Thursday, October 5, 2023

On The Origin Of A Genetic Constant

The First Abiotic Brain? (Wiki)

I. Background

Let's hitch a ride on the genetic 'wayback machine' provided by the 'grave digger story tellers' (We carry DNA from extinct cousins like Neanderthals. Science is now revealing their genetic legacy).

That story does not go very far back, nor is it very deep into us ... i.e. it doesn't go 'all the way to the bone', then on down deep into the atoms.

That is because (to them) atoms are like genes in that they must be explained via 'television' (teleology/teleonomy).

But the teleological explanation required is not only a difficulty, it is rendered improbable by the scientific discipline called "probability"  (On The Origin of The Containment Entity - 15, On The Origin of Genieology).

That probability difficulty was first encountered during the Eugenics age of biology/genetics (The Eugenics Review Vols. 1 to 60; 1909 to 1968).

That probability difficulty was explored in a recent post where it was pointed out that the teleological lingo morphed into a hypothesis by eugenicists that atoms are 'brainy'  (Small Brains Considered - 16).

So, this new Dredd Blog series will tie together several other Dredd Blog series and then take it from there on down to the ignored realm ... the atoms of genomes ("A genome is the complete set of genetic information in an organism. It provides all of the information the organism requires to function" - Nature).

II. Purpose of This Series

The academic subject of brain evolution is going to be exposed as being way behind other biological subjects in terms of actual provable scientific dogma (when it should have been developed first in the prebiological discipline "Abiology"). 

For starters let's remember that within the realm of biology and its branches, the advent of the atom in modern physics presented a challenge or threat to some of the existing hypotheses.

For example, eugenicists mused in worried terms at length about the developing quantum scientific realm (Small Brains Considered - 16).

They actually attributed genetics to the workings of the external quanta of the atom (electrons) to genetic qualities and quantities.

III. How Atoms In Genomes Are Researched

First, one must acquire some genetic resources (e.g. genomes from pigs to pineapples to butterflies).

The DNA used in this series has been extracted from the ".gz" files at the GenBank FTP site (there are millions of DNA sequences in those compressed ".gz" files).

In another previous post, how the genetic constant in those genomes was discovered was explained (On The Origin of The Containment Entity - 16).

The minor atomic particles (e.g. electrons, protons) were considered to be the major particles by Eugenicists, which is still an award winning position today with their same-as-the-Eugenicists viewpoint (Trio wins Nobel Prize in physics for split-second glimpse of superfast spinning world of electrons).

IV. Appendices RE: Atomic Construct of Genomes

From (Quantum Biology - 9): "Every carbon atom in the universe was created by stars" (ScienceDaily, emphasis added).

That means that at least one of the major components of our DNA was made in stars, but what about the other three major components (hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen)?

And how did they all get here on Earth, seeing as how it takes billions of years for the fast lane users  (photons of starlight) to reach us (depending on our distance from a star).

Those carbon atoms made in ginormous stars (not the Sun) can't travel at the speed of light, so they use the slow lanes.

Same with the other atoms in our genomes.

How did the four atom types of the ~32/35/25/6 constant "get together and decide to become our everything" (On The Origin of Genieology)?

V. Lots of Data

But I digress.

Today's appendices adhere to the ~(32/35/25/6) constant quite closely.

Those appendices contain results of analysis of various genomes from pigs to pineapples to butterflies, grouped in 15 appendices (Appendix 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15).

The appendices contain these table numbers: 

Appendix - tables 

1 - 1-200
2 - 201-400
3 - 401-600
4 - 601-800
5 - 801-1000
6 - 1001-1200
7 - 1201-1400
8 - 1401-1600
9 - 1601-1800
10 -1801-2000
11 -2001-2200
12 -2201-2400
13 -2401-2600
14 -2601-2800
15 -2801-3000

Following 100 tables, each containing a genome atom count displayed in an HTML table, the totals of the atomic content are also displayed as HTML tables in those appendices (two totals tables in each appendix).

