
Friday, February 22, 2019

How To Identify The Despotic Minority - 8

El Chapos For Life Death
I. It Only Takes A Minority

The charges against our culture's typical national hero ("one who served in the military") for allegedly harboring demented assassination plots against "the enemies of duh people" so far are met with crickets in the right wing arena.

It is their opinion, it would seem, that concrete is the best brain component  (The Shapeshifters of Bullshitistan, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17).

This is all true according to the prescient observations of an astute observer who was fully woke:
"It is forbidden to kill therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets."
(Voltaire). This is not all that Voltaire had to say:
"Voltaire was a versatile and prolific writer, producing works in almost every literary form, including plays, poems, novels, essays and historical and scientific works. He wrote more than 20,000 letters and more than 2,000 books and pamphlets. He was an outspoken advocate of civil liberties, despite the risk this placed him in under the strict censorship laws of the time. As a satirical polemicist, he frequently made use of his works to criticize intolerance, religious dogma and the ... institutions of his day."
(Wikipedia). The gist of it is that he struggled against the despotic minority of his day, noting in his own words that you would not find them in the ghettos, rather, you would find them in the White House, the Congress, the Judiciary, the Military, the Police Forces, the Money Media, and other harbors of power (About Toxins Of Power).

In the previous posts of this series it was pointed out that "the tyranny of a despotic minority" is one of the dynamics that brought down twenty-six previous civilizations (How To Identify The Despotic Minority).

II. Denial Is Not Intellect

The minority in this sense is a number that is smaller than the number associated with the majority.

There are many such numbers, because there are many minorities, but the despotic minority is identified by its cruelty ("tyranny"), and its chosen location within the society it is bringing down.

By "chosen location" I mean the locations identified above: "the White House, the Congress, the Judiciary, the Military, the Police Forces, the Money Media, and other harbors of power".

I say that because the despotic minority is a minority that has surreptitiously learned how to wiggle and slime into positions of power to the point of being able to wield more power than the majority.

For a recent example, have you noticed the metamorphosis that is taking place in the U.S. Senate and the White House?

It is the devolution into the despotic minority.

The source of that disintegration has been detected by modern cognitive science:
"Beyond such internal mechanisms of variation, environment-driven plasticity lends yet another layer of complexity to the brain. The brain is capable of remarkable remodeling in response to experience. Signals originating from the environment can cause both widespread and localized adaptations. At the level of individual cells, structure and function are continually changing with the environment in a dance of lifelong brain plasticity, and some experiences, such as stress or physical exercise, affect the growth, survival, and fate of newborn neurons in neurogenic regions of the brain.
Traditionally, cells are defined by the tissue to which they belong as well as their particular functional role or morphology. This classification represents a developmental trajectory that begins early in embryogenesis and is hardwired into each cell. But other differences among cells are more subtle. Multi-dimensional analyses of gene expression and other metrics have revealed remarkable heterogeneity among cells of the same traditional “type.” Cells exist in different degrees of maturation, activation,plasticity, and morphology. Once we begin to consider all of the subtle cell-to-cell variations, it becomes clear that the number of cell types is much greater than ever imagined. In fact, it may be more appropriate to place some cells along a continuum rather than into categories at all.
Brain cells in particular may be as unique as the people to which they belong. This genetic, molecular, and morphological diversity of the brain leads to functional variation that is likely necessary for the higher-order cognitive processes that are unique to humans. Such mosaicism may have a dark side, however. Although neuronal diversification is normal, it is possible that there is an optimal extent of diversity for brain function and that anything outside those bounds—too low or too high—may be pathological. For example, if neurons fail to function optimally in their particular role or environment, deficits could arise. Similarly, if neurons diversify and become too specialized to a given role, they may lose the plasticity required to change and function normally within a larger circuit. As researchers continue to probe the enormous complexity of the brain at the single-cell level, they will likely begin to uncover the answers to these questions—as well as those we haven’t even thought to ask yet."
(Etiology of Social Dementia - 18). The denial of science by the despotic minority is not intellect, it is just plain denial caused by an overdose of the toxins of power.

III. Some Other Effects

The two main existential threats to current civilization were discussed in the text of yesterday's post and a video presented in that post (Despotic Minority Does Time Travel - 2).

The despotic minority operatives (C Level Info, ) attempt to cover up those threats while the majority tries to reveal the threats (Time to Panic, The Real Culprit Behind Trump's Border Emergency? Climate Change).

Meanwhile "welfare" and "socialism" are words that have been poisoned by the despotic minority as it degenerates further and further into the abyss of cruelty.

This is something that is antithetical to the direction our founders struggled to go in:
"The Declaration of Independence, setting forth the fundamental objections of the American colonies to English rule, included the statement that the British King 'had refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good' and, in recognition of this primary obligation of the state, the Continental Congress incorporated into the Articles of Confederation two sections containing the words 'general welfare'"
(Fordham Law Review, emphasis added). You know that "welfare" has been made dirty by corporate media presstitutes, and so has "socialism" which until that took place meant the same thing as "the public good":
"... provide for the common defense and general Welfare" - Article I, Section 8, U.S. Constitution

General Welfare: "The concern of the government for the health, peace, morality, and safety of its citizens." - The Free Legal Dictionary

"The grant of power to 'provide . . . for the general welfare' raises a two-fold question: how may Congress provide for 'the general welfare' and what is 'the general welfare' that it is authorized to promote? The first half of this question was answered by Thomas Jefferson in his opinion on the Bank as follows: '[T]he laying of taxes is the power, and the general welfare the purpose for which the power is to be exercised. They [Congress] are not to lay taxes ad libitum for any purpose they please; but only to pay the debts or provide for the welfare of the Union. In like manner, they are not to do anything they please to provide for the general welfare, but only to lay taxes for that purpose.'” -  Justia, Spending For the General Welfare
(emphasis added). The despotic minority is composed of elements of "the 1%" who hide down in the "0.1%" area of the 1% and who do not care about anything but their welfare (The Homeland: Big Brother Plutonomy - 7).

IV. Closing Comments

It is a sad but also a dangerous time when the majority is being "handled" by the despots who are "only" a minority ... but wield more power than the majority.

The recent loss by the despotic minority of the House of Representatives is an example of resistance.

That resistance must spread to the senate and administration if the decline is to be thwarted and a return to the freedoms required is to take place.

But even that is not enough.

It must thereafter be vigorously perpetuated more so than ever before.

The next post in this series is here, the previous post in this series is here.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Despotic Minority Does Time Travel - 2

Give me your money
I. Time To Travel

This series is akin to How To Identify The Despotic Minority, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, but it focuses on a narrower issue.

