Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Awe Topsy - 10

We are the government champions
This series has been a critique of the declaration of "awesome" by the media when analyzing a.k.a "doing an autopsy of" elections.

The previous midterms, for example, were extolled as being virtuous:

"Portions of the media have praised the voters for saving democracy by keeping the Democrats in charge of the Senate, but seem to not take note of the fact that the Democrats lost the house ("by a very small margin").

Ghosts of government past
The loss of the House is a major event, because the government budget begins there, continuation of government paychecks and funding can be stopped there, and Bengazi / Hunter Biden, and other significant events take place there (such as not going along with the Senate in legislation events).

Of course if they get too wacky the Democratic controlled Senate will not take up their bills, nor will the Democratic President sign their crazy stuff.

Nevertheless, the election denying, abortion denying, and gerrymandering Supreme Court and House can cause a world of hurt."

(Awe Topsy - 7, also Awe Topsy - 9). The Supreme Court may next "find that the ghosts of government" are immune from American jurisprudence.

Then, the "pledge of allegiance" can be changed to "we are the champions".

The previous post in this series is here.

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