
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Omicron (OMC!) - 3

Eye Beauty
I. Background

In the previous post, which discussed changes in virus genomes, I mentioned a question ("'are the changes the result of damage done to the single-celled hosts of the SARS-CoV-2 viruses?'") while discussing damage to the host cells (microbes) of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The issue of genomic alteration by way of antibiotic induced lysis [microbe death] is a subject that should be considered when discussing the cause of changes in SARS-CoV-2 viruses.

II. The Concept

The concept has been discussed in scientific journals since at least 1957 (Penicillin-Induced Lysis of Escherichia coli) and as recently as this year:

"Bactericidal antibiotics kill bacteria by perturbing various cellular targets and processes. Disruption of the primary antibiotic-binding partner induces a cascade of molecular events, leading to overproduction of reactive metabolic by-products. It remains unclear, however, how these molecular events contribute to bacterial cell death. Here, we take a single-cell physical biology approach to probe antibiotic function. We show that aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones induce cytoplasmic condensation through membrane damage and subsequent outflow of cytoplasmic contents [including virus RNA] as part of their lethality.
Previous work has shown that the intracellular accumulation of promiscuously reactive metabolic by-products induces widespread cellular dysfunction and contributes to antibiotic lethality [microbe death]. However, the mechanisms underlying how reactive metabolic by-products, and the accompanying phenotypic changes, [variants, mutants] contribute to cell death have remained unclear."

(Cytoplasmic ... Damage ... Antibiotic Lethality, emphasis added). The words highlighted in red, and the words highlighted in bold, help focus on the Dredd Blog hypothesis that antibiotic chemicals used promiscuously in the mass-production-of-animals-for-food industry is causing viruses to be changed by the indiscriminate killing of microbe hosts ("around 70% of the world's total production of antibiotics is used in animal husbandry and agriculture").
III. Meanings

Let's focus on a few meanings before going on:

"promiscuous ...
characterized by or involving indiscriminate mingling or association, especially having sexual relations with a number of partners on a casual basis.

consisting of parts, elements, or individuals of different kinds brought together without order.

indiscriminate; without discrimination.
casual; irregular; haphazard."

The overuse of antibiotics is promiscuous and leads to genomic disruptions:

"phenotype ...

The observable characteristics in an individual [including microbes/viruses] resulting from the expression of genes; the clinical presentation of an individual [including microbes/viruses] with a particular genotype."

"phenotypic ...

The observable physical or biochemical characteristics of an organism [including microbes/viruses], as determined by both genetic makeup and environmental influences.

The expression of a specific trait, such as stature or blood type, based on genetic and environmental influences.

An individual or group of organisms [including microbes/viruses] exhibiting a particular phenotype."

Thus, there should be no reluctance to use deductive reasoning to hypothesize that the haphazard microbe/virus changes being shown in Dredd Blog posts are, in whole or in part, the results of toxic-chemical induced Lysis, i.e., the death of microbes (On The Origin Of The Home Of COVID-19, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27).  

And when host microbes go down in flames the nucleotide/gene replication machinery inside them will be damaged, and/or destroyed.

They will, as the Lysis phase progresses from bad to worse, produce 'variants', 'mutants', and defective genetic output (which is released into the blood stream or gut microbiome] on their way down (Omicron (OMC!), 2) [see first video below].

IV. Closing Comments

The 'Omicron Variant' is likely one of many variations caused by the antibiotic wars causing toxic-chemical induced Lysis [microbe death] as discussed in the literature (e.g. here and here).

So, it is not a fantasy, it is a scientific reality.

An immediate, thorough investigation into the deceit of Big Pharma, in the manner of the investigation into Big Tobacco and Big Oil, should be a priority [see third video below].

The previous post in this series is here.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Omicron (OMC!) - 2

The latest model T4
I. Background

In the previous post we looked for Omicron genes in Coronaviridae viruses, excluding the SARS-CoV-2 virus (Omicron (OMC!)).

In today's post we are going to focus only on the SARS-CoV-2 viruses, comparing the more recently collected sample to an original sample, which is the first SARS-CoV-2 collected in a particular country).

The comparison range is not limited to genes, the entire set of nucleotides is considered as was done in On The Origin Of The Home Of COVID-19 - 27.

