Saturday, October 26, 2024

Quantum Oceanography - 18

Fig. 1 Sectors of Antarctica

I. Background

In a previous post, I wrote "on to the next subject".

Today, that subject is the "impact of thermal expansion and contraction" that exists "in Antarctica".

That  is a place "where the seawater in contact with tidewater glaciers is warmer than what is required to melt those glaciers".

The cause of most tidewater glacier ice melt in Antarctica is not "surface melt", the primary cause of tidewater glacier melt is the temperature of seawater deep down and all along the face of the immense fronts of tidewater glaciers.

Glaciers that reach deep down thousands of feet under the seawater down to the grounding "line" or grounding "zone" where the ice makes contact with the ground.

II. Where The Action Is

There is a lot of action there at the grounding area:

"... glaciers experienced their largest mass loss in the last 50 years, with 2023 marking the second year of widespread ice loss globally ..."

(World Meteorological Organization; cf. Widespread seawater intrusions beneath the grounded ice of Thwaites Glacier; and 2nd video below). Two of the appendices to today's post (Melt Conditions, Melt Conditions Tables) show that the seawater along the WOD zones containing tidewater glaciers in all Antarctic Sectors is cool enough to melt those tidewater glaciers all around the coastline of Antarctica.


The TEOS-10 C++ software library was used to calculate the temperatures at which the ice would melt (the link at Fig. 1 links to additional graphs which detail those same TEOS-10 melt factors in an artistically different way).

The most critical factor in thermal expansion/contraction analysis is the "thermal expansion coefficient" (Unique thermal expansion properties of water key to the formation of sea ice on Earth).

Previously the thermal expansion factor for various oceans, including the ocean around Antarctica was considered (On Thermal Expansion & Thermal Contraction - 46).

IV. Don't Be Fooled

The notion of "thermal" change can fool us into thinking "thermal" means the warm we feel around a campfire, but that is not the case in the oceanography concepts of thermal expansion and thermal contraction.

There is no thermal expansion or contraction to any quantity of seawater (i.e. density/volume change per mass unit) unless there is a temperature change to that seawater.

The formula is: v = v0 * (1.0 + (tec * (t1 - t2)) 


v is the volume change (thermal expansion/contraction)

v0 is the volume of the seawater being tested (must be > 0) 

tec is the thermal expansion/contraction coefficient

t1 is the current temperature

t2 is the previous temperature

When t1 is equal to t2 (there was no temperature change), so tec * zero is zero; and 1.0 plus zero is 1.0; and finally v times 1.0 means  v0 is unchanged.

A negative v means thermal contraction, a positive v0 greater than zero increases v which means thermal expansion.

Did you notice that above (in section II) I said that the seawater around Antarctica's coastline is "cool enough" to melt glaciers?

I want to re-emphasize that point, so today we take another look at thermal expansion and thermal contraction in the cool seawater around the coastline of Antarctica.

Compare the appendix Thermal Expansion with the appendix Conservative Temperature and you will see that there is thermal expansion and thermal contraction in seawater temperatures that we would freeze to death in.

There are a lot of surprising things about "thermal" dynamics:

 "cold water quickly removes heat from the body which could lead to cold water shock within the first minute, loss of muscle control within 10 minutes or hypothermia within 20 to 30 minutes. When your body hits cold water, 'cold shock' can cause dramatic changes in breathing, heart rate and blood pressure."

(National Weather Service). Actually, it is the second law of thermodynamics at play in any such case, because hot/warm spontaneously flows to cool/cold.

Therefore, it is not technically correct to say that "cold water ... removes heat", but it is very correct to say it is dangerous to get into "freezing cold" water because the heat in out bodies will spontaneously flow into that cold water.

I want to shock readers into a better understanding by analyzing thermal expansion and thermal contraction in that very cold water deep under the Antarctic Ice Shelf near tidewater glacier grounding lines.

That is why I graphed thermal expansion and thermal contraction at each sector of the Antarctic coastline. 

V. Thermal Expansion and Contraction In "Freezing" Seawater

The article I quoted above goes on to say:

"Fifty five degree water [12.8 °C] may not sound very cold, but it can be deadly."

(National Weather Service). The seawater temperatures that are melting tidewater glaciers all around Antarctica range from about -1 °C (30.2 °F) to about 3 °C(37.4 °F), so they are deadlier than that 55 °F (12.8 °C) water temperature which the National Weather Service said can be "deadly".

Just in case you are not shocked yet, that "killer" water temperature (55 °F) causes thermal expansion and contraction only when its temperature is changed.

In other words, 3 °C (37.4 °F ) seawater can have thermal expansion when 12.8 °C (55 deg °F)  warmer water just above it can't. 

VI. How Is That?

Even if the seawater temperature is 80 °F (26.7 °C) as long as it stays at 80 °F (26.7 °C) there will be no thermal expansion or thermal contraction.

Even if it was to stay in that condition for a decade the volume would not change (no thermal expansion or thermal contraction would take place).

ONLY if there is a  change in that seawater's temperature can there be any thermal expansion or thermal contraction.

It's the same with the 3 °C (37.4 °F ) seawater, no change in temperature means no change in thermal expansion or thermal contraction.

So, back to the point that if the 80 °F (26.7 °C) stays the same while the 3 °C (37.4 °F ) seawater temperature changes (warms or cools) the much colder water will have thermal expansion or thermal contraction while the much warmer water will not.

Fact: temperature change equates to thermal expansion or thermal contraction, while temperature NOT changing equates to no thermal expansion and no thermal contraction.

VII. Closing Comments

I am providing graphs that show thermal expansion/contraction, Conservative Temperature, Potential Enthalpy, and photon count (mols), in the tidewaters along the coastline of Antarctica (Appendix CT, Appendix Ho, Appendix Photons, and Appendix Thermal Expansion).

Note also that the discussions of "thermal change" are discussions of the effects of photon currents (The Photon Current, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11).

The previous post in this series is here.

