Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Seaports With Sea Level Change

World Seaports by Country

I. Introduction

If you peruse the seaports of civilization  and if you are like me, you will become concerned about civilization's ability to change all of these seaports to adapt to changing sea levels and coastal storms.

To frame a metaphor like the government has done concerning fossil fuels ("Oil is the lifeblood of America’s economy"), we can say that seaports are, to the economy and existence of civilization, what organs like the heart, kidneys, and lungs are to the human body.

Humans without organs and lifeblood cease to exist, so if the seaports are impaired or inundated by global warming induced climate change (e.g. sea level change and coastal storm damage) then civilization as we know it will also cease to exist.

II. Seaport Based Trade

The single most important type of seaport trade is called "liner shipping" because it involves about sixty percent of global trade dynamics:
"Liner shipping could lay claim to being the world's first truly global industry. Likewise it could claim to be the industry which, more than any other makes it possible for a truly global economy to work. It connects countries, markets, businesses and people, allowing them to buy and sell goods on a scale not previously possible. And as consumers, we have become used to seeing goods from all parts of the globe readily available in the stores we visit.

But is this a good thing?

The reality is that the needs of a rapidly growing world population can only be met by transporting goods and resources between countries. The liner shipping industry has made this process more efficient and changed the shape of the world economy. This benefits consumers by creating choice, boosting economies and creating employment. Costs for the consumer are kept down and efficiencies are improved and this in turn minimizes impact on the environment as well.
Trade Statistics

The exchange of capital, goods and services across international borders is known as international trade and in many countries it represents a significant share of the nation's gross domestic product (GDP.) Liner ships transport approximately 60 percent of the value of seaborne trade or more than US $4 trillion worth of goods annually. Learn more about the volume of trade handled by the liner shipping industry."
(World Shipping Org, emphasis added). Other sea trade is not by container for various reasons (e.g. crude oil, natural gas).

Some countries will be more severely impacted than others will be when seaport based international sea trade is impacted:
"By volume, more than 95 percent of U.S. international trade moves through the nation's ports and harbors, with about 50 percent of these goods being hazardous materials."
(NOAA Ports). Truth be known we generally can't fathom the catastrophe that could happen caused by unabated SLC.

The appendices to this post link to countries that have one coastline code,  at least one tide gauge station, and at least one seaport (multi-coastline code countries will be featured in the next post of this series).

The data are also listed by WOD Zone.

The Appendices are: A-C, D-G, H-L, M-O, P-T, U-Z.

The reason for these subdivisions is that sea level change (SLC) whether in the form of sea level fall (SLF) or sea level rise (SLR) has an impact upon seaports in the same area, so it is narrowed down to WOD Zone granularity.

The WOD records are not guesstimates they are historical records of in situ measurements made by research scientists, while the tide gauge records are official records typically done by local governments (PSMSL).

They show clearly that the difference in sea level change (SLC) from country to country or state to state can be significant.

Thus, one country or state may have a problem with SLF while another has a problem with SLR.

The degree of SLR and SLF varies from place to place as well.

Furthermore, since ports can take a decade or decades to prepare for, construct or remodel, then implement, the requisite engineering must be done for anticipated future conditions.

It gives new meaning to "thinking ahead", because there is substantial variation in estimates for how much SLF or SLR will have taken place when the port is finally opened or reopened for business.

III. Psychology Matters

The psychology of peoples from different countries, religions, cultures will have to synchronize into a well orchestrated effort if all ports are to be brought up to the code to meet the conditions that are approaching.

This is also difficult because even within countries, such as the USA, there is a division of psychology where substantial numbers of citizens deny that climate change is a hoax, while others declare that they believe climate change is a hoax.

Preparing a unified effort can't begin until after unification of purpose takes place.

Currently, the psychology does not allow for a unified effort (The Leadership Void for Climate Adaptation Planning).

IV. Take A Look

Take a look at the tide gauge record SLC indications (history) that have been impacting seaports over time, and will be doing so even more in the future, then grasp the difficulty in making new ports or fixing old ones.

Future posts will expand upon these themes.

The next post in this series is here.

