Monday, July 20, 2009

Sell or Buy Pig In A Poke Health Care?

The obvious answer is neither.


Because you can't see the pig while it is in the poke and the scrupulous never buy or sell "sight unseen".

Used car salesmen of the not so reputable type have many tricks up their sleeves, and like all hucksters they want to sell you what you want even when all they have to sell is what you don't want.

So they find out what you want and sell that, hoping you will not probe enough to find out what they are selling you is something different.

This is so good "not many people have it and everyone wants it" is one of the catch phrases they are using.

For example, the recent way of saying "this is the greatest" was this "is to die for", which means you really want it, and for too many people the "to die for" part of the description is all too accurate.

According to the medical journal, JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association, the United States does not have the best health care system in the world, and it kills about 424,000 patients a year and damages a million more due to iatrogenic causes.

"It" may be the most expensive, or the one with the highest rising costs, but "it" is not the best in terms of what "it" offers to the bulk of its customers.

The saying that the United States has "the best justice money can buy" is a derogatory term, but that description also applies to the medical system's products available for its customers.

So what is "it" that "needs reform", another word for "needs fixing"; and what is "it" that will fix what is broken, but will not try to fix what is not broken?

Take a moment during the news storm, currently blowing hard in the air waves, to ask what exactly is wrong with "it" (the health system that needs to be fixed), and what does not need fixing, and what "it" (legislation contemplated) will fix and what it will not.

So far I have not been able to determine either one.

Have you?

Check out some the of history of the health care debate as seen by a doctor.

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