Appendix Conservative Temperature

This is an appendix to: Quantum Oceanography - 18

Appendix Melt Conditions Tables

This is an appendix to: Quantum Oceanography - 18

Sector: Bellingshausen Sea

Temperatures (deg. C):
Conservative Temperature (CT)
Ice Melt Boundary (CTf)

epipelagic (0-200 m)
mesopelagic (201-1000 m)
bathypelagic (1001-4000 m)

Year Epi-CT Epi-CTf Meso-CT Meso-CTf Bathy-CT Bathy-CTf

1951 0.370004 -1.86127 2.06583 -2.27488 1.78438 -2.92691
1952 0.501088 -1.85356 1.77247 -2.23959 1.35784 -2.92835
1953 0.632171 -1.84585 1.47911 -2.2043 1.78438 -2.92691
1954 0.763254 -1.83814 1.18574 -2.16902 1.35784 -2.92835
1955 0.894338 -1.83043 0.892383 -2.13373 1.14457 -2.92908
1956 0.296059 -1.8503 0.936555 -2.2302 0.931301 -2.9298
1957 -0.017963 -1.8652 1.33877 -2.25197 0.87775 -3.25294
1958 -0.331985 -1.8801 1.74098 -2.27374 0.824199 -3.57608
1959 -0.901573 -1.88712 0.954679 -2.13609 0.849622 -3.41709
1960 -1.10673 -1.89923 1.31216 -2.27858 0.875046 -3.25809
1961 1.31827 -1.82858 1.56303 -2.27598 1.02399 -3.25371
1962 -0.414223 -1.89204 1.81389 -2.27339 1.17293 -3.24933
1963 0.369599 -1.88472 1.88945 -2.29883 1.17 -3.59442
1964 -0.0634432 -1.88015 1.75516 -2.22078 1.04944 -3.50671
1965 0.588028 -1.86961 2.04844 -2.21304 2.11967 -2.9249
1966 0.230104 -1.91996 1.34519 -2.28372 0.893932 -3.32638
1967 0.501672 -1.85041 1.37579 -2.31017 0.80373 -3.2789
1968 0.602838 -1.87335 1.40638 -2.33661 0.713528 -3.23142
1969 1.48592 -1.8387 2.07978 -2.26513 1.44988 -3.52458
1970 -0.194895 -1.88531 1.50357 -2.22855 0.807547 -3.66849
1971 0.953624 -1.89915 1.8749 -2.33516 1.12472 -3.25145
1972 0.341544 -1.88139 0.896709 -2.171 1.11637 -3.30969
1973 0.431215 -1.8681 1.87136 -2.27203 1.10802 -3.36793
1974 0.311324 -1.871 1.80756 -2.27362 0.873903 -3.44712
1975 1.34502 -1.80765 1.67177 -2.27599 0.853358 -3.35948
1976 0.626061 -1.86547 1.86447 -2.2824 1.18159 -3.53306
1977 -0.64091 -1.90588 1.36985 -2.31875 0.735525 -3.38732
1978 -0.283621 -1.88456 1.51104 -2.25224 1.37647 -2.71882
1979 0.557408 -1.86755 1.67923 -2.29065 0.877468 -3.3375
1980 1.36116 -1.8483 2.09676 -2.31323 1.15045 -3.53342
1981 1.30822 -1.82928 1.29193 -2.27293 1.15299 -2.75959
1982 0.582048 -1.86803 1.26935 -2.28827 1.09246 -2.80692
1983 -0.101785 -1.87872 0.202434 -2.28906 0.1994 -2.86536
1984 -0.725019 -1.92095 -0.0556429 -2.29155 0.508909 -3.15148
1985 0.530473 -1.876 1.32374 -2.28995 0.818418 -3.4376
1986 -0.686219 -1.90526 0.48059 -2.34062 1.32536 -2.81607
1987 0.124595 -1.88016 0.839646 -2.27906 1.03503 -2.69065
1988 1.29607 -1.85691 0.198325 -2.17257 1.32536 -2.81607
1989 0.102162 -1.91302 1.31079 -2.29638 1.03503 -2.69065
1990 0.27402 -1.89207 1.39192 -2.33588 1.12549 -3.41399
1991 -0.752374 -1.89349 1.31566 -2.12783 1.00676 -3.47742
1992 -0.591612 -1.89115 1.58061 -2.28277 0.888037 -3.54084
1993 0.0864812 -1.87811 1.27944 -2.25589 0.772118 -3.37845
1994 -1.18263 -1.90169 0.839168 -2.30113 0.736805 -3.54372
1995 -0.339158 -1.89842 0.291761 -2.30043 0.832769 -3.77364
1996 0.300577 -1.85939 0.231355 -2.31052 0.725964 -3.44441
1997 -0.362288 -1.84705 0.675767 -2.25788 0.938267 -3.25729
1998 -0.46461 -1.88901 0.265313 -2.32366 1.15057 -3.07017
1999 -0.534803 -1.90776 0.148434 -2.25175 0.890598 -3.53024
2000 0.238049 -1.86428 1.43147 -2.32354 0.770859 -3.19348
2001 -0.983479 -1.89774 1.1487 -2.26445 0.872453 -3.10931
2002 -0.577669 -1.89842 1.05452 -2.25662 0.722802 -3.09768
2003 0.0435873 -1.87581 1.60714 -2.30715 0.728956 -3.54415
2004 0.158674 -1.87806 1.47975 -2.2782 0.755774 -3.25614
2005 0.448729 -1.81792 1.83478 -2.23214 1.13969 -3.62024
2006 1.18923 -1.84181 2.11131 -2.25322 1.05281 -3.53612
2007 -0.187526 -1.88371 1.50837 -2.28299 1.0013 -3.37387
2008 -0.359545 -1.89307 1.46177 -2.2865 0.747538 -3.38097
2009 -0.35054 -1.89431 1.2692 -2.29182 0.83845 -3.42339
2010 -0.310468 -1.89732 1.46442 -2.28564 0.949334 -3.53947
2011 0.449978 -1.87234 1.75786 -2.23969 0.864653 -3.54094
2012 0.91825 -1.86135 2.24718 -2.25864 1.9701 -2.86607
2013 -0.207294 -1.89034 1.75206 -2.27536 1.86963 -2.88939
2014 -0.309012 -1.88877 1.61356 -2.27795 1.12338 -2.90049
2015 0.083552 -1.86593 1.88657 -2.27271 1.38897 -2.98333
2016 0.721822 -1.85642 2.51483 -2.21165 1.15193 -3.22042
2017 0.527196 -1.86852 1.82246 -2.27468 1.10501 -3.19642
2018 0.160877 -1.88787 1.60034 -2.27984 0.974819 -3.37463
2019 0.565324 -1.83672 1.86735 -2.23973 1.35899 -2.94665
2020 0.188475 -1.88065 1.81913 -2.27409 1.50204 -3.02054
2021 0.320441 -1.87152 1.97147 -2.29036 1.5125 -2.89843
2022 0.728211 -1.79649 1.57324 -2.25583 1.59746 -3.00716
2023 0.353909 -1.79609 2.17853 -2.26012 1.41739 -3.52794

