Weekend open thread ...
Some learn to "see" sooner than others:
Hey, hey, Woody Guthrie, I wrote you a song("Song To Woody", Bob Dylan, 1962).
’Bout a funny ol’ world that’s a-comin’ along
Seems sick an’ it’s hungry, it’s tired an’ it’s torn
It looks like it’s a-dyin’ an’ it’s hardly been born
Worldwide Oil Availability Has Peaked - EU Energy Chief
The New Zealand Parliament released a study entitled "The Next Oil Shock?":
The US Department of Energy (DoE) calls oil “the lifeblood of modern civilisation”. Around 86 million barrels (13.7 billion litres) are consumed each day. Oil supplies 37 percent of the world’s energy demand, including 40 percent of New Zealand’s energy demand. It powers nearly all of the world’s transportation, without which production and trade would grind to a halt. Studies(NZ Report, PDF, emphasis added). Now I ask you, if a person is bleeding, knowing there is no more blood of her blood type to replace it, what can we say of her if she makes the cut larger on purpose?
have shown that GDP growth is very strongly related to increased use of oil.
When the price of oil increases, the cost of nearly all economic activity rises. This often induces recessions. High oil prices have been associated with three major periods of economic recession in the past 40 years, including the lead-up to the recent global economic crisis.
Why are warlords of civilization bringing about the demise of current civilization with impunity?
Ron Paul calls for more WikiLeaks:
"What we need is more WikiLeaks about the Federal Reserve," he said. "Can you imagine what it'd be like if we had every conversation in the last 10 years with our Federal Reserve people, the Federal Reserve chairman, with all the central bankers of the world and every agreement or quid-pro-quo they have? It would be massive. People would be so outraged."(Raw Story).
Paul, a longtime critic of the US Federal Reserve, is the incoming chairman of a House subcommittee on monetary policy. His most recent book, titled "End the Fed," takes aim at central banks the world over, blaming fiat money systems and fractional reserve banking for the world's increasingly volatile economies.
“In a free society we're supposed to know the truth,” Paul insisted. “In a society where truth becomes treason, then we're in big trouble. And now, people who are revealing the truth are getting into trouble for it.
The Newt's Gang Grinch That Stole Xmas
Some don't see until it has been in front of their eyes for way too long: "Alaska Government Admits Global Warming".
ReplyDeleteRon Paul calls for more WikiLeaks:
ReplyDelete"What we need is more WikiLeaks about the Federal Reserve," he said. "Can you imagine what it'd be like if we had every conversation in the last 10 years with our Federal Reserve people, the Federal Reserve chairman, with all the central bankers of the world and every agreement or quid-pro-quo they have? It would be massive. People would be so outraged."
Paul, a longtime critic of the US Federal Reserve, is the incoming chairman of a House subcommittee on monetary policy. His most recent book, titled "End the Fed," takes aim at central banks the world over, blaming fiat money systems and fractional reserve banking for the world's increasingly volatile economies.
Paul might be a little quirky at times, but he's certainly right about the important stuff. The Fed will be the end of us if the US doesn't abolish it and regain control over its own money supply - and that's definitely not going to happen anytime soon. There's too much money in it for entrenched interests to ever let that happen. It should be reminded, lest anyone forget, capitalism is at its very core a winner take all system. The only thing to stop that from happening is government regulation and oversight and we now know the government has been hopelesly and irretrievably compromised. Watching all of this play out over the next few years will be as interesting as it will be painful for most of us. The collapse of the US is going to make the collapse of the Soviet Union look like a children's school play.
Wow, even FOX News "gets it" when it comes to Obama's "leadership": Obama's Leadership Under Scrutiny Amid Negotiations With GOP
ReplyDeleteNot surprisingly, former Clinton aide Bill Galtson sees it differently:
I guess the question is whether we're talking about issues of style or issues of fundamental objectives," he said. "We may also be talking about questions of what's feasible in given circumstances."
"And it may very well be with regard to the latter, that the president has reached a judgment that will not be fully accepted by the members of his own party, particularly in the House of Representatives," he said. "They may continue to believe certain things are possible that the president doesn't believe is achievable."
What can you say to such utter nonsense, other than I can't wait until 2012 so that we can vote this f***ing sellout out of office. I say it again, Obama should be prosecuted for election fraud. His election will indeed be a generational one, as it will set back the yellow stripe party for at least that long, if not totally destroy them for good.
This all in response to several liberal groups who are circulating petitions calling for Obama to grow a pair and actually...well...GOVERN like he was elected to do.
One liberal group, the Progressive Change Committee, is circulating a petition telling Obama that "Americans want him to fight the Bush tax cuts for millionaires – and that Democrats will keep losing if he keeps caving."
Unfortunately, I think the message needs to be a little stronger than that. Something on the order of a Congressional investigation into just what the hell is going on with the guy. I honestly think he's being paid off to act as a not so covert Republican shill.
The heck with Cheney, you at least ALWAYS knew where he was coming from. Obama is several orders of magnitude worse altogether. He's perpetrating blatant criminal fraud on behalf of the plutocracy that put him in office. Here's hoping the Repubes find something to impeach him for - and soon!.
There are other voices speaking up about the shameful persecution of V for Vendetta energized WiggyLeaks.
ReplyDeleteThe Shameful Attacks on Julian Assange
ReplyDeleteAnd just think, this is the so-called "liberal elite media" that's calling for the crack down on Assange and WikiLeaks. I wonder if the irony is apparent to any of the Fox News crowd? Nah, probably not. Fox News watchers don't DO irony.