
Saturday, February 24, 2018

Wooden Ships

Wooden Ships
33 WOD Zones with 231 bottom pressure stations
Fig. 1a
Fig. 1b
Fig. 1c
Fig. 1d
Fig. 1e
Fig. 1f
Fig. 1g
Fig. 1h
Fig. 2a
Fig. 2b
Fig. 2c
Fig. 2d
Fig. 2e
Fig. 2f
Fig. 2g
Fig. 2h
Fig. 2i
Fig. 2j
Fig. 2k
Fig. 2l
Fig. 2m
I. Background

In a prior post I mentioned that two scientists indicated that bottom pressure was potentially a more accurate indicator of ocean mass changes (at the cm accuracy-level) than satellite or tide gauge records are:
"Bottom pressure may serve as a better observation of this mass component than sea level. Ocean model results, which represent only dynamic processes, suggest that bottom pressure in the deep ocean exhibits much smaller variability than sea level (Vinogradova et al., 2007). Thus, in principle, it should be easier to detect a 1-cm annual change in ocean level in a measurement of bottom pressure than in a sea level measurement."
(Very Breezy). Those scientists cited to a paper by some other scientists who gave a detailed discussion of that issue (Relation between sea level and bottom pressure).

Another paper I found indicates that only one moored bottom pressure site could accomplish the task if properly located, and if there was enough data.

The graphs shown today follow that paper's advice:
"If we are to use available data to test whether this concept works in practice, we must therefore focus on the annual cycle."
(Weighing The Oceans). Yes, these are graphs of daily records converted into annual mean averages.

So, as you might guess, after reading those papersI felt compelled to acquire bottom pressure records.

I wanted to take a look at them to see if they could be a benefit.

II. The Location of
Bottom Pressure Stations

The graphic at the top of the post, under the sailing ship, has 33 red squares placed on the Zone map.

Those red squares are in Zones where the 231 bottom pressure stations are, or were, located.

Here is the list of those stations in the following order: Dredd Blog station number, the official station code, and the WOD zone number:

