Monday, August 22, 2022

Vol 8

This is an appendix to: How To Identify The Despotic Minority - 15

"In under- mining, at its foundations, the organisation of the former Arab Society, and in forcing all necks to bow beneath the dead level of despotism, the Abbasid regime was to obtain more decisive results than the lectures (mercuriales) delivered [by Umayyad governors] from the tribunes at Kufah and Basrah. [71]"

"For the anti-aristocratic egalitarianism of the despotic Abbaaid regime, see the present Study, VI. vii. 149-52. [71]"

"in evoking a ghost of the Roman Empire and subjecting the Orthodox Church to this resuscitated Hellenic universal state, the main body of the Orthodox Christian Society had forged a despotic institution of high potency; [153]"

"in the Russian offshoot of Orthodox Christendom a comparable engine of despotism — ‘heavy as frost and deep almost as life’2 — had been constructed, since the fourteenth century of the Christian Era, in Muscovy and her succes- sor the Petrine Russian Empire— a Russian state of which the Soviet Union was the heir. [153]"

"In the event, the feudal mass of a Medieval Western Christendom modernized itself, not by reminting its kingdoms into city-states, but by adapting to the kingdom-state scale of political operations3 the efficient administrative apparatus which late medieval North Italian despots had imported from the East Roman Empire via its Sicilian successor-state; [376]"

"Before the close of the thirteenth century a Byzantine autocracy which the Sicilian Stupor Mundi had failed to acclimatize in the West on an oecumenical scale was being successfully practised in miniature by local despots of North and Central Italian city-states; [408]"

"1 The impulse given to the establishment of local despotisms in Northern and Central Italy by the Emperor Frederick II’s prestige has been noticed, in another context, in VII. vii. 537-8. See further X. ix. 13. [408]"

"and ‘Ali Bey’s contemporary the Greek historian Dhoilkas, who had abandoned Orthodox Christianity for Roman Catholicism in order to take service with the Genoese despots of one of the Latin regna peritura in the Levant — the petty principality, established in Mytilene by the Gattilusi in A.D. 1355 [409]"

"This more or less benevolently despotic propagation of the Hellenic culture by Hellenic conquerors is not, however, so remarkable as its spontaneous adoption by non-Hellenes who were under no external compulsion to open their hearts and minds to it. [421]"

"by Theron, the despot of Akragas, who had shared with Hiero of Syracuse the distinction of defeating the Carthaginian attempt to conquer Sicily in 480 B.C [441]"

"On the other hand, by the time when the Byzantine absolute authoritarian state was taken over by the Western architects of a Norman successor-state of the East Roman Empire in Apulia, Calabria, and Sicily in order to be transmitted through the agency of Frederick II Hohenstaufen to his immediate heirs, the parochial North Italian despots of the Late Medieval Age of Western history — and, in their version of it, to become the inspiration of the absolute monarchies of an Early Modern Western WorldI — the Orthodox Christian Society from which this now acceptable exotic institution was derived was already in a state of disintegration; [517]"

"During those fifty years Sparta had been giving a promising lead towards political unification by helping the economically progressive Continental European Greek city-states in the neighbourhood of the Isthmus of Corinth to throw off the despotic governments that had been the Hellenic economic revolution’s local political concomitants, and then bringing the communities that had thus been liberated from a domestic tyranny into an easy-going political association with the liberator Power. [536]"

"As we have noticed in another context,I the exigencies of a long- drawn-out losing battle against the counter-offensive of a Libyphoenician World, that had effectively united its own forces under a Carthaginian single command, constrained the hard-pressed Siceliots to sacrifice their cherished local city-state sovereignties and liberties by allowing them- selves to be brigaded under the yokes of military despotisms; [541]"

"and in the last chapter of the story, when they were within an ace of being totally subjugated by the remorseless advance of this semi- Hellenized Syriac counter-aggressor, they were saved only at the cost of having to exchange the ineffective rule of their home-grown parochial despots for the potent dominion of a Hellenized barbarian Great Power. [541]"

"In the Romano- Punic Wars the Romans attained an Hellenic objective which had always eluded the Siceliot Greek despots’ aim, in virtue of a Roman genius for empire-building that utterly outranged the shorter-sighted political vision of the Deinomenidae and Dionysii. [541]"

"1908 when a political revolu- tion that cost him his throne was led by junior officers who had acquired their 'dangerous thoughts’ at this fatuously unenlightened Ottoman despot’s painfully sterilized military academy. [564]"

"and greeted the Roman general Lucullus as their saviour from the doom of falling under the alien yoke of an Oriental despot. [600]"

"for its lineage can be traced back through the Late Medieval North Italian despots to the Holy Roman Emperor and King of Sicily, Frederick II Hohenstaufen; [690]"

"‘The Hellenes and non-Hellenes in Asia who are not under despotic rule, but are free agents and struggle for their own benefit, are as warlike as any populations in the World’ (op. cit, chap. 16, quoted in II. i. 471, n. 1). [731]"

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