Saturday, November 13, 2010

Open Thread

Gopher it ...

Truthiness in the Truthosphere ...
Cost of War website has some interesting embeds and links to government sources to back it up ...

1 comment:

  1. Somewhat suprised to see that the cost of Iraqistan is currently only pegged at $1.1T. That's a veritable bargain from the wing-nut point of view. Of course that only includes direct costs, and not the opportunity costs of the other uses that money and power could have been put toward, never mind the current and ongoing human suffering in Iraqistan, nor the future ill-will and acts of terrorism our efforts have no doubt ensured will plague us for decades to come. But hey, Saddam Hussein, the mother of all evil, is finally gone, and the Bush family honor (after daddy Bush disgraced it in Gulf War I) has been restored, and isn't that what's really important?

    And to top it all off, Obama's debt commission is now proposing cuts in veterans health care, which, when you think about, really requires some stones. You've gotta hand it to these people, as the f*ckin' of the American herd class begins to ramp up in earnest, they're not only unapologetic, but they're demanding tribute (money) for the privilege as well. One thing's for sure, no one ever accused the US ruling class of lack of chutzpah.