The essence or gravamen of this series is mentioned in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution where it gives a general description of the general direction the founders were going.

I am talking about when they wrote that the general purpose of U.S. Constitution was to "secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity" (Preamble, emphasis added).

In the first post of this series the focus was on recent government events that legislated the opposite of that sentiment, i.e., robbing our Posterity.

II. A How To

We might note that doing that requires endeavors of the "how to" kind.

Sometimes the founders used a "not how to" so as to shine light on how to do the dynamics of the Constitution:
"Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied: and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare. Those truths are well established."
(James Madison, emphasis added). In other words, if we want to steal from our posterity we will become something that is not good for them or us:
History told us this was going to happen:
But always TCS is primarily the population segment diagnosed as a despotic minority which the once most-often-quoted historian, Toynbee, fingered as one of the members of the trinity of extinction that he found in all civilizations that were about to become very successful at becoming extinct:
That something is the dementia that produces and ends up in suicide:
"In other words, a society does not ever die 'from natural causes', but always dies from suicide or murder --- and nearly always from the former, as this chapter has shown."
(A Study of History, by Arnold J. Toynbee). There is no cure for the final symptom of that group dementia, there is only prevention by way of avoiding it altogether in the first place.

The components of that group dementia were pointed out in an encyclopedia piece concerning that historian quoted above:
"In the Study Toynbee examined the rise and fall of 26 civilizations in the course of human history, and he concluded that they rose by responding successfully to challenges under the leadership of creative minorities composed of elite leaders. Civilizations declined when their leaders stopped responding creatively, and the civilizations then sank owing to the sins of nationalism, militarism, and the tyranny of a despotic minority. Unlike Spengler in his The Decline of the West, Toynbee did not regard the death of a civilization as inevitable, for it may or may not continue to respond to successive challenges. Unlike Karl Marx, he saw history as shaped by spiritual, not economic forces" ...
(Encyclopedia Britannica, emphasis added). The show stopper, in terms of remedy, in this type of group dementia is that it is a contagious dementia.
(Etiology of Social Dementia - 18). That particular "minority" is not a racial or ethnic minority, rather, it is primarily composed of a destructive suicidal trance (Choose Your Trances Carefully, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).
(Arrested Development: The Creep State). Our culture is composed, now, of the toxins of power that habitually destroy nations and civilizations (Hypothesis: The Cultural Amygdala - 2).
(When You Are Governed By Psychopaths - 8). Cruelty is a or the major essence of tyranny, so we can easily see "nationalism, militarism, and the tyranny of a despotic minority" at work in our culture today.

III. Militarism on Steroids

The current administration is disintegrating treaties that have been good for us and our Posterity:
"Consider it a marriage made in hell. Start with the groom, Donald Trump, the man who once wondered why in the world we make nuclear weapons if we can’t use them; who wouldn’t rule out using nukes, even in Europe; who insisted that a president should be “unpredictable” on the subject; who suggested that it might not be “a bad thing for us” if Saudi Arabia, Japan, and South Korea all became nuclear powers; who threatened North Korea with “fire and fury like the world has never seen” before he became a chummy correspondent with its dictator; and who called for a nearly 10-fold increase in the U.S. nuclear arsenal (among many other, often contradictory, comments he’s made on nuclear matters).

Last month, the National Nuclear Security Administration (formerly the Atomic Energy Commission) announced that the first of a new generation of strategic nuclear weapons had rolled off the assembly line at its Pantex nuclear weapons plant in the panhandle of Texas. That warhead, the W76-2, is designed to be fitted to a submarine-launched Trident missile, a weapon with a range of more than 7,500 miles. By September, an undisclosed number of warheads will be delivered to the Navy for deployment."
(Tom Dispatch, cf. The U.S. Military is Everywhere). The common offense is not the common defense:
"The War Department existed from August 7, 1789[1] until September 18, 1947, when it split into Department of the Army and Department of the Air Force and joined the Department of the Navy as part of the new joint National Military Establishment (NME), renamed the United States Department of Defense in 1949."
(United States Department of War, emphasis added). The Department of War was the first client of U.S. father of PR propagandist Edward Bernays.

IV. Closing Comments

The two existential threats to us and our posterity are discussed in the long but educational video presentation by Dr. Chomsky below.

The previous post in this series is here.

Extinction by nuclear war and/or global warming are currently the two existential threats to humankind ...

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Countries With Sea Level Change - 2

Fig. 1 Greenland SLC "fingerprints"
I. Some Background

In the first post of this series readers noticed that some countries have sea level fall (SLF) while others have sea level rise (SLR).

That aspect of sea level change (SLC) upsets the time-worn dissertations of teachers who argue that the oceans are like a bathtub, in that, when water is added to the oceans they rise evenly like a bathtub's water level does.

Thus, under the auspices and guidance of those who use "the bathtub model" to explain SLC we are conditioned to the notion of global mean sea level (GMSL) numerology.

That the ocean is not like a bathtub, when it comes to sea level change, is surprising to their students in the sense of being nonintuitive, so I want to review that aspect of SLC a bit more in this post.

The physics of SLC are covered in other Dredd Blog series posts (e.g. The Ghost-Water Constant, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; The Gravity of Sea Level Change, 2, 3, 4; NASA Busts The Ghost) and links within them.

There are videos in some of those posts which feature Dr. Mitrovica, a scientist who has authored and co-authored various peer-reviewed papers on the subject over the span of many years.

II. Updated Country List

Tide Gauge Data Appendices (Graphs)
Countries: A - C A - C
Countries: D - G D - G
Countries: H - L H  -L
Countries: M - O M - O
Countries: P - T P - T
Countries: U - Y U - Y

The "countries list" in today's post contains more information about SLC influences, and the history of SLC, than the first post did.

When an inadequate number of years or other reason for not using the data exists, zeros will be used (but you can still view the PSMSL station records).

The appendices, however, are links to the original graphs from the first post in this series.

III. Distances

A tide gauge's distance from ice sheets is an important factor in what it will record, as is the rotation of the Earth, which can be easily surmised by taking a look at Fig. 1.
Fig. 2 Antarctica SLC "fingerprints"

In that graphic, Greenland's highest SLR impact takes place as far away from Greenland as the coastline of Antarctica.

But near Greenland there is only SLF impact (the opposite of SLR).

Comparing the graph at Fig. 1 with Antarctica (in the A-C list in today's post) makes this clear (some Antarctica tide gauges out on the peninsula, to the north of the coast, register SLR).

