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Fig. 1 What about the speed of particles? |
Cosmologists like to poo poo "God-exists" religions, but they have no better scientific ground because cosmologists descend from tall-tale tellers of the ancient immortality ideology.
Those who think on things a bit know that the speed of light is the fastest thing out there, yet the light of some or all of those stars shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 took billions of years to reach us.
But they are said to be from the same tiny marble that were of the same Big Bang progeny as the stuff around us and in us (I mean atoms).
So comparing the questions in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, and knowing that matter cannot travel at the speed of light, and using X as the location of the Big Bang, and Y as our location, how can our mass, our matter, our atoms and molecules be so far apart from those that emitted that light billions of years ago?
The light could reach us in billions of years, but matter cannot come close to that speed, so the hypothesis or theory just on that point is a bit nonsensical (matter is too far apart to have originated as the hypothesis suggests).
That was pointed out in a prior Dredd Blog post that quoted a realm of scientists who specialize in "this comes from that" science:
The first clue in the study of the machine religion is to comprehend the mysticism of technology, to wit:
"Technocracy itself is an immortality ideology that, although it is coupled with materialism, has as part of its makeup an element of the magical and a belief that new tools and innovations provide solutions to both the small day-to-day problems of life and the larger problems of human happiness and mortality. Technology is entrancing, and, functionally, technologists become creators of magic and the wizards of today, claiming the same authority over technology that doctors claim over human health or shamans over the cursed. This has always been so, going back to ancestral peoples who learned to use fire, tools, wind, and wheels. Even in subsistence societies, technology has a greater impact on a variety of sociological variables than do supernatural or religious beliefs (Nolan and Lenski 1996)."
[I repeat]"Even in subsistence societies, technology has a greater impact on a variety of sociological variables than do supernatural or religious beliefs (Nolan and Lenski 1996)."
"Because there are few cultures remaining that have not been superseded by larger entities, with tribes becoming townships, cities, states, and nations, we no longer have an “integrated world conception into which we fit ourselves with pure belief and trust” (Becker 1975). Although this might open up the possibility of a utopian, egalitarian, and secular society in which the combined gifts of individuals prevail, what we have in the West is a secular inequality devoid of a shared sense of the sacred and a heroism that triumphs over nature, perpetuating itself through new immortality ideologies that value material acquisitions and money.Lacking in heroism, these immortality ideologies come up empty or even inspire guilt. The irony of Western materialism is that wealth beyond the point of basic material comfort does not make people happy (Gilbert 2005)."
"Traditionally, technology consolidates power within a society and exacerbates inequity. What is interesting about the new information technologies is that they do both: They consolidate power with patents, exclusive intellectual capital, and expensive tools, and they distribute power through open source technologies and open communication networks. As such, they promote material segregation while at the same time providing a relatively open network within which ideological communities can function. Photo galleries, forums, listserves, Google groups, and new social networking tools like MySpace, Facebook, and Second Life present mechanisms for growing online communities. In this new virtual world, frequent interaction is easy to achieve, and the topics around which free choice interaction occurs can be very focused and specific, suggesting that large social networks function like smaller ideological communities once did in the real world."
(The Machine Religion). In other words the god-fearing religions are no worse off for proof than the cosmology religion is:
"The Big Bang was not an explosion in space, as the theory's name might suggest. Instead, it was the appearance of space everywhere in the universe, researchers have said. According to the Big Bang theory, the universe was born as a very hot, very dense, single point in space" (Space, emphasis added).
(Quantum Biology - 9). The homeboy theory of cosmology is that the Big Bang wasn't ("not an explosion theory", no, "it is an all of a sudden there was space in the universe theory").
Those who dwell on that "space r us religion" long enough may become believers in the smallest-biggest spirit beings in space theory, which is that Buddha is in the speritoids of quantum tubes (a larger version of "the inner-net is a bunch of tubes"):
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Fig. 2 What about the speed of light? |
"... Roger Penrose and I have developed a theory of consciousness ... It basically proposes quantum computation in brain neuron microtubules inside neurons. So rather than neuron-to-neuron communication, we're looking at a deeper level inside neurons to give a global sense of consciousness through quantum mechanics, which results in real-time causality and free will ... it gives consciousness real-time control and a potential connection to fundamental space-time geometry, quantum space-time geometry, through Roger's objective reduction. This is consistent with Eastern spiritual traditions. Although Roger doesn't like to talk about it, I've taken the liberty of observing the implications of what he said and what we've said for consciousness, for Eastern philosophy and other spiritual traditions ... if quantum consciousness is correct, for example, if Penrose's idea is correct, we are literally ripples in the fine structure of space-time geometry, which can resonate - levels of consciousness can resonate from the Planck scale, the bottom level of the Universe, multiple hierarchical levels to the brain. This is consistent with Eastern philosophy and also indicates that afterlife, reincarnation, and out-of-body experiences that we've heard about are plausible. The quantum soul."
(Small Brains Considered - 6, 7). An improvised version of this machine religion would indicate that they can also inhabit gravitons so as to render those gravitons capable of transforming themselves:
"UC Santa Barbara physics professor Ray Sawyer has published a paper in Physical Review Letters investigating gravity interacting with electromagnetism from a quantum field theory perspective. The study suggests new directions to explore for clues about how gravity works at the quantum scale, focusing on the behavior of the dense cloud of gravitons that appears near a violent event in space, such as a black hole merger. Some of the gravitons can then transform themselves into very long wave radio waves of possible detectability in the vicinity of Earth."
(On the Hunt for Gravitons, emphasis added). Gravatons are thingamajigs that transform themselves??? ... "Got teleology?" ("once the mistress of biology", teleology may have gravitated to cosmology?):
“Teleology is like a mistress to the biologist; he dare not be seen with her in public but cannot live without her.” —J. B. S. Haldane
(On The Origin of The Containment Entity). " Just sayin' " ...
That littlest of all containment entities (the little thingamajig that big banged) is a religion generator which many believe in (The Pillars of Knowledge: Faith and Trust?).