Sector: Indian Ocean

Temperatures (deg. C):
Conservative Temperature (CT)
Ice Melt Boundary (CTf)

epipelagic (0-200 m)
mesopelagic (201-1000 m)
bathypelagic (1001-4000 m)

Year Epi-CT Epi-CTf Meso-CT Meso-CTf Bathy-CT Bathy-CTf

1951 -1.63503 -1.97056 0.379372 -2.2341 0.162922 -2.95005
1952 -0.806349 -1.9408 0.666253 -2.28557 0.162747 -3.22591
1953 -1.63503 -1.97056 0.379372 -2.2341 0.162922 -2.95005
1954 -0.806349 -1.9408 0.666253 -2.28557 0.162747 -3.22591
1955 -0.392009 -1.92592 0.809693 -2.3113 0.16266 -3.36383
1956 0.0223318 -1.91104 0.953133 -2.33703 0.162573 -3.50176
1957 -0.731096 -1.90484 0.54637 -2.30568 0.118299 -3.55652
1958 -0.955243 -1.91608 0.320084 -2.2902 0.031137 -3.34213
1959 -0.784747 -1.9101 0.706394 -2.2744 0.104942 -3.32325
1960 -1.08556 -1.9174 0.863854 -2.28008 -0.0863956 -3.4349
1961 -1.03716 -1.90967 0.223347 -2.31227 0.391541 -3.23717
1962 -1.59696 -1.88242 0.107319 -2.31262 0.215638 -3.38591
1963 -0.887208 -1.90523 -0.00870856 -2.31296 0.039736 -3.53464
1964 -0.939305 -1.91162 -1.04816 -2.15238 0.039348 -3.48411
1965 -1.14604 -1.90451 -0.207967 -2.31917 0.0389601 -3.43358
1966 -1.17766 -1.90673 0.092517 -2.2345 0.0826777 -2.90835
1967 -0.844135 -1.90652 -0.104133 -2.31794 0.335048 -3.21479
1968 -1.11076 -1.92624 0.588324 -2.29568 0.0321792 -3.15218
1969 -0.594286 -1.90193 -0.266831 -2.32195 -0.145333 -3.332
1970 -1.21851 -1.91658 0.438034 -2.32836 0.181081 -3.29093
1971 -0.609573 -1.90276 1.01713 -2.29799 0.129832 -3.55646
1972 0.305484 -1.89046 1.0782 -2.23342 0.82509 -2.85511
1973 -0.909456 -1.90772 0.792625 -2.22515 0.184151 -3.39074
1974 -0.421818 -1.89672 0.782953 -2.30135 0.0987748 -3.55725
1975 -0.0793447 -1.8931 1.25447 -2.29222 0.381126 -3.21417
1976 -0.338783 -1.89228 0.865557 -2.35389 0.211167 -3.55108
1977 0.553485 -1.8767 1.33832 -2.29019 0.360496 -3.52667
1978 -0.0141254 -1.89577 0.901237 -2.29958 0.215678 -3.39051
1979 -0.565511 -1.9079 0.574945 -2.30676 0.143026 -3.6183
1980 -0.872129 -1.90925 0.416655 -2.30871 0.395265 -3.0192
1981 -0.335538 -1.89429 0.749346 -2.30248 0.118807 -3.55575
1982 -0.69101 -1.90887 0.676911 -2.30308 0.156088 -3.5549
1983 -0.370492 -1.89815 0.809198 -2.30051 0.0557226 -3.55713
1984 -0.577762 -1.90347 0.775523 -2.30145 0.165209 -3.55563
1985 -0.589705 -1.89995 0.577494 -2.30716 0.158135 -3.55658
1986 -0.613482 -1.90102 1.18058 -2.29364 0.100277 -3.55633
1987 -0.497873 -1.8983 1.03469 -2.2962 0.158043 -3.55536
1988 0.109254 -1.86296 1.21142 -2.29149 0.263653 -3.42909
1989 -1.46348 -1.92097 -0.0762054 -2.31757 -0.0554843 -3.24589
1990 0.110027 -1.88232 1.15862 -2.29255 0.300256 -3.55259
1991 -0.661806 -1.90915 0.406173 -2.30981 0.173623 -3.34474
1992 -0.342306 -1.8883 0.749428 -2.2974 0.112698 -3.55648
1993 -0.58937 -1.89985 0.810559 -2.28125 0.104836 -3.55637
1994 0.0726527 -1.88984 1.20585 -2.29307 0.329556 -3.55225
1995 0.210394 -1.88181 1.17725 -2.32948 0.191474 -3.60781
1996 -0.359888 -1.9002 1.07753 -2.2953 0.25741 -3.55322
1997 -1.40678 -1.92006 -1.1789 -2.32307 -1.90116 -2.79124
1998 0.0541906 -1.88494 1.51986 -2.3214 0.696636 -3.10982
1999 0.36755 -1.88805 1.3472 -2.25367 0.49362 -3.38455
2000 -0.283839 -1.90181 1.35767 -2.30136 0.658216 -3.28553
2001 -0.781176 -1.90609 0.667708 -2.30366 0.534247 -2.93319
2002 -0.802708 -1.90992 0.0380827 -2.31648 -0.102742 -3.6413
2003 -0.0496089 -1.88955 0.943536 -2.29838 0.0925541 -3.55656
2004 -0.160955 -1.89445 0.939694 -2.29701 0.272665 -3.38918
2005 -0.138352 -1.88973 0.976718 -2.29685 0.309648 -3.2874
2006 -0.582876 -1.90185 0.697396 -2.30257 0.172501 -3.5549
2007 -0.664821 -1.90727 0.996598 -2.29736 0.222209 -3.38988
2008 -0.982684 -1.90828 0.152734 -2.31404 0.175916 -3.43638
2009 -0.611758 -1.90001 1.08409 -2.29514 0.609669 -2.91874
2010 -1.0645 -1.91432 0.251093 -2.3098 0.106147 -2.99856
2011 -0.816847 -1.90933 0.565536 -2.3071 0.316252 -2.99923
2012 -0.923896 -1.90187 0.660925 -2.30071 0.446794 -2.9207
2013 -0.35366 -1.8979 0.97373 -2.29566 0.227408 -3.55365
2014 -1.11147 -1.915 0.446278 -2.30695 0.287251 -2.92452
2015 -0.665276 -1.90655 0.897594 -2.29953 0.199327 -3.39027
2016 -0.558603 -1.90368 0.912691 -2.29881 0.254969 -3.39004
2017 -0.260365 -1.89423 1.1719 -2.29309 0.47752 -2.9968
2018 -0.429478 -1.90429 1.02034 -2.29917 0.378549 -3.21759
2019 -0.547333 -1.903 0.849488 -2.30134 0.113986 -3.55692
2020 -0.401955 -1.89912 1.01604 -2.29827 0.124827 -3.55796
2021 -0.397465 -1.88756 1.11031 -2.29009 0.238082 -3.38812
2022 -0.393593 -1.89388 1.05821 -2.29488 0.257544 -3.24091
2023 -0.616215 -1.90426 1.29521 -2.29247 0.595058 -2.99355

