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All Ahead Full? |
We cited to a journal, The American Journal of Public Health, which had published a series of papers intending to bring focus on the issue.
Those publications clearly explained the surprising reality of the enormous dependence the medical, health care industry has on fossil fuels, as well as the enormous problems declining oil supply would or could have on their industry:
Petroleum is used widely in health care — primarily as a transport fuel and feedstock for pharmaceuticals, plastics, and medical supplies — and few substitutes for it are available. This dependence theoretically makes health care vulnerable to petroleum supply shifts, but this vulnerability has not been empirically assessed. We quantify key aspects of petroleum use in health care and explore historical associations between petroleum supply shocks and health care prices. These analyses confirm that petroleum products are intrinsic to modern health care and that petroleum supply shifts can affect health care prices. In anticipation of future supply contractions lasting longer than previous shifts and potentially disrupting health care delivery, we propose an adaptive management approach and outline its application to the example of emergency medical services.(The Peak of Health And The Peak of Oil). It does not take a lot of imagination to surmise the impact that this information must have had.
Many people must have become quite concerned.
It was not long until the fossil fuel industry ginned up its propaganda organs to deflect the enquiries that began to buzz around wondering about "peak oil".
BP, the creator of America's greatest environmental disaster, the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico, promptly hired a cadre of propagandists to write something that would settle folks down.
One such writing which BP funded, by oil industry figure Leonardo Maugeri, used twisted and tortured techniques to skew the data, and therefore ended up producing classic propaganda.
Propaganda strong enough even to fool the likes of George Monbiot into giving up his belief in "peak oil" concepts:
In his column of July 2nd George Monbiot recanted peak oil, claiming “the facts have changed, now we must change too”. Much of the article was spent regurgitating a recent report by Leonardo Maugeri, a former executive with the Italian oil company Eni, which Monbiot breathlessly reported “provides compelling evidence that a new oil boom has begun”.(Monbiot Peak Oil U-turn Based On Bad Science, Worse Math). The author, David Strahan, goes on to debunk the article as well as Mr. Monbiot's unwise reliance upon it.
Plenty of ink has already been spilled by oil depletion experts exposing some of the wildly optimistic assumptions contained in Maugeri’s report. More damning is that the work is shot through with crass mistakes that render its forecast worthless.
When I interviewed him, Mr Maugeri was forced to admit a mathematical howler that would disgrace the back of an envelope, and it also became clear he did not understand the work of the other forecasters he attacks. It also looks as if he has double or even triple counted a vital component of his predicted oil glut.
We noted recently that psychotic individuals who control the fossil fuel industry habitually use propaganda to hide the reality of the grave, deadly dangers civilization faces by continuing to recklessly rely on that dirty industry (MOMCOM's Mass Suicide & Murder Pact - 5).
One of the reasons that peak oil reality and climate change is covered up by fossil fuel industry psychotics is the incredible impact the nation will face as oil production declines, or as climate catastrophes increase.
We noted in another Dredd Blog post that it would be bad enough if only Twinkies were made from dirty oil, however, it gets scary when one knows that so much is made from dirty oil:
Solvents, Diesel fuel, Motor Oil, Bearing Grease, Ink, Floor Wax, Ballpoint Pens, Football Cleats, Upholstery, Sweaters, Boats, Insecticides, Bicycle Tires, Sports Car Bodies, Nail Polish, Fishing lures, Dresses, Tires, Golf Bags, Perfumes, Cassettes, Dishwasher parts, Tool Boxes, Shoe Polish, Motorcycle Helmet, Caulking, Petroleum Jelly, Transparent Tape, CD Player, Faucet Washers, Antiseptics, Clothesline, Curtains, Food Preservatives, Basketballs, Soap, Vitamin Capsules, Antihistamines, Purses, Shoes, Dashboards, Cortisone, Deodorant, Footballs, Putty, Dyes, Panty Hose, Refrigerant, Percolators, Life Jackets, Rubbing Alcohol, Linings, Skis, TV Cabinets, Shag Rugs, Electrician's Tape, Tool Racks, Car Battery Cases, Epoxy, Paint, Mops, Slacks, Insect Repellent, Oil Filters, Umbrellas, Yarn, Fertilizers, Hair Coloring, Roofing, Toilet Seats, Fishing Rods, Lipstick, Denture Adhesive, Linoleum, Ice Cube Trays, Synthetic Rubber, Speakers, Plastic Wood, Electric Blankets, Glycerin, Tennis Rackets, Rubber Cement, Fishing Boots, Dice, Nylon Rope, Candles, Trash Bags, House Paint, Water Pipes, Hand Lotion, Roller Skates, Surf Boards, Shampoo, Wheels, Paint Rollers, Shower Curtains, Guitar Strings, Luggage, Aspirin, Safety Glasses, Antifreeze, Football Helmets, Awnings, Eyeglasses, Clothes, Toothbrushes, Ice Chests, Footballs, Combs, CD's & DVD's, Paint Brushes, Detergents, Vaporizers, Balloons, Sun Glasses, Tents, Heart Valves, Crayons, Parachutes, Telephones, Enamel, Pillows, Dishes, Cameras, Anesthetics, Artificial Turf, Artificial limbs, Bandages, Dentures, Model Cars, Folding Doors, Hair Curlers, Cold cream, Movie film, Soft Contact lenses, Drinking Cups, Fan Belts, Car Enamel, Shaving Cream, Ammonia, Refrigerators, Golf Balls, Toothpaste, Gasoline(A Closer Look At MOMCOM's DNA - 2). We are addicted to oil, so we might as well face that, because then and only then can we begin the work of withdrawal, which is also the beginning of ending global warming and other catastrophes.
It is a good thing to end the addiction as soon as we can so as to avoid the catastrophes which that addiction brings.
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