Seaports SLC Appendix A-C

This is an Appendix for: Seaports With Sea Level Change

It includes:

I. Tables of Seaports & Tide Gauge Stations 
II. sorted by Country, Coastal id, and WOD Zone
III. A summary indicating distances to ice sheets/glacier fields
IV. Sea level change factors
V. Estimated Cryosphere ice loss, and ghost water relocation.

Country: Argentina, Coastal Id: 860

Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Mar del Plata AR MDQ8605305
2Buenos Aires AR BUE8605305
3Concepcion del Uruguay AR COU8605305
4Necochea AR NEC8605305

Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1BUENOS AIRES1578605305
7RIO SANTIAGO8978605305
8MAR DE AJO15428605305

Summary for Argentina (Coastline Code: 860, WOD Zone: 5305):

Distance to center of:

Svalbard: 13,598.4 km
Glacier Bay: 12,785.3 km
Greenland: 12,435 km
Antarctica: 5,983.7 km
Patagonia: 1,025.51 km

SLC: 1st yr (1905) 7,033.33 RLR --> final yr (2017) 7,105.61 RLR {+72.285 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Patagonia & Antarctica are SLF sources,
2) Greenland contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Svalbard & Glacier Bay are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 72.285 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 26,136.2 Gt; Ghost water loss: 19.5169 mm.

(Argentina) Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Bahia Blanca AR BHI8605306
2Rosario AR ROS8605306
3Santa Fe AR SFN8605306

(Argentina) Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone

Summary for Argentina (Coastline Code: 860, WOD Zone: 5306):

Distance to center of:

Svalbard: 13,980.6 km
Glacier Bay: 12,829.7 km
Greenland: 12,773.4 km
Antarctica: 5,679.06 km
Patagonia: 555.313 km

SLC: 1st yr (1957) 6,936.5 RLR --> final yr (1970) 7,029.32 RLR {+92.82 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Patagonia & Antarctica are SLF sources,
2) Greenland contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Svalbard & Glacier Bay are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 92.82 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 33,561 Gt; Ghost water loss: 25.0614 mm.

(Argentina) Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Comodoro Rivadavia AR CRD8605406

(Argentina) Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
3PUERTO MADRYN5018605406

Summary for Argentina (Coastline Code: 860, WOD Zone: 5406):

Distance to center of:

Svalbard: 14,681.4 km
Greenland: 13,450.3 km
Glacier Bay: 13,194.1 km
Antarctica: 5,033.08 km
Patagonia: 457.041 km

SLC: 1st yr (1944) 6,910 RLR --> final yr (2017) 7,151.96 RLR {+241.96 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Patagonia & Antarctica are SLF sources,
2) Glacier Bay contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Svalbard & Greenland are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 241.96 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 87,485.7 Gt; Ghost water loss: 65.3292 mm.

(Argentina) Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Ushuaia AR USH8605506
2Rio Gallegos AR RGL8605506

(Argentina) Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1USHUAIA I8748605506
2USHUAIA II12718605506

Summary for Argentina (Coastline Code: 860, WOD Zone: 5506):

Distance to center of:

Svalbard: 15,805.4 km
Greenland: 14,585.1 km
Glacier Bay: 13,996.6 km
Antarctica: 3,912.63 km
Patagonia: 1,536.64 km

SLC: 1st yr (1957) 6,903 RLR --> final yr (2006) 6,954 RLR {+51 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Patagonia & Antarctica are SLF sources,
2) Glacier Bay contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Svalbard & Greenland are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 51 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 18,440.1 Gt; Ghost water loss: 13.77 mm.

Country: Australia, Coastal Id: 680

Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Darwin AU DRW6803113

Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone

Summary for Australia (Coastline Code: 680, WOD Zone: 3113):

Distance to center of:

Patagonia: 13,595.7 km
Greenland: 13,129.8 km
Svalbard: 12,039.3 km
Glacier Bay: 11,214.8 km
Antarctica: 8,544.55 km

SLC: 1st yr (1991) 6,967.46 RLR --> final yr (2018) 7,132.71 RLR {+165.25 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Antarctica & Glacier Bay are SLF sources,
2) Svalbard contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Patagonia & Greenland are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 165.25 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 59,749.6 Gt; Ghost water loss: 44.6175 mm.

