taking direct advice on how to run engineering and geoscience degrees.

One university even had discussions with an oil company about how to push back against 'anti-oil rhetoric'."

(Revealed: Big Oil given direct influence over university courses). It doesn't stop there, even Dredd Blog has been attacked by writers whose pockets have Big Oil's hands in them:

"It would seem that Dredd Blog has raised "their" eyebrows from time to time sufficiently enough to receive an honorable mention from time to time in the books written by those minions; such as in Author Michael C. Lynch's Oil-Qaeda praising work of fiction (Fig. 1) that makes Dredd Blog even more well known than it otherwise would have been:

"Dredd Blog's long-time characterization of the exercise of power in Western Civilization with the Dredd Blog caricature of 'MOMCOM' (Military Oil Media Complex). Why we gave up the old notion of 'MIC' (Military Industrial Complex), as explained in the Dredd Blog post 'MOMCOM: Mean Welfare Queen,' is because it is so yesterday, it is so 1950's reality." 29
(see Fig. 2 for the link). I have to say that Mr. Lynch either has a good staff of researchers, or is one himself, to have fixed upon the Dredd Blog series about MOMCOM (your boss should be proud, Michael)."

(Oil-Qaeda & MOMCOM Conspire To Commit Depraved-Heart Murder- 6). You can read more about that in other posts linked to in that post.

IV. Closing Comments

This current civilization is 'owned' by big oil ('Oil-Qaeda') and they are not all 'don't ask don't tell' about it:

"Dozens of US universities, however, retain links with the fossil-fuel industry in a variety of ways, despite the growing pressure on them to cut them. Several host Exxon representatives on campus and even provide them with office space, similar to Princeton’s previous arrangement, a Guardian investigation has found."

(Exxon in the classroom: how big oil money influences US universities, The Undue Influence of Fossil Fuel Money in Academia).

The previous post in this series is here.

APNDX Combined Zones

This is an appendix to: Proof of Concept - 12

The two graphs below are generated from the exact same data. It is difficult to distinguish the sea level fall lines from the sea level rise lines. So, the lower one has small squares marking the beginning and ending location of the lines. The individual lines are shown one line to one graph in another appendix of this post (APNDX Zones).


This is an appendix to: Proof of Concept - 12

Appendix N-Y

This is an appendix to Proof of Concept - 12