stn_num, stn_code, zone
1, 55013_0813, 3416
2, MYb9903_QD109072, 5604
3, MYb9903_DQ43118, 5604
4, MYa9296_DQ43118, 5505
5, 32401_0610, 5207
6, 55015_1114, 3416
7, 51406_1013, 5012
8, 23401_0609, 1008
9, 44401_0710, 7304
10, 52405_1012, 1113
11, 52402_1012, 1115
12, 54401_0912, 5317
13, 46402_0204, 7516
14, 51426_0810, 5216
15, 51425_0810, 5017
16, 32401_1114, 5207
17, 55012_1012, 3115
18, 56001_0911, 3111
19, 43413_0709, 7110
20, 51407_0507, 7115
21, DPS_DEEP_1113_DQ105443, 5605
22, MYc0508_DQ96819, 5605
23, MYc0508_DQ96820, 5605
24, 56003_0911, 3111
25, 32411_0709, 7009
26, 42407_1214, 7106
27, DPS_DEEP_0911_DQ43122, 5605
28, DPS0911_DQ68485, 5605
29, DPN0911_DQ68489, 5505
30, 43413_1012, 7110
31, DPS9496_DQ43513, 5605
32, DPS9496_DQ46251, 5605
33, 43412_0911, 7110
34, DPS0608_DQ68489, 5605
35, 51425_1113, 5017
36, DPN0608_DQ68485, 5505
37, DPN9496_DQ52026, 5505
38, DPN9496_DQ44935, 5505
39, 51407_1113, 7115
40, 42407_0608, 7106
41, 41420_1012, 7206
42, 55015_0911, 3416
43, 51407_0709, 7115
44, DPN0709_DQ68483, 5505
45, 41421_0608, 7206
46, DPS0709_DQ105443, 5605
47, DPS0002_DQ46251, 5605
48, 41420_0608, 7206
49, DPS0204_DQ46251, 5605
50, 32412_0709, 5108
51, 56003_1113, 3111
52, 51406_0810, 5012
53, 46403_0507, 7515
54, 46403_0204, 7515
55, 46402_0709, 7516
56, 52406_1012, 3016
57, 41421_1012, 7206
58, 51406_0608, 5012
59, 55012_1214, 3115
60, 46403_1113, 7515
61, 52403_0809, 1014
62, 32401_0506, 5207
63, 32412_0911, 5108
64, 32412_1112, 5108
65, 32411_1214, 7009
66, 56001_1113, 3111
67, 43413_1214, 7110
68, 43412_1214, 7110
69, 32413_1012, 5009
70, 46403_0709, 7515
71, 44401_1113, 7305
72, 23401_1112, 1008
73, 52402_0809, 1115
74, 51406_0103, 5012
75, 52405_0608, 1113
76, 52403_1011, 1014
77, 46402_0506, 7516
78, 51407_1011, 7115
79, 51406_0304, 5012
80, 52402_0608, 1115
81, 52403_0608, 1014
82, 46403_1314, 7515
83, 46402_1314, 7516
84, 52406_0809, 3016
85, 51406_0405, 5012
86, 23228_1113, 1206
87, 43412_0709, 7110
88, 55042_1314, 3416
89, DPS9697_DQ46267, 5605
90, DPS9697_DQ52026, 5605
91, DPS9697_DQ44935, 5605
92, 42407_0809, 7106
93, DPN0304_DQ68485, 5505
94, 46403_1011, 7515
95, DPN_DEEP_1315_DQ90803, 5505
96, DPN_DEEP_1315_120411, 5505
97, DPN9697_QD49187, 5505
98, 41420_1213, 7206
99, DPS9293_DQ40375, 5605
100, DPS9293_DQ43122, 5605
101, 46402_0102, 7516
102, DPN_DEEP_1213_DQ43122, 5505
103, DPN9293_DQ43126, 5505
104, DPN9293_DQ41086, 5505
105, DPN9293_DQ38173, 5505
106, 52403_1314, 1014
107, DPS0405_DQ93161, 5605
108, DPN0506_DQ68483, 5505
109, 52402_1213, 1115
110, 52403_1213, 1014
111, DPS0506_DQ44935, 5605
112, DPS0506_DQ46267, 5605
113, 32411_1112, 7009
114, DPS9394_DQ40375, 5605
115, DPS9394_DQ41077, 5605
116, 56001_1314, 3111
117, DPN9394_DQ41086, 5505
118, DPN9394_DQ41083, 5505
119, 46402_1112, 7516
120, DPS9900_DQ46251, 5605
121, 41421_0910, 7206
122, 51406_0506, 5012
123, DPN0405_DQ46251, 5505
124, DPN0405_DQ43513, 5505
125, DPN9900_DQ68484, 5505
126, 46402_1011, 7516
127, 46403_0102, 7515
128, DPN0809_DQ44935, 5505
129, DPN0809_DQ46267, 5505
130, 46403_0910, 7515
131, 51425_1314, 5017
132, 55401_0708, 3416
133, DPN9899_DQ43513, 5505
134, DPN9899_DQ46251, 5505
135, DPS9899_DQ46267, 5605
136, DPS9899_DQ52026, 5605
137, DPS9899_DQ44935, 5605
138, DPS9798_DQ46251, 5605
139, DPS9798_QD49187, 5605
140, 46402_1213, 7516
141, 55015_0809, 3416
142, 44401_1011, 7305
143, 42407_1011, 7106
144, 41421_1314, 7206
145, 41420_1314, 7206
146, 46402_9900, 7516
147, 46402_0001, 7516
148, 46403_9899, 7515
149, 46403_9900, 7515
150, 32411_0910, 7009
151, DPN1215_DQ68489, 5505
152, 52406_1213, 3016
153, 23401_1213, 1008
154, 23228_1313, 1206
155, N4_Vg_P2_7980, 7407
156, 52405_0809, 1113
157, 51407_1314, 7115
158, 51425_1011, 5017
159, 32413_1212, 5009
160, 32401_1011, 5207
161, 55042_1111, 3416
162, 32401_1414, 5207
163, 51407_0910, 7115
164, N1_Pc2_P1_7980, 7407
165, N1_Pc2_P2_7980, 7407
166, 32413_1414, 5009
167, N4_Kl2_7980, 7407
168, N5_Kw2_7980, 7407
169, 32411_1011, 7009
170, 52403_1112, 1014
171, NESS_A1_1976b, 7407
172, GOM_PcB_P1_1977, 7407
173, GOM_PcB_P2_1977, 7407
174, N5_Kw1_7980, 7407
175, 42407_0910, 7106
176, N1_Pc1_P2_7980, 7407
177, N1_Pc1_P1_7980, 7407
178, NESS_A2_1976b, 7307
179, 55012_0910, 3115
180, 32411_0909, 7009
181, 23401_0910, 1008
182, 53401_0708, 1009
183, 55012_0809, 3115
184, 52405_1313, 1113
185, NESS_U2_1976b, 7406
186, 51426_1010, 5216
187, N2_USGS3_7980, 7407
188, 52402_1313, 1115
189, 41420_0910, 7206
190, 41421_0809, 7206
191, 54401_0808b, 5317
192, NESS_U1_1976b, 7406
193, 52406_1313b, 3016
194, 54401_0909, 5317
195, GOM_PcA_P2_1977, 7407
196, GOM_PcA_P1_1977, 7407
197, 52406_1313a, 3016
198, N2_USGS1_7980, 7407
199, N2_USGS2_7980, 7407
200, 51426_1111, 5216
201, 54401_0808a, 5317
202, 46402_0606, 7516
203, NESS_KlB_1976a, 7307
204, NESS_B3_1976b, 7406
205, 52405_1212, 1113
206, 43413_0910, 7110
207, 46403_0404, 7515
208, NESS_B1_1976b, 7406
209, NESS_B6_1976b, 7406
210, NESS_A4_1976b, 7407
211, N2_Kl1_7980, 7407
212, 41420_0909, 7206
213, NESS_B23_1976b, 7406
214, NESS_B22A_1976b, 7406
215, NESS_B22B_1976b, 7406
216, NESS_B21_1976b, 7406
217, GOM_MoB_7475, 7406
218, GOM_CPo_7475, 7407
219, GOM_CaL_7475, 7407
220, 56003_1313, 3111
221, NESS_KwA_1976a, 7306
222, 41420_0808, 7206
223, 23228_1111, 1206
224, 52405_0909, 1113
225, NESS_KlA_1976a, 7307
226, NESS_PcA_P2_1976a, 7407
227, NESS_PcA_P1_1976a, 7407
228, NESS_B4_1976b, 7406
229, 55012_0808, 3115
230, NESS_PcB_1976a, 7407
231, NESS_KwB_1976a, 7306

