Thursday, April 21, 2022

Quantum Biology - 6

Transcription: DNA~>mRNA

Dr. Bonnie Bassler (a.k.a. Professor Bassler) of Princeton University once jokingly told us that she sorta though of us as bacteria (How Microbes Communicate In The Tiniest Language).

It was a sort of a kind of reverse teleological statement (Teleological and Teleonomic, a New Analysis).

In honor of Dr. Bassler today I am criticizing those who attribute biological cognition to abiotic cognition (Weekend Rebel Science Excursion - 27) a la Roger Penrose ("Finally [Penrose] thinks that the cosmological vision of the Big Bang followed by cosmic inflation is basically wrong and is therefore to be categorized as fantasy." - Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe).

I have prepared some tables of the composition of human chromosomes using GenBank file data (e.g. chromosome 1 here and here).

The appendices show that I made tables of 22 chromosomes (Appendix QB.6.1, Appendix QB.6.2, Appendix QB.6.3, Appendix QB.6.4, Appendix QB.6.5, Appendix QB.6.6, Appendix QB.6.7, Appendix QB.6.8).

Except for the last one, those appendices all have tables of data referring to three human chromosomes.

The last appendix (Appendix QB.6.8) has only one human chromosome, but it also has an E.Coli virus and a T4 virus genome displayed in the same table style.

The majority of people (who have not been given a heads up about the nucleobases, codon, and amino acids) would probably not notice any differences or contradictions in that table data.

Relevant Nucleobases

Nucleobases, o known as nitrogenous bases or often simply bases, are nitrogencontaining biological compounds that form nucleosides, which, in turn, are components of nucleotides, with all of these monomers constituting the basicbuilding blocks of nucleic acids. The ability of nucleobases to form base pairs andto stack one upon another leads directly to long-chain helical structures such asribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Five nucleobases—adenine(A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), thymine (T), and uracil (U)—are called primary orcanonical. They function as the fundamental units of the genetic code, with thebases A, G, C, and T being found in DNA while A, G, C, and U are found in RNA."(Wikipedia).

Nucleotide Letter Abbr Formula
Adenine A ADE C5H5N5
Cytosine C CYT C4H5N3O1
Guanine G GUA C5H5N5O1
Thymine T THY C5H6N2O2
Uracil U URA C4H4N2O2

These five nucleotides in the table above are what make up the codons related to the  amino acids listed in the appendices.

That is the view from "3,000 feet up", but if we look way down deeper it is the molecules (Formula column) that reveal; but better still, at ground-level it is the "C" (carbon), "H" (hydrogen), "N" (nitrogen), and "O" (oxygen) atoms that are the best subjects of interest.

So, the "Total Atoms In Codon" column caught my eye when I got down to ground level.

They caused me to notice that the atom count for some of the amino acids are not the same for every codon associated with that amino acid.

Leucine, for example, has several different codons associated with it (e.g. CUG, UUA, CUU, UUG, CUA ...) which don't add up to the same atomic total even though they are associated with Leucine.

Thus, when they say this or that "codes for" something ("codes for" used here), more research is required to decipher their language.

Closing Comments

The take home from this is that all the talk about "viruses wanted to be more cool so they decided to take over the reproductive systems of microbes, and the replication machinery of abiotic viruses" codes for  "Teleological and Teleonomic Analysis". 

What you see, if you look closely into the tables, is that the codon atom counts do not equate to the same value:

UUALeucine LEU L C4H4N2O2 C4H4N2O2 C5H5N5 C13H13N9O4
CUG Leucine LEU L C4H5N3O1 C4H4N2O2 C5H5N5O1 C13H14N10O4

"It doesn't have to add up" is another way of saying "it's complicated".

Or, are we "coding for" the chimeric Löwdin doll (The Doll As Metaphor - 4)?

The next post in this series is here, the previous post in this series is here.

LEU LEU ... me gotta go

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