Saturday, September 21, 2024

New Hampshire APDX

This is an appendix to: The US States of Sea Level Change - 2

Tide Gauge Station
Data Records
For New Hampshire

Station Year RLR
288 1926 6907.25

1927 6937.92

1928 6909.71

1929 6906.25

1930 6900.67

1931 6947.88

1932 6951.29

1933 6970

1934 6926.08

1940 6969.29

1941 6973.79

1943 6971.92

1944 6972.83

1945 7017.62

1946 6989.17

1947 6997.04

1948 6992.96

1949 6963.08

1950 6957.12

1951 7009.96

1952 7005.92

1953 7007.04

1954 7018.12

1955 7011.88

1956 7010.08

1957 6975.54

1958 7038.25

1959 6980.62

1960 7045.21

1961 7017.79

1962 7008

1963 6985.92

1964 6980.79

1965 6986.92

1966 7015.88

1967 7008.96

1968 7018.96

1969 7051.21

1970 7055.67

1971 7038.17

1972 7052

1973 7055.3

1974 7020.88

1975 7036.96

1976 7012

1977 7041.92

1978 6997.2

1979 7012.62

1980 6989.92

1981 7013.54

1982 6986.54

1983 7075.08

1984 7006

1985 7016

1986 7027.83
2321 2003 6970.8

2004 6954.79

2005 7014.79

2006 7002.5

2007 6985.71

2008 6990.67

2009 7008.04

2010 7075.08

2011 7045.91

2012 7018

2013 7006.71

2014 7003.46

2015 6982.14

2016 7019.96

2017 7042.14
2291 2003 6970.8

2004 6954.79

2005 7014.79

2006 7002.5

2007 6985.71

2008 6990.67

2009 7008.04

2010 7075.08

2011 7045.91

2012 7018

2013 7006.71

2014 7003.46

2015 6982.14

2016 7019.96

2017 7042.14

2018 7036.12

2019 7091.2

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