Sector: Weddell Sea

Temperatures (deg. C):
Conservative Temperature (CT)
Ice Melt Boundary (CTf)

epipelagic (0-200 m)
mesopelagic (201-1000 m)
bathypelagic (1001-4000 m)

Year Epi-CT Epi-CTf Meso-CT Meso-CTf Bathy-CT Bathy-CTf

1951 -0.155904 -1.89457 0.0470472 -2.2546

1952 -0.565387 -1.89447 0.203099 -2.16185

1953 -0.97487 -1.89437 0.359151 -2.0691

1954 -0.461653 -1.90872 0.513886 -2.10919

1955 -0.872732 -1.9135 -0.451007 -2.32553 -0.0403999 -3.11706
1956 -1.16128 -1.92489 -0.0571883 -2.31749 -0.100732 -3.46016
1957 -0.649075 -1.913 -0.0323333 -2.26457 -0.0184204 -3.46567
1958 -1.26071 -1.92971 -0.0366059 -2.32101 0.0149777 -3.39464
1959 -1.45673 -1.93131 -0.596499 -2.33023 -0.0455722 -3.55919
1960 -1.11371 -1.91872 0.237776 -2.31147 -0.0450332 -3.11098
1961 -1.45759 -1.92916 -0.384588 -2.32726 -0.040238 -3.00548
1962 -0.525397 -1.90574 0.608737 -2.30646 0.560865 -3.25959
1963 -0.815666 -1.91115 -0.15336 -2.31867 -0.248016 -3.5628
1964 -0.949806 -1.92026 0.654252 -2.31382 -0.136224 -3.62177
1965 -0.906191 -1.91091 0.0370727 -2.31528 0.10205 -3.25567
1966 -0.917158 -1.91533 -0.338081 -2.32545 -0.25082 -3.56317
1967 -0.358929 -1.89698 0.431362 -2.30787 -0.131363 -3.5613
1968 -0.880225 -1.91665 0.060764 -2.31634 -0.239957 -3.56329
1969 -0.70288 -1.91366 0.107272 -2.31628 -0.126257 -3.56109
1970 -0.9949 -1.90939 -0.171782 -2.31985 0.0299252 -3.39411
1971 -0.782053 -1.91536 0.350308 -2.3097 0.110033 -3.55585
1972 -0.539195 -1.90362 0.466701 -2.3053 -0.0444089 -3.55613
1973 -1.04793 -1.9202 -0.076567 -2.31958 -0.193183 -3.56258
1974 -0.506063 -1.90501 0.327125 -2.31069 -0.0712468 -3.62082
1975 -0.114651 -1.89808 0.364778 -2.30965 -0.150035 -3.56098
1976 -0.412278 -1.90175 -0.0124293 -2.28849 -0.208406 -3.06858
1977 -0.209291 -1.90092 0.101416 -2.31509 -0.212615 -3.56277
1978 -0.673385 -1.90726 0.246406 -2.31087 -0.150025 -3.56105
1979 -0.554852 -1.90349 -0.548788 -2.21753 -1.48739 -2.89783
1980 -0.0644131 -1.90379 0.262966 -2.31327 0.0132666 -3.5586
1981 -0.531408 -1.89396 0.145523 -2.30828 -0.350608 -3.63413
1982 -0.747635 -1.91147 0.0819866 -2.31467 -0.305955 -3.24809
1983 -1.13655 -1.92009 -0.323905 -2.32454 -0.252356 -3.56404
1984 -0.463807 -1.90865 -0.0669318 -2.31997 -0.132989 -3.56072
1985 -0.977984 -1.9185 -0.443382 -2.32738 -0.221127 -3.56354
1986 -1.33259 -1.93052 -0.058573 -2.31775 -0.136805 -3.56086
1987 -0.798376 -1.91561 0.18206 -2.31392 -0.283004 -3.56371
1988 -0.525004 -1.90547 0.381366 -2.3083 0.0426966 -3.55757
1989 -1.24261 -1.92984 -0.0478101 -2.31781 -0.20137 -3.56256
1990 -0.849143 -1.92297 0.113177 -2.31452 -0.267221 -3.56365
1991 -1.32207 -1.91504 -0.132566 -2.31741 -0.200928 -3.56249
1992 -1.24015 -1.92613 0.0645511 -2.31403 -0.134047 -3.56094
1993 -1.17234 -1.92774 0.276727 -2.31226 -0.275242 -3.56385
1994 -1.00689 -1.91959 0.166663 -2.31417 -0.122285 -3.56062
1995 -1.2434 -1.92345 -0.265081 -2.32323 -0.170469 -3.56132
1996 -0.951541 -1.91831 0.233911 -2.31158 -0.19423 -3.5622
1997 -1.28696 -1.9196 0.162134 -2.31359 -0.324597 -3.56382
1998 -0.933453 -1.91652 0.270904 -2.3123 -0.26217 -3.56322
1999 -0.889705 -1.91528 -0.136122 -2.31921 -0.201306 -3.56193
2000 -0.680679 -1.91385 0.0855314 -2.31533 -0.279637 -3.56355
2001 -0.94108 -1.91896 0.215386 -2.31436 -0.31964 -3.56434
2002 -0.554358 -1.90949 0.743408 -2.30223 -0.0437086 -3.55894
2003 -0.623445 -1.91065 0.460283 -2.30844 -0.0587502 -3.55922
2004 -0.0592572 -1.89834 0.688928 -2.30256 0.04501 -3.32919
2005 -0.823473 -1.91578 0.345122 -2.31009 -0.138062 -3.56099
2006 -0.804692 -1.91942 0.507772 -2.30623 0.425917 -3.54707
2007 -0.961889 -1.92274 0.740647 -2.29954 0.288824 -3.27127
2008 -1.11497 -1.92163 0.20982 -2.31295 -0.0666119 -3.55906
2009 -1.09354 -1.92357 0.106767 -2.31582 -0.207806 -3.56116
2010 -0.792989 -1.91539 0.38935 -2.30438 -0.120022 -3.55893
2011 -1.01627 -1.92432 0.137736 -2.31567 -0.178494 -3.44331
2012 -0.811097 -1.91678 0.471129 -2.30826 -0.140527 -3.52885
2013 -0.793992 -1.91575 0.440148 -2.30754 -0.188928 -3.56067
2014 -1.08987 -1.92408 0.305623 -2.31268 -0.126539 -3.56079
2015 -0.77114 -1.91397 0.421641 -2.30949 -0.0857809 -3.55973
2016 -0.663575 -1.91288 0.325705 -2.31131 -0.0458669 -3.44037
2017 -0.82905 -1.91663 0.420266 -2.30889 -0.0510777 -3.55929
2018 -0.858362 -1.91406 0.307605 -2.31198 -0.106732 -3.56063
2019 -0.631658 -1.91194 0.453972 -2.30817 -0.0678146 -3.55935
2020 -0.547722 -1.90307 0.523801 -2.30114 -0.0694952 -3.55823
2021 -0.848662 -1.91156 0.351343 -2.30817 -0.117298 -3.56
2022 -0.656283 -1.92088 0.37999 -2.31408 0.00563033 -3.34203
2023 -0.463702 -1.85552 0.555517 -2.2702 0.0930511 -2.91649

