Thursday, September 26, 2024

Follow The Immunity - 9

Bennett @Chatanooga Times

Official guilt has finally reached the locus of the Supreme Nirvana of Immunity (Trump v. USA).

Dredd Blog has urged, for upwards of a decade, that we follow the trail leading to Immunity Nirvana:

"Many American people are walking around who participated in and/or advocated torture.

They are immune from prosecution even though they violated the law.

Others who committed war crimes are likewise immune from prosecution.

"Too big to jail" and "too big to fail" are other ways of saying "immunity."

Many people who do not take Civics or American Government classes during their education will not understand the concept of "sovereign immunity."

Today's post offers an easier way for amateurs to track down "tools" of the Epigovernment as well as tracking down the Epigovernment itself.

This is offered to replace the more difficult way, which is "follow the money", because that way has become very difficult, what with all the secret offshore banking systems that are now operational:

The mantra for such investigations used to be "follow the money", but (since that requires looking into offshore banking systems) for we amateurs there is an easier mantra: "follow the immunity."

Ask "who has committed these crimes against the American people and their Constitution?"

Then list their names, and then finally ask: "have they been held accountable?"

If not, follow their dealings and their associates through the shadows, because since they are immune from prosecution for their crimes they have committed with impunity, they are in with those who have pulled off the coup (A Tale of Coup Cities - 4).
(ACLU vs. Clapper, Alexander, Hagel, Holder, and Mueller - 3). Take for example, Dick Cheney, who still brags about torture in public, but fears no prosecution, even though no prosecution is known to be error (see On The Recent Condemnation of Torture - 2).

Cheney is immune, which means he is above the law, and he knows it."

(Follow The Immunity, 2013; cf. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). Less recently Law Professor E Chemerinsky pointed out:

"In recent years, the Supreme Court has substantially expanded the scope of state sovereign immunity. These decisions provide an important occasion for a reconsideration of the entire doctrine of sovereign immunity. This article argues that sovereign immunity is an anachronistic concept, derived from long discredited royal prerogatives, and that it is inconsistent with basic principles of the American legal system. Sovereign immunity is justified neither by history nor, more importantly, by functional considerations. Sovereign immunity is inconsistent with fundamental constitutional requirements such as the supremacy of the Constitution and due process of law. This article concludes that sovereign immunity, for government at all levels, should be eliminated by the Supreme Court."

(Against Sovereign Immunity, 2001, emphasis added; cf. Historical Approach to the Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity). Immunity is the dark flip side of the virtue of accountability (Accountability Is a Four Letter Word, 2009; When Accountability Is A Plague, 2009).

When the supremes in this year's Trump v. USA case (link in first sentence of this post) used the term "immunity" it was and always has been a synonym for:

 immune to the law

(Synonyms for Above the law). Bye, bye to the virtue of integrity (Here Come De Conservative Judges, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14).

The previous post in this series is here.

The US States of Sea Level Change - 3

Fig. 1 Washington Post

The appendix in today's post (APNDX States SLC) contains graphs of US states that have PSMSL tide gauge station records.

It is a follow up to the previous posts in this series (The US States of Sea Level Change, 2).

Each post contains different types of presentations of these state sea level records (e.g. limited graphs in the first post, both HTML tables and graphs int the second post).

In today's appendix there is one graph per state containing the charts of all tide gauge sea level lines for that state.

The data is the same in all cases, yet when we have different perspectives of that same data it can enhance our understanding.

The ocean is not a constant because acceleration is being observed:

"In December, Charleston, S.C., saw its fourth-highest water level since measurements began in 1899. It was the first time on record that seas had been that high without a hurricane. A winter storm that coincided with the elevated ocean left dozens of streets closed. One resident drowned in her car. Hundreds of vehicles were damaged or destroyed, including some that were inundated in a cruise terminal parking lot.

The average sea level at Charleston has risen by 7 inches since 2010, four times the rate of the previous 30 years.

Jacksonville, Fla., where seas rose 6 inches in the past 14 years, recently studied its vulnerability. It found that more than a quarter of major roads have the potential to become inaccessible to emergency response vehicles amid flooding, and the number of residents who face flood risks could more than triple in coming decades.

Galveston, Tex., has experienced an extraordinary rate of sea level rise — 8 inches in 14 years. Experts say it has been exacerbated by fast-sinking land. High-tide floods have struck at least 141 times since 2015, and scientists project their frequency will grow rapidly. Officials are planning to install several huge pump stations in coming years, largely funded through federal grants. The city manager expects each pump to cost more than $60 million — a figure that could eclipse the city’s annual tax revenue."

(Washington Post). "What if" acceleration scenarios have been examined here on Dredd Blog for some time now (The Question Is: How Much Acceleration Is Involved In SLR? - 2).

The next post in this series is here, the previous post in this series is here.


This is an appendix to: The US States of Sea Level Change - 3