Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Destroy The U.S. In Order To Save It? - 2

In the first episode of this series we lined out the runaway financial demise of the nation.

And Dredd Blog asserted that it is caused by both imperialism and empire ideology.

In a parallel series we had been discussing The Keystone Complex, when all of a sudden came the Washington Post series about another cause of the nation's financial demise.

It is all about a spooky little girl like Yoo.

Today the Washington Post blows us out of the water with part two of its series about Spooky And The Gang:
... affluence is another attribute of Top Secret America. Six of the 10 richest counties in the United States, according to Census Bureau data, are in these clusters.

Loudoun County, ranked as the wealthiest county in the country, helps supply the workforce of the nearby National Reconnaissance Office headquarters, which manages spy satellites. Fairfax County, the second-wealthiest, is home to the NRO, the CIA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Arlington County, ranked ninth, hosts the Pentagon and major intelligence agencies. Montgomery County, ranked 10th, is home to the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. And Howard County, ranked third, is home to 8,000 NSA employees.
(Washington Post, emphasis added). In other words the top three wealthiest counties in the U.S. are that way because of the spook business.

Spooks that have to scare people with fear, you know, scaremongering, like the other children of MOMCOM, because without fear the demand for their services diminishes along with their wealth.

They and others fancy themselves as some of the most brilliant people:
"These are some of the most brilliant people in the world," said Ken Ulman, executive of Howard County, one of six counties in NSA's geographic sphere of influence. "They demand good schools and a high quality of life."
(ibid, Washington Post article). That is to be expected from those who conflate being indoctrinated with being educated.

Those "so educated" that they end up "destroying America in order to save it".

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