Friday, September 13, 2024

TEOS-10 Software: Use It Or Lose It - 2

Fig. 1 Views Abound

I. Background

The first post in this series (here) about 3.5 years ago urged oceanographers to use official oceanographic software.

Dredd Blog has posted calculated thermal expansion information as well as thermal contraction information concerning ocean waters for a long time, using software from oceanography's official "Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater" (TEOS-10) site.

In other words, "practicing what we preach".

The following is helpful for understanding TEOS -10 (What every oceanographer needs to know about TEOS-10).

In that PDF file it is pointed out that "It is NOT RECOMMENDED that you try to programme these yourself. Instead, you should use software developed by members of SCOR/IAPSO WG127" (TEOS-10 Software).

Specifically, what has been done here on Dredd Blog is to use mostly the C++ version mentioned by Wikipedia ("TEOS-10 includes the Gibbs Seawater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox which is available as open source software in MATLAB, Fortran, Python, C, C++, R, Julia and PHP").

II.  The Nitty-Gritty of Thermal Expansion/Contraction Science

The old saying "what goes up must come down" applies to seawater temperatures in the sense that there are multiple depths in the ocean, which said depths are not at the same temperatures all the time.

Adding the laws of thermodynamics to that reality, and that deeper waters tend to be cooler than shallower waters in most cases, thermal contraction becomes an issue.

That is because the heat in warmer seawater flows to any colder seawater around it (Second Law of Thermodynamics).

The seawater that once had the heat that flowed to colder water will then contract back to the temperature level and density that it was at before that heat flowed out to the seawater around it (that was warmed up and expanded to a new level itself).

This takes place at the atom/molecule level, not at the "ocean current" level);

How fast or slow this takes place varies with the composition of the seawater involved.

In situ (actual) measurements Dredd Blog uses are featured in the World Ocean Database

Those measurements include up to thirty-three depth levels in all of the relevant world oceans which have been contributed by seafarers for over a century.

III. Application of 'The Second Law' Using TEOS-10

Here is a quote from a Dredd Blog post that focuses on this not-well-enough-understood (or just plain ignored) subject:

"... Improper/Proper Techniques

One paper I noticed explains a fundamental basis for the proper techniques and procedures involved in proper thermal expansion and contraction analysis of seawater:

"A common practice in sea level research is to analyze separately the variability of the steric and mass components of sea level. However, there are conceptual and practical issues that have sometimes been misinterpreted, leading to erroneous and contradictory conclusions on regional sea level variability. The crucial point to be noted is that the steric component does not account for volume changes but does for volume changes per mass unit (i.e., density changes). This indicates that the steric component only represents actual volume changes when the mass of the considered water body remains constant."

(On the interpretation of the steric and mass components of sea level variability, VOL. 118, 953–963, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20060, by Gabriel Jordà and Damià Gomis, 2013; @p. 953, 954, emphasis added). In other words the mass quantity must be considered constant as the seawater temperature changes.

I use the World Ocean Database (WOD) data segmented into thirty three depth levels at several hundred WOD Zones.

Since the WOD Zone boundaries are latitude and longitude determined, and since the Earth is a globe, each WOD Zone's volume and mass varies from zone to zone  because the four 'sides' of the zone are different lengths and the ocean depths vary (the zone boundaries appear to be even on the WOD map for easier selection).

But more than that, each separate depth level (L1 - L33) and pelagic group varies (see Section IV below). 

So, to comply with the proper way of determining thermal expansion and contraction, one must determine the mass/density of each of the thirty-three depth level segments and calculate them individually.

The next most important factor is called the "Thermal Expansion Coefficient" (TEC) that I calculate using the TEOS-10 function gsw_alpha in the C++ software version:

