Saturday, September 7, 2024

January Six Committee - 6

Mobs Aplenty

The phenomenon of masses believing myths, lies, and fables is as old as civilizations (How To Identify The Despotic Minority, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12).

Citizens within those civilizations who manage to avoid such beliefs tend to be confounded by the cognition of their fellow citizens.

Each side is incredulous.

One widely held cultural energy that contributes to their perplexing experience is The "It Can't Happen Here" Trance.

USA culture has experienced that at maximum capacity on all sides:

"Inside Washington’s federal courthouse, there’s no denying the reality of Jan. 6, 2021. Day after day, judges and jurors silently absorb the chilling sights and sounds from television screens of rioters beating police, shattering windows and hunting for lawmakers as democracy lay under siege.

But as he seeks to reclaim the White House, Donald Trump continues to portray the defendants as patriots worthy of admiration, an assertion that has been undercut by the adjudicated truth in hundreds of criminal cases where judges and juries have reached the opposite conclusion about what history will remember as one of America’s darkest days.

The cases have systematically put on record — through testimony, documents and video — the crimes committed, weapons wielded, and lives altered by physical and emotional damage. Trump is espousing a starkly different story, portraying the rioters as hostages and political prisoners whom he says he might pardon if he wins in November."

(AP News). Thank you APNews.

In other words Bob Dylan Sings In "China".

The previous post in this series is here.

Friday, September 6, 2024

The Photon Current - 13

Fig. 1 Image origin

I. Background

Before a solar originated photon current reaches the oceans and is still in deep space, astronomers can do photon polarizing and other activities such as spectroscopy:

"The realisation that light could harbour information about celestial objects came thanks to the work of the German glass-maker Joseph von Fraunhofer. In 1814 he dispersed the Sun’s light into a rainbow of colours – known as a spectrum – discovering numerous dark absorption lines that were later found to betray the composition of our star.

With the subsequent development of spectroscopes to view – and spectrographs to record – celestial spectra and the lines they contained, astronomers had a means to examine the make-up of stars."

(Sky At Night). Not only that, there is no substantial doubt that these photon currents (starlight, including infrared photons) can be put through a polarizer as well (The Photon Current - 12).

II. The Origin Of Disagreement About Spectra

However, fundamental disagreements arise with the interpretations given to the spectral lines that appear in these spectra (Fig. 1).

Nevertheless, substantial portions of current scientific theory stem from the observations of such photon currents in deep space even though there is disagreement as to what the 'absorption lines' really mean and where everything originates:

"The contradictions between Big Bang theory predictions and observations are not at all limited to those that have been widely dubbed a “Crisis in Cosmology”.  Despite the continuing popularity of the theory, essentially every prediction of the Big Bang theory has been increasingly contradicted by better and better data, as shown by many teams of researchers. The observations are, on the other hand, consistent with a non-expanding universe with no Big Bang. The real crisis in cosmology is that the Big Bang never happened."

(The Scientific Evidence Against The Big Bang, emphasis added). It is like the popularity of "genieology" a.k.a. genealogy that is currently going through an uh-oh/oops revolution (On The Origin of Genieology - 6).

III. The Nitty Gritty of Red-Shift

In the noise of argument about the Big Bang the signal has been long lost (No Signal? Just Noise?).

The signal is the red-shift/blue-shift in the photon spectra:

"In physics, a redshift is an increase in the wavelength, and corresponding decrease in the frequency and photon energy, of electromagnetic radiation (such as light). The opposite change, a decrease in wavelength and increase in frequency and energy, is known as a blueshift, or negative redshift. The terms derive from the colours red and blue which form the extremes of the visible light spectrum."

(Redshift, emphasis added). Notice that the "signal" in phenomenon is about a change in the photon's energy, while the "noise" is the interpretation that motion a la the "Doppler Effect" is the cause of the shift.

The Doppler effect was based on things that never travel the speed of light (sound) and on waves that did not change in energy of the molecules bouncing off one another.

Fig. 2 Photon Energy

The red-shift in light photons is a change in the energy of individual photons which is a well known value (Fig. 2).

Getting back to the 'signal', let's reconsider the laws of thermodynamics which apply to the change in the energy of the photon as it travels in space.

What force or source causes the change in a photon's energy, i.e. the change in wavelength and frequency?

The laws of thermodynamics indicate:

"The first law of thermodynamics states that, when energy passes into or out of a system (as work, heat, or matter), the system's internal energy changes in accordance with the law of conservation of energy." 