Thus, the Antarctica section contains this info:
"Distances from stations to:

Glacier Bay: 18307.7 km
Greenland: 16389 km
Svalbard: 16289.9 km
Patagonia: 5602.82 km
Antarctica: 2437.53 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1957: 7011 RLR; last year 2016: 7062 RLR
SLC Analysis: Greenland is the predominant factor for 51 mm of SLR."
(Countries A-C). Notice that it says "Greenland is the predominant factor for 51 mm of SLR".

Notice again that Greenland's impact on SLR is greatest from the area around the southern tip of South America on down to the coastline of Antarctica (about as far away as one can get from Greenland).

The take home from these observations is that tide gauges very close to an ice sheet or ice field generally record SLF measurements (Fig. 2 shows the impact of SLC by Antarctica).

But when tide gauges are at a distance beyond "the gravitational hinge point" from an ice sheet or ice field, those tide gauges generally register SLR (e.g. Proof of Concept, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).

The gravitational hinge-point distance is key to whether tide gauges record SLR or SLF (e.g. The Evolution and Migration of Sea Level Hinge Points, 2).

IV. Different Strokes For Different Countries

The larger a country is the more likely it is that it will have tide gauge stations in areas where both SLF and SLR will be recorded.

Fig. 3 Greenland, Antarctica, Svalbard
Glacier Bay, & Patagonia SLC "fingerprints"
But, when only the average of the tide gauge station data in a particular country is disclosed, the SLC variation will be hidden.

So, in the country lists contained in today's post (Section II above) the tide gauge stations in each country are listed individually.

So, you can look up any such situations by clicking on the links to the specific tide gauge station you are interested in.

When the analysis at the end of each country's list indicates "SLF" you can look at the Dredd Blog graphs and the PSMSL links to check out why the tide gauge records show both SLF and SLR in the same country.

V. Closing Comments

As nations choose what to do in response to global warming induced SLC, they can choose to treat the cause (the cause is burning fossil fuels) or they can choose to treat the effect, such as the country's coastal perimeter changes caused by sea level changes there.

Treating the cause is simpler in concept because it only involves one factor: diminishing the use of fossil fuels.

Treating the effects is a more complicated endeavor in the sense that SLF presents one set of difficulties, in terms of sea ports, while SLR presents an opposite set of difficulties for sea ports (The Extinction of Robust Sea Ports, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; The Extinction of Charleston, The Extinction of Philadelphia, The Extinction of Washington, D.C., The Extinction of Boston, The Extinction of Miami, The Extinction of Manzanillo, The Extinction of Houston, The Extinction of Providence, The Extinction of Chesapeake Bay Islands).

Each country will have its own set of problems and solutions when they choose only to react to the effects (what fossil fuel use does to them).

But there is no bathtub model to follow (Fig. 3 shows the impact when all ice sheets and ice fields melt at equal volume rates).

The next post in this series is here, the previous post in this series is here.

Countries A-C

This is an appendix to: Countries With Sea Level Change - 2 

RLR = revised local reference
mm = millimeter
km = kilometer
SLR = sea level rise
SLF = sea level fall
SLC = sea level change


Station Name: KOBBAKLINTAR, Station Number: 63
Station rows of data: 43

Station Name: LEMSTROM, Station Number: 84
Station rows of data: 48

Station Name: HELIGMAN, Station Number: 231
Station rows of data: 17

Station Name: FOGLO / DEGERBY, Station Number: 249
Station rows of data: 93

Total rows of data: 201
Total years of records: 132

Distances from stations to:

Patagonia: 13756.6 km
Antarctica: 6899.32 km
Glacier Bay: 6698.17 km
Greenland: 2844.26 km
Svalbard: 2040.3 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1885: 7283.44 RLR; last year 2017: 6897.25 RLR
SLC Analysis: Greenland is the predominant factor for 386.19 mm of SLF.


Station Name: PAGO PAGO, Station Number: 539
Station rows of data: 68

Total rows of data: 68
Total years of records: 69

Distances from stations to:

Svalbard: 12876.8 km
Greenland: 12643.2 km
Patagonia: 10001.4 km
Glacier Bay: 8635.52 km
Antarctica: 8420.67 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1948: 6828.33 RLR; last year 2017: 7256 RLR
SLC Analysis: Greenland is the predominant factor for 427.67 mm of SLR.


Station Name: ALMIRANTE BROWN, Station Number: 858
Station rows of data: 16

Station Name: ARGENTINE ISLANDS, Station Number: 913
Station rows of data: 57

Station Name: BAHIA ESPERANZA, Station Number: 988
Station rows of data: 18

Station Name: PUERTO SOBERANIA, Station Number: 1603
Station rows of data: 19

Station Name: CAPE ROBERTS ANTARCTICA, Station Number: 1763
Station rows of data: 20

Station Name: CASEY, Station Number: 1886
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: ROTHERA, Station Number: 1931
Station rows of data: 11

Station Name: SCOTT BASE, Station Number: 2029
Station rows of data: 16

Total rows of data: 157
Total years of records: 59

Distances from stations to:

Glacier Bay: 18307.7 km
Greenland: 16389 km
Svalbard: 16289.9 km
Patagonia: 5602.82 km
Antarctica: 2437.53 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1957: 7011 RLR; last year 2016: 7062 RLR
SLC Analysis: Greenland is the predominant factor for 51 mm of SLR.


Station Name: BUENOS AIRES, Station Number: 157
Station rows of data: 83

Station Name: COMODORO RIVADAVIA, Station Number: 181
Station rows of data: 20

Station Name: PUERTO DESEADO, Station Number: 185
Station rows of data: 29

Station Name: QUEQUEN, Station Number: 223
Station rows of data: 64

Station Name: PUERTO MADRYN, Station Number: 501
Station rows of data: 47

Station Name: MAR DEL PLATA (NAVAL BASE), Station Number: 819
Station rows of data: 61

Station Name: PALERMO, Station Number: 832
Station rows of data: 61

Station Name: MAR DEL PLATA (PUERTO), Station Number: 857
Station rows of data: 21

Station Name: ISLA MARTIN GARCIA, Station Number: 864
Station rows of data: 20

Station Name: PIRAMIDE, Station Number: 867
Station rows of data: 16

Station Name: ROSALES, Station Number: 870
Station rows of data: 14

Station Name: USHUAIA I, Station Number: 874
Station rows of data: 13

Station Name: RIO SANTIAGO, Station Number: 897
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: USHUAIA II, Station Number: 1271
Station rows of data: 36

Station Name: MAR DE AJO, Station Number: 1542
Station rows of data: 0

Total rows of data: 485
Total years of records: 112

Distances from stations to:

Svalbard: 14209.4 km
Glacier Bay: 13052.5 km
Greenland: 13013.4 km
Antarctica: 5433.75 km
Patagonia: 533.609 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1905: 7033.33 RLR; last year 2017: 7121.06 RLR
SLC Analysis: Greenland is the predominant factor for 87.7333 mm of SLR.


