Monday, August 22, 2022

In the Year 1946

This is an appendix to: How To Identify The Despotic Minority - 15

"The leaders of the barbarian warbands were military adventurers and the constitution of the successor states, as of the Roman Empire itself at the time, was despotism tempered by revolution. [14]"

"The last of these barbaric despotisms was extinguished many centuries before the real beginning of the new growth which gradually produced what we call parliamentary institutions. [14]"

"It was this latter-day Italian despotic system which, crossing the Alps, was readily adapted to the larger Transalpine political units — by Hapsburgs in Spain, by Valois and Bourbons in France, by Hapsburgs again in Austria, and eventually by Hohenzollerns in Prussia. [259]"

"The easier and inferior way of adjustment was through keying up the monarchies themselves into tyrannies or despotisms on the pattern of those despotisms to which so many of the Italian states had already succumbed. [316]"

"The harder but better method was the keying-up of the medieval assemblies of Estates in the Transalpine kingdoms into organs of representative government which would be as efficient as the latter-day Italian despotisms and would at the same time provide, on the national scale, for as liberal a measure of self-government as the self-governing institutions of the Italian city-states in what had been, politically at any rate, their best days. [317]"

"Under the adroit and nationally minded Tudors the monarchy began to develop into a despotism, but under the ill- fated Stuarts Parliament drew level with the Crown and finally drew ahead. [317]"

"In France the despotic tendency lasted much longer and went much farther, and the result was a far more violent revolution which ushered in a period of political instability the end of which is not yet in sight. [317]"

"In Spain and Germany the drift towards despotism continued down to our own day and the democratic counter-movements, thus inordinately long delayed, have found themselves involved in all the complications which have been outlined in the previous sections of this chapter. [317]"

"The vast despotism of the Caesars, gradually effacing all national peculiarities and assimilating the remotest provinces of the Empire to each other, augmented the evil. [385]"

"I do not think the danger before us is anarchy, but despotism, the loss of spiritual freedom, the totalitarian state, perhaps a universal world totalitarian state. [385]"

"And, as an alternative to anarchy, the World would welcome the despotic state. [385]"

"Greek science did not find the Ptolemaic realm an uncongenial environment, and I think, generally speaking, natural science may flourish under a despotism. [386]"

"The failure of Orphism may be similarly explained if it is true, as there seems reason to believe, that the propagation of Orphism received its first impulse from the Athenian despots of the House of Peisistratus. [515]"

"No less than three times in his life Plato voluntarily, though reluctantly, emerged from his Attic retreat and crossed the sea to Syracuse in the hope of converting a Sicilian despot to an Athenian philosopher’s conception of a prince’s duty. [564]"

"For, though Plato is at pains to give his philosopher-king’s government the benefit of the consent of the governed, it is evident that there would be no purpose in the philosopher’s surprising personal union with the potentate who is to be an absolute monarch unless the despot’s power of physical coercion is to be held in readiness for use in case of necessity; [566]"

"A contrast is offered by the abortive effort of the Emperor- King Joseph II (reigned 1780-90), one of the so-called enlightened despots of the Western world in the generation before the French Revolution, to impose the use of German on the non-German- speaking peoples of the Danubian Hapsburg monarchy. [628]"

"The communion between the Soul and the One True God cannot thus degenerate into the bondage of a slave to a despot, for in each of the higher religions, in diverse measure, the vision of God as Power is transfigured by the vision of Him as Love; [689]"

"Let us grasp the full significance of Frederick’s Italian-Roman State: a mighty pan-Italian seignory, which for a short time united in one state Germanic, Roman, and Oriental elements — Frederick himself, Emperor of the World, being the Grand Signor and Grand Tyrant thereof, the last of these princes to wear the diadem of Rome, whose Caesarhood was not only allied with German kingship, like Barbarossa’s, but with Oriental- Sicilian despotism. [693]"

"the impact of Italian efficiency on Transalpine governments, as illustrated (except in England) by the emergence of despotic monarchies; [949]"

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