
Monday, August 31, 2020

Excluding Quantum Boulevard: A Critique of Chemotaxis Street

3301 Quantum Boulevard
For a long time I have advocated for a focus on "Photontaxis" instead of an exclusive focus on Chemotaxis.

That is because the overuse of Chemotaxis in Microbiology and Virology may be robbing us of advancement.

I mean advancement into the realm of wireless communication in the microbial world (The Tiniest Scientists Are Very Old, 2010; The Tiniest Scientists Are Very Old - 2, 2011).

The main concern I have had is that the understudied source of communication in those realms is likely an aspect of quantum mechanics, or more precisely photonic (wireless) communication.

Currently Chemotaxis is considered to be the mainstay of microbial communication (Microbial Languages: Rehabilitation of the Unseen, 2).

But writing notes then putting them into a bottle then casting them into the "ocean" is not efficient enough for bacterial community communication needs.

I have hinted that there is likely a far more advanced method of communication, at the cellular level, involving quanta:
It is well accepted that all objects, whether living or nonliving, are continuously generating electromagnetic fields (EMFs) due to the thermal agitation of their particles that possess charges. Interest in EMFs as alternative forms of cell-to-cell communication can be traced back to at least the second decade of the 20th century. Interactions between EMFs and biosystems have been intensively studied for over a century and a quantitative understanding of many interaction mechanisms exists, There is much evidence that biological processes can be induced or modulated by induction of light of characteristic frequencies.

Recently, distant interactions between mammalian cells through EMF coupling have been shown. Distant (non-chemical) interaction in biosystems is not limited to interactions at the cellular level. Biosystem interaction has been reported at the level of plants, insects and other biosystems.

In 1997 Cosic proposed that there is a resonant interaction between macromolecules that plays an essential role in their bioactivity. The key point of Cosic's finding is the assignment of specific spectral electromagnetic (EM) characteristics of proteins to their specific biological function. Proteins with common biological functionality are known to share one significant peak, called the Consensus Frequency, which is acknowledged to represent the region responsible for the biological functionality. Bio-molecules with the same biological characteristics recognize and bio-attach to themselves when their valence electrons oscillate and then reverberate in an electromagnetic field. Protein interactions can be considered as resonant energy transfer between the interacting molecules. In simple words each protein and biomolecule has its fingerprint electromagnetic characteristics that can be used for its identification. In living systems long-range electromagnetic fields exchange messages across a distance because of matching emissions and absorption spectra. Non-resonating, unwanted random signals are excluded simply because they do not resonate.
The chemical mode of communication [between and among microbes] is the best studied of all. Nevertheless, bacteria also use electromagnetic signals as part of sophisticated signaling [systems] that function over distances that are substantially larger than cellular dimensions (which are the order of one to a few micrometers). The following descriptions focus mainly on the investigations in the area of electromagnetically mediated communication of microorganisms.

Research into the electromagnetically mediated communication of microbes started immediately after the discovery of mitogenetic radiation (MR) by Alexander Gurvitch in the 1920s. His observation stimulated early research, which led to over 500 publications on the ability of information exchange by means of electromagnetic fields between micro-organisms.
(A New Potential Source for Toxins of Power: Wireless Signals). Perhaps the growing knowledge about the microbial realm these days will engender a proper amount of research into this subject, even in the realm of Oceanography (The Ghost Photons, 2, 3; Quantum Oceanography, 2, 3).

We can hope.

Doncha wonder?

Sunday, August 30, 2020

On The Origin Of The Home Of COVID-19 - 17

Fig. 1 See them!
I. The World's First

The world's first Gut Virome Database (GVD) tells us a lot about viruses in homo sapiens:
"The first step in studying viruses in complex communities is being able to detect them. Problematically, identifying viral sequences in large, mixed-community datasets is notoriously challenging.
Further, once viruses are detected there is no standard applied on how viral contigs translate into “species”-level sequences that are to be used as a “working” virus pool for downstream analysis. The lack of viral analysis standards could partly explain the estimated, highly variable (14%–87%) ... rates of virus detection between studies. In addition, factors such as differences in sample processing ... broad under-representation of viral genome space in reference databases ... lack of culturable host gut microbes ... and inter-individual variation add further variability ...
Fig. 2 Antibiotics Kill Helpful Bacteria
Further, although viral reference datasets are being generated at unprecedented rates ... these new data are rarely incorporated for cross-comparisons, which would inflate virus novelty in new datasets and/or leaves many virus sequences undetected. In response to these challenges and to enable virome-centric research in health and disease, we sought to establish a comprehensive, easy-access database dedicated to human gut viruses. This effort would enable future gut microbiome research by augmenting virus detection and helping establish processing standards for human gut viruses."
(The Gut Virome Database Reveals..., emphasis added). I downloaded an early version of the GVD which had fewer rows of data than the latest which I am processing now.

The latest has 33,242 rows which are now in my SQL database, and are being analyzed at this time.

One program is running now, which will be discussed when it finishes comparing SARS-CoV-2 with the phage DNA in the GVD (it finished up, see the appendices).

There are some unprecedented things that have been discovered about "bacteriophages" (phages) in the human enteric virus microbiome.

More on that later in this post.

II. Moving Forward

In this series I have been pointing out that the mass scientific media (the Commentariat) have not been adequately covering the commensal, mutualist, or symbiotic viruses as Dredd Blog has for the better part of a decade now (On The Origin Of The Home Of COVID-19, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16; cf. The Microbes Living in Our Bodies Were Probably Once Evil Pathogens, Smithsonian; Evolutionary origins and diversification of proteobacterial mutualists).

Fig. 3
The mysterious intelligence of single celled creatures has also been under-covered and understudied (the video at the end of this post is shocking in that regard).

The presenter (Eshel Ben-Jacob) at 55 min into video below, details what some would call group co-operation or group-mind at the level of bacteria.

Fig. 4
What we call or name something may not be clear, so let's focus on what the bacteria do.

They do things as if they "knew" what to do, they do things as if they can "see", they do things as if they can communicate effectively with one another.

Fig. 5
When machines do that we call it "AI", the "I" meaning intelligence.


So what is it when living organisms do it?

In Fig. 3 - Fig. 5 (snapshots from the video) two microbes communicate and exchange viruses and other valuables.

The microbes that know how to do something will share that information (and viruses) with other microbes.

What about intelligence in viruses?

What about "machine intelligence" in our gut microbiome (in the zillions of microbes and phages in, on, and around us)?

III. Machine Intelligence

Currently scientists are beginning to point out that there is an incredible amount of "machine intelligence" within the single celled microorganisms we are composed of:
“Our cells, and the cells of all organisms, are composed of molecular machines. These machines are built of component parts, each of which contributes a partial function or structural element to the machine. How such sophisticated, multi-component machines could evolve has been somewhat mysterious, and highly controversial.” Professor Lithgow said.
Many cellular processes are carried out by molecular ‘machines’ — assemblies of multiple differentiated proteins that physically interact to execute biological functions ... Our experiments show that increased complexity in an essential molecular machine evolved because of simple, high-probability evolutionary processes, without the apparent evolution of novel functions. They point to a plausible mechanism for the evolution of complexity in other multi-paralogue protein complexes.
The most complex molecular machines are found within cells.
Writing in the journal PLoS Pathogens, the team from Queen Mary's School of Biological and Chemical Sciences show how they studied the molecular machine known as the 'type II bacterial secretion system', which is responsible for delivering potent toxins from bacteria such as enterotoxigenic E. coli and Vibrio cholerae into an infected individual.

Professor Richard Pickersgill, who led the research, said: "Bacterial secretion systems deliver disease causing toxins into host tissue. If we can understand how these machines work, then we can work out how it they might be stopped." [or started, or perpetuated as proper and necessary]
(On The Origin of the Genes of Viruses). Indiscriminately "killing anything that moves" is for the inhuman brutality of warmongers (On The Origin of The Bully Religion - 2), but should not be the way of conducting delicate health preserving therapies or food production.

IV. A Look At The SARS-CoV-2
And The Coronavirus Realm Within

While perusing the world's first GVD mentioned in Section I above, I noticed a very large genome which I consider to be a Prophage ("It is not rare for bacteria to contain multiple prophages in their chromosomes, which then constitute a sizable part of the total bacterial DNA" - Prophage Genomics).

The 15 appendices to today's post display analyses of two virus types: 1) coronavirus pre-SARS-CoV-2, and 2) SARS-CoV-2 itself.

Those two are compared to the GVD prophage "Ma_2019_SRR413675", which is the largest one in the GVD (392,017 bases!).

The number of coronavirus genomes compared is 590 viruses, while the SARS-CoV-2 comparison total is 13,827 (the coronavirus and SARS-CoV-2 genomes were downloaded from GenBank).

The process is to: 1) gather a segment of the genome (composed of 10 bases, i.e. a segment of 10 "ACGT's"), 2) search the GVD prophage genome for that sequence, and 3) then move on to the next segment.

That is repeated until the end of the coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2 genome is reached.

A count of the number of matches (a segment of a coronavirus or a segment of a SARS-CoV-2 virus matches a segment in the GVD prophage genome) is shown in the appendices together with the percentage of the coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2 virus segments found in the GVD prophage's genome.

What this teaches us is that elements of coronavirus and SARS-CoV-2 genomes are in our gut microbiome's genome (On The Origin Of The Home Of COVID-19 - 16).

The maximum percent a of coronavirus genome in the human gut (GVD prophage) is:


(Appendix 01), and the maximum percent a of SARS-CoV-2 genome in the human gut (GVD prophage) is:

CNA001371029,904 1,304 43.61%

(Appendix 02). Ok, so on to the appendices.

V. Appendices

Coronavirus 1Appendix 01
SARS-CoV-2 2Appendix 02
SARS-CoV-2 3Appendix 03
SARS-CoV-2 4Appendix 04
SARS-CoV-2 5Appendix 05
SARS-CoV-2 6Appendix 06
SARS-CoV-2 7Appendix 07
SARS-CoV-2 8Appendix 08
SARS-CoV-2 9Appendix 09
SARS-CoV-2 10Appendix 10
SARS-CoV-2 11Appendix 11
SARS-CoV-2 12Appendix 12
SARS-CoV-2 13Appendix 13
SARS-CoV-2 14Appendix 14
SARS-CoV-2 15Appendix 15

VI. Closing Comments

In a future post I plan to show the locations in the GVD phage DNA where these coronavirus and SARS-CoV-2 segments are located. 