"The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant; it is said to be conserved over time. In the case of a closed system the principle says that the total amount of energy within the system can only be changed through energy entering or leaving the system. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another."

(Wikipedia: Laws of thermodynamics; Conservation of energy). So, the "E" if "the total amount of energy within the [E=hf] system can only be changed through energy entering or leaving the system", what energy stretches the wavelength equating to a red-shift, or what energy shrinks it equating to a blue-shift? 

The theorists playing with dolls says that "motion" away from that photon does it, and does it in an amount based on distance.

And on and on ab absurdum.

It is more likely that when the "f" in the  E=hf formula causes "E" to decrease, then that amount of energy has left that photon to become a part of "the CMB":

"Today, the CMB radiation is very cold, only 2.725° above absolute zero, thus this radiation shines primarilyin the microwave portion of the electromagneticspectrum, and is invisible to the naked eye. However, it fills the universe and can be detected everywhere we look. In fact, if we could see microwaves, the entire sky would glow with a brightness that was astonishingly uniform in every direction."

(WMAP). Ok, enough about the signal and the noise.

IV. Where Does the E=hf Go?

About 90% of it that reaches the Earth goes into the oceans of the world where it is then known as "enthalpy" (In Search Of Ocean Heat - 15).

The next post in this series is here, the previous post in this series is here.

Baby Big Banger

Mature Big Banger:

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Photon Current - 12

It's just a photon current

Visible light photon "polarizing" is a well known phenomenon (Photon Polarization, Introduction to Polarized Light, Polarized Light).

The basic operation is to pass a photon current (e.g. light beam) through a polarizer  then study the 'other side' result pursuant to Malus's Law:

"Malus' law, which is named after Étienne-Louis Malus, says that when a perfect polarizer is placed in a polarized beam of light, the irradiance, I, of the light that passes through is given by I = I0 cos2 θi where I0 is the initial intensity and θi is the angle between the light's initial polarization direction and the axis of the polarizer."

 (Wikipedia). Several graphs and an HTML table (appendices) show some of the particulars (TPC Graphs; HTML 0-360).

II. Seawater Polarizer?

Infrared photon streams can be polarized (Infrared photon polarizing).

Can salt crystals in seawater polarize any of the infrared photon current as hinted at here and here?

If so it won't change the heat content of the seawater, but it could change the direction of some of the individual photon flows within the overall photon current.

III. Does A Polarizer Prove Quantum Entanglement?

I don't think so.

For one thing, there is this (There Is No Quantum Entanglement).

For another thing, I think that the quantum entanglement hypothesis is another one of these (Small Brains Considered - 7).

And the last thing for now, is that the quantum entanglement hypothesis is just another doll that miscreant theorists play with (Quantum Biology - 9). 

IV. Bigga Badda Boom

Accord (The Scientific Evidence Against The Big Bang, The Big Bang Theory has officially been debunked, Saying goodbye to the Big Bang, The Story of Our Universe May Be Starting to Unravel, etc.).

The previous post in this series is here.

HTML 0-360

This is an appendix to: The Photon Current - 12

PI = 3.1415926535897931
cos = cosine
degrees(deg°) = (0° - 360°)
radians (rad) = deg° x (PI / 180)