[UPDATE: the station numbers will
be changed soon. Some additions
and some deletions]

I am not finished with searching and gathering, but I wanted to develop some of the software and establish SQL tables with which to begin to analyze this bottom pressure scenario.

While I continue the search for more bottom pressure records, I will, from time to time, share the progress made or lost.

Today's graphs show results of processing PSMSL bottom pressure records already acquired.

I stored the data in such a manner as to be able to select and process them by WOD zone, ocean area, and WOD latitude layer (a band stretching around the globe at a particular latitude).

The graphs at Fig. 1a - Fig. 1g are the ocean area graphs, while the graphs at Fig. 2aFig. 2m are the layer graphs.

The gyrations in the graphs may seem radical and spasmodic.

That is because of the limited quantity of data (in some cases).

Nevertheless, they do show that the ocean is active in terms of mass change.

Remember that the mass is what causes the major bottom pressure, not the volume changes caused by thermal expansion and contraction.

It is the same with sea level change, mass increase is the main factor, thermal expansion is a minor factor.

That is why watching the bottom pressure change is worthwhile.

III. The Two Graph Lines

In the supporting comments found in the file headers of the datasets I downloaded from PSMSL, these two statements are found: 1) "Residual pressure after removal of tidal prediction, in millibars" and 2) "Residual pressure after removal of tidal prediction and drift, in millibars."

Those two statements describe the two lines on the graphs.

The first is the residual pressure value in millibars with "tidal drift"  while the second is the residual pressure value without tidal drift.

The papers cited earlier in this post explain how the researchers remove "noise" from the data (such as changes in pressure caused by daily high and low tides) which take place as both increases and decreases in bottom pressure.

As time goes on I don't plan to use the lines with the tidal changes because it is a function of solar and lunar gravity, not ocean mass changes.

Another thing that likely will not be a common factor is the layer graphs.

They are included to show that changes take place all over the ocean at every latitude.

But the important factors are associated with ghost water relocation from the ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland, as well as large glacier fields around the globe (NASA Busts The Ghost).

The tide gauge stations don't record the highest increase in ocean mass because they are along the coasts of the land masses.

The bottom pressure gauges are out further, and they are in deep waters.

That will help us determine where the melt water is ending up, by giving clues beyond what the satellite altimetry is giving us.

IV. Conclusion

We have come a long way from the time we used wooden ships to measure what we could with long ropes, buckets, and bottles.

The beat goes on.

That is it for today, except for:

Friday, February 23, 2018

Very Breezy

In Tamisiea & Mitrovica scientists pointed out that bottom pressure gauges, not limited to coastlines, would be a valid source for detecting sea level changes accurately.

I have downloaded the dataset of bottom pressure records from PSMSL.

I am working on a program to use the data to generate graphs reflecting the records of 231 or so stations around the world.

Could be interesting.

Also, in accord with Hot, Warm, & Cold Thermal Facts: Tidewater-Glaciers - 3 there is this: AGU Tide effect on Ice

I'll be back in a breeze ...

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The Authoritarianism of Climate Change - 3

Putin on the Ritz
I. Background

So far in this series I have not addressed the question of the proper way to respond, in terms of considering multiple ways of responding, to the ramifications of global warming induced climate change (The Authoritarianism of Climate Change, 2).