The next post in this series is here, the previous post in this series is here.

Long video, but extremely informative:

Appendix 01

This is an appendix to: On The Origin Of The Home Of COVID-19 - 17

The table below is the result of
comparing coronavirus DNA
to the human gut's
longest bacteriophage DNA
identified as Ma_2019_SRR413675
which is 392,017 bases long.

map_id = coronavirus DNA's GenBank id

DNA length = the length of the coronavirus DNA

sequence matches = the count
of segments (10 bases each)
of the coronavirus DNA
that were found in the human gut's
bacteriophage DNA

matches percent = the percentage
of the coronavirus DNA
that was found in the human gut's
bacteriophage DNA
map_id DNA
DQ415902 29,845 1,591 53.31%
DQ415901 30,097 1,634 54.29%
DQ445912 27,535 1,376 49.97%
DQ415899 29,905 1,598 53.44%
AY567487 27,553 1,369 49.69%
AY518894 27,555 1,380 50.08%
DQ415912 29,845 1,590 53.28%
DQ445911 27,550 1,364 49.51%
DQ415907 29,887 1,625 54.37%
DQ415913 29,785 1,589 53.35%
AY585229 30,744 1,333 43.36%
DQ415897 29,845 1,590 53.28%
DQ415914 29,887 1,625 54.37%
DQ415910 29,797 1,616 54.23%
AY391777 30,738 1,321 42.98%
DQ415911 29,902 1,586 53.04%
DQ415904 29,295 1,594 54.41%
DQ415906 29,857 1,625 54.43%
AY585228 30,741 1,331 43.30%
AF304460 27,317 1,133 41.48%
DQ415908 29,947 1,631 54.46%
AY903460 30,723 1,322 43.03%
DQ415903 29,920 1,610 53.81%
AY884001 29,815 1,592 53.40%
DQ415905 29,857 1,625 54.43%
DQ415909 29,767 1,619 54.39%
DQ415900 29,812 1,679 56.32%
DQ415896 29,860 1,606 53.78%
DQ415898 29,815 1,589 53.30%
DQ339101 29,755 1,588 53.37%
AY597011 29,926 1,617 54.03%
AY903459 30,723 1,324 43.09%
HM034837 29,862 1,615 54.08%
JQ765565 27,469 1,367 49.77%
JQ765568 27,487 1,347 49.00%
JQ765569 27,469 1,362 49.58%
JQ765572 27,487 1,349 49.08%
JQ410000 27,374 1,142 41.72%
JN129835 30,722 1,332 43.36%
JQ765564 27,469 1,361 49.55%
JQ765567 27,487 1,361 49.51%
JX524171 27,538 1,365 49.57%
JX104161 27,538 1,368 49.68%
FJ938067 30,953 1,316 42.52%
JQ765563 27,469 1,360 49.51%
JX869059 30,119 1,025 34.03%
JQ765575 27,487 1,357 49.37%
JQ765566 27,487 1,354 49.26%
JQ765570 27,469 1,364 49.66%
JQ765573 27,487 1,349 49.08%
JN129834 30,710 1,364 44.42%
JX504050 27,553 1,370 49.72%
JQ765574 27,487 1,354 49.26%
JQ765571 27,487 1,350 49.11%
JX503061 27,208 1,131 41.57%
FJ415324 31,029 1,315 42.38%
JX503060 27,263 1,111 40.75%
KF961221 30,090 1,004 33.37%
KF600651 30,105 1,027 34.11%
KF530113 27,410 1,367 49.87%
KF530067 30,608 1,341 43.81%
KF600644 30,078 1,014 33.71%
KF923901 30,713 1,325 43.14%
KJ156874 30,055 1,011 33.64%
KF530089 30,611 1,366 44.62%
KF530061 30,577 1,325 43.33%
KM210278 30,035 1,025 34.13%
KF923896 30,737 1,307 42.52%
KF923911 30,713 1,323 43.08%
KJ361500 29,267 979 33.45%
KJ813439 30,123 1,025 34.03%
KF923923 30,713 1,324 43.11%
KF530073 30,577 1,325 43.33%
KJ156866 30,054 1,012 33.67%
KJ156881 30,055 1,010 33.61%
KF530064 30,577 1,330 43.50%
KF186566 30,113 1,060 35.20%
KF530079 30,581 1,321 43.20%
KF600632 30,108 1,011 33.58%
KF530078 30,568 1,350 44.16%
KF686344 29,695 1,612 54.29%
KF600628 30,104 1,028 34.15%
KF530068 30,572 1,313 42.95%
KF530075 30,577 1,333 43.59%
KF530096 30,589 1,348 44.07%
KF923891 30,713 1,327 43.21%
KF600612 30,063 1,021 33.96%
KM027255 29,919 1,020 34.09%
KF514433 27,165 1,117 41.12%
KF686343 29,983 1,648 54.96%
KF530063 30,577 1,303 42.61%
KF923889 30,719 1,306 42.51%
KF923886 30,719 1,305 42.48%
KF923900 30,722 1,329 43.26%
KF530084 30,577 1,315 43.01%
KC776174 30,030 1,034 34.43%
KM027262 29,896 1,005 33.62%
KF530095 30,602 1,319 43.10%
KF600634 30,063 1,032 34.33%
KJ958219 30,714 1,317 42.88%
KF186565 30,069 1,012 33.66%
KJ556336 29,890 1,033 34.56%
KM210277 30,031 1,013 33.73%
KF530077 30,577 1,328 43.43%
KM027261 29,809 1,016 34.08%
KF923904 30,713 1,323 43.08%
KF530104 27,410 1,366 49.84%
KJ361502 29,783 1,018 34.18%
KF192507 30,123 1,061 35.22%
KF923906 30,737 1,311 42.65%
KF923919 30,713 1,324 43.11%
KF514432 27,138 1,105 40.72%
KF923910 30,713 1,323 43.08%
KF186567 30,117 1,028 34.13%
KF530083 30,577 1,329 43.46%
KF530060 30,577 1,331 43.53%
KF923917 30,713 1,322 43.04%
KF530080 30,577 1,328 43.43%
KF923912 30,713 1,321 43.01%
KM027260 29,874 1,037 34.71%
KF600620 30,056 1,037 34.50%
KF530090 30,577 1,329 43.46%
KF530070 30,573 1,293 42.29%
KF530109 27,410 1,359 49.58%
KF430201 29,934 1,603 53.55%
KF530112 27,395 1,358 49.57%
KF923925 30,713 1,321 43.01%
KJ958218 30,714 1,322 43.04%
KF600647 30,115 1,058 35.13%
KF600630 30,081 1,044 34.71%
KF600613 30,064 1,014 33.73%
KJ829365 30,123 1,030 34.19%
KF923898 30,716 1,314 42.78%
KF923907 30,713 1,321 43.01%
KF923890 30,713 1,322 43.04%
KF686341 29,832 1,640 54.97%
KF600645 30,071 1,012 33.65%
KM027256 29,918 1,022 34.16%
KF923894 30,713 1,323 43.08%
KJ361501 29,880 1,044 34.94%
KF530094 30,581 1,321 43.20%
KF923905 30,722 1,332 43.36%
KF530099 30,578 1,306 42.71%
KF961222 30,086 1,022 33.97%
KF923920 30,713 1,325 43.14%
KF923888 30,719 1,303 42.42%
KJ156910 30,055 1,010 33.61%
KF530088 30,578 1,320 43.17%
KJ156934 30,055 1,009 33.57%
KF600652 30,082 1,042 34.64%
KF530098 30,578 1,313 42.94%
KC667074 30,112 1,026 34.07%
KF530092 30,577 1,330 43.50%
KF530086 30,577 1,326 43.37%
KF923892 30,713 1,322 43.04%
KF530081 30,571 1,318 43.11%
KF530087 30,577 1,327 43.40%
KF686342 29,742 1,632 54.87%
KJ614529 30,094 1,059 35.19%
KF686340 29,923 1,640 54.81%
KM027258 29,809 1,016 34.08%
KF745068 29,901 1,001 33.48%
KF530065 30,577 1,324 43.30%
KF530110 27,413 1,360 49.61%
KF923908 30,713 1,321 43.01%
KF923893 30,713 1,320 42.98%
KF530071 30,578 1,319 43.14%
KF530076 30,606 1,350 44.11%
KF530074 30,590 1,338 43.74%
KF923887 30,719 1,304 42.45%
KF530108 27,410 1,364 49.76%
KF923918 30,713 1,319 42.95%
KF923913 30,713 1,327 43.21%
KM027259 29,918 1,022 34.16%
KF530082 30,581 1,319 43.13%
KJ156949 30,055 1,013 33.70%
KF186564 30,081 1,041 34.61%
KF530066 30,564 1,329 43.48%
KF923915 30,713 1,327 43.21%
KF958702 29,851 1,031 34.54%