Degrees(°) And Radians(rad)
Deg° cos(deg°) cos(deg°)2 rad cos(rad) cos(rad)2
0.00 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000
1.00 0.540302 0.291927 0.017453 0.999848 0.999695
2.00 -0.416147 0.173178 0.034907 0.999391 0.998782
3.00 -0.989992 0.980085 0.052360 0.998630 0.997261
4.00 -0.653644 0.427250 0.069813 0.997564 0.995134
5.00 0.283662 0.080464 0.087266 0.996195 0.992404
6.00 0.960170 0.921927 0.104720 0.994522 0.989074
7.00 0.753902 0.568369 0.122173 0.992546 0.985148
8.00 -0.145500 0.021170 0.139626 0.990268 0.980631
9.00 -0.911130 0.830158 0.157080 0.987688 0.975528
10.00 -0.839072 0.704041 0.174533 0.984808 0.969846
11.00 0.004426 0.000020 0.191986 0.981627 0.963592
12.00 0.843854 0.712090 0.209440 0.978148 0.956773
13.00 0.907447 0.823460 0.226893 0.974370 0.949397
14.00 0.136737 0.018697 0.244346 0.970296 0.941474
15.00 -0.759688 0.577126 0.261799 0.965926 0.933013
16.00 -0.957659 0.917112 0.279253 0.961262 0.924024
17.00 -0.275163 0.075715 0.296706 0.956305 0.914519
18.00 0.660317 0.436018 0.314159 0.951057 0.904508
19.00 0.988705 0.977537 0.331613 0.945519 0.894005
20.00 0.408082 0.166531 0.349066 0.939693 0.883022
21.00 -0.547729 0.300007 0.366519 0.933580 0.871572
22.00 -0.999961 0.999922 0.383972 0.927184 0.859670
23.00 -0.532833 0.283911 0.401426 0.920505 0.847329
24.00 0.424179 0.179928 0.418879 0.913545 0.834565
25.00 0.991203 0.982483 0.436332 0.906308 0.821394
26.00 0.646919 0.418505 0.453786 0.898794 0.807831
27.00 -0.292139 0.085345 0.471239 0.891007 0.793893
28.00 -0.962606 0.926610 0.488692 0.882948 0.779596
29.00 -0.748058 0.559590 0.506145 0.874620 0.764960
30.00 0.154251 0.023794 0.523599 0.866025 0.750000
31.00 0.914742 0.836754 0.541052 0.857167 0.734736
32.00 0.834223 0.695929 0.558505 0.848048 0.719186
33.00 -0.013277 0.000176 0.575959 0.838671 0.703368
34.00 -0.848570 0.720072 0.593412 0.829038 0.687303
35.00 -0.903692 0.816660 0.610865 0.819152 0.671010
36.00 -0.127964 0.016375 0.628319 0.809017 0.654508
Deg° cos(deg°) cos(deg°)2 rad cos(rad) cos(rad)2
37.00 0.765414 0.585859 0.645772 0.798636 0.637819
38.00 0.955074 0.912166 0.663225 0.788011 0.620961
39.00 0.266643 0.071098 0.680678 0.777146 0.603956
40.00 -0.666938 0.444806 0.698132 0.766044 0.586824
41.00 -0.987339 0.974839 0.715585 0.754710 0.569587
42.00 -0.399985 0.159988 0.733038 0.743145 0.552264
43.00 0.555113 0.308151 0.750492 0.731354 0.534878
44.00 0.999843 0.999687 0.767945 0.719340 0.517450
45.00 0.525322 0.275963 0.785398 0.707107 0.500000
46.00 -0.432178 0.186778 0.802851 0.694658 0.482550
47.00 -0.992335 0.984730 0.820305 0.681998 0.465122
48.00 -0.640144 0.409785 0.837758 0.669131 0.447736
49.00 0.300593 0.090356 0.855211 0.656059 0.430413
50.00 0.964966 0.931159 0.872665 0.642788 0.413176
51.00 0.742154 0.550793 0.890118 0.629320 0.396044
52.00 -0.162991 0.026566 0.907571 0.615661 0.379039
53.00 -0.918283 0.843243 0.925025 0.601815 0.362181
54.00 -0.829310 0.687755 0.942478 0.587785 0.345492
55.00 0.022127 0.000490 0.959931 0.573576 0.328990
56.00 0.853220 0.727985 0.977384 0.559193 0.312697
57.00 0.899867 0.809760 0.994838 0.544639 0.296632
58.00 0.119180 0.014204 1.012291 0.529919 0.280814
59.00 -0.771080 0.594565 1.029744 0.515038 0.265264
60.00 -0.952413 0.907090 1.047198 0.500000 0.250000