Station Name: SYDNEY FORT DENISON, Station Number: 65
Station rows of data: 108

Station Name: FREMANTLE, Station Number: 111
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: PORT HEDLAND, Station Number: 189
Station rows of data: 51

Station Name: SYDNEY FORT DENISON 2, Station Number: 196
Station rows of data: 103

Station Name: PORT PIRIE, Station Number: 216
Station rows of data: 76

Station Name: PORT LINCOLN, Station Number: 230
Station rows of data: 52

Station Name: NEWCASTLE III, Station Number: 267
Station rows of data: 64

Station Name: BEACHPORT, Station Number: 304
Station rows of data: 5

Station Name: YAMBA, Station Number: 310
Station rows of data: 31

Station Name: BALLINA, Station Number: 319
Station rows of data: 6

Station Name: NEWCASTLE I, Station Number: 320
Station rows of data: 27

Station Name: PORT WALLAROO, Station Number: 383
Station rows of data: 5

Station Name: THEVENARD, Station Number: 386
Station rows of data: 25

Station Name: FRANKLIN HARBOR, Station Number: 402
Station rows of data: 5

Station Name: SECOND VALLEY, Station Number: 443
Station rows of data: 4

Station Name: PORT ADELAIDE (OUTER HARBOR), Station Number: 448
Station rows of data: 76

Station Name: STENHOUSE BAY, Station Number: 492
Station rows of data: 3

Station Name: WHYALLA, Station Number: 493
Station rows of data: 4

Station Name: KINGSTON, Station Number: 515
Station rows of data: 7

Station Name: EDITHBURG, Station Number: 516
Station rows of data: 7

Station Name: CAMP COVE, Station Number: 549
Station rows of data: 42

Station Name: MACKAY, Station Number: 564
Station rows of data: 48

Station Name: PORT AUGUSTA, Station Number: 574
Station rows of data: 5

Station Name: AMERICAN RIVER, Station Number: 631
Station rows of data: 3

Station Name: TOWNSVILLE I, Station Number: 637
Station rows of data: 59

Station Name: BRIGHTON, Station Number: 677
Station rows of data: 2

Station Name: BURNIE, Station Number: 683
Station rows of data: 25

Station Name: COFF'S HARBOUR, Station Number: 799
Station rows of data: 15

Station Name: LORD HOWE ISLAND, Station Number: 818
Station rows of data: 23

Station Name: BRISBANE (WEST INNER BAR), Station Number: 822
Station rows of data: 49

Station Name: GLADSTONE, Station Number: 825
Station rows of data: 39

Station Name: PORT KEMBLA, Station Number: 831
Station rows of data: 26

Station Name: EDEN, Station Number: 833
Station rows of data: 31

Station Name: BUNBURY, Station Number: 834
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: KARUMBA, Station Number: 835
Station rows of data: 33

Station Name: NEWCASTLE V, Station Number: 837
Station rows of data: 53

Station Name: HOBART, Station Number: 838
Station rows of data: 29

Station Name: PORT MACDONNELL I, Station Number: 871
Station rows of data: 14

Station Name: DARWIN, Station Number: 935
Station rows of data: 27

Station Name: CAIRNS, Station Number: 953
Station rows of data: 46

Station Name: ALBANY, Station Number: 957
Station rows of data: 30

Station Name: GERALDTON, Station Number: 1031
Station rows of data: 24

Station Name: STONY POINT, Station Number: 1033
Station rows of data: 25

Station Name: VICTOR HARBOUR, Station Number: 1069
Station rows of data: 52

Station Name: ESPERANCE, Station Number: 1114
Station rows of data: 25

Station Name: CARNARVON, Station Number: 1115
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: WYNDHAM, Station Number: 1116
Station rows of data: 33

Station Name: DEVONPORT, Station Number: 1118
Station rows of data: 22

Station Name: BUNDABERG BURNETT HEADS, Station Number: 1154
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: WEIPA, Station Number: 1157
Station rows of data: 43

Station Name: BROOME, Station Number: 1159
Station rows of data: 26

Station Name: MILNER BAY (GROOTE EYLANDT), Station Number: 1160
Station rows of data: 25

Station Name: SPRING BAY, Station Number: 1216
Station rows of data: 26

Station Name: EVANS HEAD, Station Number: 1229
Station rows of data: 3

Station Name: HAY POINT, Station Number: 1246
Station rows of data: 33

Station Name: BOOBY ISLAND, Station Number: 1268
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: INCE POINT, Station Number: 1300
Station rows of data: 19