KC164505 30,111 1,009 33.51%
KF923921 30,713 1,324 43.11%
KF923902 30,713 1,329 43.27%
KF514430 27,169 1,119 41.19%
KF530107 27,410 1,361 49.65%
KF923924 30,713 1,317 42.88%
KJ156869 30,055 1,008 33.54%
KJ156952 30,054 1,009 33.57%
KF530114 27,410 1,365 49.80%
KF923909 30,713 1,323 43.08%
KF923897 30,711 1,330 43.31%
KF686346 29,982 1,648 54.97%
KF923895 30,731 1,327 43.18%
KJ156944 30,055 1,010 33.61%
KF923903 30,713 1,330 43.30%
KF530106 27,401 1,375 50.18%
KF600627 30,076 1,014 33.71%
KM027257 29,774 1,018 34.19%
KF923914 30,713 1,326 43.17%
KF530069 30,578 1,312 42.91%
KF530091 30,606 1,352 44.17%
KF530085 30,569 1,329 43.48%
KM015348 30,042 994 33.09%
KF530097 30,577 1,330 43.50%
KF530105 27,413 1,353 49.36%
KF923899 30,722 1,330 43.29%
KF530111 27,410 1,364 49.76%
KF923922 30,713 1,321 43.01%
KF530072 30,577 1,328 43.43%
KF923916 30,713 1,326 43.17%
KJ361503 30,040 990 32.96%
KU291448 27,022 1,139 42.15%
KX538966 30,713 1,323 43.08%
KY554974 30,713 1,324 43.11%
KT806049 30,096 1,032 34.29%
KY967361 30,661 1,318 42.99%
KT368907 27,395 1,114 40.66%
KT368894 27,397 1,116 40.73%
KX154684 30,096 1,025 34.06%
KU851859 30,076 1,031 34.28%
KY581687 30,123 1,030 34.19%
KT156561 30,123 1,028 34.13%
KU851861 30,096 1,033 34.32%
KY621348 27,144 1,100 40.52%
KT368897 27,395 1,112 40.59%
KY983583 30,668 1,324 43.17%
KY581684 30,123 1,026 34.06%
KT368916 27,390 1,112 40.60%
KT374051 29,831 1,036 34.73%
KU851864 30,096 1,033 34.32%
KX154694 30,096 1,035 34.39%
KT368911 27,393 1,113 40.63%
KT374057 29,831 1,036 34.73%
KY674941 29,367 1,603 54.59%
KX034097 30,118 1,032 34.27%
KT368898 27,395 1,115 40.70%
KY674917 30,536 1,309 42.87%
KX154689 30,096 1,028 34.16%
KT156560 30,123 1,029 34.16%
KT806054 29,695 1,027 34.58%
KU308549 30,119 1,029 34.16%
KY967358 30,670 1,326 43.23%
KU521535 27,553 1,375 49.90%
KU131570 30,746 1,324 43.06%
KY674914 27,055 1,095 40.47%
KY369914 27,231 1,132 41.57%
KX538969 30,716 1,322 43.04%
KT368913 27,388 1,117 40.78%
KY369910 27,182 1,166 42.90%
KT253325 27,193 1,107 40.71%
KT368901 27,396 1,110 40.52%
KX538971 30,716 1,320 42.97%
KT006149 30,114 1,047 34.77%
KX034100 30,118 1,030 34.20%
KT121575 29,896 1,002 33.52%
KP209306 30,123 1,031 34.23%
KY014282 30,659 1,320 43.05%
KY967357 27,242 1,123 41.22%
KT121572 29,896 1,002 33.52%
KT779556 29,887 1,623 54.30%
KY684759 30,656 1,321 43.09%
KY967360 30,674 1,313 42.80%
KY369913 27,238 1,152 42.29%
KT026453 30,114 1,009 33.51%
KP209309 30,123 1,031 34.23%
KP209308 30,123 1,031 34.23%
KT121577 29,896 1,002 33.52%
KY369908 27,193 1,121 41.22%
KX538967 30,716 1,322 43.04%
KT381875 27,553 1,374 49.87%
KX034095 30,118 1,031 34.23%
KY674915 27,302 1,350 49.45%
KT806044 30,096 1,029 34.19%
KY674942 29,893 1,592 53.26%
KY581689 30,123 1,032 34.26%
KX154690 30,096 1,029 34.19%
KY369909 26,592 1,121 42.16%
KY581693 30,123 1,030 34.19%
KT368908 27,395 1,117 40.77%
KP209311 30,123 1,031 34.23%
KY674919 27,136 1,113 41.02%
KT374054 29,831 1,038 34.80%
KY674920 30,581 1,369 44.77%
KP209310 30,123 1,033 34.29%
KR011266 30,096 1,030 34.22%
KX344031 30,713 1,323 43.08%
KX154693 30,096 1,031 34.26%
KY967359 30,670 1,360 44.34%
KY369907 30,725 1,318 42.90%
KX538976 30,713 1,322 43.04%
KY014281 30,602 1,355 44.28%
KY369905 30,581 1,325 43.33%
KT121578 29,785 1,051 35.29%
KX154687 30,096 1,030 34.22%
KX538968 30,716 1,321 43.01%
KY073747 27,837 1,194 42.89%
KT029139 30,108 1,030 34.21%
KT121576 29,896 1,003 33.55%
KX034098 30,106 1,029 34.18%
KU851860 30,096 1,033 34.32%
KP198611 30,752 1,313 42.70%
KX034094 30,111 1,031 34.24%
KY554973 30,713 1,326 43.17%
KY688121 30,039 1,011 33.66%
KY688122 30,059 1,013 33.70%
KY554970 27,540 1,386 50.33%
KT368903 27,384 1,115 40.72%
KX538977 30,716 1,320 42.97%
KY674918 30,550 1,321 43.24%
KX538970 30,713 1,324 43.11%
KU851862 30,096 1,033 34.32%
KX154686 30,096 1,031 34.26%
KT806047 30,087 1,014 33.70%
KR011264 30,096 1,030 34.22%
KX538974 30,716 1,322 43.04%
KT368892 27,391 1,116 40.74%
KR011265 30,096 1,029 34.19%
KT368896 27,389 1,111 40.56%
KY688123 30,102 1,018 33.82%
KX154692 30,096 1,031 34.26%
KT806045 30,096 1,029 34.19%
KT368906 27,395 1,114 40.66%
KY673148 30,123 1,028 34.13%
KT266906 27,553 1,373 49.83%
KY674943 29,908 1,592 53.23%
KP209313 30,123 1,030 34.19%
KT806046 30,096 1,029 34.19%
KY688124 30,102 1,018 33.82%
KX538964 30,713 1,325 43.14%
KY967356 30,648 1,326 43.27%
KY674916 27,492 1,394 50.71%
KX034099 30,110 1,031 34.24%
KY581691 30,123 1,031 34.23%
KX154685 30,096 1,031 34.26%
KY369911 27,226 1,158 42.53%
KT121573 29,896 1,002 33.52%
KY983585 30,659 1,382 45.08%
KT253324 27,395 1,113 40.63%
KT026455 30,114 1,009 33.51%
KT253327 27,241 1,105 40.56%
KT121579 29,751 997 33.51%
KY674921 29,820 1,567 52.55%
KY581692 30,123 1,031 34.23%
KY554969 27,509 1,381 50.20%
KT374056 29,831 1,036 34.73%
KT368904 27,395 1,114 40.66%
KT861627 30,089 1,028 34.17%
KT806052 30,096 1,032 34.29%
KX179500 27,553 1,373 49.83%
KT806055 30,096 1,038 34.49%
KT374050 29,831 1,036 34.73%
KT368912 27,395 1,113 40.63%
KT121580 29,799 998 33.49%
KT368910 27,387 1,118 40.82%
KY983588 30,562 1,321 43.22%
KY581688 30,123 1,031 34.23%
KX538979 30,713 1,324 43.11%
KT368893 27,386 1,117 40.79%
KP209307 30,123 1,030 34.19%
KT121574 29,896 1,002 33.52%
KX154688 30,096 1,031 34.26%
KP198610 30,752 1,313 42.70%
KX538975 30,716 1,322 43.04%
KY581690 30,123 1,031 34.23%
KT374052 29,831 1,037 34.76%
KY554968 27,523 1,361 49.45%
KU291449 27,164 1,124 41.38%
KT368900 27,390 1,115 40.71%
KT368905 27,397 1,114 40.66%
KY688120 30,102 1,018 33.82%
KT121581 29,751 996 33.48%
KY688119 30,061 1,023 34.03%
KY369906 30,689 1,326 43.21%
KR011263 30,096 1,030 34.22%
KY581694 30,123 1,032 34.26%
KT368915 27,392 1,118 40.81%
KY554975 30,669 1,319 43.01%
KY684760 27,249 1,165 42.75%
KY554972 30,710 1,324 43.11%
KU851863 30,096 1,029 34.19%
KY983586 27,489 1,363 49.58%
KT806053 30,096 1,028 34.16%
KT374053 29,831 1,037 34.76%
KT806051 30,096 1,033 34.32%
KY983587 27,235 1,156 42.45%
