Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Small Brains Considered - 4

"Human genes fit
somewhere between a
chicken and a grape"

Today, I present several appendices prepared so that we can look at the human genome that at one time was predicted to be utterly stupendous, but ended up revealing instead that we have unique gene stuff which only equates to those in the range of "somewhere between a chicken and a grape" (The Human Microbiome Congress, On The Origin of Genieology).

These appendices depict, if you will, the human mitochondria or chromosomes that are recorded in the GenBank.

A link to the GenBank data for each chromosome is provided for each 'specimen', as has been done in the previous appendices to posts in this series (Small Brains Considered, 2, 3).

The amino acids, codons, and atoms depicted in these appendices are the representative ones, that is, only one example type for the many amino acids, codons, and atoms is shown (even that takes up a lot of "the last frontier" ... space).

The gist of it is that, as shown in the TED lecture by Dr. Bassler of Princeton University, we are composed of the same stuff  that viruses, grapes, microbes, and cockroaches, to name a few, are.

This makes, if you will, discussions about the results of cognition more understandable (What Kind of Intelligence Is A Lethal Mutation?).

Anyway, for your perusal there are 12 appendices total, with two chromosomes featured per appendix.

Enjoy the appendices (Appendix One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, and Twelve).

The answer to a question you may have ("why are the atomic configurations so similar") is answered by the video below, and the answer to another question you may have ("what causes differences") is covered in the video and text here.

The next post in this series is here, the previous post in this series is here.

A look back into Dredd Blog history (here) emphasis added:

Video Index (time - subject)

00:21 - microbes are oldest life forms on Earth
01:03 - 10 times more microbes than human cells in us
01:31 - 100 times more microbial genes than human genes in us
02:00 - microbes are 99% of our make-up; they keep us alive
02:20 - microbes are vital for keeping us alive and healthy
04:20 - microbes talk with a molecular language
07:50 - quorum sensing (like a census) to know population count
08:20 - Intra species communication (shape of words) dialects
10:50 - microbes communicate with other microbes (multi-lingual)
11:20 - they take a census of all other microbes around them
12:30 - synthetic molecules-words interrupt communication
13:50 - synthetic molecules-words confuse the microbes
15:00 - they have collective, community behaviors
15:20 - microbes made the rules for multi-cellular development
16:00 - microbes invented multi-cellular behavior inside us
17:15 - the team

Dr. Bonnie L. Bassler, Princeton University:

1 comment:

  1. "Because so little was known about blastoderm formation in any animal, “I thought the best thing to do is to take the most unbiased view you can, and just observe and record the actual behaviors, and ask what patterns emerge” ... what a concept! (Link)