Station Name: CAPE LAMBERT, Station Number: 1328
Station rows of data: 34

Station Name: NEWCASTLE II, Station Number: 1335
Station rows of data: 15

Station Name: WHYALLA III, Station Number: 1367
Station rows of data: 31

Station Name: GOODS ISLAND, Station Number: 1368
Station rows of data: 28

Station Name: WALLAROO II, Station Number: 1420
Station rows of data: 37

Station Name: PORT DOUGLAS 2, Station Number: 1471
Station rows of data: 28

Station Name: CAPE FERGUSON, Station Number: 1492
Station rows of data: 26

Station Name: MOOLOOLABA 2, Station Number: 1493
Station rows of data: 32

Station Name: PORT STANVAC, Station Number: 1506
Station rows of data: 18

Station Name: PORTLAND, Station Number: 1547
Station rows of data: 26

Station Name: KING BAY, Station Number: 1549
Station rows of data: 32

Station Name: PORT GILES, Station Number: 1550
Station rows of data: 22

Station Name: SHUTE HARBOUR 2, Station Number: 1569
Station rows of data: 32

Station Name: MOURILYAN HARBOUR, Station Number: 1629
Station rows of data: 32

Station Name: LUCINDA, Station Number: 1630
Station rows of data: 32

Station Name: ONSLOW, Station Number: 1631
Station rows of data: 32

Station Name: GOLD COAST SEAWAY 2, Station Number: 1704
Station rows of data: 30

Station Name: TURTLE HEAD, Station Number: 1749
Station rows of data: 19

Station Name: ROSSLYN BAY, Station Number: 1760
Station rows of data: 25

Station Name: HILLARYS, Station Number: 1761
Station rows of data: 27

Station Name: EXMOUTH, Station Number: 1762
Station rows of data: 19

Station Name: LORNE, Station Number: 1836
Station rows of data: 25

Station Name: LOW HEAD, Station Number: 2071
Station rows of data: 7

Station Name: PORT ALMA, Station Number: 2072
Station rows of data: 31

Station Name: URANGAN II, Station Number: 2073
Station rows of data: 31

Station Name: BOWEN II, Station Number: 2074
Station rows of data: 31

Station Name: BRUNSWICK HEADS, Station Number: 2310
Station rows of data: 31

Station Name: COFFS HARBOUR III, Station Number: 2311
Station rows of data: 20

Station Name: JERVIS BAY II, Station Number: 2312
Station rows of data: 28

Station Name: PORT MACQUARIE, Station Number: 2313
Station rows of data: 31

Station Name: TWEED HEADS, Station Number: 2314
Station rows of data: 27

Station Name: ULLADULLA HARBOUR, Station Number: 2315
Station rows of data: 9

Station Name: PORT STEPHENS (TOMAREE), Station Number: 2316
Station rows of data: 30

Station Name: TWEED ENTRANCE SOUTH, Station Number: 2319
Station rows of data: 3

Station Name: SHOAL BAY, Station Number: 2320
Station rows of data: 3

Total rows of data: 2498
Total years of records: 131

Distances from stations to:

Greenland: 14868 km
Svalbard: 13893.1 km
Glacier Bay: 12218.3 km
Patagonia: 11688.8 km
Antarctica: 6816.79 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1886: 6918.92 RLR; last year 2017: 7117.21 RLR
SLC Analysis: Greenland is the predominant factor for 198.295 mm of SLR.

Country: BAHAMAS

Station Name: SETTLEMENT POINT, Station Number: 1646
Station rows of data: 17

Station Name: SETTLEMENT POINT A, Station Number: 1928
Station rows of data: 15

Total rows of data: 32
Total years of records: 31

Distances from stations to:

Antarctica: 8916.21 km
Patagonia: 7613.32 km
Svalbard: 7219.94 km
Greenland: 5798.82 km
Glacier Bay: 5658.29 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1985: 6947 RLR; last year 2016: 7073.77 RLR
SLC Analysis: Antarctica is the predominant factor for 126.77 mm of SLR.

Country: BAHRAIN

Station Name: MINA SULMAN, Station Number: 1494
Station rows of data: 24

Total rows of data: 24
Total years of records: 28

Distances from stations to:

Patagonia: 14221.6 km
Glacier Bay: 10590.2 km
Greenland: 7215.07 km
Antarctica: 6149.21 km
Svalbard: 6052.1 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1979: 6948.55 RLR; last year 2007: 7030.57 RLR
SLC Analysis: Greenland is the predominant factor for 82.02 mm of SLR.


Station Name: HIRON POINT, Station Number: 1451
Station rows of data: 21

Station Name: KHEPUPARA, Station Number: 1454
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: COX'S BAZAAR, Station Number: 1476
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: CHARCHANGA, Station Number: 1496
Station rows of data: 22

Station Name: CHITTAGONG A, Station Number: 2196
Station rows of data: 10

Total rows of data: 53
Total years of records: 37

Distances from stations to:

Patagonia: 17108.7 km
Antarctica: 10091.4 km
Glacier Bay: 10072.8 km
Greenland: 8703.2 km
Svalbard: 7281.96 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1979: 6778.86 RLR; last year 2016: 7089.75 RLR
SLC Analysis: Antarctica is the predominant factor for 310.89 mm of SLR.

Country: BELGIUM

Station Name: OOSTENDE, Station Number: 413
Station rows of data: 77

Station Name: ZEEBRUGGE, Station Number: 470
Station rows of data: 56

Station Name: NIEUWPOORT, Station Number: 489
Station rows of data: 53

Total rows of data: 186
Total years of records: 80

Distances from stations to:

Patagonia: 12337.5 km
Glacier Bay: 7305.21 km
Antarctica: 5705.55 km
Greenland: 3261.35 km
Svalbard: 3066.38 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1937: 6981.96 RLR; last year 2017: 7130.42 RLR
SLC Analysis: Antarctica is the predominant factor for 148.457 mm of SLR.

Country: BERMUDA

Station Name: ST. GEORGES / ESSO PIER (BERMUDA), Station Number: 368
Station rows of data: 78

Station Name: PAGET ISLAND, Station Number: 886
Station rows of data: 5

Total rows of data: 83
Total years of records: 85

Distances from stations to:

Patagonia: 8166.42 km
Antarctica: 7654.35 km
Svalbard: 6287.7 km
Glacier Bay: 5985.12 km
Greenland: 4925.84 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1932: 6920 RLR; last year 2017: 7225.88 RLR
SLC Analysis: Antarctica is the predominant factor for 305.88 mm of SLR.

Country: BRAZIL

Station Name: IMBITUBA, Station Number: 542
Station rows of data: 21

Station Name: RECIFE, Station Number: 556
Station rows of data: 21

Station Name: FORTALEZA, Station Number: 559
Station rows of data: 19

Station Name: SALVADOR, Station Number: 578
Station rows of data: 20

Station Name: RIO DE JANEIRO, Station Number: 579
Station rows of data: 20

Station Name: BELEM, Station Number: 580
Station rows of data: 20

Station Name: SALINOPOLIS, Station Number: 589
Station rows of data: 8

Station Name: CANAVIEIRAS, Station Number: 699
Station rows of data: 12

Station Name: CANANEIA, Station Number: 726
Station rows of data: 52

Station Name: ILHA FISCAL, Station Number: 1032
Station rows of data: 53

Station Name: MADEIRA, Station Number: 1736
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: SANTANA, Station Number: 1975
Station rows of data: 0

Total rows of data: 246
Total years of records: 68

Distances from stations to:

Glacier Bay: 11331.8 km
Svalbard: 10682.1 km
Greenland: 9680.41 km
Antarctica: 5010.83 km
Patagonia: 3996.18 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1948: 6907.44 RLR; last year 2016: 7040.08 RLR
SLC Analysis: Greenland is the predominant factor for 132.637 mm of SLR.


Station Name: DIEGO GARCIA-C, Station Number: 1740
Station rows of data: 13

Station Name: DIEGO GARCIA D, Station Number: 2190
Station rows of data: 14

Total rows of data: 27
Total years of records: 28

Distances from stations to:

Glacier Bay: 13811.6 km
Patagonia: 13297.8 km
Greenland: 11424.2 km
Svalbard: 10093.3 km
Antarctica: 8067.39 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1988: 7088.11 RLR; last year 2016: 6992.21 RLR
SLC Analysis: Antarctica is the predominant factor for 95.9 mm of SLF.