II. Details

The purpose of the comparisons, today, is to detect changes in the SARS-CoV-2 virus over a relatively short span of time, using the data from various countries (today's appendices are alphabetized by country in Section IV below).

Some countries have few collected samples, others have enormous quantities of samples, so, the comparison involves the first, middle, and last virus sample collected in each country.

III. Change

The information at the beginning of each appendix explains that the comparisons concern equal, greater than, and less than results.

That is, each nucleotide and/or gene location or length value is either the same, greater than, or smaller than the first sample of the SARS-CoV-2 taken in that country.

For example, Serbia had no change over its span of time:

SerbiaMW315975.1 orig 2020-03-12

MW327520.1 comp 2020-06-24 ======================================

MW548723.1 comp 2020-12-11 ======================================

(Appendix SZ). Other countries had a lot of change:


MZ056416.1 comp 2021-04-12 >=>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>===


(ibid). The point I am making is that this post considers the issue of change.

An excellent place to ponder the realm of virus changes is the Virology Blog, where the question "are viruses living" is addressed:

"Viruses are not living things. Viruses are complicated assemblies of molecules, including proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates, but on their own they can do nothing until they enter a living cell. Without cells, viruses would not be able to multiply. Therefore, viruses are not living things."

(Are Viruses Living?, emphasis added). Viruses, then, are abiotic rather than being biotic (see e.g. The New Paradigm: The Physical Universe Is Mostly Machine, 2, 3; A Microbe's Machine Kills Intruders).

So, since we are contemplating change, and microbes are required for a virus to be changed, why not ask and consider the notion: "why do microbes change or not change viruses?"

Viruses on their own "can do nothing" change is not something they do, change is something that is done to them.

IV. Closing Comments

So, I urge you to peruse the appendices (AC, DI, JM, NR, and SZ) and ask yourself why are single-celled microbes making such haphazard changes to these viruses?

And perhaps, add to your perusal as I have done, the question: "are the changes the result of damage done to the single-celled hosts of the SARS-CoV-2 viruses?"

The next post in this series is here, the previous post in this series is here.

Appendix AC

This is an appendix to: Omicron (OMC!) - 2

A Brief SARS-CoV-2 Change Analysis (by Country)

About: An Original virus genome (first collected in a country)
is compared to later virus genomes (collected after the original),
then the results of the comparison are displayed in the table below.

'=' means the same value as original
'>' means a greater value than original
'<' means a lesser value than original

Country version type date collected results(comparison to original)
Aland MZ331872.1 orig 2020-02-27

MZ332164.1 comp 2020-04-05 >=====================================

OK433390.1 comp 2021-06-14 >==>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>====
Argentina MW553299.1 orig 2020-05-16

MW553315.1 comp 2020-06-04 <=====================================

MW633906.1 comp 2020-09-20 <=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====
Australia MT641720.1 orig 2020-01-01

MW154957.1 comp 2020-07-24 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

MW320808.1 comp 2020-10-22 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====
Austria MW672353.1 orig 2021-01-01

MW913391.1 comp 2021-03-21 >==>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>====

OL721912.1 comp 2021-12-01 >==>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>====
Bahrain MW228280.1 orig 2020-05-31

MW965617.1 comp 2021-04-05 <=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

OL722010.1 comp 2021-11-29 <=>>=>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>====
Bangladesh MT476385.1 orig 2020-04-18

MT775559.1 comp 2020-06-29 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

MZ470855.1 comp 2021-06-20 >=>>=>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====
Brazil MT126808.1 orig 2020-02-28

MT827075.1 comp 2020-07-20 ><>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>>>><<<<===

MZ397167.1 comp 2021-04-27 ><>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>>>><<<<===
Chile MT670015.1 orig 2020-03-12

MW365108.1 comp 2020-04-27 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

MW672621.1 comp 2020-06-08 >=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<====
China MN996527.1 orig 2019-12-30

MZ824622.1 comp 2020-02-03 <<<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<<===

MZ664556.1 comp 2021-03-16 <<<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<<===

Appendix DI

This is an appendix to: Omicron (OMC!) - 2

A Brief SARS-CoV-2 Change Analysis (by Country)

About: An Original virus genome (first collected in a country)
is compared to later virus genomes (collected after the original),
then the results of the comparison are displayed in the table below.

