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Both "hopium" and "doomium" seem to be addictive |
In general, at this time conservatives are not concerned about human extinction via anthropogenic global warming.
While conservatives are less sure about global warming dangers, some prominent ones are quite concerned about nuclear war, as are some prominent liberals, thus, the nuclear war threat can be said to be a bipartisan concern, which has been expressed by both Noam Chomsky and Paul Craig Roberts.
Together they have expert experience in Education and Government prior to becoming activists.
One of them unambiguously wrote recently:
European governments and the Western media have put the world at risk by enabling Washington’s propaganda and aggression against Russia.(The World Is Doomed, Paul Craig Roberts, emphasis added). Professor Chomsky also notes that the U.S. has been provocative in Europe:
Washington has succeeded in using transparent lies to demonize Russia as a dangerous aggressive country led by a new Hitler or a new Stalin, just as Washington succeeded in demonizing Saddam Hussein in Iraq, the Taliban in Afghanistan, Qaddafi in Libya, Assad in Syria, Chavez in Venezuela, and, of course, Iran.
The real demons–Clinton, Bush, Obama–are “the exceptional and indispensable people” above the reach of demonization. Their horrific real crimes go unnoticed, while fictitious crimes are attributed to the unexceptional and dispensable people and countries.
The reason that Washington demonizes a leader and a country is to permit the creation of circumstances that Washington can use to act with force against a leader and a country.
Washington’s incessant lies alleging “Russian aggression” have created Russian aggression out of thin air. John Kerry and the State Department’s Marie Harf issue new lies daily, but never any supporting evidence. With the stage set, the US Senate, the NATO commander and the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff are busy at work energizing the wheels of war.
Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev agreed to allow the unification of Germany and its membership in NATO, a hostile military alliance. In the light of recent history, this was a most astonishing concession. There was a quid pro quo. President Bush and Secretary of State James Baker agreed that NATO would not expand “one inch to the East,” meaning into East Germany. Instantly, they expanded NATO to East Germany.(Whose Security?, Noam Chomsky, emphasis added). The madness naturally brings out the wisdom of those who are very concerned:
Gorbachev was naturally outraged, but when he complained, he was instructed by Washington that this had only been a verbal promise, a gentleman’s agreement, hence without force. If he was naïve enough to accept the word of American leaders, it was his problem.
All of this, too, was routine, as was the silent acceptance and approval of the expansion of NATO in the U.S. and the West generally. President Bill Clinton then expanded NATO further, right up to Russia’s borders. Today, the world faces a serious crisis that is in no small measure a result of these policies.
On the issue of nuclear weapons, the record is similarly interesting -- and frightening. It reveals very clearly that, from the earliest days, the security of the population was a non-issue, and remains so. There is no time here to run through the shocking record, but there is little doubt that it strongly supports the lament of General Lee Butler, the last commander of the Strategic Air Command, which was armed with nuclear weapons. In his words, we have so far survived the nuclear age “by some combination of skill, luck, and divine intervention, and I suspect the latter in greatest proportion.” And we can hardly count on continued divine intervention as policymakers play roulette with the fate of the species in pursuit of the driving factors in policy formation.
As we are all surely aware, we now face the most ominous decisions in human history. There are many problems that must be addressed, but two are overwhelming in their significance: environmental destruction and nuclear war. For the first time in history, we face the possibility of destroying the prospects for decent existence -- and not in the distant future. For this reason alone, it is imperative to sweep away the ideological clouds and face honestly and realistically the question of how policy decisions are made, and what we can do to alter them before it is too late.
In an article published by Op-Ed News, Eric Zuesse supports my reports of indications that Washington is preparing for a nuclear first strike against Russia.(US Beating Nuclear War Drums, emphasis added). Perhaps we should revisit The Most Dangerous Moment in Recorded History, Self Assured Destruction ("A nuclear war between Russia and the United States ... could produce a nuclear winter ... could be suicidal, resulting in self-assured destruction"), and The Lethality of Nuclear Weapons.
US war doctrine has been changed. US nuclear weapons are no longer restricted to a retaliatory force, but have been elevated to the role of preemptive nuclear attack. Washington pulled out of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with Russia and is developing and deploying an ABM shield. Washington is demonizing Russia and Russia’s President with shameless lies and propaganda, thus preparing the populations of the US and its client states for war with Russia.
Washington has been convinced by neoconservatives that Russian strategic nuclear forces are in run down and unprepared condition and are sitting ducks for attack. This false belief is based on out-of-date information, a decade old, such as the argument presented in “The Rise of U.S. Nuclear Primacy” by Keir A. Lieber and Daryl G. Press in the April 2006 issue of Foreign Affairs, a publication of the Council on Foreign Relations, an organization of American elites.
Regardless of the condition of Russian nuclear forces, the success of Washington’s first strike and degree of protection provided by Washington’s ABM shield against retaliation, the article I posted by Steven Starr, “The Lethality of Nuclear Weapons,” makes clear that nuclear war has no winners. Everyone dies.
The next post in this series is here, the previous post in this series is here.
-------------/ Life After People @ Chernobyl /-------------
A German commercial airliner pilot says MH017 was shot down by a Ukraine fighter accidentally (Shocking Analysis of the ‘Shooting Down’ of Malaysian MH17).
ReplyDeleteNoam Chomsky says civilization's fate is approaching midnight: Link
ReplyDeleteA European perspective of the nuclear "accidental war" threat (War in Europe - Is that really what Europe wants?);
ReplyDelete"Soviet Leader Gorbachev: Europe-Russia Tensions Could Lead To War" (link)