Sector: Ross Sea

Temperatures (deg. C):
Conservative Temperature (CT)
Ice Melt Boundary (CTf)

epipelagic (0-200 m)
mesopelagic (201-1000 m)
bathypelagic (1001-4000 m)

Year Epi-CT Epi-CTf Meso-CT Meso-CTf Bathy-CT Bathy-CTf
1950 0.266843 -1.88177 2.02825 -2.36369 1.87195 -2.66718
1951 -0.877291 -1.90178 1.45528 -2.28604 0.648962 -3.34298
1952 -0.568359 -1.90644 0.6693 -2.27503 0.536973 -3.23901
1953 -0.508094 -1.88908 -0.11668 -2.26403 0.648962 -3.34298
1954 -0.568359 -1.90644 -0.90266 -2.25302 0.536973 -3.23901
1955 -0.508094 -1.88908 -1.68864 -2.24201 0.480978 -3.18703
1956 -0.223458 -1.89981 0.33464 -2.30919 0.424983 -3.13504
1957 -0.788624 -1.91984 -0.530769 -2.33435 0.490514 -3.34219
1958 -0.488952 -1.90971 0.160684 -2.31665 0.556045 -3.54934
1959 -0.841586 -1.91807 -0.595525 -2.33724 0.38755 -3.28471
1960 -1.19718 -1.9269 0.393282 -2.313 0.492748 -3.38652
1961 -1.2795 -1.93314 -0.340081 -2.25641 0.574612 -3.13268
1962 -1.18644 -1.92701 -1.00512 -2.31494 0.656475 -2.87884
1963 -0.631546 -1.91289 -0.678857 -2.33963 0.304327 -2.92576
1964 -0.697539 -1.91504 1.12434 -2.29316 0.653281 -3.54609
1965 -0.625304 -1.90985 0.634009 -2.30889 0.545938 -3.3843
1966 -1.1069 -1.93397 -0.56633 -2.33922 0.28959 -2.90604
1967 -0.395388 -1.90922 0.212982 -2.31813 0.338365 -3.38895
1968 -0.486098 -1.90759 0.757446 -2.30417 0.450959 -3.55118
1969 -0.457428 -1.90457 0.782254 -2.30344 0.551002 -3.38412
1970 -0.306688 -1.90146 0.930179 -2.30044 0.544581 -3.54847
1971 -0.518296 -1.90927 0.602939 -2.30632 0.281002 -3.38968
1972 -0.423298 -1.89995 0.9476 -2.29888 0.307292 -3.55393
1973 0.30331 -1.88453 1.53097 -2.28361 0.58926 -2.95135
1974 -0.0414613 -1.89354 0.722968 -2.30495 0.624156 -3.54668
1975 0.0702092 -1.88553 1.10661 -2.29806 0.68833 -2.73977
1976 -1.09448 -1.92305 -0.153678 -2.32293 0.472814 -2.99643
1977 -0.309567 -1.90161 0.449764 -2.30965 0.419255 -3.26262
1978 -0.231067 -1.90121 -0.17817 -2.32551 0.963685 -3.41388
1979 -0.20899 -1.90371 0.193226 -2.31418 1.42253 -2.72797
1980 -0.547436 -1.91315 0.572371 -2.25455 0.92363 -2.69042
1981 -0.555593 -1.90712 0.508736 -2.28881 0.874043 -3.54037
1982 -0.911139 -1.91799 -0.173417 -2.32379 0.685128 -2.77374
1983 -0.229285 -1.89735 0.347914 -2.31169 0.942253 -3.22626
1984 -0.956313 -1.92098 -0.908382 -2.34018 0.28598 -2.99975
1985 -0.896258 -1.91805 -0.0612244 -2.32309 0.375644 -3.55195
1986 -0.339821 -1.89888 1.09485 -2.29641 0.532103 -3.54891