'=' means the same value as original
'>' means a greater value than original
'<' means a lesser value than original

Country version type date collected results(comparison to original)
Djibouti MZ970746.1 orig 2020-04-28

MZ520092.1 comp 2021-03-02 >==>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>====

MZ970734.1 comp 2021-05-20 >==>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>=>>=>>>>>====
Egypt MW186669.1 orig 2020-03-13

MW533296.1 comp 2021-01-09 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

OL351381.1 comp 2021-10-23 <=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<====
France MT320538.2 orig 2020-01-01

MT470143.1 comp 2020-01-01 <=====================================

MW580244.1 comp 2021-01-18 >=>>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====
Georgia MW974554.1 orig 2020-01-01

MZ133055.1 comp 2021-04-17 <=<<><<><<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<>><<=<<====

OL823668.1 comp 2021-12-02 <=<<=<<><<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<><<=<<====
Germany MT270104.1 orig 2020-01-01

MT582473.1 comp 2020-03-15 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

MZ315140.1 comp 2021-04-21 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====
Ghana MT890240.1 orig 2020-03-28

MW571124.1 comp 2021-01-07 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

MZ150530.1 comp 2021-03-16 >==>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>====
Greece MT459897.1 orig 2020-03-05

MT459881.1 comp 2020-03-14 >==>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

MT459847.1 comp 2020-04-04 >==>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====
Hong Kong MT186683.1 orig 2020-01-01

MW181731.1 comp 2020-07-12 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

MZ298847.1 comp 2021-05-12 >=>>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====
India MT577009.1 orig 2020-01-01

MZ163231.1 comp 2021-04-21 >=>>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>====

OL823661.1 comp 2021-12-02 >=>>=>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>====
Iraq MT940481.1 orig 2020-06-06

MZ145320.1 comp 2021-02-16 <=<<><<><<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<>><<=<<====

MZ555949.1 comp 2021-04-27 <=<<=<<><<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<====
Israel MT276597.1 orig 2020-01-01

MW674847.1 comp 2020-03-15 <=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<====

MW674843.1 comp 2020-10-15 <=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<====
Italy MW134558.1 orig 2020-01-01

MT682732.1 comp 2020-04-20 <=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<====

MZ362451.1 comp 2021-05-18 >=<<><>>>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>=>>=>>>>>====

Appendix JM

This is an appendix to: Omicron (OMC!) - 2

A Brief SARS-CoV-2 Change Analysis (by Country)

About: An Original virus genome (first collected in a country)
is compared to later virus genomes (collected after the original),
then the results of the comparison are displayed in the table below.

'=' means the same value as original
'>' means a greater value than original
'<' means a lesser value than original

Country version type date collected results(comparison to original)
Japan MW219695.1 orig 2020-02-01

OL588219.1 comp 2020-04-16 ======================================

OK091006.1 comp 2021-08-24 <=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<====
Jersey MZ710319.1 orig 2020-01-01

MZ076377.1 comp 2021-04-07 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

OL823752.1 comp 2021-12-02 >=>>=>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>====
Kenya MW751130.1 orig 2020-04-03

OL691422.1 comp 2020-11-09 >=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<====

OL739858.1 comp 2021-10-02 >=<<=<>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>====
Malawi OL778959.1 orig 2020-07-01

OL779075.1 comp 2021-07-01 >=>>=>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>====

OL779063.1 comp 2021-09-02 >=>>=>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>====
Mali OL336607.1 orig 2020-02-06

OL601944.1 comp 2021-04-04 >=>>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>=>>=>>>>>====

OL601952.1 comp 2021-08-30 >=>>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>=>>=>>>>>====
Mexico MW268728.1 orig 2020-03-09

OK183186.1 comp 2021-03-12 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

OL804329.1 comp 2021-12-01 >=>>=>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>====
Myanmar MT921777.1 orig 2020-01-01

MW491250.1 comp 2021-01-09 <==<<<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<====

OL757811.1 comp 2021-12-03 >=<<<<<><<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<>>>>=>>====

Appendix NR

This is an appendix to: Omicron (OMC!) - 2

A Brief SARS-CoV-2 Change Analysis (by Country)

About: An Original virus genome (first collected in a country)
is compared to later virus genomes (collected after the original),
then the results of the comparison are displayed in the table below.