(Australia) Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Townsville AU TSV6803114
2Cairns AU CNS6803114

(Australia) Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1TOWNSVILLE I6376803114
5BOOBY ISLAND12686803114
6INCE POINT13006803114
7GOODS ISLAND13686803114
8PORT DOUGLAS 214716803114
9CAPE FERGUSON14926803114
12TURTLE HEAD17496803114

Summary for Australia (Coastline Code: 680, WOD Zone: 3114):

Distance to center of:

Greenland: 13,343.9 km
Patagonia: 12,964.8 km
Svalbard: 12,446.3 km
Glacier Bay: 10,795.7 km
Antarctica: 8,336.99 km

SLC: 1st yr (1959) 6,865.88 RLR --> final yr (2018) 7,294 RLR {+428.12 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Antarctica & Glacier Bay are SLF sources,
2) Svalbard contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Greenland & Patagonia are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 428.12 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 154,796 Gt; Ghost water loss: 115.592 mm.

(Australia) Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Mackay AU MKY6803214

(Australia) Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
2HAY POINT12466803214
3SHUTE HARBOUR 215696803214
4BOWEN II20746803214

Summary for Australia (Coastline Code: 680, WOD Zone: 3214):

Distance to center of:

Greenland: 13,952.8 km
Svalbard: 13,150.6 km
Patagonia: 12,172.8 km
Glacier Bay: 11,069.5 km
Antarctica: 7,709.96 km

SLC: 1st yr (1960) 6,845.67 RLR --> final yr (2016) 7,059.65 RLR {+213.977 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Antarctica & Glacier Bay are SLF sources,
2) Patagonia contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Greenland & Svalbard are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 213.977 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 77,368.1 Gt; Ghost water loss: 57.7739 mm.

(Australia) Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Brisbane AU BNE6803215

(Australia) Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
6EVANS HEAD12296803215
7MOOLOOLABA 214936803215
8GOLD COAST SEAWAY 217046803215
9ROSSLYN BAY17606803215
10PORT ALMA20726803215
11URANGAN II20736803215
12BRUNSWICK HEADS23106803215
13TWEED HEADS23146803215

Summary for Australia (Coastline Code: 680, WOD Zone: 3215):

Distance to center of:

Greenland: 14,606.5 km
Svalbard: 13,887.2 km
Glacier Bay: 11,452 km
Patagonia: 11,386.1 km
Antarctica: 7,030.28 km

SLC: 1st yr (1959) 7,005.5 RLR --> final yr (2018) 7,213.21 RLR {+207.71 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Antarctica & Patagonia are SLF sources,
2) Glacier Bay contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Greenland & Svalbard are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 207.71 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 75,101.9 Gt; Ghost water loss: 56.0817 mm.

(Australia) Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Fremantle AU FRE6803311

(Australia) Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone

Summary for Australia (Coastline Code: 680, WOD Zone: 3311):

Distance to center of:

Greenland: 15,180.9 km
Glacier Bay: 14,037.5 km
Svalbard: 13,825.3 km
Patagonia: 11,769.8 km
Antarctica: 6,332.21 km

SLC: 1st yr (1987) 6,899.17 RLR --> final yr (2018) 7,036.83 RLR {+137.66 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Antarctica & Patagonia are SLF sources,
2) Svalbard contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Greenland & Glacier Bay are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 137.66 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 49,773.9 Gt; Ghost water loss: 37.1682 mm.

(Australia) Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Adelaide AU PAE6803313

(Australia) Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1PORT PIRIE2166803313
2PORT LINCOLN2306803313
4PORT WALLAROO3836803313
7SECOND VALLEY4436803313
9STENHOUSE BAY4926803313
13PORT AUGUSTA5746803313
14AMERICAN RIVER6316803313
16VICTOR HARBOUR10696803313
17WHYALLA III13676803313
18WALLAROO II14206803313
19PORT STANVAC15066803313
20PORT GILES15506803313

Summary for Australia (Coastline Code: 680, WOD Zone: 3313):

Distance to center of:

Greenland: 15,521.1 km
Svalbard: 14,456.5 km
Glacier Bay: 12,959.9 km
Patagonia: 11,207.9 km
Antarctica: 6,162.84 km

SLC: 1st yr (1927) 7,013.62 RLR --> final yr (2018) 7,090.46 RLR {+76.84 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Antarctica & Patagonia are SLF sources,
2) Glacier Bay contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Greenland & Svalbard are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 76.84 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 27,783.1 Gt; Ghost water loss: 20.7468 mm.

