Monday, August 22, 2022

Vol 9

This is an appendix to: How To Identify The Despotic Minority - 15

"1871 this ‘Democracy’ seemed to have won a conclusive victory over a post- Alexandrine Hellenic Absolute Monarchy which had been evoked by Late Medieval Italian and Early Modern Transalpine and Transmarine Western despots as an instrument for transposing a resuscitated Hellenic style of polity from a city-state to a nation-state scale. [19]"

"The earliest of these successful experiments in establishing counterparts of a Byzantine Kingdom of Sicily in other provinces of Western Christendom were the work of despots who, in the course of the quarter of a millennium following Frederick’s death in A.D. 1250 [24]"

"and any fifteenth-century Italian pope or despot would have gone and sold all that he had3 if he had ever been offered the chance of buying a single one of these treasures; [120]"

"The perpetuation and progressive improvement of her present Golden Age were assured, as Gibbon saw it, by a political constitution which — in contrast to the de- bilitatingly despotic centralization of political authority in the Hellenic World under a Pax Romana — was a felicitous balance between parochial autonomy and ecumenical unity. [435]"

"Hitler had perceived that, in a World whose peoples were all now miserably war-weary and war-shy, world-dominion might be the easy prize of any nation that could still be coaxed, duped, doped, or flogged by an audacious demagogue or despot into being one degree less unwar- like than its neighbours. [511]"

"In Western eyes the federal constitution with which the Soviet Union had equipped itself might look suspiciously like a facade put up to mask the retention or re-establishment of a centralized despotism that had the momentum of six hundred years of Russian history behind it. [561]"

"these parliamentary corporate despots’ constituents had been lax or incompetent in exercising their constitutional right and duty of bringing their elected representatives to book; [583-584]"

"The happiness of an hundred millions depended on the personal merit of one or two men, perhaps children, whose minds were corrupted by education, luxury, and despotic power. [754]"

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