61.00 -0.258102 0.066616 1.064651 0.484810 0.235040
62.00 0.673507 0.453612 1.082104 0.469472 0.220404
63.00 0.985897 0.971992 1.099557 0.453990 0.206107
64.00 0.391857 0.153552 1.117011 0.438371 0.192169
65.00 -0.562454 0.316354 1.134464 0.422618 0.178606
66.00 -0.999647 0.999295 1.151917 0.406737 0.165435
67.00 -0.517770 0.268086 1.169371 0.390731 0.152671
68.00 0.440143 0.193726 1.186824 0.374607 0.140330
69.00 0.993390 0.986824 1.204277 0.358368 0.128428
70.00 0.633319 0.401093 1.221730 0.342020 0.116978
71.00 -0.309023 0.095495 1.239184 0.325568 0.105995
72.00 -0.967251 0.935574 1.256637 0.309017 0.095492
73.00 -0.736193 0.541980 1.274090 0.292372 0.085481
Deg° cos(deg°) cos(deg°)2 rad cos(rad) cos(rad)2
74.00 0.171717 0.029487 1.291544 0.275637 0.075976
75.00 0.921751 0.849625 1.308997 0.258819 0.066987
76.00 0.824331 0.679522 1.326450 0.241922 0.058526
77.00 -0.030975 0.000959 1.343904 0.224951 0.050603
78.00 -0.857803 0.735826 1.361357 0.207912 0.043227
79.00 -0.895971 0.802764 1.378810 0.190809 0.036408
80.00 -0.110387 0.012185 1.396263 0.173648 0.030154
81.00 0.776686 0.603241 1.413717 0.156434 0.024472
82.00 0.949678 0.901888 1.431170 0.139173 0.019369
83.00 0.249540 0.062270 1.448623 0.121869 0.014852
84.00 -0.680023 0.462432 1.466077 0.104528 0.010926
85.00 -0.984377 0.968997 1.483530 0.087156 0.007596
86.00 -0.383698 0.147224 1.500983 0.069756 0.004866
87.00 0.569750 0.324615 1.518436 0.052336 0.002739
88.00 0.999373 0.998747 1.535890 0.034899 0.001218
89.00 0.510177 0.260281 1.553343 0.017452 0.000305
90.00 -0.448074 0.200770 1.570796 0.000000 0.000000
91.00 -0.994367 0.988767 1.588250 -0.017452 0.000305
92.00 -0.626444 0.392433 1.605703 -0.034899 0.001218
93.00 0.317429 0.100761 1.623156 -0.052336 0.002739
94.00 0.969459 0.939851 1.640609 -0.069756 0.004866
95.00 0.730174 0.533153 1.658063 -0.087156 0.007596
96.00 -0.180430 0.032555 1.675516 -0.104528 0.010926
97.00 -0.925148 0.855898 1.692969 -0.121869 0.014852
98.00 -0.819288 0.671233 1.710423 -0.139173 0.019369
99.00 0.039821 0.001586 1.727876 -0.156434 0.024472
100.00 0.862319 0.743594 1.745329 -0.173648 0.030154
101.00 0.892005 0.795673 1.762783 -0.190809 0.036408
102.00 0.101586 0.010320 1.780236 -0.207912 0.043227
103.00 -0.782231 0.611885 1.797689 -0.224951 0.050603
104.00 -0.946868 0.896559 1.815142 -0.241922 0.058526
105.00 -0.240959 0.058061 1.832596 -0.258819 0.066987
106.00 0.686487 0.471264 1.850049 -0.275637 0.075976
107.00 0.982780 0.965856 1.867502 -0.292372 0.085481
108.00 0.375510 0.141007 1.884956 -0.309017 0.095492
109.00 -0.577002 0.332932 1.902409 -0.325568 0.105995
110.00 -0.999021 0.998043 1.919862 -0.342020 0.116978
Deg° cos(deg°) cos(deg°)2 rad cos(rad) cos(rad)2
111.00 -0.502544 0.252551 1.937315 -0.358368 0.128428
112.00 0.455969 0.207908 1.954769 -0.374607 0.140330
113.00 0.995267 0.990556 1.972222 -0.390731 0.152671
114.00 0.619521 0.383806 1.989675 -0.406737 0.165435
115.00 -0.325810 0.106152 2.007129 -0.422618 0.178606
116.00 -0.971592 0.943991 2.024582 -0.438371 0.192169
117.00 -0.724097 0.524317 2.042035 -0.453990 0.206107
118.00 0.189129 0.035770 2.059489 -0.469472 0.220404
119.00 0.928471 0.862059 2.076942 -0.484810 0.235040
120.00 0.814181 0.662891 2.094395 -0.500000 0.250000
121.00 -0.048664 0.002368 2.111848 -0.515038 0.265264