KU710265 29,566 1,020 34.50%
KT225476 29,809 1,030 34.55%
KY829118 27,513 1,363 49.54%
KT806048 30,096 1,028 34.16%
KT861628 30,096 1,026 34.09%
KT026456 30,120 998 33.13%
KY554967 27,523 1,361 49.45%
KY554971 27,550 1,367 49.62%
KX538978 30,713 1,326 43.17%
KT368895 27,396 1,111 40.55%
KT368902 27,396 1,116 40.74%
KT326819 29,995 1,013 33.77%
KY581685 30,123 1,026 34.06%
KY369912 27,208 1,172 43.08%
KX538965 30,716 1,322 43.04%
KT374055 29,831 1,038 34.80%
KY581686 30,123 1,031 34.23%
KT779555 29,887 1,623 54.30%
KP209312 30,123 1,028 34.13%
KY073748 27,636 1,092 39.51%
KT253326 27,193 1,105 40.64%
KY996417 27,270 1,116 40.92%
KX538972 30,713 1,323 43.08%
KT026454 30,123 1,028 34.13%
KX034096 30,082 1,045 34.74%
KT253328 27,270 1,098 40.26%
KT368899 27,390 1,116 40.74%
KY688118 30,075 1,005 33.42%
KX538973 30,716 1,321 43.01%
KX154691 30,096 1,031 34.26%
KP223131 30,123 1,030 34.19%
KT368909 27,386 1,118 40.82%
KU710264 30,096 1,041 34.59%
KT368914 27,392 1,117 40.78%
MK334045 27,544 1,331 48.32%
MG520076 30,096 1,033 34.32%
MG197712 30,497 1,359 44.56%
MG011347 30,096 1,026 34.09%
MG546330 30,123 1,033 34.29%
MG757604 30,096 1,029 34.19%
MN369046 27,075 1,101 40.66%
MF000458 30,045 1,018 33.88%
MK334043 27,516 1,363 49.53%
MG546331 30,123 1,033 34.29%
MG428699 27,513 1,383 50.27%
MN306041 30,717 1,373 44.70%
MK796425 30,108 1,030 34.21%
MK462255 30,052 1,038 34.54%
MG011359 30,096 1,031 34.26%
MK462253 30,118 1,031 34.23%
MN306046 27,270 1,110 40.70%
MH395139 30,119 1,029 34.16%
MG011340 30,096 1,028 34.16%
MK167038 29,921 1,613 53.91%
MN723544 30,123 1,031 34.23%
MG366881 30,123 1,032 34.26%
MG366882 30,123 1,033 34.29%
MG011346 30,096 1,032 34.29%
MK462256 30,118 1,028 34.13%
MH310909 30,065 1,011 33.63%
MG011353 30,096 1,024 34.02%
MG011355 30,096 1,022 33.96%
MG912605 30,123 1,032 34.26%
MG197710 30,544 1,358 44.46%
MG197713 30,495 1,316 43.15%
MG011344 30,096 1,030 34.22%
MF374984 30,713 1,302 42.39%
MG757602 30,096 1,033 34.32%
MG011358 30,096 1,026 34.09%
MK483839 30,118 1,030 34.20%
MG428702 27,781 1,416 50.97%
MK303625 30,668 1,315 42.88%
MG912602 30,123 1,032 34.26%
MG197722 30,515 1,308 42.86%
MN723543 30,120 1,031 34.23%
MG197720 30,567 1,350 44.17%
MF374983 30,721 1,364 44.40%
MH310911 30,096 1,028 34.16%
MN306036 30,681 1,313 42.80%
MH310912 30,085 998 33.17%
MF542265 27,271 1,108 40.63%
MG912601 30,123 1,033 34.29%
MK462247 30,118 1,029 34.17%
MG011354 30,096 1,031 34.26%
MH310910 30,096 1,026 34.09%
MG912596 30,123 1,032 34.26%
MG912608 30,123 1,033 34.29%
MG912603 30,123 1,033 34.29%
MK462243 30,115 1,030 34.20%
MG197711 30,544 1,319 43.18%
MN723542 30,120 1,030 34.20%
MG757593 30,096 1,033 34.32%
MH822886 30,079 1,021 33.94%
MG912600 30,123 1,032 34.26%
MN310476 30,562 1,322 43.26%
MG757603 30,096 1,033 34.32%
MK462246 30,115 1,030 34.20%
MK303619 30,664 1,318 42.98%
MK303620 30,665 1,323 43.14%
MN306043 30,716 1,377 44.83%
MG197721 30,521 1,329 43.54%
MG366880 30,123 1,030 34.19%
MG011361 30,096 1,030 34.22%
MG912595 30,123 1,033 34.29%
MF374985 30,705 1,329 43.28%
MK334046 27,531 1,355 49.22%
MG757597 30,096 1,033 34.32%
MG197714 30,551 1,321 43.24%
MG197716 30,515 1,358 44.50%
MG011357 30,096 1,037 34.46%
MG912598 30,123 1,032 34.26%
MG757601 30,096 1,031 34.26%
MG011343 30,096 1,024 34.02%
MG011350 30,096 1,027 34.12%
MK462252 30,118 1,032 34.27%
MG197717 30,524 1,321 43.28%
MK462250 30,118 1,029 34.17%
MN365233 30,118 1,031 34.23%
MF000459 30,018 1,001 33.35%
MG011352 30,096 1,024 34.02%
MG197715 30,530 1,355 44.38%
MN306042 30,723 1,376 44.79%
MG428705 27,587 1,403 50.86%
MG011349 30,096 1,028 34.16%
MG011342 30,096 1,028 34.16%
MF593473 27,389 1,112 40.60%
MN306040 27,537 1,338 48.59%
MH013216 30,118 1,033 34.30%
MG757596 30,096 1,033 34.32%
MG757595 30,096 1,030 34.22%
MG366483 30,096 1,027 34.12%
MG757598 30,096 1,034 34.36%
MK462251 30,118 1,028 34.13%
MG011341 30,096 1,025 34.06%
MG197719 30,499 1,343 44.03%
MK462254 30,118 1,032 34.27%
MH454272 30,119 1,030 34.20%
MG977449 30,721 1,367 44.50%
MK129253 30,150 1,036 34.36%
MK462248 30,118 1,031 34.23%
MK334044 27,516 1,365 49.61%
MG011351 30,096 1,036 34.42%
MG428703 27,685 1,370 49.49%
MN026164 30,777 1,357 44.09%
MG011356 30,096 1,035 34.39%
MG366883 30,123 1,033 34.29%
MG757600 30,096 1,033 34.32%
MG197709 30,550 1,354 44.32%
MN120513 30,118 1,027 34.10%
MK303621 30,664 1,325 43.21%
MG011360 30,096 1,030 34.22%
MK303624 30,664 1,318 42.98%
MH432120 30,119 1,023 33.97%
MG011348 30,096 1,030 34.22%
MK052676 30,123 1,030 34.19%
MK334047 27,532 1,382 50.20%
MG011362 30,096 1,031 34.26%
MG977445 30,677 1,322 43.09%
MK303623 30,419 1,310 43.07%
MG757605 30,096 1,027 34.12%
MN365232 30,118 1,030 34.20%
MK462249 30,118 1,030 34.20%
MN310478 30,681 1,293 42.14%
MG912604 30,123 1,032 34.26%
MG912606 30,123 1,033 34.29%
MF000457 30,001 1,008 33.60%
MG977451 30,722 1,382 44.98%
MK039552 30,123 1,030 34.19%
MG428701 27,623 1,372 49.67%
MG428704 27,832 1,374 49.37%
MG197718 30,538 1,349 44.17%
MN120514 30,118 1,026 34.07%
MG757599 30,096 1,032 34.29%
MF314143 30,737 1,329 43.24%
MF000460 30,045 1,018 33.88%
MG772808 27,535 1,366 49.61%
MG977444 30,571 1,360 44.49%
MH029552 30,123 1,033 34.29%
MG977452 30,704 1,365 44.46%
MH306207 30,119 1,029 34.16%
MG977447 30,705 1,354 44.10%
MN306018 27,484 1,340 48.76%
MK280984 30,033 1,034 34.43%
MH940245 29,811 1,589 53.30%
MG912607 30,123 1,034 34.33%
MG912597 30,123 1,033 34.29%
MN306053 30,818 1,339 43.45%
MG428706 27,637 1,366 49.43%
MH121121 30,722 1,369 44.56%
MK039553 30,123 1,030 34.19%
MK303622 30,665 1,326 43.24%
MG197723 30,566 1,322 43.25%
MK462245 30,115 1,030 34.20%
MG520075 30,096 1,033 34.32%
MK462244 30,118 1,028 34.13%
MG912599 30,123 1,033 34.29%
MG757594 30,096 1,033 34.32%
MG011345 30,096 1,027 34.12%
NC_006213 30,741 1,331 43.30%
NC_006577 29,926 1,617 54.03%
NC_028752 27,395 1,114 40.66%
NC_002645 27,317 1,133 41.48%
NC_005831 27,553 1,369 49.69%
NC_038294 30,111 1,009 33.51%
NC_019843 30,119 1,025 34.03%