(Australia) Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Melbourne AU MEL6803314
2Geelong AU GEX6803314

(Australia) Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
3STONY POINT10336803314

Summary for Australia (Coastline Code: 680, WOD Zone: 3314):

Distance to center of:

Greenland: 15,904.2 km
Svalbard: 14,963.9 km
Glacier Bay: 12,937.8 km
Patagonia: 10,633 km
Antarctica: 5,775.34 km

SLC: 1st yr (1957) 6,979.5 RLR --> final yr (2018) 7,105.46 RLR {+125.96 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Antarctica & Patagonia are SLF sources,
2) Glacier Bay contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Greenland & Svalbard are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 125.96 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 45,543.5 Gt; Ghost water loss: 34.0092 mm.

(Australia) Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Sydney AU SYD6803315

(Australia) Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
3NEWCASTLE III2676803315
4NEWCASTLE I3206803315
5CAMP COVE5496803315
6COFF'S HARBOUR7996803315
8PORT KEMBLA8316803315
9NEWCASTLE V8376803315
10NEWCASTLE II13356803315
11COFFS HARBOUR III23116803315
12JERVIS BAY II23126803315
13PORT MACQUARIE23136803315
16SHOAL BAY23206803315

Summary for Australia (Coastline Code: 680, WOD Zone: 3315):

Distance to center of:

Greenland: 15,294.2 km
Svalbard: 14,552.5 km
Glacier Bay: 12,067.6 km
Patagonia: 10,818.5 km
Antarctica: 6,344.65 km

SLC: 1st yr (1886) 6,918.92 RLR --> final yr (2018) 7,133.96 RLR {+215.04 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Antarctica & Patagonia are SLF sources,
2) Glacier Bay contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Greenland & Svalbard are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 215.04 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 77,752.2 Gt; Ghost water loss: 58.0608 mm.

(Australia) Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Devonport AU DPO6803414
2Hobart AU HBA6803414

(Australia) Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
4SPRING BAY12166803414
5LOW HEAD20716803414

Summary for Australia (Coastline Code: 680, WOD Zone: 3414):

Distance to center of:

Greenland: 16,303.1 km
Svalbard: 15,412.2 km
Glacier Bay: 13,144.4 km
Patagonia: 10,169.3 km
Antarctica: 5,366.41 km

SLC: 1st yr (1987) 6,893 RLR --> final yr (2018) 7,136.4 RLR {+243.395 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Antarctica & Patagonia are SLF sources,
2) Glacier Bay contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Greenland & Svalbard are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 243.395 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 88,004.6 Gt; Ghost water loss: 65.7167 mm.

Country: Bahamas, Coastal Id: 941

Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Nassau BS NAS9417207
2Freeport BS FPO9417207

Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone

Summary for Bahamas (Coastline Code: 941, WOD Zone: 7207):

Distance to center of:

Antarctica: 8,916.21 km
Patagonia: 7,613.32 km
Svalbard: 7,219.94 km
Greenland: 5,798.82 km
Glacier Bay: 5,658.29 km

SLC: 1st yr (1985) 6,947 RLR --> final yr (2016) 7,073.77 RLR {+126.77 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Glacier Bay & Greenland are SLF sources,
2) Svalbard contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Antarctica & Patagonia are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 126.77 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 45,836.4 Gt; Ghost water loss: 34.2279 mm.