% gsw_alpha: thermal expansion coefficient with respect to
% Conservative Temperature (75-term equation)
% gsw_alpha(SA,CT,p)
% Calculates the thermal expansion coefficient of seawater with respect to
% Conservative Temperature using the computationally-efficient expression
% for specific volume in terms of SA, CT and p (Roquet et al., 2015).
% Note that this 75-term equation has been fitted in a restricted range of
% parameter space, and is most accurate inside the "oceanographic funnel"
% described in McDougall et al. (2003). The GSW library function
% "gsw_infunnel (SA,CT,p)" is avaialble to be used if one wants to test if
% some of one's data lies outside this "funnel".
% SA = Absolute Salinity [g/kg]
% CT = Conservative Temperature (ITS-90) [deg C]
% p = sea pressure [dbar]
%( i.e. absolute pressure - 10.1325 dbar)
% alpha = thermal expansion coefficient [1/K]
% with respect to Conservative Temperature
% Paul Barker and Trevor McDougall[ ]
% VERSION NUMBER: 3.06.12 (25th May, 2020)
% IOC, SCOR and IAPSO, 2010: The international thermodynamic equation of
% seawater - 2010: Calculation and use of thermodynamic properties.
% Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Manuals & Guides # 56,
% UNESCO (English), 196 pp. Available from
% See Eqn. (2.18.3) of this TEOS-10 manual.
% McDougall, T.J., D.R. Jackett, D.G. Wright and R. Feistel, 2003:
% Accurate and computationally efficient algorithms for potential
% temperature and density of seawater. J. Atmosph. Ocean. Tech., 20,
% pp. 730-741.
% Roquet, F., G. Madec, T.J. McDougall, P.M. Barker, 2015: Accurate
% polynomial expressions for the density and specifc volume of seawater
% using the TEOS-10 standard. Ocean Modelling., 90, pp. 29-43.
% The software is available from

double TeosBase::gsw_alpha(double sa, double ct, double p)

/** for GSW_TEOS10_CONSTANTS use gtc */
double xs, ys, z, v_ct_part;

xs = sqrt(gtc.gsw_sfac*sa + gtc.offset);
ys = ct*0.025;
z = p*gtc.rec_db2pa;
v_ct_part = gsw_get_v_ct_part(xs, ys, z);

return 0.025*v_ct_part/gsw_specvol(sa,ct,p);


(gsw_alpha in the C++ version of source code library). I don't know if this function is available in the other software versions.

Finally, all of the above procedures (Section II) must be done in a proper sequence as follows:

1) use the same exact data used to calculate potential enthalpy used in Dredd Blog post The Photon Current - 10.

2) use the same exact TEOS-10 functions that were used in that post to generate Conservative Temperature (CT), Absolute Salinity (SA), and pressure (P). 

3) then use the gsw_alpha function to generate the TEC; then this formula to generate the thermal expansion/contraction value:

V1 = V0 * (1.0 + (B * DT))


V0 = mass_unit_vol
DT = D - T
D = current temperature
B =
thermal expansion/contraction coefficient (TEC);
T = previous temperature
V1 = thermal expansion/contraction (volume change)
Sorry if I have oversimplified this discussion."

(On Thermal Expansion & Thermal Contraction - 49). The subject matter is important enough that the issue should be studied even though it may raise a sweat on the intellectual brow of a researcher.

IV. They're Not Back Still ("Crickets")

Papers written since that Dredd Blog series began have not picked up on this fundamental way of determining the real thermal expansion/contraction values taking place in the recorded past, and taking place now.

Thus, these scientific journal papers give conflicting and incorrect values.

Furthermore, since they conclude that thermal expansion is the major, or a major cause of sea level rise, they miss the fact that tidewater glacier melting is the primary cause by a significantly larger margin (Hot, Warm, & Cold Thermal Facts: Tidewater-Glaciers - 9).

The previous post in this series is here.

It's Been A Long Time Coming

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Photon Current - 14

Fig. 1 Shift from ... ?

I. Review

Let's review the assertion that cosmologists have imagined as another doll to play with to try to explain the red-shift and the blue-shift of light:

"The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) was also emitted by an object - the very hot plasma which filled the Universe at the time of recombination. The temperature of the plasma at that time was about 3000°C, which corresponds to rather red (visible) light. However, since that time the Universe has expanded about 1000 times, and its wavelength has stretched way beyond the ability of our eyes to detect it. Today the CMB looks as if it had been emitted by a plasma at a temperature of about 2.7 Kelvin (-270°C).

The wavelength corresponding to these temperatures falls in the microwave range, or a few millimetres. In fact our televisions here on Earth, which also operate at similar wavelengths, are able to detect the CMB: about 1% of the noise you see on the TV screen when you tune to an empty channel actually corresponds to CMB photons!"

(ESA, emphasis added). Any change (stretching wavelength, shrinking wavelength) in wavelength or frequency of a photon changes its energy value (E=hf; E=hc/λ).

So, the question is "when it is shrunk back the other way is the energy per photon increased during a blue-shift?", because:

"Each wavelength can also be associated to a frequency; there is a simple relationship between the two, and sometimes it is more convenient to speak of wavelength, and other times it is more convenient to talk of frequency.

Fig. 2 Shift to ... ?
Light can also be associated with energy, and there also is a simple relationship of energy and wavelength.