Appendix 02

This is an appendix to: On The Origin Of The Home Of COVID-19 - 17

The table below is the result of
comparing SARS-Cov-2 DNA to the human gut's
longest bacteriophage DNA
identified as Ma_2019_SRR413675
which is 392,017 bases long.

map_id = SARS-CoV-2 DNA's GenBank id

DNA length = the length of the SARS-CoV-2 DNA

sequence matches = the count of segments
(10 bases each) of the SARS-CoV-2
that were found in the human gut's
bacteriophage DNA

matches percent = the percentage
of the SARS-CoV-2 DNA
that was found in the human gut's
bacteriophage DNA
map_id DNA
CNA0013954 29,859 1,196 40.05%
CNA0013936 29,879 1,195 39.99%
CNA0013929 29,837 1,255 42.06%
CNA0013934 29,831 1,266 42.44%
CNA0013894 29,832 1,167 39.12%
CNA0013703 29,853 1,258 42.14%
CNA0013892 29,834 1,173 39.32%
CNA0013877 29,862 1,269 42.50%
DQ640652 29,746 1,058 35.57%
CNA0013941 29,861 1,259 42.16%
CNA0013928 29,841 1,218 40.82%
AY274119 29,751 1,060 35.63%
CNA0013932 29,835 1,197 40.12%
CNA0013946 29,855 1,202 40.26%
CNA0013891 29,802 1,138 38.19%
CNA0013955 29,837 1,218 40.82%
CNA0013711 29,858 1,202 40.26%
CNA0013947 29,871 1,233 41.28%
CNA0013939 29,871 1,235 41.34%
CNA0013713 29,854 1,266 42.41%
CNA0013895 29,830 1,100 36.88%
CNA00073345 29,872 1,205 40.34%
CNA0013706 29,805 1,084 36.37%
CNA0013698 29,852 1,256 42.07%
CNA0013940 29,875 1,235 41.34%
CNA0013702 29,858 1,268 42.47%
CNA0013878 29,907 1,216 40.66%
CNA0013699 29,928 1,257 42.00%
CNA0013930 29,873 1,235 41.34%
CNA0013957 29,876 1,219 40.80%
CNA0013949 29,860 1,268 42.46%
CNA0013951 29,830 1,241 41.60%
CNA0007332 29,866 1,206 40.38%
CNA0013942 29,859 1,233 41.29%
CNA0013927 29,858 1,203 40.29%
CNA0013705 29,861 1,218 40.79%
CNA0013701 29,941 1,238 41.35%
CNA0013887 29,868 1,217 40.75%
CNA0013880 29,911 1,273 42.56%
CNA0013712 29,860 1,200 40.19%
CNA0013893 29,856 1,269 42.50%
CNA0013944 29,839 1,267 42.46%
CNA0013716 29,927 1,271 42.47%
CNA0013950 29,871 1,236 41.38%
CNA0013707 29,803 1,084 36.37%
CNA0013704 29,861 1,218 40.79%
CNA0013884 29,879 1,219 40.80%
CNA0013937 29,843 1,233 41.32%
CNA0013890 29,930 1,211 40.46%
CNA0013697 29,904 1,223 40.90%
CNA0013953 29,841 1,202 40.28%
CNA0013935 29,876 1,220 40.84%
CNA0013885 29,916 1,206 40.31%
CNA0013708 29,862 1,270 42.53%
CNA0013888 29,864 1,270 42.53%
CNA0013710 29,904 1,304 43.61%
CNA0013943 29,901 1,237 41.37%
CNA0013952 29,804 1,194 40.06%
CNA0013882 29,900 1,256 42.01%
CNA0013879 29,899 1,201 40.17%
CNA0013889 29,861 1,217 40.76%
CNA0007334 29,868 1,235 41.35%
CNA0013933 29,838 1,201 40.25%
CNA0013881 29,917 1,217 40.68%
CNA0013717 29,861 1,202 40.25%
CNA0013876 29,861 1,218 40.79%
CNA0013948 29,864 1,203 40.28%
CNA0013931 29,852 1,202 40.27%
CNA0013883 29,903 1,221 40.83%
CNA0013956 29,887 1,235 41.32%
CNA0013886 29,902 1,271 42.51%
CNA0013945 29,842 1,217 40.78%
CNA0013700 29,876 1,213 40.60%
CNA0013714 29,861 1,218 40.79%
CNA0013938 29,862 1,218 40.79%
CNA0013715 29,858 1,269 42.50%
GWHABKZ01000001 29,807 1,195 40.09%
GWHACDG01000001 29,861 1,258 42.13%
GWHABKG00000000 29,889 1,237 41.39%
GWHABKS00000000 29,833 1,269 42.54%
GWHABKH00000000 29,899 1,239 41.44%
GWHACBB01000001 29,834 1,202 40.29%
GWHACDF01000001 29,863 1,257 42.09%
GU553364 29,644 1,050 35.42%
GWHABKL00000000 29,891 1,238 41.42%
GWHACEY01000001 29,903 1,239 41.43%
GWHACAW01000001 29,807 1,195 40.09%
GWHACAX01000001 29,872 1,203 40.27%
FJ882963 29,682 1,049 35.34%
GWHACBA01000001 29,865 1,198 40.11%
GWHACDJ01000001 29,865 1,258 42.12%
GWHABKF00000000 29,899 1,238 41.41%
GWHABKM00000000 29,852 1,203 40.30%
GWHACAY01000001 29,828 1,194 40.03%
GWHACBD01000001 29,860 1,198 40.12%
GWHABKI00000000 29,890 1,237 41.39%
GWHACAZ01000001 29,821 1,231 41.28%
GWHABKN00000000 29,854 1,257 42.10%
GWHACAV01000001 29,774 1,192 40.03%
GWHABKO00000000 29,857 1,270 42.54%
GWHACAT01000001 29,858 1,234 41.33%
GU553363 29,644 1,050 35.42%
GWHACDD01000001 29,836 1,210 40.56%
GWHABKJ00000000 29,883 1,237 41.39%
GWHACDH01000001 29,864 1,258 42.12%
GWHACDE01000001 29,868 1,259 42.15%
GWHACDI01000001 29,866 1,259 42.15%
GWHABKK00000000 29,825 1,267 42.48%
GWHACAU01000001 29,858 1,234 41.33%
MK062181 29,727 1,056 35.52%
MN994467 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MN988668 29,881 1,220 40.83%
MN975262 29,891 1,237 41.38%
MN938384 29,838 1,202 40.28%
MN908947 29,903 1,239 41.43%
MN997409 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MK062184 29,874 1,034 34.61%
MK062183 29,874 1,034 34.61%
MK062179 29,727 1,055 35.49%
MN988669 29,881 1,220 40.83%
MN985325 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MN994468 29,883 1,236 41.36%
MK062182 29,727 1,057 35.56%
MN988713 29,882 1,232 41.23%
MK062180 29,727 1,056 35.52%
MT252742 29,862 1,234 41.32%
MT293179 29,877 1,213 40.60%
MT159716 29,867 1,200 40.18%
MT159711 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT263463 29,868 1,204 40.31%
MT263452 29,833 1,216 40.76%
MT252688 29,864 1,234 41.32%
MT252721 29,762 1,190 39.98%
MT293173 29,820 1,231 41.28%
MT252687 29,796 1,208 40.54%
MT293163 29,596 1,229 41.53%
MT259256 29,833 1,217 40.79%
MT159717 29,882 1,238 41.43%
MT252695 29,819 1,255 42.09%
MT276327 29,882 1,240 41.50%
MT293202 29,874 1,219 40.80%
MT246476 29,863 1,214 40.65%
MT270106 29,864 1,205 40.35%
MT159721 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT252809 29,615 1,190 40.18%
MT262912 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT252712 29,777 1,199 40.27%
MT126808 29,876 1,237 41.40%
MT263383 29,797 1,210 40.61%
MT263425 29,841 1,206 40.41%
MT263405 29,834 1,212 40.62%
MT251978 29,905 1,205 40.29%
MT163716 29,903 1,241 41.50%
MT252803 29,765 1,215 40.82%
MT263432 29,866 1,196 40.05%
MT263447 29,868 1,258 42.12%
MT246458 29,765 1,202 40.38%
MT262907 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT262911 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT259261 29,837 1,205 40.39%
MT252708 29,788 1,254 42.10%
MT293213 29,887 1,213 40.59%
MT259284 29,432 1,192 40.50%
MT293208 29,884 1,219 40.79%
MT252749 29,828 1,255 42.07%
MT252806 29,882 1,217 40.73%
MT246468 29,843 1,236 41.42%
MT263414 29,830 1,270 42.57%
MT039887 29,879 1,255 42.00%
MT263435 29,882 1,199 40.12%
MT259285 29,831 1,204 40.36%
MT292571 29,782 1,253 42.07%
MT251975 29,875 1,197 40.07%
MT293168 29,694 1,193 40.18%
MT079844 29,910 1,270 42.46%
MT252686 29,820 1,267 42.49%
MT293216 29,859 1,256 42.06%
MT121215 29,945 1,243 41.51%
MT192773 29,890 1,221 40.85%
MT123290 29,891 1,237 41.38%
MT184909 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT270112 29,858 1,201 40.22%
MT252800 29,861 1,236 41.39%
MT262896 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT259237 29,864 1,203 40.28%
MT259250 29,702 1,206 40.60%
MT263400 29,841 1,207 40.45%
MT253702 29,781 1,254 42.11%
MT246464 29,818 1,215 40.75%
MT270105 29,860 1,236 41.39%
MT188340 29,845 1,257 42.12%
MT252779 29,895 1,198 40.07%
MT276598 29,870 1,211 40.54%
MT163720 29,732 1,216 40.90%
MT246462 29,903 1,238 41.40%
MT246450 29,872 1,222 40.91%
MT293164 29,772 1,233 41.41%
MT293172 29,870 1,221 40.88%
MT246467 29,899 1,274 42.61%
MT270104 29,844 1,258 42.15%
MT252782 29,858 1,203 40.29%
MT263436 29,846 1,209 40.51%
MT159712 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT246455 29,857 1,203 40.29%
MT259287 29,688 1,249 42.07%
MT293183 29,871 1,219 40.81%
MT252738 29,832 1,201 40.26%
MT246451 29,868 1,201 40.21%
MT251979 29,839 1,217 40.79%
MT072688 29,811 1,200 40.25%
MT263448 29,828 1,255 42.07%
MT293199 29,671 1,213 40.88%
MT253701 29,781 1,254 42.11%
MT263437 29,871 1,222 40.91%
MT252730 29,673 1,171 39.46%
MT246466 29,897 1,214 40.61%
MT293166 29,865 1,217 40.75%
MT262993 29,836 1,206 40.42%
MT252678 29,821 1,211 40.61%
MT251974 29,852 1,220 40.87%
MT020880 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT135041 29,903 1,239 41.43%
MT293210 29,871 1,219 40.81%
MT253706 29,781 1,254 42.11%
MT253705 29,781 1,254 42.11%
MT253709 29,781 1,254 42.11%
MT252716 29,873 1,197 40.07%
MT263454 29,837 1,199 40.19%
MT293165 29,839 1,219 40.85%
MT123292 29,981 1,237 41.26%