122.00 -0.866767 0.751285 2.129302 -0.529919 0.280814
123.00 -0.887969 0.788489 2.146755 -0.544639 0.296632
124.00 -0.092776 0.008607 2.164208 -0.559193 0.312697
125.00 0.787715 0.620494 2.181662 -0.573576 0.328990
126.00 0.943984 0.891106 2.199115 -0.587785 0.345492
127.00 0.232359 0.053991 2.216568 -0.601815 0.362181
128.00 -0.692896 0.480105 2.234021 -0.615661 0.379039
129.00 -0.981106 0.962568 2.251475 -0.629320 0.396044
130.00 -0.367291 0.134903 2.268928 -0.642788 0.413176
131.00 0.584209 0.341300 2.286381 -0.656059 0.430413
132.00 0.998590 0.997182 2.303835 -0.669131 0.447736
133.00 0.494872 0.244899 2.321288 -0.681998 0.465122
134.00 -0.463829 0.215137 2.338741 -0.694658 0.482550
135.00 -0.996088 0.992191 2.356194 -0.707107 0.500000
136.00 -0.612548 0.375215 2.373648 -0.719340 0.517450
137.00 0.334165 0.111667 2.391101 -0.731354 0.534878
138.00 0.973649 0.947992 2.408554 -0.743145 0.552264
139.00 0.717964 0.515472 2.426008 -0.754710 0.569587
140.00 -0.197814 0.039130 2.443461 -0.766044 0.586824
141.00 -0.931722 0.868107 2.460914 -0.777146 0.603956
142.00 -0.809010 0.654497 2.478368 -0.788011 0.620961
143.00 0.057503 0.003307 2.495821 -0.798636 0.637819
144.00 0.871147 0.758898 2.513274 -0.809017 0.654508
145.00 0.883863 0.781214 2.530727 -0.819152 0.671010
146.00 0.083959 0.007049 2.548181 -0.829038 0.687303
147.00 -0.793136 0.629065 2.565634 -0.838671 0.703368
Deg° cos(deg°) cos(deg°)2 rad cos(rad) cos(rad)2
148.00 -0.941026 0.885531 2.583087 -0.848048 0.719186
149.00 -0.223741 0.050060 2.600541 -0.857167 0.734736
150.00 0.699251 0.488952 2.617994 -0.866025 0.750000
151.00 0.979355 0.959135 2.635447 -0.874620 0.764960
152.00 0.359044 0.128913 2.652900 -0.882948 0.779596
153.00 -0.591370 0.349718 2.670354 -0.891007 0.793893
154.00 -0.998081 0.996166 2.687807 -0.898794 0.807831
155.00 -0.487161 0.237326 2.705260 -0.906308 0.821394
156.00 0.471652 0.222456 2.722714 -0.913545 0.834565
157.00 0.996831 0.993672 2.740167 -0.920505 0.847329
158.00 0.605528 0.366664 2.757620 -0.927184 0.859670
159.00 -0.342495 0.117303 2.775074 -0.933580 0.871572
160.00 -0.975629 0.951853 2.792527 -0.939693 0.883022
161.00 -0.711775 0.506623 2.809980 -0.945519 0.894005
162.00 0.206482 0.042635 2.827433 -0.951057 0.904508
163.00 0.934900 0.874039 2.844887 -0.956305 0.914519
164.00 0.803775 0.646055 2.862340 -0.961262 0.924024
165.00 -0.066337 0.004401 2.879793 -0.965926 0.933013
166.00 -0.875459 0.766429 2.897247 -0.970296 0.941474
167.00 -0.879689 0.773852 2.914700 -0.974370 0.949397
168.00 -0.075136 0.005645 2.932153 -0.978148 0.956773
169.00 0.798496 0.637596 2.949606 -0.981627 0.963592
170.00 0.937995 0.879834 2.967060 -0.984808 0.969846
171.00 0.215105 0.046270 2.984513 -0.987688 0.975528
172.00 -0.705551 0.497802 3.001966 -0.990268 0.980631
173.00 -0.977527 0.955559 3.019420 -0.992546 0.985148
174.00 -0.350769 0.123039 3.036873 -0.994522 0.989074
175.00 0.598484 0.358183 3.054326 -0.996195 0.992404
176.00 0.997494 0.994994 3.071779 -0.997564 0.995134
177.00 0.479412 0.229836 3.089233 -0.998630 0.997261
178.00 -0.479439 0.229862 3.106686 -0.999391 0.998782
179.00 -0.997496 0.994998 3.124139 -0.999848 0.999695
180.00 -0.598460 0.358154 3.141593 -1.000000 1.000000
181.00 0.350797 0.123059 3.159046 -0.999848 0.999695