Station Name: BOURGAS, Station Number: 317
Station rows of data: 66

Station Name: VARNA, Station Number: 318
Station rows of data: 68

Total rows of data: 134
Total years of records: 67

Distances from stations to:

Patagonia: 13352.3 km
Glacier Bay: 8681.82 km
Antarctica: 5506.09 km
Greenland: 4806.5 km
Svalbard: 3987.65 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1929: 6929.62 RLR; last year 1996: 7053.93 RLR
SLC Analysis: Antarctica is the predominant factor for 124.315 mm of SLR.

Country: CANADA

Station Name: HALIFAX, Station Number: 96
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: TROIS-RIVIERES, Station Number: 126
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: PORT-SAINT-FRANCOIS, Station Number: 137
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: POINTE-AU-PERE, Station Number: 138
Station rows of data: 72

Station Name: BATISCAN, Station Number: 144
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: TOFINO, Station Number: 165
Station rows of data: 89

Station Name: VICTORIA, Station Number: 166
Station rows of data: 109

Station Name: PRINCE RUPERT, Station Number: 167
Station rows of data: 93

Station Name: QUEBEC (LAUZON), Station Number: 173
Station rows of data: 85

Station Name: VANCOUVER, Station Number: 175
Station rows of data: 92

Station Name: HARRINGTON HBR, Station Number: 176
Station rows of data: 52

Station Name: NEUVILLE, Station Number: 192
Station rows of data: 101

Station Name: POINT ATKINSON, Station Number: 193
Station rows of data: 85

Station Name: SAINT JOHN N.B., Station Number: 195
Station rows of data: 107

Station Name: DESCHAILLONS, Station Number: 201
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: GRONDINES, Station Number: 387
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: PORT AUX BASQUES, Station Number: 392
Station rows of data: 58

Station Name: ST. JOHN'S NFLD., Station Number: 393
Station rows of data: 65

Station Name: CHARLOTTETOWN, Station Number: 427
Station rows of data: 97

Station Name: CHURCHILL, Station Number: 447
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: PORT ALBERNI, Station Number: 527
Station rows of data: 30

Station Name: ALERT BAY, Station Number: 554
Station rows of data: 31

Station Name: COMOX, Station Number: 630
Station rows of data: 4

Station Name: FULFORD HARBOUR, Station Number: 688
Station rows of data: 41

Station Name: QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, Station Number: 829
Station rows of data: 56

Station Name: LANGARA POINT, Station Number: 840
Station rows of data: 11

Station Name: PORT RENFREW, Station Number: 842
Station rows of data: 27

Station Name: RESOLUTE, Station Number: 863
Station rows of data: 20

Station Name: SOOKE, Station Number: 921
Station rows of data: 15

Station Name: PORTNEUF, Station Number: 951
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: BELLA BELLA, Station Number: 984
Station rows of data: 57

Station Name: ST-FRANCOIS, Station Number: 999
Station rows of data: 56

Station Name: TUKTOYAKTUK, Station Number: 1000
Station rows of data: 37

Station Name: CHAMPLAIN, Station Number: 1005
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: NAIN, Station Number: 1029
Station rows of data: 17

Station Name: LARK HARBOUR, Station Number: 1044
Station rows of data: 26

Station Name: PORT HARDY, Station Number: 1071
Station rows of data: 54

Station Name: BELLA COOLA, Station Number: 1084
Station rows of data: 4

Station Name: ALERT, Station Number: 1110
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: PICTOU, Station Number: 1121
Station rows of data: 32

Station Name: CAMBRIDGE BAY, Station Number: 1132
Station rows of data: 14

Station Name: POINT SAPIN, Station Number: 1138
Station rows of data: 10

Station Name: GRINDSTONE, Station Number: 1143
Station rows of data: 5

Station Name: PATRICIA BAY, Station Number: 1152
Station rows of data: 42

Station Name: YARMOUTH, Station Number: 1158
Station rows of data: 53

Station Name: STE-ANNE-DES-MONTS, Station Number: 1199
Station rows of data: 28

Station Name: RIVIERE-AU-RENARD, Station Number: 1213
Station rows of data: 50

Station Name: BAIE COMEAU, Station Number: 1218
Station rows of data: 24

Station Name: TADOUSSAC, Station Number: 1219
Station rows of data: 23

Station Name: ST-JEAN-PORT-JOLI, Station Number: 1223
Station rows of data: 12

Station Name: DIGBY, Station Number: 1230
Station rows of data: 3

Station Name: BAMFIELD, Station Number: 1242
Station rows of data: 49

Station Name: ST-JOSEPH-DE-LA-RIVE, Station Number: 1244
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: NEW WESTMINSTER, Station Number: 1245
Station rows of data: 49

Station Name: STEVESTON, Station Number: 1255
Station rows of data: 29

Station Name: BOUTILIER POINT, Station Number: 1259
Station rows of data: 11

Station Name: WEST ST. MODESTE, Station Number: 1278
Station rows of data: 20

Station Name: SAVAGE COVE, Station Number: 1280
Station rows of data: 13

Station Name: CAPE PARRY, Station Number: 1282
Station rows of data: 4

Station Name: RIVIERE-DU-LOUP, Station Number: 1284
Station rows of data: 11

Station Name: NORTH SYDNEY, Station Number: 1299
Station rows of data: 48

Station Name: POINTE-DU-CHENE, Station Number: 1309
Station rows of data: 14

Station Name: ARGENTIA, Station Number: 1321
Station rows of data: 47

Station Name: SEPT-ILES, Station Number: 1322
Station rows of data: 46

Station Name: CAMPBELL RIVER, Station Number: 1323
Station rows of data: 48

Station Name: SHEDIAC BAY, Station Number: 1326
Station rows of data: 15

Station Name: RUSTICO, Station Number: 1330
Station rows of data: 24

Station Name: POINT TUPPER, Station Number: 1332
Station rows of data: 21

Station Name: TSAWWASSEN, Station Number: 1341
Station rows of data: 7

Station Name: LOWER ESCUMINAC, Station Number: 1349
Station rows of data: 45

Station Name: DALHOUSIE, Station Number: 1358
Station rows of data: 19

Station Name: PORT-ALFRED, Station Number: 1392
Station rows of data: 39

Station Name: RIMOUSKI, Station Number: 1597
Station rows of data: 34

Station Name: BECANCOUR, Station Number: 1798
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: WINTER HARBOUR, Station Number: 1799
Station rows of data: 29