MT079854 29,897 1,205 40.31%
MT252770 29,866 1,257 42.09%
MT293161 29,873 1,213 40.61%
MT079852 29,891 1,203 40.25%
MT263423 29,829 1,255 42.07%
MT252774 29,869 1,211 40.54%
MT263438 29,872 1,220 40.84%
MT215194 29,764 1,208 40.59%
MT259273 29,892 1,233 41.25%
MT252710 29,854 1,196 40.06%
MT184913 29,882 1,235 41.33%
MT262903 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT276331 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT252717 29,841 1,194 40.01%
MT259274 29,779 1,208 40.57%
MT293194 29,653 1,206 40.67%
MT293185 29,640 1,207 40.72%
MT159718 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT262914 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT246485 29,775 1,195 40.13%
MT246667 29,867 1,258 42.12%
MT252792 29,852 1,219 40.83%
MT114413 29,891 1,238 41.42%
MT253708 29,781 1,254 42.11%
MT259235 29,751 1,195 40.17%
MT270101 29,782 1,255 42.14%
MT293187 29,869 1,204 40.31%
MT293196 29,888 1,238 41.42%
MT276324 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT263426 29,792 1,220 40.95%
MT252758 29,821 1,203 40.34%
MT252723 29,817 1,230 41.25%
MT246472 29,810 1,200 40.25%
MT252684 29,822 1,269 42.55%
MT246481 29,873 1,207 40.40%
MT252794 29,886 1,213 40.59%
MT159714 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT293186 29,865 1,224 40.98%
MT262899 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT259281 29,839 1,219 40.85%
MT106054 29,882 1,235 41.33%
MT263402 29,844 1,216 40.75%
MT292573 29,782 1,254 42.11%
MT188339 29,783 1,253 42.07%
MT246480 29,904 1,222 40.86%
MT246471 29,871 1,204 40.31%
MT252735 29,841 1,215 40.72%
MT252699 29,790 1,252 42.03%
MT135043 29,903 1,239 41.43%
MT263408 29,810 1,234 41.40%
MT251973 29,871 1,258 42.11%
MT293189 29,863 1,220 40.85%
MT246461 29,877 1,204 40.30%
MT263386 29,808 1,213 40.69%
MT263411 29,866 1,221 40.88%
MT293184 29,756 1,192 40.06%
MT079848 29,880 1,217 40.73%
MT263455 29,705 1,207 40.63%
MT258380 29,890 1,273 42.59%
MT114418 29,891 1,239 41.45%
MT263394 29,697 1,197 40.31%
MT259268 29,759 1,193 40.09%
MT262897 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT293174 29,672 1,269 42.77%
MT252775 29,828 1,255 42.07%
MT259286 29,857 1,213 40.63%
MT114417 29,891 1,238 41.42%
MT246460 29,917 1,238 41.38%
MT252767 29,869 1,218 40.78%
MT044258 29,858 1,257 42.10%
MT259280 29,642 1,230 41.50%
MT293206 29,668 1,232 41.53%
MT192772 29,891 1,238 41.42%
MT263419 29,853 1,214 40.67%
MT252737 29,744 1,228 41.29%
MT263420 29,839 1,215 40.72%
MT263440 29,863 1,220 40.85%
MT263417 29,871 1,204 40.31%
MT252694 29,844 1,217 40.78%
MT246484 29,870 1,207 40.41%
MT253704 29,781 1,254 42.11%
MT270110 29,782 1,255 42.14%
MT259236 29,883 1,259 42.13%
MT263428 29,778 1,256 42.18%
MT293218 29,870 1,218 40.78%
MT184911 29,882 1,235 41.33%
MT259277 29,881 1,212 40.56%
MT252801 29,698 1,219 41.05%
MT263410 29,871 1,200 40.17%
MT114415 29,891 1,239 41.45%
MT186683 29,888 1,236 41.35%
MT251977 29,829 1,256 42.11%
MT292572 29,782 1,254 42.11%
MT263390 29,761 1,194 40.12%
MT252822 29,755 1,194 40.13%
MT233522 29,782 1,243 41.74%
MT079845 29,955 1,271 42.43%
MT293222 29,842 1,238 41.49%
MT079849 29,904 1,216 40.66%
MT293197 29,619 1,188 40.11%
MT259282 29,815 1,210 40.58%
MT039874 29,858 1,203 40.29%
MT233519 29,782 1,253 42.07%
MT079850 29,885 1,233 41.26%
MT093631 29,911 1,205 40.29%
MT252689 29,809 1,200 40.26%
MT263465 29,867 1,258 42.12%
MT246456 29,846 1,235 41.38%
MT263404 29,866 1,218 40.78%
MT252705 29,788 1,254 42.10%
MT262898 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT276325 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT263449 29,828 1,269 42.54%
MT262913 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT263388 29,740 1,252 42.10%
MT252719 29,865 1,235 41.35%
MT259253 29,813 1,236 41.46%
MT263412 29,829 1,271 42.61%
MT293200 29,852 1,269 42.51%
MT263464 29,832 1,204 40.36%
MT293219 29,885 1,213 40.59%
MT259248 29,879 1,260 42.17%
MT159707 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT263467 29,853 1,237 41.44%
MT252736 29,833 1,248 41.83%
MT246477 29,886 1,220 40.82%
MT252778 29,829 1,256 42.11%
MT246478 29,889 1,270 42.49%
MT262910 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT253697 29,781 1,254 42.11%
MT252725 29,816 1,251 41.96%
MT293169 29,790 1,251 41.99%
MT252726 29,793 1,254 42.09%
MT252691 29,825 1,256 42.11%
MT163719 29,903 1,239 41.43%
MT262901 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT159709 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT263392 29,843 1,218 40.81%
MT049951 29,903 1,240 41.47%
MT252781 29,857 1,205 40.36%
MT276597 29,851 1,234 41.34%
MT027062 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT251972 29,861 1,235 41.36%
MT252804 29,882 1,218 40.76%
MT263439 29,863 1,205 40.35%
MT263403 29,878 1,219 40.80%
MT262905 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT276330 29,882 1,240 41.50%
MT293190 29,829 1,269 42.54%
MT252704 29,785 1,233 41.40%
MT293175 29,776 1,191 40.00%
MT252745 29,856 1,218 40.80%
MT252761 29,812 1,232 41.33%
MT259263 29,878 1,218 40.77%
MT246490 29,850 1,212 40.60%
MT159713 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT135042 29,903 1,239 41.43%
MT259239 29,583 1,229 41.54%
MT253710 29,781 1,254 42.11%
MT259264 29,836 1,218 40.82%
MT262916 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT259267 29,852 1,205 40.37%
MT258382 29,885 1,189 39.79%
MT292575 29,782 1,256 42.17%
MT258377 29,888 1,205 40.32%
MT263416 29,815 1,210 40.58%
MT263391 29,911 1,259 42.09%
MT246453 29,823 1,257 42.15%
MT252690 29,813 1,215 40.75%
MT293156 29,844 1,214 40.68%
MT263424 29,830 1,216 40.76%
MT263381 29,910 1,235 41.29%
MT039888 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT293176 29,883 1,223 40.93%
MT192759 29,862 1,235 41.36%
MT252802 29,830 1,214 40.70%
MT263074 29,856 1,212 40.59%
MT293204 29,896 1,235 41.31%
MT270107 29,782 1,255 42.14%
MT276600 29,764 1,208 40.59%
MT270114 29,799 1,256 42.15%
MT252757 29,869 1,257 42.08%
MT252799 29,877 1,203 40.27%
MT163718 29,903 1,236 41.33%
MT259245 29,826 1,268 42.51%
MT252795 29,871 1,220 40.84%
MT263457 29,801 1,254 42.08%
MT233523 29,782 1,253 42.07%
MT093571 29,886 1,236 41.36%
MT252740 29,790 1,252 42.03%
MT293211 29,864 1,203 40.28%
MT263442 29,819 1,271 42.62%
MT262908 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT114419 29,863 1,260 42.19%
MT263398 29,884 1,198 40.09%
MT293205 29,833 1,219 40.86%
MT246479 29,828 1,255 42.07%
MT251976 29,899 1,207 40.37%
MT259249 29,821 1,207 40.47%
MT293201 29,846 1,212 40.61%
MT252681 29,772 1,255 42.15%
MT293181 29,871 1,205 40.34%
MT259246 29,842 1,202 40.28%
MT263444 29,857 1,256 42.07%
MT293225 29,865 1,256 42.06%
MT252682 29,860 1,219 40.82%
MT252797 29,904 1,235 41.30%
MT233526 29,847 1,194 40.00%
MT258378 29,892 1,221 40.85%
MT263462 29,764 1,252 42.06%
MT259241 29,682 1,216 40.97%
MT295465 29,893 1,235 41.31%
MT252685 29,822 1,201 40.27%
MT252693 29,748 1,264 42.49%
MT252773 29,679 1,200 40.43%
MT293207 29,866 1,218 40.78%
MT253699 29,781 1,254 42.11%
MT079847 29,872 1,269 42.48%
MT079843 29,915 1,200 40.11%
MT263399 29,886 1,220 40.82%
MT246473 29,825 1,218 40.84%
MT135044 29,903 1,239 41.43%
MT077125 29,785 1,209 40.59%
MT079851 30,018 1,244 41.44%
MT263451 29,693 1,191 40.11%
MT044257 29,882 1,235 41.33%
MT184912 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT106053 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT252739 29,841 1,216 40.75%
MT114416 29,867 1,258 42.12%
MT276328 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT293215 29,855 1,257 42.10%
MT258379 29,892 1,220 40.81%
MT293209 29,842 1,217 40.78%
MT027064 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT246474 29,884 1,236 41.36%
MT066175 29,870 1,235 41.35%
MT252785 29,839 1,216 40.75%
MT263431 29,863 1,213 40.62%
MT252680 29,813 1,216 40.79%
MT276329 29,882 1,240 41.50%
MT246482 29,844 1,234 41.35%
MT293224 29,847 1,202 40.27%
MT226610 29,899 1,238 41.41%
MT276323 29,882 1,240 41.50%
MT263458 29,881 1,269 42.47%
MT188341 29,835 1,247 41.80%
MT252823 29,777 1,193 40.06%
MT252707 29,885 1,203 40.25%