For a teaser, the 'tables of totals' in each appendix are as follows:

Appendix - 1

Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 4,660,867,519)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 1,513,550,533 31.9434 32.6136 0.6702% 32.4736%
Hydrogen 1,670,863,025 35.2806 36.1458 0.8652% 35.8488%
Nitrogen 1,161,784,141 24.4929 26.0270 1.5341% 24.9263%
Oxygen 314,669,820 6.1449 7.0747 0.9298% 6.7513%

Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 246,528,762)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 79,816,839 31.9363 32.5781 0.6418% 32.3763%
Hydrogen 88,166,594 35.2858 36.1456 0.8598% 35.7632%
Nitrogen 61,835,156 24.0488 26.0307 1.9819% 25.0823%
Oxygen 16,710,173 6.3811 7.2916 0.9105% 6.7782%

Appendix - 2
Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 460,104,006)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 149,343,333 32.0106 32.6251 0.6145% 32.4586%
Hydrogen 164,877,101 35.4631 36.1458 0.6827% 35.8347%
Nitrogen 114,832,733 24.4152 25.6646 1.2494% 24.9580%
Oxygen 31,050,839 6.3602 7.1293 0.7691% 6.7487%

Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 536,014,364)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 174,119,328 31.9791 32.6219 0.6428% 32.4841%
Hydrogen 192,226,216 35.4355 36.3207 0.8852% 35.8621%
Nitrogen 133,432,868 23.1374 25.7605 2.6231% 24.8935%
Oxygen 36,235,952 6.1628 7.9200 1.7572% 6.7603%

Appendix - 3
Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 2,841,589,702)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 924,868,679 31.9369 32.8685 0.9316% 32.5476%
Hydrogen 1,020,750,783 35.3832 36.4198 1.0366% 35.9218%
Nitrogen 704,230,199 23.9555 25.9958 2.0403% 24.7830%
Oxygen 191,740,041 6.2526 7.3477 1.0951% 6.7476%

Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 11,990,238,892)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 3,901,146,683 31.9014 32.9192 1.0178% 32.5360%
Hydrogen 4,305,591,922 35.1280 36.3714 1.2434% 35.9091%
Nitrogen 2,974,673,300 24.0365 26.4426 2.4061% 24.8091%
Oxygen 808,826,987 6.1305 7.0321 0.9016% 6.7457%

Appendix - 4
Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 333,927,034)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 108,129,551 31.8827 32.6952 0.8125% 32.3812%
Hydrogen 119,407,539 35.2398 36.2818 1.0420% 35.7586%
Nitrogen 83,848,625 24.5192 26.4529 1.9337% 25.1099%
Oxygen 22,541,319 6.2234 6.8986 0.6752% 6.7504%

Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 258,839,155)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 83,785,433 32.0700 32.5709 0.5009% 32.3697%
Hydrogen 92,548,429 35.4464 36.1476 0.7012% 35.7552%
Nitrogen 64,999,039 24.7315 25.8044 1.0729% 25.1117%
Oxygen 17,506,254 6.6151 6.9536 0.3385% 6.7634%

Appendix - 5
Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 203,289,530)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 65,814,223 32.0635 32.8988 0.8353% 32.3746%
Hydrogen 72,697,050 35.4237 36.4524 1.0287% 35.7604%
Nitrogen 51,036,726 23.7778 25.9949 2.2171% 25.1054%
Oxygen 13,741,531 6.3705 6.9033 0.5328% 6.7596%

Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 191,310,879)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 61,918,775 32.2572 32.4432 0.1860% 32.3655%
Hydrogen 68,385,694 35.4596 36.0748 0.6152% 35.7458%
Nitrogen 48,068,678 24.8982 26.0505 1.1523% 25.1260%
Oxygen 12,937,732 6.1979 6.9085 0.7106% 6.7627%

Appendix - 6
Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 163,084,137)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 52,784,363 32.1586 32.7232 0.5646% 32.3663%
Hydrogen 58,297,776 35.6082 36.0605 0.4523% 35.7471%
Nitrogen 40,975,218 24.5652 25.5234 0.9582% 25.1252%
Oxygen 11,026,780 6.1814 6.9770 0.7956% 6.7614%

Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 153,098,319)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 49,567,340 31.8899 32.5901 0.7002% 32.3761%
Hydrogen 54,743,143 35.1559 36.1457 0.9898% 35.7569%
Nitrogen 38,444,631 24.8102 26.6109 1.8007% 25.1111%
Oxygen 10,343,205 6.3434 6.8991 0.5557% 6.7559%