Country: Bahrain, Coastal Id: 482

Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Mina Salman BH MIN4821205
2Sitra BH SIT4821205

Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1MINA SULMAN14944821205

Summary for Bahrain (Coastline Code: 482, WOD Zone: 1205):

Distance to center of:

Patagonia: 14,221.6 km
Glacier Bay: 10,590.2 km
Greenland: 7,215.07 km
Antarctica: 6,149.21 km
Svalbard: 6,052.1 km

SLC: 1st yr (1979) 6,948.55 RLR --> final yr (2007) 7,030.57 RLR {+82.02 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Svalbard & Antarctica are SLF sources,
2) Greenland contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Patagonia & Glacier Bay are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 82.02 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 29,656.1 Gt; Ghost water loss: 22.1454 mm.

Country: Bangladesh, Coastal Id: 510

Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Mongla BD MGL5101208

Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1HIRON POINT14515101208

Summary for Bangladesh (Coastline Code: 510, WOD Zone: 1208):

Distance to center of:

Patagonia: 17,025.8 km
Glacier Bay: 10,128.7 km
Antarctica: 9,972.58 km
Greenland: 8,689.88 km
Svalbard: 7,267.34 km

SLC: 1st yr (1983) 7,005.92 RLR --> final yr (2003) 7,127.54 RLR {+121.62 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Svalbard & Greenland are SLF sources,
2) Antarctica contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Patagonia & Glacier Bay are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 121.62 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 43,974.3 Gt; Ghost water loss: 32.8374 mm.

(Bangladesh) Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Chittagong BD CGP5101209

(Bangladesh) Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1COX'S BAZAAR14765101209
3CHITTAGONG A21965101209

Summary for Bangladesh (Coastline Code: 510, WOD Zone: 1209):

Distance to center of:

Patagonia: 17,163.1 km
Antarctica: 10,170.6 km
Glacier Bay: 10,035 km
Greenland: 8,711.83 km
Svalbard: 7,291.76 km

SLC: 1st yr (1979) 6,778.86 RLR --> final yr (2016) 7,089.75 RLR {+310.89 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Svalbard & Greenland are SLF sources,
2) Glacier Bay contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Patagonia & Antarctica are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 310.89 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 112,409 Gt; Ghost water loss: 83.9403 mm.

Country: Belgium, Coastal Id: 160

Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Brussels BE BRU1601500
2Zeebrugge BE ZEE1601500
3Antwerp BE ANR1601500
4Ghent BE GNE1601500
5Liege BE LGG1601500

Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone

Summary for Belgium (Coastline Code: 160, WOD Zone: 1500):

Distance to center of:

Patagonia: 12,337.5 km
Glacier Bay: 7,305.21 km
Antarctica: 5,705.55 km
Greenland: 3,261.35 km
Svalbard: 3,066.38 km

SLC: 1st yr (1937) 6,981.96 RLR --> final yr (2017) 7,130.42 RLR {+148.457 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Svalbard & Greenland are SLF sources,
2) Antarctica contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Patagonia & Glacier Bay are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 148.457 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 53,677.6 Gt; Ghost water loss: 40.0833 mm.

Country: Bermuda, Coastal Id: 950

Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Hamilton BM BDA9507306
2St Georges BM SGE9507306

Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
2PAGET ISLAND8869507306

Summary for Bermuda (Coastline Code: 950, WOD Zone: 7306):

Distance to center of:

Patagonia: 8,166.42 km
Antarctica: 7,654.35 km
Svalbard: 6,287.7 km
Glacier Bay: 5,985.12 km
Greenland: 4,925.84 km

SLC: 1st yr (1932) 6,920 RLR --> final yr (2018) 7,108.96 RLR {+188.96 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Greenland & Glacier Bay are SLF sources,
2) Svalbard contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Patagonia & Antarctica are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 188.96 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 68,322.5 Gt; Ghost water loss: 51.0192 mm.

Country: Brazil, Coastal Id: 874

Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Fortaleza BR FOR8745003
2Recife BR REC8745003

Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone

Summary for Brazil (Coastline Code: 874, WOD Zone: 5003):

Distance to center of:

Glacier Bay: 11,167.7 km
Svalbard: 9,879.29 km
Greenland: 8,997.68 km
Patagonia: 4,991.33 km
Antarctica: 4,123.41 km

SLC: 1st yr (1948) 6,885.66 RLR --> final yr (1968) 6,972.9 RLR {+87.23 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Antarctica & Patagonia are SLF sources,
2) Greenland contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Glacier Bay & Svalbard are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 87.23 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 31,539.8 Gt; Ghost water loss: 23.5521 mm.