MT263468 29,892 1,233 41.25%
MT270113 29,787 1,267 42.54%
MT252805 29,887 1,200 40.15%
MT263434 29,790 1,253 42.06%
MT246487 29,883 1,213 40.59%
MT262900 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT252810 29,862 1,217 40.75%
MT252780 29,898 1,204 40.27%
MT252746 29,871 1,219 40.81%
MT263429 29,889 1,268 42.42%
MT252783 29,903 1,238 41.40%
MT293177 29,882 1,220 40.83%
MT246488 29,842 1,235 41.38%
MT252784 29,910 1,219 40.76%
MT259251 29,884 1,208 40.42%
MT246486 29,867 1,205 40.35%
MT259260 29,871 1,222 40.91%
MT293188 29,778 1,207 40.53%
MT252748 29,907 1,236 41.33%
MT259258 29,657 1,210 40.80%
MT159705 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT246469 29,869 1,256 42.05%
MT263445 29,868 1,203 40.28%
MT263459 29,917 1,235 41.28%
MT293170 29,798 1,254 42.08%
MT252698 29,836 1,255 42.06%
MT159708 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT252741 29,874 1,274 42.65%
MT270111 29,782 1,255 42.14%
MT159710 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT293178 29,868 1,221 40.88%
MT263382 29,900 1,269 42.44%
MT163717 29,897 1,215 40.64%
MT246457 29,843 1,223 40.98%
MT262902 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT252683 29,736 1,209 40.66%
MT270103 29,837 1,211 40.59%
MT293198 29,881 1,198 40.09%
MT246470 29,860 1,193 39.95%
MT106052 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT293182 29,866 1,208 40.45%
MT252768 29,785 1,232 41.36%
MT293171 29,848 1,233 41.31%
MT293180 29,554 1,170 39.59%
MT252709 29,756 1,209 40.63%
MT159722 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT263387 29,852 1,203 40.30%
MT252702 29,911 1,220 40.79%
MT079853 29,766 1,257 42.23%
MT259244 29,865 1,259 42.16%
MT259271 29,864 1,201 40.22%
MT263453 29,777 1,203 40.40%
MT293192 29,868 1,259 42.15%
MT270102 29,835 1,212 40.62%
MT039890 29,903 1,239 41.43%
MT252697 29,844 1,196 40.08%
MT252728 29,862 1,195 40.02%
MT262909 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT263469 29,857 1,220 40.86%
MT252679 29,832 1,204 40.36%
MT259266 29,776 1,197 40.20%
MT263396 29,903 1,236 41.33%
MT263421 29,900 1,270 42.47%
MT007544 29,893 1,239 41.45%
MT258381 29,899 1,260 42.14%
MT263415 29,840 1,259 42.19%
MT252713 29,848 1,218 40.81%
MT293212 29,883 1,213 40.59%
MT259252 29,790 1,251 41.99%
MT259247 29,646 1,229 41.46%
MT230904 29,891 1,238 41.42%
MT252811 29,629 1,263 42.63%
MT252733 29,841 1,257 42.12%
MT252807 29,882 1,219 40.79%
MT184907 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT270108 29,782 1,256 42.17%
MT292569 29,782 1,256 42.17%
MT259278 29,897 1,213 40.57%
MT252703 29,790 1,251 41.99%
MT246454 29,892 1,216 40.68%
MT251980 29,845 1,253 41.98%
MT020881 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT262906 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT252788 29,829 1,257 42.14%
MT252763 29,879 1,218 40.76%
MT123293 29,929 1,272 42.50%
MT159720 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT253707 29,781 1,254 42.11%
MT259269 29,894 1,213 40.58%
MT252706 29,776 1,193 40.07%
MT263384 29,793 1,216 40.81%
MT293191 29,711 1,219 41.03%
MT252756 29,790 1,254 42.09%
MT293159 29,890 1,219 40.78%
MT252769 29,867 1,196 40.04%
MT263406 29,887 1,263 42.26%
MT252700 29,788 1,255 42.13%
MT114412 29,889 1,204 40.28%
MT066156 29,867 1,233 41.28%
MT263456 29,775 1,211 40.67%
MT263446 29,872 1,212 40.57%
MT293167 29,796 1,230 41.28%
MT259243 29,757 1,232 41.40%
MT152824 29,878 1,203 40.26%
MT123291 29,927 1,222 40.83%
MT293158 29,748 1,213 40.78%
MT258383 29,887 1,212 40.55%
MT262904 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT263443 29,869 1,236 41.38%
MT253703 29,781 1,254 42.11%
MT253696 29,781 1,254 42.11%
MT293160 29,864 1,217 40.75%
MT270109 29,782 1,255 42.14%
MT215195 29,764 1,208 40.59%
MT252764 29,879 1,218 40.76%
MT293162 29,848 1,257 42.11%
MT293195 29,871 1,221 40.88%
MT292570 29,782 1,251 42.01%
MT159715 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT270815 29,764 1,207 40.55%
MT066176 29,870 1,234 41.31%
MT252696 29,808 1,204 40.39%
MT246459 29,909 1,215 40.62%
MT252772 29,822 1,203 40.34%
MT293220 29,869 1,219 40.81%
MT184910 29,882 1,239 41.46%
MT246475 29,877 1,234 41.30%
MT252729 29,833 1,219 40.86%
MT253698 29,781 1,254 42.11%
MT292574 29,782 1,254 42.11%
MT263430 29,838 1,202 40.28%
MT246449 29,828 1,255 42.07%
MT263395 29,904 1,215 40.63%
MT252747 29,878 1,218 40.77%
MT263450 29,841 1,216 40.75%
MT027063 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT114414 29,891 1,239 41.45%
MT184908 29,880 1,235 41.33%
MT259275 29,841 1,216 40.75%
MT252787 29,706 1,213 40.83%
MT262915 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT263422 29,837 1,256 42.10%
MT252798 29,852 1,219 40.83%
MT252793 29,897 1,215 40.64%
MT252701 29,705 1,202 40.46%
MT252715 29,827 1,254 42.04%
MT246489 29,864 1,236 41.39%
MT246452 29,888 1,236 41.35%
MT159719 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT259254 29,887 1,204 40.29%
MT263413 29,862 1,221 40.89%
MT192765 29,829 1,231 41.27%
MT253700 29,781 1,254 42.11%
MT159706 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT259257 29,868 1,217 40.75%
MT295464 29,892 1,220 40.81%
MT079846 29,903 1,257 42.04%
MT252677 29,895 1,196 40.01%
MT263433 29,853 1,216 40.73%
MT276326 29,882 1,238 41.43%
MT263418 29,876 1,269 42.48%
MT263441 29,793 1,252 42.02%
MT394530 29,870 1,257 42.08%
MT358695 29,892 1,214 40.61%
MT371017 29,722 1,194 40.17%
MT358401 29,895 1,199 40.11%
MT371018 29,724 1,195 40.20%
MT370927 29,709 1,205 40.56%
MT358716 29,920 1,225 40.94%
MT339040 29,807 1,175 39.42%
MT325630 29,882 1,238 41.43%
MT345832 29,869 1,267 42.42%
MT385443 29,881 1,235 41.33%
MT345838 29,659 1,201 40.49%
MT370850 29,727 1,201 40.40%
MT385422 29,901 1,207 40.37%
MT371012 29,723 1,196 40.24%
MT326084 29,827 1,212 40.63%
MT371026 29,723 1,195 40.20%
MT374109 29,898 1,272 42.54%
MT326191 29,832 1,207 40.46%
MT358744 29,897 1,215 40.64%
MT345808 29,687 1,198 40.35%
MT385493 29,680 1,167 39.32%
MT326085 29,795 1,203 40.38%
MT370836 29,724 1,196 40.24%
MT358747 29,871 1,212 40.57%
MT370950 29,731 1,227 41.27%
MT370957 29,714 1,251 42.10%
MT345856 29,872 1,219 40.81%
MT325634 29,882 1,238 41.43%
MT370876 29,724 1,196 40.24%
MT370874 29,756 1,196 40.19%
MT325600 29,882 1,238 41.43%
MT350254 29,902 1,221 40.83%
MT385420 29,902 1,223 40.90%
MT322413 29,897 1,214 40.61%
MT304484 29,882 1,239 41.46%
MT325610 29,882 1,238 41.43%
MT385414 29,903 1,239 41.43%
MT370898 29,719 1,230 41.39%
MT375443 29,813 1,210 40.59%
MT326164 29,870 1,206 40.37%
MT370875 29,724 1,196 40.24%
MT326100 29,873 1,205 40.34%
MT370886 29,724 1,195 40.20%
MT385489 29,831 1,187 39.79%
MT371019 29,720 1,195 40.21%
MT375472 29,862 1,234 41.32%
MT325603 29,882 1,239 41.46%
MT334538 29,903 1,239 41.43%
MT371029 29,719 1,195 40.21%
MT370970 29,716 1,201 40.42%
MT358745 29,838 1,176 39.41%
MT325595 29,882 1,239 41.46%
MT371016 29,724 1,195 40.20%
MT358742 29,888 1,258 42.09%
MT345882 29,893 1,239 41.45%
MT358679 29,832 1,230 41.23%
MT325579 29,882 1,239 41.46%
MT326153 29,874 1,206 40.37%
MT326094 29,749 1,192 40.07%
MT370908 29,719 1,229 41.35%
MT385430 29,894 1,217 40.71%
MT385425 29,899 1,261 42.18%
MT370897 29,724 1,196 40.24%
MT325584 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT385456 29,862 1,202 40.25%
MT345841 29,882 1,212 40.56%
MT371008 29,724 1,196 40.24%
MT370940 29,724 1,194 40.17%
MT385460 29,858 1,204 40.32%
MT385472 29,836 1,210 40.56%
MT344962 29,877 1,263 42.27%
MT325585 29,882 1,238 41.43%
MT374101 29,521 1,209 40.95%
MT345854 29,860 1,205 40.35%
MT370834 29,726 1,196 40.23%
MT385441 29,886 1,231 41.19%
MT385435 29,892 1,222 40.88%
MT365029 29,891 1,239 41.45%
MT326134 29,864 1,205 40.35%
MT325637 29,882 1,238 41.43%
MT375451 29,839 1,219 40.85%
MT371033 29,723 1,196 40.24%
MT325629 29,882 1,238 41.43%
MT358658 29,853 1,221 40.90%
MT375442 29,856 1,266 42.40%
MT385442 29,885 1,238 41.43%
MT326166 29,759 1,267 42.58%
MT370901 29,724 1,196 40.24%
MT359866 29,893 1,241 41.51%
MT344949 29,882 1,235 41.33%
MT345798 29,844 1,218 40.81%
MT374110 29,900 1,274 42.61%