182.00 0.977533 0.955571 3.176499 -0.999391 0.998782
183.00 0.705530 0.497772 3.193953 -0.998630 0.997261
184.00 -0.215135 0.046283 3.211406 -0.997564 0.995134
Deg° cos(deg°) cos(deg°)2 rad cos(rad) cos(rad)2
185.00 -0.938005 0.879854 3.228859 -0.996195 0.992404
186.00 -0.798478 0.637567 3.246312 -0.994522 0.989074
187.00 0.075166 0.005650 3.263766 -0.992546 0.985148
188.00 0.879703 0.773877 3.281219 -0.990268 0.980631
189.00 0.875445 0.766404 3.298672 -0.987688 0.975528
190.00 0.066307 0.004397 3.316126 -0.984808 0.969846
191.00 -0.803793 0.646084 3.333579 -0.981627 0.963592
192.00 -0.934890 0.874019 3.351032 -0.978148 0.956773
193.00 -0.206453 0.042623 3.368485 -0.974370 0.949397
194.00 0.711796 0.506653 3.385939 -0.970296 0.941474
195.00 0.975623 0.951840 3.403392 -0.965926 0.933013
196.00 0.342466 0.117283 3.420845 -0.961262 0.924024
197.00 -0.605552 0.366693 3.438299 -0.956305 0.914519
198.00 -0.996829 0.993667 3.455752 -0.951057 0.904508
199.00 -0.471626 0.222431 3.473205 -0.945519 0.894005
200.00 0.487188 0.237352 3.490659 -0.939693 0.883022
201.00 0.998083 0.996170 3.508112 -0.933580 0.871572
202.00 0.591345 0.349689 3.525565 -0.927184 0.859670
203.00 -0.359072 0.128933 3.543018 -0.920505 0.847329
204.00 -0.979361 0.959147 3.560472 -0.913545 0.834565
205.00 -0.699229 0.488922 3.577925 -0.906308 0.821394
206.00 0.223770 0.050073 3.595378 -0.898794 0.807831
207.00 0.941037 0.885550 3.612832 -0.891007 0.793893
208.00 0.793118 0.629036 3.630285 -0.882948 0.779596
209.00 -0.083989 0.007054 3.647738 -0.874620 0.764960
210.00 -0.883877 0.781239 3.665191 -0.866025 0.750000
211.00 -0.871133 0.758872 3.682645 -0.857167 0.734736
212.00 -0.057472 0.003303 3.700098 -0.848048 0.719186
213.00 0.809028 0.654526 3.717551 -0.838671 0.703368
214.00 0.931711 0.868086 3.735005 -0.829038 0.687303
215.00 0.197784 0.039119 3.752458 -0.819152 0.671010
216.00 -0.717985 0.515503 3.769911 -0.809017 0.654508
217.00 -0.973642 0.947979 3.787364 -0.798636 0.637819
218.00 -0.334137 0.111648 3.804818 -0.788011 0.620961
219.00 0.612572 0.375245 3.822271 -0.777146 0.603956
220.00 0.996085 0.992186 3.839724 -0.766044 0.586824
221.00 0.463802 0.215112 3.857178 -0.754710 0.569587
Deg° cos(deg°) cos(deg°)2 rad cos(rad) cos(rad)2
222.00 -0.494898 0.244924 3.874631 -0.743145 0.552264
223.00 -0.998592 0.997185 3.892084 -0.731354 0.534878
224.00 -0.584184 0.341271 3.909538 -0.719340 0.517450
225.00 0.367319 0.134924 3.926991 -0.707107 0.500000
226.00 0.981111 0.962579 3.944444 -0.694658 0.482550
227.00 0.692874 0.480074 3.961897 -0.681998 0.465122
228.00 -0.232388 0.054004 3.979351 -0.669131 0.447736
229.00 -0.943994 0.891125 3.996804 -0.656059 0.430413
230.00 -0.787696 0.620465 4.014257 -0.642788 0.413176
231.00 0.092806 0.008613 4.031711 -0.629320 0.396044
232.00 0.887983 0.788513 4.049164 -0.615661 0.379039
233.00 0.866752 0.751259 4.066617 -0.601815 0.362181
234.00 0.048634 0.002365 4.084070 -0.587785 0.345492
235.00 -0.814198 0.662919 4.101524 -0.573576 0.328990
236.00 -0.928460 0.862038 4.118977 -0.559193 0.312697
237.00 -0.189100 0.035759 4.136430 -0.544639 0.296632
238.00 0.724118 0.524347 4.153884 -0.529919 0.280814
239.00 0.971585 0.943978 4.171337 -0.515038 0.265264
240.00 0.325781 0.106133 4.188790 -0.500000 0.250000
241.00 -0.619544 0.383835 4.206243 -0.484810 0.235040