The longer the wavelength, the less the energy, and vice versa. Visible light is less energetic than, say, ultraviolet light or X-rays, and more energetic than infrared radiation or radio waves. This does not affect the speed at which they propagate - it is always the speed of light."

(ibid). Since a red-shift would cause a loss of energy per photon (longer wavelength) but a blue-shift  would mean an increase in energy per photon (shorter wavelength), sensing the conservation of energy laws of physics, imaginative cosmologists have become shifty:

"There are three known types [of shifts]: Doppler shifts (due to motion through space away from the observer); gravitational redshifts (due to light leaving a strong gravitational field); and cosmological expansion (where space itself stretches as light travels through it). The way astronomers distinguish between the three depends on the kind of object they are studying."

(Shifts on Steroids). When studying the 'Doppler Shift' the speed of sound caused by the compression of non-electromagnetic objects, which do not travel at the speed of light, is the issue (Doppler was an 1800's scientist). 

II. Einstein and Thermodynamics

 Einstein Quote: "classical thermodynamics ... is the only physical theory of universal content which I am convinced will never be overthrown" (Wayback Machine, Thermodynamics, The Ghost Photons).

Anyway, these red and blue "shifts/stretches" in photon wavelengths are substantial energy transformations to the photon, so let's review the relevant principles (laws of thermodynamics) which indicate:

"The first law of thermodynamics states that, when energy passes into or out of a system (as work, heat, or matter), the system's internal energy changes in accordance with the law of conservation of energy." 


"The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant; it is said to be conserved over time. In the case of a closed system the principle says that the total amount of energy within the system can only be changed through energy entering or leaving the system. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another."

(Wikipedia: Laws of thermodynamics; Conservation of energy). So, concerning photon wavelengths, they say that they all have stretched during a red-shift or blue-shift, which is a veiled assertion that energy changes per photon have taken place (increased @ blue-shift, decreased @red-shift).

Unless that is addressed properly, there are three other types of stretches that apply (stretch the truth, stretch things, a bit of a stretch).

Fig. 3 Stretching Light

I say that because one of the fundamentals of energy changes (thermodynamics) is that no new energy is created and no energy is destroyed.

So, in the increase and decrease of photon wavelength, the energy must come from elsewhere (blue-shift) or go somewhere else (red-shift).

III. Light Color Ranges

Hypothetical Cosmic Microwave Background
Radiation Changes Back To "The Bigga Badda Boom"

Kelvin (K)
Celcius (°C)
Fahrenheit (°F)
λ (hundreds)
0 2.7250000 -270.4250000 -454.7650000 24.0199524
1 275.8750000 2.7250000 36.9050000 22.0199524
2 549.0250000 275.8750000 528.5750000 20.0199524
3 822.1750000 549.0250000 1020.2450000 18.0199524
4 1095.3250000 822.1750000 1511.9150000 16.0199524
5 1368.4750000 1095.3250000 2003.5850000 14.0199524
6 1641.6250000 1368.4750000 2495.2550000 12.0199524
7 1914.7750000 1641.6250000 2986.9250000 10.0199524
8 2187.9250000 1914.7750000 3478.5950000 8.0199524
9 2461.0750000 2187.9250000 3970.2650000 6.0199524
10 2734.2250000 2461.0750000 4461.9350000 4.0199524
11 3007.3750000 2734.2250000 4953.6050000 2.0199524
12 3280.5250000 3007.3750000 5445.2750000 0.0199524

IV. From then to now, where have all the photons gone?

Fig. 4 Quite a Span

"The preponderance of emission in the visible range, however, is not the case in most stars. The hot supergiant Rigel emits 60% of its light in the ultraviolet, while the cool supergiant Betelgeuse emits 85% of its light at infrared wavelengths. With both stars prominent in the constellation of Orion, one can easily appreciate the color difference between the blue-white Rigel (T = 12100 K) and the red Betelgeuse (T ≈ 3800 K). While few stars are as hot as Rigel, stars cooler than the Sun or even as cool as Betelgeuse are very commonplace."

(Wien Displacement). When such huge changes are said to have taken place, the CMB does not equate, so something is missing unless the quantity of photons (moles) making up the CMB is astronomically higher than the count was epochs ago.

V. Closing Comments

If the CMB is that 'somewhere else' that could be a part of a hypothesis which does not just ignore energy increases and decreases which must take place when wavelength increases or decreases, then let's continue to improve upon it.

Otherwise trash it because "things are getting newer all the time" (Controversial new theory of gravity rules out need for dark matter).

The next post in this series is here, the previous post in this series is here.

In 1965: (Link)