1987 -0.735289 -1.9085 1.05575 -2.2965 0.380416 -3.55099
1988 -0.6886 -1.90769 0.569427 -2.30858 0.391107 -3.10558
1989 -0.513726 -1.90032 1.10481 -2.29508 0.433075 -3.6297
1990 0.128258 -1.89516 -0.416677 -2.33128 0.92328 -3.10737
1991 -0.130078 -1.89717 0.184679 -2.3168 0.634112 -3.33
1992 -0.388415 -1.89919 0.786036 -2.30232 0.344945 -3.55264
1993 -0.821937 -1.91012 0.462792 -2.30869 0.401536 -3.55169
1994 -1.25546 -1.92105 0.139548 -2.31506 0.458127 -3.55075
1995 -1.46059 -1.93119 -0.658817 -2.32496 0.0391526 -3.09503
1996 -0.658342 -1.91192 0.3766 -2.31172 0.937832 -3.53935
1997 -0.591835 -1.91013 0.0680342 -2.31832 0.804505 -3.37831
1998 -0.673057 -1.91053 -0.170172 -2.32596 0.758344 -3.54396
1999 -0.80329 -1.90752 1.29548 -2.25382 0.739594 -3.26519
2000 -1.23084 -1.91371 -0.0995127 -2.31984 0.720845 -2.98642
2001 -0.524367 -1.90245 0.746292 -2.3034 0.675604 -2.99131
2002 -1.23084 -1.91371 -0.0995127 -2.31984 0.720845 -2.98642
2003 -0.524367 -1.90245 0.746292 -2.3034 0.675604 -2.99131
2004 -0.383725 -1.90306 1.10975 -2.29775 0.387685 -3.55184
2005 0.689262 -1.86771 1.6986 -2.27856 0.717588 -3.54478
2006 0.0863954 -1.8793 1.55045 -2.27974 1.33689 -2.90293
2007 -0.652996 -1.89729 0.434138 -2.30565 0.997423 -2.98404
2008 0.0716336 -1.88399 0.913277 -2.29812 0.918226 -3.27541
2009 -0.0759436 -1.8862 1.07181 -2.2923 1.30163 -3.21759
2010 -0.454212 -1.90311 0.881973 -2.30226 1.14593 -2.90767
2011 -0.708238 -1.90752 0.903011 -2.30016 0.496843 -3.54987
2012 -0.339472 -1.90545 0.510185 -2.31256 0.698075 -3.37962
2013 -0.292739 -1.89642 1.00817 -2.29676 1.05357 -2.90974
2014 -0.299481 -1.89539 0.738702 -2.3003 0.580948 -3.55827
2015 -0.394367 -1.88658 1.30733 -2.28296 0.840607 -3.37083
2016 -0.371855 -1.88832 1.08503 -2.28425 0.736331 -3.55342
2017 -0.605844 -1.90367 0.906563 -2.30033 0.507352 -3.55056
2018 -0.734135 -1.90768 1.03588 -2.29707 0.461311 -3.55093
2019 -0.622347 -1.90199 1.00978 -2.29149 0.731275 -3.46824
2020 -0.484761 -1.89514 1.31197 -2.28618 0.65393 -3.54474
2021 -0.640606 -1.89928 1.01137 -2.29196 0.739403 -3.5424
2022 -0.648301 -1.89531 0.807604 -2.28955 0.617867 -3.38167
2023 -0.36699 -1.90428 1.17178 -2.29544 0.866195 -3.37854

Sector: Western Pacific Ocean

Temperatures (deg. C):
Conservative Temperature (CT)
Ice Melt Boundary (CTf)

epipelagic (0-200 m)
mesopelagic (201-1000 m)
bathypelagic (1001-4000 m)

