The Neural Network Inside MOMCOM |
Before we get on with it, make no mistake that it takes great power to hide incredibly huge structures in plain sight, as the world of the matrix did.
In the first post we gave the general background for the series, then in the second post we attached the dynamic to our several series that describe a structure we call MOMCOM.
The scientific metaphor and epitome of the series may have led some readers to not take it as seriously as they might, so in today's post I am going to show the strong reality side of the hypothesis by using an actual physical reality that is at first a bit beyond belief ("truth is stranger than fiction").
An old blues song by Willie Dixon has the lyric "the strong overpower the weak, the smart overpower the strong" (see video at the end of Bully Worship: The Universal Religion - 5).
This fits in with the notions of the cat and mouse game and the term game changer.
In a recent post (Oil-Qaeda: The Deadliest Parasite Of Civilization) we read about a smart microbe (Toxoplasma Gondii, "Toxo") so tiny you can't see it without a microscope, yet it uses a cat and a mouse in a way that is a game changer fit for a gold medal at the Olympic Games (see also Hypothesis: Microbes Generate Toxins of Power - 6).
Toxo is the epitome of the dynamics of MOMCOM, the Matriarch Of The Matrix, because Toxo uses the cat to reproduce itself inside the cat's intestines, but is thereafter excreted out of the cat back into the ground.
Toxo solves that problem by making the cat feces attractive to mice who then ingest the tiny, smart microbe along with the cat feces.
Toxo then does nanosurgery on the mouse's brain, which among other things, makes cat urine smell like enticing perfume instead of terrifying the mouse as it would under normal circumstances.
Toxo also removes the fear of cats from the mouse's natural security system circuitry within the amygdala of the mouse's brain.
That is how Toxo gets back inside the cat -- when the mouse "forgets" to conscientiously evade the cat (mice are cat food) it is game over.
The propaganda system dynamic inside MOMCOM is like the biological parasite Toxo that does brain surgery on mice: "On a certain level, this is a protozoan parasite that knows more about the neurobiology of anxiety and fear than 25,000 neuroscientists standing on each other's shoulders" (ibid, "Hypothesis: Microbes Generate Toxins of Power - 6", and "Oil-Qaeda: The Deadliest Parasite Of Civilization", quoting Dr. Robert Sapolsky, Stanford University).
A similar powerful propaganda reality is hidden in plain sight within current society:
A group of US marketing researchers claim that brand owners can make their customers believe they had a better experience of a product or service than they really did by bombarding them with positive messages after the event. Advocates of the technique, known as "memory morphing", claim it can be used to improve customers' perceptions of products and encourage them to repeat their purchases and recommend brands to friends.(Hypothesis: The Cultural Amygdala). The word "advertising" seems deceptively like the "perfume" mentioned in the cat and mouse game story above, especially if we consider two more characteristics of that part of the matrix:
"When asked, many consumers insist that they rely primarily on their own first-hand experience with products – not advertising – in making purchasing decisions. Yet, clearly, advertising can strongly alter what consumers remember about their past, and thus influence their behaviours," he writes in his book, How Customers Think. He says that memories are malleable, changing every time they come to mind, and that brands can use this to their advantage. "What consumers recall about prior product or shopping experiences will differ from their actual experiences if marketers refer to those past experiences in positive ways," he continues.
One of the most important comments on deceit, I think, was made by Adam Smith. He pointed out that a major goal of business is to deceive and oppress the public.(The Deceit Business). Shocking as that may seem, it is only the thin veneer at the surface, because it has been said that you can't understand American cultural history unless you know who The Sentient Machines are in this metaphor or epitome we are analyzing today:
And one of the striking features of the modern period is the institutionalization of that process, so that we now have huge industries deceiving the public — and they're very conscious about it, the public relations industry. Interestingly, this developed in the freest countries — in Britain and the US — roughly around time of WWI, when it was recognized that enough freedom had been won that people could no longer be controlled by force. So modes of deception and manipulation had to be developed in order to keep them under control"...
Today, few people outside the public relations profession recognize the name of Edward L. Bernays. As the year 2000 approaches, however, his name deserves to figure on historians' lists of the most influential figures of the 20th century.(On The Origin of "Conspiracy Theory" - 2). Yes, Bernays put the "Toxo" in the media (McTell News).
It is impossible to fundamentally grasp the social, political, economic and cultural developments of the past 100 years without some understanding of Bernays and his professional heirs in the public relations industry. PR is a 20th century phenomenon, and Bernays -- widely eulogized as the "father of public relations" at the time of his death in 1995 -- played a major role in defining the industry's philosophy and methods.
"Bernays' papers . . . provide illuminating and sometimes disturbing background on some of the most interesting episodes of twentieth-century history, from the way American tobacco tycoons made it socially acceptable for women to smoke to the way other titans of industry persuaded us to pave over our landscape and switch to beer as the 'beverage of moderation.' The companies involved aren't likely to release their records of those campaigns, assuming they still exist. But Bernays saved every scrap of paper he sent out or took in . . . In so doing, he let us see just how policies were made and how, in many cases, they were founded on deception."
In an industry that is notable for its mastery of evasions and euphemisms, Bernays stood out for his remarkable frankness. He was a propagandist and proud of it.
Bernays as a government employee / contractor was an evangelist of propaganda, and he literally wrote the book on it:
It is the purpose of this book to explain the structure of the mechanism which controls the public mind, and to tell how it is manipulated by the special pleader who seeks to create public acceptance for a particular idea or commodity. It will attempt at the same time to find the due place in the modern democratic scheme for this new propaganda and to suggest its gradually evolving code of ethics and practice.(A Closer Look At MOMCOM's DNA - 4, quoting from Propaganda). That latter link is to a free copy of his book in PDF format.
Moving on, the foundation of the essential behavior of microbes, whether good microbes (symbiont to humans) or bad microbes (parasites like Toxo) is communication; because as Dr. Bonnie Bassler of Princeton University said, "without communication they can do nothing, but through communication they can be very powerful" (How Microbes Communicate In The Tiniest Language).
Regular readers know that Dredd Blog has often focused on the part of MOMCOM that supplies energy to the communication dynamic of MOMCOM.
See an older post A Closer Look At MOMCOM's DNA - 2 as well as the recent post Oil-Qaeda: The Indictment - 2 for examples of how totally we are all enveloped within the MOMCOM matrix.
In closing today's post, I suggest that we try to remember the character Cypher in The Matrix movie.
Cypher was an individual who got tired of fighting the matrix, then sold out those who had been awakened to become free of the matrix deception, and who were therefore trying to free others.
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"What is wrong with tyranny? This tastes so good!" |
Then notice these words in the lyrics of a song we recently took note of:
I'd love to change the world
But I don't know what to do
So I'll leave it up to you
Yes, one has to wonder about the old saying concerning "science fiction" as applied to The Matrix -- there is sometimes more truth than fiction in it.
The previous post in this series is here.
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