(Brazil) Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Belem BR BEL8745004

(Brazil) Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone

Summary for Brazil (Coastline Code: 874, WOD Zone: 5004):

Distance to center of:

Glacier Bay: 10,170.2 km
Svalbard: 9,595.54 km
Greenland: 8,525.36 km
Antarctica: 5,201.77 km
Patagonia: 4,878.16 km

SLC: 1st yr (1949) 7,007.5 RLR --> final yr (1968) 7,038.92 RLR {+31.42 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Patagonia & Antarctica are SLF sources,
2) Greenland contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Glacier Bay & Svalbard are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 31.42 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 11,360.6 Gt; Ghost water loss: 8.4834 mm.

(Brazil) Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Manaus BR MAO8745005

(Brazil) Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone

(Brazil) Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Salvador BR SSA8745103

(Brazil) Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone

Summary for Brazil (Coastline Code: 874, WOD Zone: 5103):

Distance to center of:

Glacier Bay: 11,840.4 km
Svalbard: 10,841.5 km
Greenland: 9,933.14 km
Antarctica: 4,549.43 km
Patagonia: 4,097.94 km

SLC: 1st yr (1949) 6,897.17 RLR --> final yr (1968) 6,927.88 RLR {+30.71 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Patagonia & Antarctica are SLF sources,
2) Greenland contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Glacier Bay & Svalbard are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 30.71 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 11,103.8 Gt; Ghost water loss: 8.2917 mm.

(Brazil) Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Vitoria BR VIX8745204
2Imbituba BR IBB8745204
3Rio De Janeiro BR RIO8745204
4Paranagua BR PNG8745204
5Santos BR SSZ8745204

(Brazil) Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
2RIO DE JANEIRO5798745204
4ILHA FISCAL10328745204

Summary for Brazil (Coastline Code: 874, WOD Zone: 5204):

Distance to center of:

Glacier Bay: 12,403.9 km
Svalbard: 12,114.3 km
Greenland: 11,102.8 km
Antarctica: 5,633.77 km
Patagonia: 2,739.48 km

SLC: 1st yr (1948) 6,951 RLR --> final yr (2016) 7,040.08 RLR {+89.08 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Patagonia & Antarctica are SLF sources,
2) Greenland contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Glacier Bay & Svalbard are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 89.08 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 32,208.7 Gt; Ghost water loss: 24.0516 mm.

Country: Bulgaria, Coastal Id: 295

Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Varna BG VAR2951402

Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone

Summary for Bulgaria (Coastline Code: 295, WOD Zone: 1402):

Distance to center of:

Patagonia: 13,352.3 km
Glacier Bay: 8,681.82 km
Antarctica: 5,506.09 km
Greenland: 4,806.5 km
Svalbard: 3,987.65 km

SLC: 1st yr (1929) 6,929.62 RLR --> final yr (1996) 7,053.93 RLR {+124.315 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Svalbard & Greenland are SLF sources,
2) Antarctica contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Patagonia & Glacier Bay are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 124.315 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 44,948.7 Gt; Ghost water loss: 33.565 mm.

Country: Cape Verde, Coastal Id: 380

Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Porto Grande CV PGR3807102

Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1PORTO GRANDE (ST. VINCENT) 217693807102

Summary for Cape Verde (Coastline Code: 380, WOD Zone: 7102):

Distance to center of:

Glacier Bay: 9,692.93 km
Patagonia: 7,867.23 km
Svalbard: 7,173.47 km
Greenland: 6,542.26 km
Antarctica: 3,226.12 km

SLC: 1st yr (1990) 7,133.75 RLR --> final yr (2016) 7,054.12 RLR {-79.63 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Antarctica & Greenland are SLF sources,
2) Svalbard contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Glacier Bay & Patagonia are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 79.63 mm of SLF.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 28,791.9 Gt; Ghost water loss: 21.5001 mm.

