Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Appendix DI

This is an appendix to: Omicron (OMC!) - 2

A Brief SARS-CoV-2 Change Analysis (by Country)

About: An Original virus genome (first collected in a country)
is compared to later virus genomes (collected after the original),
then the results of the comparison are displayed in the table below.

'=' means the same value as original
'>' means a greater value than original
'<' means a lesser value than original

Country version type date collected results(comparison to original)
Djibouti MZ970746.1 orig 2020-04-28

MZ520092.1 comp 2021-03-02 >==>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>====

MZ970734.1 comp 2021-05-20 >==>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>=>>=>>>>>====
Egypt MW186669.1 orig 2020-03-13

MW533296.1 comp 2021-01-09 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

OL351381.1 comp 2021-10-23 <=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<====
France MT320538.2 orig 2020-01-01

MT470143.1 comp 2020-01-01 <=====================================

MW580244.1 comp 2021-01-18 >=>>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====
Georgia MW974554.1 orig 2020-01-01

MZ133055.1 comp 2021-04-17 <=<<><<><<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<>><<=<<====

OL823668.1 comp 2021-12-02 <=<<=<<><<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<><<=<<====
Germany MT270104.1 orig 2020-01-01

MT582473.1 comp 2020-03-15 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

MZ315140.1 comp 2021-04-21 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====
Ghana MT890240.1 orig 2020-03-28

MW571124.1 comp 2021-01-07 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

MZ150530.1 comp 2021-03-16 >==>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>====
Greece MT459897.1 orig 2020-03-05

MT459881.1 comp 2020-03-14 >==>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

MT459847.1 comp 2020-04-04 >==>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====
Hong Kong MT186683.1 orig 2020-01-01

MW181731.1 comp 2020-07-12 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

MZ298847.1 comp 2021-05-12 >=>>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====
India MT577009.1 orig 2020-01-01

MZ163231.1 comp 2021-04-21 >=>>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>====

OL823661.1 comp 2021-12-02 >=>>=>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>====
Iraq MT940481.1 orig 2020-06-06

MZ145320.1 comp 2021-02-16 <=<<><<><<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<>><<=<<====

MZ555949.1 comp 2021-04-27 <=<<=<<><<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<====
Israel MT276597.1 orig 2020-01-01

MW674847.1 comp 2020-03-15 <=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<====

MW674843.1 comp 2020-10-15 <=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<====
Italy MW134558.1 orig 2020-01-01

MT682732.1 comp 2020-04-20 <=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<====

MZ362451.1 comp 2021-05-18 >=<<><>>>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>=>>=>>>>>====

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