Monday, August 22, 2022

Vol 3

This is an appendix to: How To Identify The Despotic Minority - 15

"Ikhnaton, inheriting despotic power in a society in which he was a spiritual stranger, attempted to remake Society in his own image and ended in utter failure. [289]"

"The accession of Megalopolis, which had opened this prospect up, had been the work of a high-minded and clear sighted Megalopolitan statesman, Lydiadas, who had found him- self despot of his native city and had voluntarily abdicated from this post of personal power in order to serve the public interest both of Megalopolis and of Greece. [322]"

"3 The Lacedaemonian Government attempted to establish its ascendancy in Athens, as it had established it in Corinth and Sicyon and Epidaurus and Megara, by over throwing a local despotic regime and setting up in its place a more or less reactionary oligarchy which could only make itself secure against a restoration of the radical despot- ism by continuing to lean upon Lacedaemonian support. [345]"

"In 511 B.C., a Lacedaemonian expeditionary force duly expelled the despots of Athens and set up an oligarchy in their stead. [345]"

"In the earlier period of Athenian history, the prevalent Athenian policy was only departed from by the despot Peisistratus, who anticipated, in the third quarter of the sixth century B.C., the Athenian imperialism of the fifth century by attempting to secure strategic and political and economic control over the two key-points in the Aegean area: the Black Sea Straits and the mouth of the River Strymon together with the mineral deposits of Mount Pangaeus. [346]"

"but he used his despotic power in order to ‘speed up’ the agrarian reconstruction of Attica by revolutionary methods. [346]"

"The formation of these miniature Italian empires was contemporary with the rise of the Italian despots who were the miniature predecessors of a Transalpine Louis XI or Henry VII; and these two Italian political develop- ments were not only contemporary but were inter-connected. [365]"

"Im- perialism required a professional army of mercenaries; and a mer- cenary force required in its turn a despotic government with the twofold function of keeping the mercenaries in order and organiz- ing the city’s resources to maintain them. [365]"

"This theoretical equilibrium, however, was of short duration, if it ever really existed; for Italian political efficiency in the shape of Italian despotism proved to be the easiest of all Italian accomplishments to acclimatize in Transalpine Europe and to accommodate to the Transalpine scale; [366]"

"In Hellenic history, the analogue of the relation between political despotism and territorial consolidation in the history of modern Italy is to be found, not in the Hellenic World at large and not in Continental Greece or in the Aegean, but in the colonial domain of Hellas in Sicily and Magna Graecia. [366]"

"In Continental Greece, despotism and consolidation did not go together. On the
contrary, the city-states round about the Isthmus of Corinth were associated in an inter- state union for the first time in their histories at the moment when they were liberated from the despots who had ruled them during the seventh and the sixth centuries B.C. The overthrow of the Isthmian despots and the formation of the Peloponnesian League were both the work of the Spartan Government; and these two Spartan acts were not only simultaneous but were actually two complementary parts of a single policy. [366]"

"The typical story was the story of Syracuse, in whose history empire- building went hand in hand with despotism at home, as it went in Milan or Florence.
The Milanese Visconti and the Florentine Medici of our modem Western history have their Hellenic analogues in the successive dynasties of Syracusan despots:
the Deino- menidae (circa 485-466 B.C.), the Dionysii (405-344 B.C.), Agathocles (316-289 B.C.), and Hiero with his grandson Hieronymus (266-214 B.C.) [366]"

"For some reason, the introduction of the new despotism, which had a deadening political effect in Spain and France, had the oppo- site effect in England. [368]"

"In Italian history, the  is represented in the field of politics by the democratic movement and in the field of art by the Tuscan School of painting, while the constructive phase is represented by the Venetian School and by the mastery of the despots, with their autocratic methods of administrative efficiency. [376]"

"Moreover, in the Hellenic West, the aping of Macedonian royalty by the latter-day despots of Syracuse was not imitated by the new non-Greek Great Powers that were rising on the periphery of the Hellenic World in this quarter. [495-496]"

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