Country: Cayman Islands, Coastal Id: 931

Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Georgetown Grand Cayman KY GEC9317108

Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1NORTH SOUND14229317108
2SOUTH SOUND14269317108

Summary for Cayman Islands (Coastline Code: 931, WOD Zone: 7108):

Distance to center of:

Antarctica: 9,101.11 km
Svalbard: 8,076.91 km
Patagonia: 6,844.36 km
Greenland: 6,654.94 km
Glacier Bay: 6,215.01 km

SLC: 1st yr (1976) 6,969.17 RLR --> final yr (1996) 6,977.98 RLR {+8.81 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Glacier Bay & Greenland are SLF sources,
2) Patagonia contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Antarctica & Svalbard are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 8.81 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 3,185.44 Gt; Ghost water loss: 2.3787 mm.

Country: China, Coastal Id: 610

Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Zhanjiang CN ZHA6101211
2Xiamen CN XMN6101211
3Fuzhou CN FOC6101211
4Guangzhou CN CAN6101211

Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone

Summary for China (Coastline Code: 610, WOD Zone: 1211):

Distance to center of:

Patagonia: 17,919.3 km
Antarctica: 12,456.6 km
Greenland: 9,050.57 km
Glacier Bay: 8,971.23 km
Svalbard: 7,762.67 km

SLC: 1st yr (1954) 7,009.58 RLR --> final yr (2018) 7,087.75 RLR {+78.17 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Svalbard & Glacier Bay are SLF sources,
2) Greenland contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Patagonia & Antarctica are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 78.17 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 28,264 Gt; Ghost water loss: 21.1059 mm.

(China) Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Tianjin CN TSN6101311
2Lianyungang CN LYG6101311

(China) Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone

Summary for China (Coastline Code: 610, WOD Zone: 1311):

Distance to center of:

Patagonia: 19,278.8 km
Antarctica: 12,539.5 km
Greenland: 7,439.64 km
Glacier Bay: 7,285.68 km
Svalbard: 6,241.64 km

SLC: 1st yr (1950) 7,119.42 RLR --> final yr (1994) 7,049.89 RLR {-69.5275 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Svalbard & Glacier Bay are SLF sources,
2) Greenland contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Patagonia & Antarctica are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 69.5275 mm of SLF.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 25,139.1 Gt; Ghost water loss: 18.7724 mm.

(China) Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Shanghai CN SHA6101312
2Nantong CN NTG6101312
3Dalian CN DLC6101312

(China) Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone

Summary for China (Coastline Code: 610, WOD Zone: 1312):

Distance to center of:

Patagonia: 19,068.7 km
Antarctica: 12,764.9 km
Greenland: 7,505.9 km
Glacier Bay: 7,197.13 km
Svalbard: 6,337.88 km

SLC: 1st yr (1954) 7,017.02 RLR --> final yr (2018) 7,119.17 RLR {+102.15 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Svalbard & Glacier Bay are SLF sources,
2) Greenland contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Patagonia & Antarctica are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 102.15 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 36,934.5 Gt; Ghost water loss: 27.5805 mm.

Country: Congo, Coastal Id: 424

Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Pointe Noire CG PNR4243001
2Boma ZR BOA4243001
3Banana ZR BNW4243001

Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1POINTE NOIRE9384243001

Summary for Congo (Coastline Code: 424, WOD Zone: 3001):

Distance to center of:

Glacier Bay: 13,485.7 km
Greenland: 9,505.84 km
Svalbard: 9,254.34 km
Patagonia: 8,807.16 km
Antarctica: 1,417.94 km

SLC: 1st yr (1977) 6,981.23 RLR --> final yr (1979) 6,965.75 RLR {-15.48 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Antarctica & Patagonia are SLF sources,
2) Svalbard contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Glacier Bay & Greenland are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 15.48 mm of SLF.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 5,597.12 Gt; Ghost water loss: 4.1796 mm.