Station Name: LITTLE CORNWALLIS ISLAND, Station Number: 1822
Station rows of data: 3

Station Name: NANOOSE BAY, Station Number: 1825
Station rows of data: 2

Station Name: ULUKHAKTOK (FORMERLY HOLMAN ), Station Number: 1930
Station rows of data: 10

Station Name: QIKIQTARJUAQ, Station Number: 1935
Station rows of data: 9

Station Name: CAP AUX MEULES, Station Number: 2031
Station rows of data: 11

Station Name: BELLEDUNE, Station Number: 2069
Station rows of data: 19

Station Name: BONAVISTA, Station Number: 2135
Station rows of data: 13

Station Name: BEDFORD INSTITUTE, Station Number: 2352
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: VIEUX QUEBEC, Station Number: 2353
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: ST LAWRENCE, Station Number: 2354
Station rows of data: 0

Total rows of data: 2576
Total years of records: 121

Distances from stations to:

Patagonia: 10343.5 km
Antarctica: 9725.27 km
Svalbard: 4786.71 km
Greenland: 3397.74 km
Glacier Bay: 3316.17 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1896: 6888.86 RLR; last year 2017: 7144.81 RLR
SLC Analysis: Antarctica is the predominant factor for 255.952 mm of SLR.


Station Name: PORTO GRANDE (ST. VINCENT) 2, Station Number: 1769
Station rows of data: 5

Station Name: PALMEIRA, Station Number: 1914
Station rows of data: 17

Total rows of data: 22
Total years of records: 26

Distances from stations to:

Glacier Bay: 9692.93 km
Patagonia: 7867.23 km
Svalbard: 7173.47 km
Greenland: 6542.26 km
Antarctica: 3226.12 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1990: 7133.75 RLR; last year 2016: 7054.12 RLR
SLC Analysis: Greenland is the predominant factor for 79.63 mm of SLR.


Station Name: NORTH SOUND, Station Number: 1422
Station rows of data: 20

Station Name: SOUTH SOUND, Station Number: 1426
Station rows of data: 19

Total rows of data: 39
Total years of records: 20

Distances from stations to:

Antarctica: 9101.11 km
Svalbard: 8076.91 km
Patagonia: 6844.36 km
Greenland: 6654.94 km
Glacier Bay: 6215.01 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1976: 6969.17 RLR; last year 1996: 6977.98 RLR
SLC Analysis: Antarctica is the predominant factor for 8.81 mm of SLR.

Country: CHILE

Station Name: PUNTA ARENAS, Station Number: 473
Station rows of data: 6

Station Name: VALPARAISO, Station Number: 499
Station rows of data: 68

Station Name: ANTOFAGASTA 2, Station Number: 510
Station rows of data: 73

Station Name: ANTOFAGASTA, Station Number: 511
Station rows of data: 47

Station Name: TALCAHUANO, Station Number: 571
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: ARICA, Station Number: 618
Station rows of data: 41

Station Name: CALDERA, Station Number: 619
Station rows of data: 42

Station Name: CALETA PERCY, Station Number: 994
Station rows of data: 4

Station Name: CORRAL, Station Number: 1057
Station rows of data: 2

Station Name: PUERTO WILLIAMS, Station Number: 1122
Station rows of data: 6

Station Name: EASTER ISLAND-E, Station Number: 1272
Station rows of data: 45

Station Name: EASTER ISLAND-D, Station Number: 1462
Station rows of data: 8

Station Name: JUAN FERNANDEZ-C, Station Number: 1644
Station rows of data: 33

Station Name: SAN FELIX, Station Number: 1751
Station rows of data: 29

Station Name: DIEGO RAMIREZ, Station Number: 1785
Station rows of data: 7

Station Name: IQUIQUE, Station Number: 1963
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: IQUIQUE II, Station Number: 2261
Station rows of data: 34

Station Name: CORRAL II, Station Number: 2262
Station rows of data: 33

Station Name: PUNTA ARENAS II, Station Number: 2263
Station rows of data: 28

Station Name: ANCUD, Station Number: 2264
Station rows of data: 19

Station Name: MELINKA, Station Number: 2265
Station rows of data: 6

Total rows of data: 531
Total years of records: 73

Distances from stations to:

Svalbard: 13944.4 km
Greenland: 12599.5 km
Glacier Bay: 11914.8 km
Antarctica: 6019.43 km
Patagonia: 873.406 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1944: 7024 RLR; last year 2017: 6989.65 RLR
SLC Analysis: Antarctica is the predominant factor for 34.3478 mm of SLF.

Country: CHINA

Station Name: QINHUANGDAO, Station Number: 614
Station rows of data: 45

Station Name: DALIAN, Station Number: 723
Station rows of data: 53

Station Name: XIAMEN, Station Number: 727
Station rows of data: 51

Station Name: YANTAI, Station Number: 731
Station rows of data: 41

Station Name: ZHAPO, Station Number: 933
Station rows of data: 59

Station Name: KANMEN, Station Number: 934
Station rows of data: 59

Station Name: LUSI, Station Number: 979
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: TANGGU, Station Number: 1403
Station rows of data: 20

Station Name: SHIJIUSUO, Station Number: 1404
Station rows of data: 20

Station Name: LIANYUNGANG, Station Number: 1405
Station rows of data: 20

Station Name: SHANWEI, Station Number: 1406
Station rows of data: 20

Station Name: DONGFANG, Station Number: 1407
Station rows of data: 12

Station Name: BEIHAI, Station Number: 1408
Station rows of data: 20

Station Name: HAIKOU, Station Number: 1428
Station rows of data: 19

Station Name: LAOHUTAN, Station Number: 1513
Station rows of data: 18

Station Name: NAN SHA, Station Number: 1730
Station rows of data: 20

Station Name: XI SHA, Station Number: 1745
Station rows of data: 28

Total rows of data: 505
Total years of records: 67

Distances from stations to:

Patagonia: 18538.9 km
Antarctica: 12593.2 km
Greenland: 8412.09 km
Glacier Bay: 8252.62 km
Svalbard: 7164.72 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1950: 7119.42 RLR; last year 2017: 7059.72 RLR
SLC Analysis: Antarctica is the predominant factor for 59.704 mm of SLR.


Station Name: COCOS ISLAND (HOME IS.), Station Number: 983
Station rows of data: 25

Total rows of data: 25
Total years of records: 24

Distances from stations to:

Patagonia: 13909.6 km
Glacier Bay: 13208.5 km
Greenland: 12544.2 km
Svalbard: 11122 km
Antarctica: 8661.21 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1993: 6965.54 RLR; last year 2017: 7115.42 RLR
SLC Analysis: Greenland is the predominant factor for 149.88 mm of SLR.