'=' means the same value as original
'>' means a greater value than original
'<' means a lesser value than original

Country version type date collected results(comparison to original)
Netherlands MT705205.1 orig 2020-03-03

MT457396.1 comp 2020-04-29 >==>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

OK356635.1 comp 2021-06-16 >=>>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>====
New Zealand MZ331872.1 orig 2020-02-27

MZ332164.1 comp 2020-04-05 >=====================================

OK433390.1 comp 2021-06-14 >==>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>====
Niger MT576584.1 orig 2020-01-01

OL601707.1 comp 2021-01-28 >=>>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>=>>=>>>>>====

OL601854.1 comp 2021-03-18 >=>>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>=>>=>>>>>====
Nigeria MT576584.1 orig 2020-01-01

OL601707.1 comp 2021-01-28 >=>>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>=>>=>>>>>====

OL601854.1 comp 2021-03-18 >=>>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>=>>=>>>>>====
Pakistan MT262993.1 orig 2020-03-12

MW960279.1 comp 2020-12-10 >>><<<<><<><<><<<<<><<<<<><<<<<<<<>>>>

MZ562707.1 comp 2021-04-30 >>><<<<><<><<><<<<<><<<<<><<><<<<<>>>>
Peru MT263074.1 orig 2020-03-10

MW030234.1 comp 2020-07-01 >>>>=<<><<><<><<<<<><<<<>>><<<<<<>>>>>

OL682022.1 comp 2021-08-04 >>>>><<><<><<><<<<<><<<<<><<<<<<<<>>>>
Philippines MW243995.1 orig 2020-01-01

MT919787.1 comp 2020-07-18 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=><<>>=>>====

OL629472.1 comp 2021-07-05 >=>>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>====
Poland MZ047270.1 orig 2020-01-20

MW273786.1 comp 2020-04-22 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

MZ416737.1 comp 2021-04-29 >============================>>=>>====
Puerto Rico MT419810.1 orig 2020-03-23

MZ215443.1 comp 2021-04-14 <=<<><<><<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<>><<=<<====

OL721005.1 comp 2021-11-23 <=<<=<<><<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<><<=<<====
Russia MW305250.1 orig 2020-01-01

MW332232.1 comp 2020-04-29 <=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<====

MZ579165.1 comp 2021-04-27 <=<<><<><<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<>><<=<<====

Appendix SZ

This is an appendix to: Omicron (OMC!) - 2

A Brief SARS-CoV-2 Change Analysis (by Country)

About: An Original virus genome (first collected in a country)
is compared to later virus genomes (collected after the original),
then the results of the comparison are displayed in the table below.

'=' means the same value as original
'>' means a greater value than original
'<' means a lesser value than original

Country version type date collected results(comparison to original)
South Korea MT020782.1 orig 2020-01-25

MW466793.1 comp 2020-03-17 <=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<====

MZ004107.1 comp 2020-12-23 <=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<====
Saudi Arabia MT755883.1 orig 2020-02-03

MZ895739.1 comp 2021-02-07 >============================>>=>>====

MZ215961.1 comp 2021-04-15 >=>>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====
Serbia MW315975.1 orig 2020-03-12

MW327520.1 comp 2020-06-24 ======================================

MW548723.1 comp 2020-12-11 ======================================
Sierra Leone MT872497.1 orig 2020-03-30

MZ663998.1 comp 2021-01-24 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

MZ854396.1 comp 2021-06-07 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====
Spain MT233519.1 orig 2020-02-27

MW769724.1 comp 2021-01-13 <<<<><<><<=<<=<<=<<=<<=>>>>>>>><<<<===

MZ914594.1 comp 2021-03-24 <<<<><<><<=<<=<<=<<=<<=>>>>>>>><<<<===
Taiwan OL739246.1 orig 2020-01-01

MW356670.1 comp 2020-03-26 >=>>=><<<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<====

MZ277396.1 comp 2021-04-21 <=<>>><<<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<<=<>><<=<<====
Tunisia MW366724.1 orig 2020-03-02

MW452537.1 comp 2020-10-19 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

MZ227558.1 comp 2021-04-26 >==>>>>>>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====
Turkey MT478018.1 orig 2020-01-01

MT786859.1 comp 2020-07-15 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>====

MZ452068.1 comp 2021-03-09 >=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>=>>>>>=>>====
USA MT252714.1 orig 2020-01-01

MZ056416.1 comp 2021-04-12 >=>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>===

OL830471.1 comp 2021-12-09 <=>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>===