Year Epi-CT Epi-CTf Meso-CT Meso-CTf Bathy-CT Bathy-CTf
1950 -1.02978 -1.8923 0.62643 -2.34148 0.185507 -3.44273
1951 0.224626 -1.88951 1.11392 -2.31046 0.433039 -3.24017
1952 -0.202562 -1.89811 0.676148 -2.31231 0.255293 -3.38838
1953 0.224626 -1.88951 1.11392 -2.31046 0.433039 -3.24017
1954 -0.202562 -1.89811 0.676148 -2.31231 0.255293 -3.38838
1955 -0.416155 -1.90242 0.457262 -2.31323 0.16642 -3.46249
1956 -0.629749 -1.90672 0.238376 -2.31415 0.0775469 -3.53659
1957 -1.15971 -1.89379 -0.380448 -2.35072 0.0729063 -3.24525
1958 -1.22785 -1.91185 -1.47789 -2.19107 0.0409914 -3.22803
1959 -1.40869 -1.92141 0.175065 -2.29077 0.0090766 -3.21081
1960 -1.0859 -1.92627 0.437579 -2.26668 0.123405 -3.15656
1961 -1.48806 -1.92787 -1.56543 -2.32894 -0.545682 -3.04373
1962 -0.162879 -1.8926 1.66386 -2.00435 -0.133678 -3.25262
1963 -0.503396 -1.88514 1.59923 -1.99163 -0.545682 -3.04373
1964 -0.204268 -1.88849 -1.20333 -2.15048 -0.133678 -3.25262
1965 0.344497 -1.88581 -0.917726 -2.10523 0.0723247 -3.35707
1966 -1.04269 -1.91818 -1.04651 -2.33563 0.278327 -3.46151
1967 -0.152414 -1.89575 0.541395 -2.30443 0.11464 -3.43999
1968 0.518537 -1.876 1.73971 -2.2798 0.786218 -3.54323
1969 -0.177138 -1.89575 0.42833 -2.30778 0.167823 -3.39136
1970 -0.580714 -1.90832 0.767398 -2.30198 0.270639 -3.55383
1971 -0.542656 -1.90622 0.966145 -2.29913 0.175348 -3.55641
1972 -0.43299 -1.8977 0.749423 -2.30172 0.253979 -3.07753
1973 0.391444 -1.88003 1.16404 -2.29355 0.252198 -3.06176
1974 0.0295195 -1.89541 1.20313 -2.29203 0.427504 -2.96918
1975 0.381628 -1.89441 1.32888 -2.31166 0.700295 -2.95207
1976 0.733736 -1.89341 1.45463 -2.33129 0.973085 -2.93495
1977 -0.30182 -1.90059 0.881239 -2.30042 0.597095 -3.31675
1978 -0.62625 -1.90438 0.597701 -2.30303 -0.0938748 -3.11482
1979 -0.0884789 -1.89687 0.728577 -2.30376 0.015874 -3.03493
1980 -0.0831133 -1.89411 0.695792 -2.30537 0.207056 -2.7859
1981 0.527145 -1.88156 1.13556 -2.29606 0.406767 -3.55074
1982 -0.277702 -1.88468 1.35723 -2.26831 0.89707 -2.6891
1983 -0.236609 -1.89354 0.994416 -2.29646 0.166214 -3.55429
1984 0.284345 -1.88642 1.31915 -2.29064 0.57472 -3.09381
1985 -0.599245 -1.90565 0.524914 -2.30673 0.156283 -3.24207
1986 -0.0836556 -1.89642 0.949419 -2.29878 0.0408835 -3.05563
1987 -0.128235 -1.89708 0.753363 -2.30114 -0.074516 -2.86918
1988 -0.252608 -1.89977 0.817004 -2.30095 0.120962 -3.24247
1989 -1.12925 -1.91081 0.437483 -2.30832 0.292498 -3.10731
1990 1.21159 -1.86032 1.69805 -2.28004 0.453163 -3.54868
1991 -0.0119996 -1.87015 1.22979 -2.30159 0.281944 -3.6565
1992 0.201629 -1.89178 0.992755 -2.29826 0.479469 -3.10266
1993 0.548014 -1.88246 1.22723 -2.29317 0.359158 -3.38779
1994 -0.044903 -1.89275 1.08633 -2.29556 0.328127 -3.5521
1995 -0.391346 -1.90044 1.08822 -2.29608 0.223559 -3.55439
1996 -0.495534 -1.90263 0.914729 -2.29871 0.163329 -3.55546
1997 0.0454496 -1.88057 -0.210965 -2.31886 -0.50956 -3.25378
1998 0.722881 -1.88248 1.2373 -2.29319 0.565773 -3.11243
1999 1.0967 -1.86247 1.28409 -2.25435 0.734622 -3.24316
2000 -0.404819 -1.90959 0.242626 -2.2938 0.0957482 -3.45964
2001 0.0399127 -1.89197 1.21363 -2.29283 0.182249 -3.39061
2002 0.293063 -1.88454 1.22542 -2.29155 0.30638 -3.55221
2003 -0.0765183 -1.89496 1.05416 -2.29671 0.205824 -3.48017
2004 -0.445809 -1.90143 0.788139 -2.3013 0.252722 -3.38981
2005 -0.257683 -1.89859 1.11435 -2.29374 0.417188 -3.55056
2006 0.230394 -1.88439 1.60816 -2.28445 0.686371 -3.23072
2007 -0.131882 -1.89447 1.09766 -2.29514 0.447422 -3.38554
2008 -0.382979 -1.90375 0.823437 -2.30098 0.227497 -3.55416
2009 -0.380997 -1.90011 1.12078 -2.29441 0.719844 -2.91665
2010 -0.141308 -1.89726 1.26232 -2.29283 0.804822 -2.98796
2011 -0.261463 -1.89628 1.06448 -2.2959 0.406043 -3.55039
2012 -0.178464 -1.89303 1.16999 -2.29231 0.421183 -3.55005
2013 -0.335684 -1.89659 1.17909 -2.29235 0.363967 -3.55044
2014 -0.624639 -1.90593 1.05699 -2.29628 0.456314 -3.38507
2015 -0.41879 -1.90204 0.804871 -2.30134 0.360275 -3.55119
2016 0.0957116 -1.88942 1.47207 -2.28728 0.437168 -3.55048
2017 0.0382787 -1.89127 1.21696 -2.2939 0.493485 -3.38214
2018 -0.070701 -1.8938 1.2989 -2.29392 0.408245 -3.55207
2019 0.146519 -1.88945 1.28444 -2.2934 0.359452 -3.55349
2020 0.109883 -1.89005 1.28514 -2.29341 0.406056 -3.55197
2021 0.0183649 -1.88049 1.3646 -2.28434 0.397066 -3.54902
2022 -0.23359 -1.89938 1.02599 -2.29881 0.422668 -3.55297
2023 0.0516029 -1.89398 1.38805 -2.29374 0.481908 -3.55205

Sector: Amundsen Sea

Temperatures (deg. C):
Conservative Temperature (CT)
Ice Melt Boundary (CTf)

epipelagic (0-200 m)
mesopelagic (201-1000 m)
bathypelagic (1001-4000 m)