242.00 -0.995264 0.990550 4.223697 -0.469472 0.220404
243.00 -0.455942 0.207883 4.241150 -0.453990 0.206107
244.00 0.502570 0.252577 4.258603 -0.438371 0.192169
245.00 0.999022 0.998045 4.276057 -0.422618 0.178606
246.00 0.576978 0.332903 4.293510 -0.406737 0.165435
247.00 -0.375538 0.141028 4.310963 -0.390731 0.152671
248.00 -0.982785 0.965867 4.328417 -0.374607 0.140330
249.00 -0.686465 0.471234 4.345870 -0.358368 0.128428
250.00 0.240988 0.058075 4.363323 -0.342020 0.116978
251.00 0.946878 0.896577 4.380776 -0.325568 0.105995
252.00 0.782212 0.611856 4.398230 -0.309017 0.095492
253.00 -0.101616 0.010326 4.415683 -0.292372 0.085481
254.00 -0.892018 0.795697 4.433136 -0.275637 0.075976
255.00 -0.862304 0.743568 4.450590 -0.258819 0.066987
256.00 -0.039791 0.001583 4.468043 -0.241922 0.058526
257.00 0.819306 0.671262 4.485496 -0.224951 0.050603
258.00 0.925136 0.855877 4.502949 -0.207912 0.043227
Deg° cos(deg°) cos(deg°)2 rad cos(rad) cos(rad)2
259.00 0.180401 0.032544 4.520403 -0.190809 0.036408
260.00 -0.730194 0.533184 4.537856 -0.173648 0.030154
261.00 -0.969452 0.939837 4.555309 -0.156434 0.024472
262.00 -0.317400 0.100743 4.572763 -0.139173 0.019369
263.00 0.626468 0.392462 4.590216 -0.121869 0.014852
264.00 0.994364 0.988760 4.607669 -0.104528 0.010926
265.00 0.448047 0.200746 4.625123 -0.087156 0.007596
266.00 -0.510203 0.260307 4.642576 -0.069756 0.004866
267.00 -0.999374 0.998749 4.660029 -0.052336 0.002739
268.00 -0.569726 0.324587 4.677482 -0.034899 0.001218
269.00 0.383726 0.147246 4.694936 -0.017452 0.000305
270.00 0.984382 0.969008 4.712389 -0.000000 0.000000
271.00 0.680001 0.462402 4.729842 0.017452 0.000305
272.00 -0.249569 0.062285 4.747296 0.034899 0.001218
273.00 -0.949687 0.901906 4.764749 0.052336 0.002739
274.00 -0.776667 0.603212 4.782202 0.069756 0.004866
275.00 0.110417 0.012192 4.799655 0.087156 0.007596
276.00 0.895984 0.802788 4.817109 0.104528 0.010926
277.00 0.857788 0.735800 4.834562 0.121869 0.014852
278.00 0.030945 0.000958 4.852015 0.139173 0.019369
279.00 -0.824348 0.679550 4.869469 0.156434 0.024472
280.00 -0.921740 0.849604 4.886922 0.173648 0.030154
281.00 -0.171688 0.029477 4.904375 0.190809 0.036408
282.00 0.736213 0.542010 4.921828 0.207912 0.043227
283.00 0.967243 0.935559 4.939282 0.224951 0.050603
284.00 0.308994 0.095477 4.956735 0.241922 0.058526
285.00 -0.633343 0.401123 4.974188 0.258819 0.066987
286.00 -0.993387 0.986818 4.991642 0.275637 0.075976
287.00 -0.440116 0.193702 5.009095 0.292372 0.085481
288.00 0.517796 0.268112 5.026548 0.309017 0.095492
289.00 0.999648 0.999297 5.044002 0.325568 0.105995
290.00 0.562429 0.316326 5.061455 0.342020 0.116978
291.00 -0.391885 0.153574 5.078908 0.358368 0.128428
292.00 -0.985902 0.972002 5.096361 0.374607 0.140330
293.00 -0.673485 0.453582 5.113815 0.390731 0.152671
294.00 0.258131 0.066631 5.131268 0.406737 0.165435
295.00 0.952422 0.907108 5.148721 0.422618 0.178606
Deg° cos(deg°) cos(deg°)2 rad cos(rad) cos(rad)2
296.00 0.771061 0.594535 5.166175 0.438371 0.192169
297.00 -0.119210 0.014211 5.183628 0.453990 0.206107
298.00 -0.899880 0.809784 5.201081 0.469472 0.220404
299.00 -0.853204 0.727958 5.218534 0.484810 0.235040
300.00 -0.022097 0.000488 5.235988 0.500000 0.250000
301.00 0.829327 0.687783 5.253441 0.515038 0.265264
