Wednesday, August 14, 2024

A Short History of Project '2025'

In the year 2027?

The reason 2025 in the title of this post is in parentheses ('2025') is because it is more accurately called 'Project WayBack' in the daze of the Trump administration (and before).

Look at the advisory board:

 "Alabama Policy Institute, Alliance Defending Freedom, American Compass, The American Conservative, America First Legal Foundation, American Accountability Foundation, American Center for Law and Justice, American Cornerstone Institute, American Council of Trustees and Alumni, American Legislative Exchange Council, The American Main Street Initiative, American Moment, American Principles Project, Center for Equal Opportunity, Center for Family and Human Rights, Center for Immigration Studies, Center for Renewing America, Claremont Institute, Coalition for a Prosperous America, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Conservative Partnership Institute, Concerned Women for America, Defense of Freedom Institute, Ethics and Public Policy Center, Family Policy Alliance, Family Research Council, First Liberty Institute, Forge Leadership Network, Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Foundation for Government Accountability, FreedomWorks, The Heritage Foundation, Hillsdale College, Honest Elections Project, Independent Women’s Forum, Institute for the American Worker, Institute for Energy Research, Institute for Women’s Health, Intercollegiate Studies Institute, James Madison Institute, Keystone Policy, The Leadership Institute, Liberty University, National Association of Scholars, National Center for Public Policy Research, Pacific Research Institute, Patrick Henry College, Personnel Policy Operations, Recovery for America Now Foundation, 1792 Exchange, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, Texas Public Policy Foundation, Teneo Network, Young America’s Foundation ..."

(Project 2025 Org, PDF). See also the authors of the Project 2025 org  as a debunk of Trump ("I don't know them") lies about Project 2025 operatives:

"Karen Kerrigan ... for 28 years ... has provided counsel across the globe ... testifies regularly before Congress ... Dennis Dean Kirk ... has over 45 years of experience in private law ... served in President George Bush’s Administration in the U.S. Army’s Office of General Counsel ... During the Trump Administration ... was nominated by President Trump to be Chairman of the Merit Systems Protection Board ... Bernard L. McNamee is an energy and regulatory attorney with a major law firm and was formerly a member of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ... serving ... U.S. Senator Ted Cruz ... and ... four attorneys general ... in ... Virginia and Texas ... Christopher Miller served in several positions during the Trump Administration ... Kent Lassman ... policy research and advocacy have taken him to 45 state capitals, more than a dozen countries, and deep into the heart of the federal regulatory state ... Stephen Moore is a ... Fox News analyst ... Mora Namdar is an attorney ... appointed by President Donald Trump to perform the duties of the Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs ...Peter Navarro ... one of only three senior White House officials to serve with Donald Trump from the 2016 campaign ... William Perry Pendley was a senior official for President Ronald Reagan, and leader of the Bureau of Land Management for President Donald Trump ... Max Primorac ... [in Trump admin] ... from 2017 to 2021, he led a team of more than 250 staff ... Brooks D. Tucker ... served in [Trump Admin] ... from 2017 to 2021 and as Acting Chief of Staff from 2020 to 2021 ... Hans A. von Spakovsky is ... a former member of President Donald Trump’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity ... Kiron K. Skinner ... served [in the Trump Admin] from 2018 to 2019 and ... 2020 ... Russ Vought ... served in President Trump’s Cabinet ... William L. Walton ... served in President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team ... Paul Winfree ... 2018 ... was Deputy Assistant to the President[Trump]..."

(ibid, emphasis added). And let's not forget the Editors of that book:

"Paul Dans ... served in the Trump Administration as Chief of Staff at the U.S. Office of Personnel ... Steven Groves ... served in the Trump Administration, first as Ambassador Nikki Haley’s Chief of Staff at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations ... as Assistant Special Counsel, representing the White House in the Mueller investigation ... White House Deputy Press Secretary ..."

(ibid, emphasis added). These individuals and groups have been working on "Project 2025" ideology for many years and Trump knows that.

Closing Comments

When 'the Donald' said "I don't know that woman" a jury didn't believe him so they found him liable twice, for a total of many millions of dollars.

And the judge said that Trump had raped the woman.

So, when he says he knows nothing about the 'Project 2025' or those involved in it, remember that lies are his toolkit.

The machinations of Trump and Project WayBack sycophant psychology is rife in our culture as has been pointed out on Dredd Blog for many years (e.g. A Tale of Coup Cities, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; Will The Military Become The Police?, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13; Follow The Immunity, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; cf. Here Come De Conservative Judges - 14).

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