Country: Croatia, Coastal Id: 280

Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Rijeka Bakar HR RJK2801401
2Zadar HR ZAD2801401
3Dubrovnik HR DBV2801401
4Pula HR PUY2801401
5Ploce HR PLE2801401
6Split HR SPU2801401
7Sibenik HR SIB2801401
8Omisalj HR OMI2801401

Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
6VIS-CESKA VILA15742801401

Summary for Croatia (Coastline Code: 280, WOD Zone: 1401):

Distance to center of:

Patagonia: 12,607 km
Glacier Bay: 8,408.57 km
Antarctica: 5,111.4 km
Greenland: 4,395 km
Svalbard: 3,862.98 km

SLC: 1st yr (1930) 7,018.12 RLR --> final yr (2014) 7,144.15 RLR {+126.034 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Svalbard & Greenland are SLF sources,
2) Antarctica contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Patagonia & Glacier Bay are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 126.034 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 45,570.2 Gt; Ghost water loss: 34.0292 mm.

Country: Cuba, Coastal Id: 930

Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Santiago de Cuba CU SCU9307107

Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
2CABO CRUZ19109307107

Summary for Cuba (Coastline Code: 930, WOD Zone: 7107):

Distance to center of:

Antarctica: 8,592.07 km
Svalbard: 7,904.75 km
Patagonia: 6,825.16 km
Greenland: 6,493.51 km
Glacier Bay: 6,433.82 km

SLC: 1st yr (1937) 6,938.14 RLR --> final yr (2017) 7,047.92 RLR {+109.78 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Glacier Bay & Greenland are SLF sources,
2) Patagonia contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Antarctica & Svalbard are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 109.78 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 39,693.3 Gt; Ghost water loss: 29.6406 mm.

(Cuba) Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Manzanillo CU MZO9307207
2Nuevitas CU NVT9307207

(Cuba) Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
3CASILDA II20219307207
4SANTIAGO DE CUBA22879307207

Summary for Cuba (Coastline Code: 930, WOD Zone: 7207):

Distance to center of:

Antarctica: 8,685.32 km
Svalbard: 7,803.99 km
Patagonia: 6,956.45 km
Greenland: 6,389.53 km
Glacier Bay: 6,286.49 km

SLC: 1st yr (1974) 7,007.86 RLR --> final yr (2017) 7,033.95 RLR {+26.094 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Glacier Bay & Greenland are SLF sources,
2) Patagonia contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Antarctica & Svalbard are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 26.094 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 9,434.83 Gt; Ghost water loss: 7.04538 mm.

(Cuba) Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Havana CU HAV9307208
2Matanzas CU QMA9307208

(Cuba) Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
2ISABELA DE SAGUA19099307208
3MARIEL BOCA22869307208
4CAYO LOCO22899307208

Summary for Cuba (Coastline Code: 930, WOD Zone: 7208):

Distance to center of:

Antarctica: 9,190.46 km
Svalbard: 7,742 km
Patagonia: 7,209.14 km
Greenland: 6,318.83 km
Glacier Bay: 5,874.3 km

SLC: 1st yr (1971) 6,947.25 RLR --> final yr (2017) 7,018.69 RLR {+71.4433 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Glacier Bay & Greenland are SLF sources,
2) Patagonia contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Antarctica & Svalbard are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 71.4433 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 25,831.8 Gt; Ghost water loss: 19.2897 mm.

Country: Cyprus, Coastal Id: 315

Seaport Data:
List # Port LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone
1Paphos CY PFO3151303
2Larnaca CY LAT3151303
3Vassiliko CY VAS3151303
4Limassol CY LMS3151303
5Famagusta CY FMG3151303
6Akrotiri CY AKT3151303

Tide Gauge Data:
List # Station NameStn LinkCoastline CodeWOD Zone

Summary for Cyprus (Coastline Code: 315, WOD Zone: 1303):

Distance to center of:

Patagonia: 13,366.2 km
Glacier Bay: 9,579.29 km
Greenland: 5,773.65 km
Antarctica: 5,244.08 km
Svalbard: 4,870.38 km

SLC: 1st yr (2000) 7,030 RLR --> final yr (2003) 7,052.25 RLR {+22.25 mm}

General DNA Analysis:
1) Svalbard & Antarctica are SLF sources,
2) Greenland contributes more SLR than SLF,
3) Patagonia & Glacier Bay are SLR sources,
4) Some land level changes (LLC) & ghost-water effects may occur,
5) The bottom line is 22.25 mm of SLR.
Other: Ice mass loss equivalent: 8,044.95 Gt; Ghost water loss: 6.0075 mm.