Station Name: BUENAVENTURA, Station Number: 456
Station rows of data: 28

Station Name: CARTAGENA, Station Number: 572
Station rows of data: 44

Station Name: TUMACO, Station Number: 639
Station rows of data: 17

Station Name: RIOHACHA, Station Number: 714
Station rows of data: 17

Total rows of data: 106
Total years of records: 51

Distances from stations to:

Svalbard: 9305.69 km
Antarctica: 8471.65 km
Greenland: 7905.95 km
Glacier Bay: 7689.4 km
Patagonia: 5392.65 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1941: 7118.96 RLR; last year 1992: 7221.88 RLR
SLC Analysis: Antarctica is the predominant factor for 102.92 mm of SLR.

Country: CONGO

Station Name: POINTE NOIRE, Station Number: 938
Station rows of data: 3

Total rows of data: 3
Total years of records: 2

Distances from stations to:

Glacier Bay: 13485.7 km
Greenland: 9505.84 km
Svalbard: 9254.34 km
Patagonia: 8807.16 km
Antarctica: 1417.94 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1977: 6981.23 RLR; last year 1979: 6965.75 RLR
SLC Analysis: Antarctica is the predominant factor for 15.48 mm of SLF.


Station Name: PENRHYN, Station Number: 1450
Station rows of data: 40

Station Name: RAROTONGA B, Station Number: 1843
Station rows of data: 25

Total rows of data: 65
Total years of records: 40

Distances from stations to:

Svalbard: 12974.2 km
Greenland: 12441.9 km
Patagonia: 8989.66 km
Glacier Bay: 8406.53 km
Antarctica: 8328.25 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1977: 7080 RLR; last year 2017: 6980.29 RLR
SLC Analysis: Antarctica is the predominant factor for 99.71 mm of SLF.


Station Name: PUNTARENAS, Station Number: 464
Station rows of data: 26

Station Name: PUERTO LIMON, Station Number: 552
Station rows of data: 21

Station Name: QUEPOS, Station Number: 844
Station rows of data: 9

Station Name: QUEPOS B, Station Number: 2189
Station rows of data: 8

Total rows of data: 64
Total years of records: 75

Distances from stations to:

Antarctica: 9356.65 km
Svalbard: 9179.7 km
Greenland: 7757.04 km
Glacier Bay: 6995.94 km
Patagonia: 5873.33 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1941: 7058.67 RLR; last year 2016: 7030 RLR
SLC Analysis: Antarctica is the predominant factor for 28.67 mm of SLR.


Station Name: ABIDJAN, Station Number: 1313
Station rows of data: 4

Total rows of data: 4
Total years of records: 5

Distances from stations to:

Glacier Bay: 11810.5 km
Patagonia: 8270.53 km
Svalbard: 8216.7 km
Greenland: 8088.02 km
Antarctica: 733.616 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1971: 6972.71 RLR; last year 1976: 7036.33 RLR
SLC Analysis: Greenland is the predominant factor for 63.62 mm of SLR.

Country: CROATIA

Station Name: SPLIT - GRADSKA LUKA, Station Number: 352
Station rows of data: 61

Station Name: BAKAR, Station Number: 353
Station rows of data: 75

Station Name: SPLIT RT MARJANA, Station Number: 685
Station rows of data: 60

Station Name: DUBROVNIK, Station Number: 760
Station rows of data: 59

Station Name: ROVINJ, Station Number: 761
Station rows of data: 60

Station Name: VIS-CESKA VILA, Station Number: 1574
Station rows of data: 9

Station Name: GAZENICA, Station Number: 1577
Station rows of data: 6

Station Name: ZLARIN, Station Number: 1578
Station rows of data: 6

Station Name: SUCURAJ, Station Number: 1706
Station rows of data: 19

Station Name: UBLI, Station Number: 1718
Station rows of data: 5

Station Name: ZADAR, Station Number: 1859
Station rows of data: 21

Station Name: PLOCE, Station Number: 1945
Station rows of data: 9

Total rows of data: 390
Total years of records: 84

Distances from stations to:

Patagonia: 12607 km
Glacier Bay: 8408.57 km
Antarctica: 5111.4 km
Greenland: 4395 km
Svalbard: 3862.98 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1930: 7018.12 RLR; last year 2014: 7144.15 RLR
SLC Analysis: Antarctica is the predominant factor for 126.034 mm of SLR.

Country: CUBA

Station Name: GUANTANAMO BAY, Station Number: 418
Station rows of data: 34

Station Name: GIBARA, Station Number: 563
Station rows of data: 44

Station Name: CABO DE SAN ANTONIO, Station Number: 1297
Station rows of data: 44

Station Name: ISABELA DE SAGUA, Station Number: 1909
Station rows of data: 18

Station Name: CABO CRUZ, Station Number: 1910
Station rows of data: 26

Station Name: MANZANILLO, Station Number: 1934
Station rows of data: 14

Station Name: CASILDA II, Station Number: 2021
Station rows of data: 29

Station Name: MARIEL BOCA, Station Number: 2286
Station rows of data: 4

Station Name: SANTIAGO DE CUBA, Station Number: 2287
Station rows of data: 5

Station Name: NUEVITAS PUNTA PRACTICO, Station Number: 2288
Station rows of data: 19

Station Name: CAYO LOCO, Station Number: 2289
Station rows of data: 6

Total rows of data: 243
Total years of records: 80

Distances from stations to:

Antarctica: 8853.4 km
Svalbard: 7799.98 km
Patagonia: 7020.7 km
Greenland: 6381.37 km
Glacier Bay: 6162.82 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 1937: 6938.14 RLR; last year 2017: 7030.42 RLR
SLC Analysis: Antarctica is the predominant factor for 92.2789 mm of SLR.

Country: CYPRUS

Station Name: FAMAGUSTA, Station Number: 436
Station rows of data: 0

Station Name: GIRNE, Station Number: 1911
Station rows of data: 4

Total rows of data: 4
Total years of records: 3

Distances from stations to:

Patagonia: 13366.2 km
Glacier Bay: 9579.29 km
Greenland: 5773.65 km
Antarctica: 5244.08 km
Svalbard: 4870.38 km

Sea Levels: 1st year 2000: 7030 RLR; last year 2003: 7052.25 RLR
SLC Analysis: Greenland is the predominant factor for 22.25 mm of SLR.