Appendix - 7
Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 142,644,044)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 46,176,560 32.2411 32.5812 0.3401% 32.3719%
Hydrogen 51,012,400 35.5478 35.9938 0.4460% 35.7620%
Nitrogen 35,798,810 24.7058 25.4987 0.7929% 25.0966%
Oxygen 9,656,274 6.5936 6.9980 0.4044% 6.7695%

Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 135,882,303)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 43,973,320 32.1527 32.8263 0.6736% 32.3613%
Hydrogen 48,561,562 35.5649 36.2334 0.6685% 35.7380%
Nitrogen 34,168,114 24.3519 25.4752 1.1233% 25.1454%
Oxygen 9,179,307 6.5266 7.0979 0.5713% 6.7553%

Appendix - 8

Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 125,172,261)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 40,520,453 32.2761 32.5290 0.2529% 32.3718%
Hydrogen 44,746,013 35.5635 36.1458 0.5823% 35.7475%
Nitrogen 31,460,057 24.7816 25.4975 0.7159% 25.1334%
Oxygen 8,445,738 6.4302 6.9391 0.5089% 6.7473%

Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 458,549,917)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 149,034,807 32.1446 32.5732 0.4286% 32.5013%
Hydrogen 164,513,351 35.6008 36.0582 0.4574% 35.8769%
Nitrogen 114,032,591 24.4791 25.5438 1.0647% 24.8681%
Oxygen 30,969,168 6.4611 6.9852 0.5241% 6.7537%

Appendix - 9
Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 112,979,551)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 36,565,482 32.2511 32.5602 0.3091% 32.3647%
Hydrogen 40,385,944 35.6138 36.0922 0.4784% 35.7462%
Nitrogen 28,393,262 24.4144 25.4399 1.0255% 25.1313%
Oxygen 7,634,863 6.4211 7.0375 0.6164% 6.7577%

Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 387,570,611)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 125,717,659 32.2515 32.6046 0.3531% 32.4374%
Hydrogen 138,809,616 35.5811 36.0908 0.5097% 35.8153%
Nitrogen 96,867,490 24.5824 25.4888 0.9064% 24.9935%
Oxygen 26,175,846 6.4181 6.9269 0.5088% 6.7538%

Appendix - 10
Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 293,537,693)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 95,310,781 32.2456 32.5630 0.3174% 32.4697%
Hydrogen 105,217,192 35.6080 36.1455 0.5375% 35.8445%
Nitrogen 73,189,986 24.6339 25.5029 0.8690% 24.9338%
Oxygen 19,819,734 6.2443 7.0031 0.7588% 6.7520%

Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 530,329,355)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 172,296,365 31.7310 32.5785 0.8475% 32.4886%
Hydrogen 190,208,331 35.3157 36.1480 0.8323% 35.8661%
Nitrogen 132,016,217 24.5736 26.0453 1.4717% 24.8933%
Oxygen 35,808,442 6.4169 6.9391 0.5222% 6.7521%

Appendix - 11
Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 415,203,830)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 134,846,732 32.2442 32.5562 0.3120% 32.4772%
Hydrogen 148,856,706 35.5421 36.0889 0.5468% 35.8515%
Nitrogen 103,464,116 24.5951 25.6612 1.0661% 24.9189%
Oxygen 28,036,276 6.4142 7.2496 0.8354% 6.7524%

Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 90,938,570)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 29,427,357 32.2190 32.5591 0.3401% 32.3596%
Hydrogen 32,501,336 35.5361 35.9053 0.3692% 35.7399%
Nitrogen 22,859,746 24.6677 25.5943 0.9266% 25.1376%
Oxygen 6,150,131 6.5306 7.0274 0.4968% 6.7630%

Appendix - 12
Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 85,672,764)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 27,731,132 32.1875 32.5937 0.4062% 32.3687%
Hydrogen 30,637,610 35.6179 36.2095 0.5916% 35.7612%
Nitrogen 21,502,574 24.5114 25.5632 1.0518% 25.0985%
Oxygen 5,801,448 6.4119 6.9294 0.5175% 6.7716%

Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 83,391,925)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 26,997,936 32.2664 32.5733 0.3069% 32.3748%
Hydrogen 29,827,257 35.5654 36.1459 0.5805% 35.7676%
Nitrogen 20,916,171 24.7128 25.5426 0.8298% 25.0818%
Oxygen 5,650,561 6.4538 6.9880 0.5342% 6.7759%

Appendix - 13
Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 508,985,367)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 165,220,779 32.1877 32.7372 0.5495% 32.4608%
Hydrogen 182,427,742 35.5887 36.1229 0.5342% 35.8415%
Nitrogen 126,931,522 24.3452 25.6286 1.2834% 24.9381%
Oxygen 34,405,324 6.4204 7.1159 0.6955% 6.7596%

Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 75,081,210)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 24,302,261 32.0659 32.6963 0.6304% 32.3680%
Hydrogen 26,844,853 35.5498 36.0908 0.5410% 35.7544%
Nitrogen 18,850,823 24.4911 25.4822 0.9911% 25.1072%
Oxygen 5,083,273 6.4198 6.9726 0.5528% 6.7704%

Appendix - 14
Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 75,898,928)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 24,570,147 32.2213 32.5338 0.3125% 32.3722%
Hydrogen 27,139,190 35.4930 36.1446 0.6516% 35.7570%
Nitrogen 19,056,774 24.5080 25.7038 1.1958% 25.1081%
Oxygen 5,132,817 6.4158 6.9559 0.5401% 6.7627%

Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 72,889,300)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 23,602,169 32.2749 32.6617 0.3868% 32.3808%
Hydrogen 26,068,791 35.6279 36.1623 0.5344% 35.7649%
Nitrogen 18,283,525 24.5212 25.4476 0.9264% 25.0840%
Oxygen 4,934,815 6.5168 7.1116 0.5948% 6.7703%

Appendix - 15
Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 149,672,977)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 48,514,234 32.2073 32.6457 0.4384% 32.4135%
Hydrogen 53,574,939 35.5049 36.2232 0.7183% 35.7947%
Nitrogen 37,458,151 23.3321 25.8980 2.5659% 25.0267%
Oxygen 10,125,653 6.2898 7.7990 1.5092% 6.7652%

Grand Totals For The Tables Above:
(Total atom count: 290,099,362)

Atom Type Atom Type Count Low High Variation Average
Carbon 94,231,573 32.2238 32.6526 0.4288% 32.4825%
Hydrogen 104,024,638 35.4891 36.1476 0.6585% 35.8583%
Nitrogen 72,257,892 24.4370 25.6611 1.2241% 24.9080%
Oxygen 19,585,259 6.2552 7.0984 0.8432% 6.7512%

 VI. Variations

The variations from the ~32/35/25/6 constant are for the most part less than 1%.

For example, a Totals Table in Appendix 1 has about 4 and a half billion atoms with one atom type (nitrogen) variation of about 1%,  a Totals Table in Appendix 3 contains 2,841,589,702 (almost 3 billion) atoms, and one atom type in the group nitrogen, varies from the ~32/35/25/6 constant by only about 2%, and truth be told, considering all the Totals Tables, most variations  are less than 1%.

The total atoms in today's group of 3000 tables is 26,073,392,267 (about 26 billion), so the small variations are to be expected because collecting DNA sequences is not without processing errors (e.g. Why a DNA Sample May Fail, cf. A practical guide to mitochondrial DNA error prevention in clinical, forensic, and population genetics).

Dredd Blog analyzes only the A,C,G,T nucleotides collected by scientists that have been placed into GenBank.

Some genomes in GenBank have 'N' to indicate a nucleotide position that is an unknown (not an A,C,G, or T) so that can have some impact on variation too (the HTML tables contain a 'Non-Nucleotide Count' when any of them are present).

And you are furnished an internet link to the GenBank data for each genome featured in these appendices.

VII. Closing Comments

Thus, asking ourselves "how did this ~(32/35/25/6) constant come to be?" is not a frivolous question, because scientific evidence is being used to research it.

In this series we will cover over a million genomes from the GenBank, so stay tuned.

The next post in this series is here.

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