MT371002 29,710 1,251 42.11%
MT325623 29,882 1,234 41.30%
MT322398 29,866 1,235 41.35%
MT326035 29,778 1,255 42.15%
MT325619 29,882 1,239 41.46%
MT358666 29,833 1,218 40.83%
MT350256 29,835 1,203 40.32%
MT326029 29,863 1,214 40.65%
MT324062 29,903 1,241 41.50%
MT370991 29,704 1,253 42.18%
MT375483 29,871 1,233 41.28%
MT326111 29,777 1,211 40.67%
MT385426 29,899 1,262 42.21%
MT375469 29,646 1,126 37.98%
MT375476 29,784 1,219 40.93%
MT358736 29,901 1,241 41.50%
MT371574 29,756 1,191 40.03%
MT326048 29,871 1,221 40.88%
MT370919 29,772 1,196 40.17%
MT358677 29,831 1,218 40.83%
MT308703 29,834 1,201 40.26%
MT334542 29,903 1,239 41.43%
MT350242 29,865 1,195 40.01%
MT370905 29,729 1,195 40.20%
MT385447 29,872 1,203 40.27%
MT358702 29,889 1,261 42.19%
MT322421 29,859 1,204 40.32%
MT304478 29,882 1,239 41.46%
MT350280 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT370858 29,717 1,200 40.38%
MT370906 29,772 1,198 40.24%
MT345824 29,792 1,220 40.95%
MT325561 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT370953 29,723 1,194 40.17%
MT370997 29,705 1,247 41.98%
MT370994 29,724 1,195 40.20%
MT358714 29,826 1,208 40.50%
MT370933 29,715 1,252 42.13%
MT385462 29,855 1,210 40.53%
MT385445 29,874 1,217 40.74%
MT345847 29,863 1,212 40.59%
MT358737 29,842 1,256 42.09%
MT358700 29,851 1,272 42.61%
MT334531 29,864 1,208 40.45%
MT325632 29,882 1,238 41.43%
MT325609 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT326124 29,765 1,196 40.18%
MT370880 29,726 1,196 40.23%
MT358688 29,851 1,272 42.61%
MT345883 29,833 1,211 40.59%
MT370518 29,903 1,239 41.43%
MT371570 29,756 1,191 40.03%
MT345833 29,893 1,236 41.35%
MT345823 29,817 1,234 41.39%
MT394531 29,872 1,270 42.51%
MT322412 29,859 1,202 40.26%
MT358746 29,838 1,202 40.28%
MT344960 29,882 1,238 41.43%
MT385464 29,851 1,212 40.60%
MT358699 29,833 1,219 40.86%
MT326190 29,913 1,239 41.42%
MT358641 29,903 1,240 41.47%
MT350264 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT326066 29,870 1,221 40.88%
MT370981 29,714 1,252 42.14%
MT308704 29,834 1,201 40.26%
MT345873 29,907 1,242 41.53%
MT358741 29,875 1,260 42.18%
MT326063 29,872 1,221 40.87%
MT358697 29,813 1,209 40.55%
MT385433 29,892 1,221 40.85%
MT375448 29,871 1,134 37.96%
MT322404 29,865 1,197 40.08%
MT325620 29,882 1,239 41.46%
MT374115 29,898 1,263 42.24%
MT344958 29,876 1,213 40.60%
MT358698 29,860 1,237 41.43%
MT385466 29,847 1,211 40.57%
MT345874 29,831 1,220 40.90%
MT325597 29,882 1,238 41.43%
MT371034 29,732 1,227 41.27%
MT370833 29,724 1,197 40.27%
MT375440 29,872 1,238 41.44%
MT344952 29,861 1,236 41.39%
MT320891 29,828 1,223 41.00%
MT345875 29,898 1,209 40.44%
MT358687 29,866 1,212 40.58%
MT370859 29,725 1,208 40.64%
MT350244 29,870 1,237 41.41%
MT344951 29,861 1,237 41.43%
MT374111 29,903 1,241 41.50%
MT370871 29,724 1,196 40.24%
MT358732 29,828 1,211 40.60%
MT370869 29,726 1,192 40.10%
MT334540 29,901 1,208 40.40%
MT370851 29,731 1,230 41.37%
MT375480 29,872 1,222 40.91%
MT350267 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT308702 29,834 1,202 40.29%
MT374116 29,901 1,205 40.30%
MT370954 29,716 1,198 40.31%
MT370937 29,737 1,212 40.76%
MT358706 29,873 1,236 41.38%
MT345801 29,818 1,219 40.88%
MT326151 29,744 1,232 41.42%
MT350251 29,887 1,212 40.55%
MT365030 29,891 1,238 41.42%
MT344954 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT322424 29,903 1,239 41.43%
MT385497 29,803 1,057 35.47%
MT350245 29,897 1,213 40.57%
MT304475 29,882 1,239 41.46%
MT358739 29,872 1,223 40.94%
MT370892 29,726 1,194 40.17%
MT350239 29,897 1,215 40.64%
MT375466 29,873 1,207 40.40%
MT370863 29,720 1,206 40.58%
MT371023 29,724 1,196 40.24%
MT344945 29,882 1,234 41.30%
MT350238 29,826 1,201 40.27%
MT325563 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT370931 29,712 1,201 40.42%
MT358718 29,903 1,239 41.43%
MT345866 29,831 1,216 40.76%
MT334523 29,901 1,199 40.10%
MT345809 29,863 1,221 40.89%
MT326130 29,790 1,271 42.67%
MT325625 29,882 1,233 41.26%
MT394528 29,867 1,234 41.32%
MT326117 29,890 1,221 40.85%
MT322414 29,901 1,204 40.27%
MT385415 29,903 1,240 41.47%
MT326083 29,683 1,191 40.12%
MT350247 29,883 1,237 41.39%
MT326054 29,714 1,192 40.12%
MT325591 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT339039 29,896 1,238 41.41%
MT326113 29,858 1,219 40.83%
MT370888 29,730 1,206 40.57%
MT345846 29,869 1,221 40.88%
MT326053 29,763 1,208 40.59%
MT325576 29,882 1,238 41.43%
MT375428 29,734 1,103 37.10%
MT358660 29,838 1,212 40.62%
MT345870 29,840 1,235 41.39%
MT370984 29,715 1,252 42.13%
MT358649 29,902 1,221 40.83%
MT371027 29,724 1,196 40.24%
MT385453 29,881 1,205 40.33%
MT358661 29,873 1,238 41.44%
MT375452 29,867 1,202 40.25%
MT344957 29,876 1,213 40.60%
MT370947 29,716 1,267 42.64%
MT374105 29,900 1,204 40.27%
MT380732 29,882 1,238 41.43%
MT326074 29,839 1,217 40.79%
MT371006 29,723 1,196 40.24%
MT326105 29,842 1,232 41.28%
MT385438 29,891 1,207 40.38%
MT370971 29,722 1,196 40.24%
MT326024 29,685 1,227 41.33%
MT304480 29,882 1,234 41.30%
MT358711 29,844 1,253 41.98%
MT358664 29,821 1,217 40.81%
MT325564 29,882 1,239 41.46%
MT326132 29,888 1,271 42.53%
MT374104 29,903 1,239 41.43%
MT359865 29,890 1,273 42.59%
MT326106 29,885 1,222 40.89%
MT322397 29,893 1,236 41.35%
MT326150 29,876 1,214 40.63%
MT375459 29,891 1,238 41.42%
MT326121 29,643 1,208 40.75%
MT380730 29,882 1,238 41.43%
MT334529 29,903 1,238 41.40%
MT345867 29,871 1,218 40.78%
MT350276 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT325615 29,882 1,239 41.46%
MT385431 29,892 1,220 40.81%
MT385452 29,867 1,234 41.32%
MT370860 29,724 1,197 40.27%
MT385434 29,893 1,237 41.38%
MT370878 29,726 1,191 40.07%
MT370891 29,793 1,199 40.24%
MT370942 29,706 1,267 42.65%
MT326159 29,836 1,221 40.92%
MT358644 29,842 1,256 42.09%
MT375453 29,887 1,198 40.08%
MT350250 29,865 1,271 42.56%
MT334547 29,903 1,242 41.53%
MT370925 29,743 1,201 40.38%
MT344963 29,882 1,236 41.36%
MT385486 29,892 1,201 40.18%
MT326118 29,871 1,222 40.91%
MT350236 29,865 1,195 40.01%
MT358653 29,847 1,233 41.31%
MT385483 29,812 1,181 39.61%
MT345821 29,617 1,196 40.38%
MT385446 29,874 1,218 40.77%
MT375463 29,876 1,221 40.87%
MT304486 29,882 1,238 41.43%
MT358738 29,853 1,194 40.00%
MT326036 29,747 1,207 40.58%
MT358659 29,854 1,206 40.40%
MT326068 29,864 1,221 40.89%
MT358693 29,873 1,240 41.51%
MT345806 29,898 1,259 42.11%
MT358638 29,903 1,239 41.43%
MT345850 29,808 1,168 39.18%
MT358672 29,832 1,235 41.40%
MT326116 29,865 1,256 42.06%
MT385419 29,902 1,221 40.83%
MT345879 29,847 1,201 40.24%
MT358740 29,895 1,235 41.31%
MT325618 29,882 1,238 41.43%
MT325582 29,882 1,238 41.43%
MT326086 29,856 1,256 42.07%
MT370932 29,724 1,195 40.20%
MT326088 29,872 1,220 40.84%
MT350253 29,899 1,261 42.18%
MT345828 29,853 1,218 40.80%
MT350277 29,882 1,237 41.40%
MT328032 29,903 1,240 41.47%
MT370841 29,724 1,196 40.24%
MT358748 29,878 1,204 40.30%
MT325573 29,882 1,233 41.26%
MT328033 29,875 1,238 41.44%
MT371568 29,740 1,245 41.86%
MT326099 29,861 1,212 40.59%
MT358720 29,776 1,219 40.94%
MT325622 29,882 1,239 41.46%
MT345802 29,875 1,219 40.80%
MT345857 29,641 1,195 40.32%
MT358651 29,841 1,213 40.65%
MT396241 29,900 1,265 42.31%
MT380733 29,882 1,238 41.43%
MT370914 29,718 1,229 41.36%
MT385491 29,689 1,159 39.04%
MT326040 29,820 1,210 40.58%
MT375470 29,871 1,206 40.37%
MT326089 29,851 1,211 40.57%
MT371569 29,798 1,256 42.15%
MT345862 29,888 1,237 41.39%
MT371050 29,903 1,240 41.47%
MT358656 29,853 1,212 40.60%
MT345811 29,850 1,257 42.11%
MT358673 29,872 1,219 40.81%
MT334526 29,896 1,233 41.24%
MT358674 29,813 1,192 39.98%
MT358713 29,835 1,210 40.56%
MT325583 29,882 1,238 41.43%
MT350241 29,857 1,259 42.17%
MT326137 29,862 1,222 40.92%
MT370861 29,779 1,198 40.23%
MT345840 29,893 1,213 40.58%
MT325566 29,882 1,239 41.46%
MT334535 29,900 1,270 42.47%
MT345827 29,872 1,221 40.87%
MT358721 29,891 1,241 41.52%
MT326097 29,859 1,194 39.99%
MT358663 29,829 1,217 40.80%
MT385480 29,836 1,201 40.25%
MT325624 29,882 1,234 41.30%
MT325636 29,882 1,238 41.43%
MT385439 29,890 1,205 40.31%
MT326154 29,863 1,222 40.92%