Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Appendix SZ

This is an appendix to: Omicron (OMC!) - 2

A Brief SARS-CoV-2 Change Analysis (by Country)

About: An Original virus genome (first collected in a country)
is compared to later virus genomes (collected after the original),
then the results of the comparison are displayed in the table below.

'=' means the same value as original
'>' means a greater value than original
'<' means a lesser value than original

Country version type date collected results(comparison to original)
South Korea MT020782.1 orig 2020-01-25

MW466793.1 comp 2020-03-17 <=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<====

MZ004107.1 comp 2020-12-23 <=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<====
Saudi Arabia MT755883.1 orig 2020-02-03

MZ895739.1 comp 2021-02-07 >============================>>=>>====

MZ215961.1 comp 2021-04-15 >=>>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====
Serbia MW315975.1 orig 2020-03-12

MW327520.1 comp 2020-06-24 ======================================

MW548723.1 comp 2020-12-11 ======================================
Sierra Leone MT872497.1 orig 2020-03-30

MZ663998.1 comp 2021-01-24 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

MZ854396.1 comp 2021-06-07 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====
Spain MT233519.1 orig 2020-02-27

MW769724.1 comp 2021-01-13 <<<<><<><<=<<=<<=<<=<<=>>>>>>>><<<<===

MZ914594.1 comp 2021-03-24 <<<<><<><<=<<=<<=<<=<<=>>>>>>>><<<<===
Taiwan OL739246.1 orig 2020-01-01

MW356670.1 comp 2020-03-26 >=>>=><<<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<====

MZ277396.1 comp 2021-04-21 <=<>>><<<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<>><<=<<====
Tunisia MW366724.1 orig 2020-03-02

MW452537.1 comp 2020-10-19 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

MZ227558.1 comp 2021-04-26 >==>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====
Turkey MT478018.1 orig 2020-01-01

MT786859.1 comp 2020-07-15 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

MZ452068.1 comp 2021-03-09 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>====
USA MT252714.1 orig 2020-01-01

MZ056416.1 comp 2021-04-12 >=>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>===

OL830471.1 comp 2021-12-09 <=>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>===

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