302.00 0.918271 0.843221 5.270894 0.529919 0.280814
303.00 0.162961 0.026556 5.288348 0.544639 0.296632
304.00 -0.742174 0.550823 5.305801 0.559193 0.312697
305.00 -0.964958 0.931144 5.323254 0.573576 0.328990
306.00 -0.300564 0.090339 5.340708 0.587785 0.345492
307.00 0.640167 0.409814 5.358161 0.601815 0.362181
308.00 0.992332 0.984722 5.375614 0.615661 0.379039
309.00 0.432151 0.186754 5.393067 0.629320 0.396044
310.00 -0.525348 0.275990 5.410521 0.642788 0.413176
311.00 -0.999844 0.999688 5.427974 0.656059 0.430413
312.00 -0.555088 0.308123 5.445427 0.669131 0.447736
313.00 0.400013 0.160010 5.462881 0.681998 0.465122
314.00 0.987344 0.974848 5.480334 0.694658 0.482550
315.00 0.666916 0.444776 5.497787 0.707107 0.500000
316.00 -0.266672 0.071114 5.515240 0.719340 0.517450
317.00 -0.955083 0.912183 5.532694 0.731354 0.534878
318.00 -0.765395 0.585829 5.550147 0.743145 0.552264
319.00 0.127994 0.016382 5.567600 0.754710 0.569587
320.00 0.903705 0.816683 5.585054 0.766044 0.586824
321.00 0.848554 0.720044 5.602507 0.777146 0.603956
322.00 0.013247 0.000175 5.619960 0.788011 0.620961
323.00 -0.834240 0.695956 5.637413 0.798636 0.637819
324.00 -0.914730 0.836731 5.654867 0.809017 0.654508
325.00 -0.154222 0.023784 5.672320 0.819152 0.671010
326.00 0.748078 0.559620 5.689773 0.829038 0.687303
327.00 0.962598 0.926594 5.707227 0.838671 0.703368
328.00 0.292110 0.085328 5.724680 0.848048 0.719186
329.00 -0.646942 0.418534 5.742133 0.857167 0.734736
330.00 -0.991199 0.982475 5.759587 0.866025 0.750000
331.00 -0.424152 0.179905 5.777040 0.874620 0.764960
332.00 0.532859 0.283938 5.794493 0.882948 0.779596
Deg° cos(deg°) cos(deg°)2 rad cos(rad) cos(rad)2
333.00 0.999961 0.999922 5.811946 0.891007 0.793893
334.00 0.547704 0.299980 5.829400 0.898794 0.807831
335.00 -0.408110 0.166553 5.846853 0.906308 0.821394
336.00 -0.988709 0.977546 5.864306 0.913545 0.834565
337.00 -0.660294 0.435988 5.881760 0.920505 0.847329
338.00 0.275192 0.075731 5.899213 0.927184 0.859670
339.00 0.957668 0.917128 5.916666 0.933580 0.871572
340.00 0.759668 0.577096 5.934119 0.939693 0.883022
341.00 -0.136767 0.018705 5.951573 0.945519 0.894005
342.00 -0.907459 0.823483 5.969026 0.951057 0.904508
343.00 -0.843838 0.712062 5.986479 0.956305 0.914519
344.00 -0.004396 0.000019 6.003933 0.961262 0.924024
345.00 0.839088 0.704069 6.021386 0.965926 0.933013
346.00 0.911118 0.830136 6.038839 0.970296 0.941474
347.00 0.145470 0.021162 6.056293 0.974370 0.949397
348.00 -0.753922 0.568398 6.073746 0.978148 0.956773
349.00 -0.960162 0.921911 6.091199 0.981627 0.963592
350.00 -0.283633 0.080448 6.108652 0.984808 0.969846
351.00 0.653666 0.427280 6.126106 0.987688 0.975528
352.00 0.989988 0.980077 6.143559 0.990268 0.980631
353.00 0.416119 0.173155 6.161012 0.992546 0.985148
354.00 -0.540328 0.291954 6.178466 0.994522 0.989074
355.00 -1.000000 1.000000 6.195919 0.996195 0.992404
356.00 -0.540277 0.291899 6.213372 0.997564 0.995134
357.00 0.416174 0.173201 6.230825 0.998630 0.997261
358.00 0.989997 0.980094 6.248279 0.999391 0.998782
359.00 0.653621 0.427220 6.265732 0.999848 0.999695
360.00 -0.283691 0.080481 6.283185 1.000000 1.000000
Deg° cos(deg°) cos(deg°)2 rad cos(rad) cos(rad)2

TPC Graphs

This is an appendix to: The Photon Current - 12