Year Epi-CT Epi-CTf Meso-CT Meso-CTf Bathy-CT Bathy-CTf

1951 0.684186 -1.8738 2.18396 -2.23443 1.29025 -3.59855
1952 0.545841 -1.87544 2.13377 -2.23593 1.24258 -3.60213
1953 0.407495 -1.87709 2.08358 -2.23744 1.1949 -3.6057
1954 0.26915 -1.87873 2.0334 -2.23894 1.14723 -3.60927
1955 0.130804 -1.88037 1.98321 -2.24045 1.09956 -3.61285
1956 -0.422577 -1.88695 1.78246 -2.24646 0.908862 -3.62715
1957 0.130804 -1.88037 1.98321 -2.24045 1.09956 -3.61285
1958 -0.422577 -1.88695 1.78246 -2.24646 0.908862 -3.62715
1959 -0.224299 -1.88297 1.75507 -2.25978 0.93687 -3.67911
1960 -0.026021 -1.87899 1.72768 -2.27311 0.964879 -3.73108
1961 -1.124 -1.90676 1.29828 -2.29054 0.584709 -3.62471
1962 1.04913 -1.83484 1.21099 -2.14664 0.836884 -3.54188
1963 1.49696 -1.84468 1.1237 -2.00274 0.584709 -3.62471
1964 0.20864 -1.8796 1.75399 -2.27324 0.836884 -3.54188
1965 1.31488 -1.85234 1.85268 -2.27033 1.09213 -3.53643
1966 2.12949 -1.84545 1.98136 -2.23253 1.22232 -3.63081
1967 1.01144 -1.86499 1.84442 -2.25494 0.966896 -3.50589
1968 -0.10662 -1.88453 1.70749 -2.27735 0.711471 -3.38096
1969 -0.633269 -1.90091 1.74232 -2.28163 0.996451 -3.48468
1970 1.5481 -1.84817 2.09481 -2.35717 1.28143 -3.58839
1971 1.30788 -1.8532 2.01851 -2.3118 1.29661 -3.56044
1972 1.06765 -1.85824 1.94221 -2.26644 1.31179 -3.53249
1973 0.0553089 -1.87424 1.70852 -2.28821 1.71849 -2.71072
1974 0.0958451 -1.86681 1.84153 -2.27239 1.62729 -2.71325
1975 -0.308008 -1.88924 1.78599 -2.41249 1.6054 -2.69435
1976 -0.711862 -1.91167 1.73045 -2.55258 1.58352 -2.67544
1977 -0.741008 -1.89033 1.75364 -2.42161 1.56838 -2.71606
1978 -0.770154 -1.86899 1.77682 -2.29064 1.55324 -2.75668
1979 3.18671 -1.80632 2.07165 -2.01887 1.51597 -2.75786
1980 -0.770154 -1.86899 1.77682 -2.29064 1.4787 -2.75904
1981 3.18671 -1.80632 2.07165 -2.01887 1.44142 -2.76023
1982 1.32344 -1.85627 1.93889 -2.26769 1.40415 -2.76141
1983 0.039745 -1.87864 1.833 -2.26832 0.984259 -3.45272
1984 0.543097 -1.87269 2.11936 -2.20335 1.25823 -3.48968
1985 1.09995 -1.87624 2.16651 -2.318 1.06834 -3.34069
1986 -0.469816 -1.86628 1.6565 -2.31803 0.878443 -3.1917
1987 1.242 -1.85373 1.65771 -2.28101 1.0758 -3.61569
1988 -0.565229 -1.88305 1.58534 -2.35047 0.939287 -3.57895
1989 0.864382 -1.85538 1.72427 -2.21985 0.802773 -3.5422
1990 0.336678 -1.86819 1.8029 -2.27535 0.957043 -3.5394
1991 0.864382 -1.85538 1.72427 -2.21985 0.802773 -3.5422
1992 0.336678 -1.86819 1.8029 -2.27535 0.957043 -3.5394
1993 -0.273046 -1.88348 1.50412 -2.28218 0.799522 -3.54276
1994 -0.882769 -1.89877 1.20534 -2.28901 0.642001 -3.54612
1995 1.07895 -1.87053 2.1815 -2.21239 0.98251 -3.82616
1996 -0.28587 -1.89075 0.972353 -2.25238 0.784396 -3.38888
1997 1.07895 -1.87053 2.1815 -2.21239 0.98251 -3.82616
1998 -0.28587 -1.89075 0.972353 -2.25238 0.784396 -3.38888
1999 -0.96828 -1.90087 0.36778 -2.27238 0.68534 -3.17024
2000 -1.65069 -1.91098 -0.236794 -2.29237 0.586283 -2.9516
2001 -0.01894 -1.86499 0.937548 -2.34684 1.06996 -2.90987
2002 -1.65069 -1.91098 -0.236794 -2.29237 0.586283 -2.9516
2003 -0.01894 -1.86499 0.937548 -2.34684 1.06996 -2.90987
2004 0.796935 -1.842 1.52472 -2.37408 1.31179 -2.88901
2005 1.61281 -1.81901 2.11189 -2.40131 1.55363 -2.86815
2006 0.891319 -1.79184 2.34116 -2.22089 1.78832 -2.89281
2007 -0.628634 -1.8915 1.15855 -2.28802 0.83221 -3.22713
2008 -0.472206 -1.89079 1.49427 -2.2829 0.827639 -3.54225
2009 -0.400656 -1.88662 1.38289 -2.28442 0.906447 -3.32529
2010 -0.231676 -1.88514 1.79063 -2.27518 1.48341 -2.97395
2011 -0.284714 -1.88343 1.74 -2.27801 0.898991 -3.54015
2012 0.733473 -1.86468 1.95083 -2.26856 1.50801 -2.89845
2013 -0.185355 -1.88855 1.5738 -2.2799 1.20635 -2.90572
2014 -0.704501 -1.89617 1.29588 -2.28384 1.20327 -2.90064
2015 1.06337 -1.85731 2.17808 -2.26248 1.65998 -2.96911
2016 0.555007 -1.86448 1.87808 -2.26914 1.67418 -2.89517
2017 0.355014 -1.87287 1.72139 -2.27852 0.897667 -3.54043
2018 -0.331724 -1.88673 1.7719 -2.27768 0.883219 -3.54094
2019 0.140252 -1.8678 1.7503 -2.27276 1.33288 -2.90213
2020 -0.104383 -1.88199 1.6894 -2.27931 1.31842 -2.97671
2021 0.399482 -1.8666 2.00148 -2.26732 1.37189 -2.90062
2022 -0.176636 -1.88728 0.847996 -2.29101 1.11896 -2.9746
2023 0.308637 -1.84341 2.01428 -2.25236 1.23024 -3.54235

Appendix Melt Conditions

This is an appendix to: Quantum Oceanography - 18