In other words, what is the proper way to respond, on a local scale, to the global warming induced climate change induced changes in sea level?

Should a local community or a local seaport authority be dictated to ("You shall ignore sea level change because it is a hoax!" ... "You shall adapt to sea level change exactly in the manner we dictate!") or is another way better ("Each local coastal area shall respond to sea level change as their local governments determine based upon the votes of the people in that local area") ?

The stakes are quite high (Hansen et al, 2016).

It would seem, at first blush, that allowing local ways of resolving problems is a better approach:
"With such a serious sea-level rise on the horizon, experts are increasingly looking at its potential impacts on coasts to facilitate local adaptation planning. This is a more complex issue than one might think, because different stretches of coast can be affected in very different ways. First of all, the sea-level response to global warming will not be globally uniform, since factors like changes in ocean currents (Levermann et al 2005) and the changing gravitational pull of continental ice (Mitrovica et al 2001) affect the local rise. Secondly, superimposed on the climatic trend is natural variability in sea level, which regionally can be as large as the climatic signal on multi-decadal timescales. Over the past decades, sea level has dropped in sizable parts of the world ocean, although it has of course risen in global mean (IPCC 2007). Thirdly, local land uplift or subsidence affects the local sea-level change relative to the coast, both for natural reasons (post-glacial isostatic adjustment centred on regions that were covered by ice sheets during the last ice age) and artificial ones (e.g., extraction of water or oil as in the Gulf of Mexico). Finally, local vulnerability to sea-level rise depends on many factors." [cf. Tamisiea & Mitrovica]
(Sea-level Rise: Towards Understanding Local Vulnerability, emphasis added). But what if a local decision will result in negative impacts on an adjacent local area?

Would the proper response be to increase the decision making scope up to the next higher level (e.g. from city authority up to county authority, or from county authority up to state authority, or from state authority up to national authority, or finally, from national authority up to United Nations authority)?

Who would decide when the current authority should be replaced with a higher authority?

II. Back In The USA & "USSR"

The response in the USA, as in the USSR, is to dictate the response from the Administrative Branch of Government (e.g. Putin & Trump).

The U.S. President has ordered the military to stop saying that global warming induced climate change is a national security threat, his cabinet is doing the same, and more, in areas of their jurisdiction (even wiping official documents and websites clear of any mention of things relating to climate change).

At the same time, states are rejecting that federal approach saying they will have a different response.

Some lawsuits at the city level of governance have invoked the judicial branch (courts) of governance (Oilfluenza, Affluenza, and Disgorgement, 2, cf. JULIANA et al. v U.S.).

Russia has the same seemingly contradictory stance on the issue, which like in the USA, will have an impact on how the problem is handled:
"Many influential voices here routinely debunked climate change, and some Russian newspapers in recent years chalked up climate variability to a mythical U.S. weapon aimed at Russia, or as a foreign plot aimed at Russia's energy exports.
Earlier this month, Russia's government fired the head of its weather forecasting agency, the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, or Roshydromet. Alexander Frolov, 65, had surpassed the mandatory retirement age for civil servants, but the real reason he was forced out, observers say, was Roshydromet's failure to anticipate the late-May storm's intensity and warn Muscovites accordingly. His ousting also sent a message to the environment ministry, Roshydromet's overseer. The state prosecutor's office, according to the newspaper Kommersant, demanded that the ministry take steps to increase the accuracy of forecasts in light of a changing climate.

The new charge to the environment ministry reflects a sea change in Russia's views about climate change and how the nation must respond. Politicians have acknowledged that extreme weather events have doubled over the past 25 years, to 590 in 2016, and that average temperatures are rising, particularly in the Arctic. Yet until recently, tackling climate change was a low priority for the federal government. One reason is complacence, because Russia's greenhouse gas emissions have already plummeted since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Another is political: Russia's economy depends heavily on pumping oil and gas out of the ground."
(Russia wants to protect itself from climate change?). Unfortunately Trump and Putin have yet another thing in common it would seem.

III. Conclusion

The issue, then, involves more than agreeing on the science, it also involves agreeing on the governmental dynamics to use while reacting to the problem.

IMO, that makes it a much more dangerous situation.

The previous post in this series is here.

Monday, February 19, 2018

On the West Side of Zero - 2

Fig. 1 On The Record
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
Fig. 11
Fig. 12
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
Fig. 15
Fig. 16
Fig. 17
Fig. 18
Sea level change is a problem for all coastlines, and the seaports on them (The Extinction of Robust Sea Ports, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).

But the solution to that problem at one port is the problem at another port:
According to the graphics and information provided by Professor Mitrovica of Harvard, all of the sea ports in Iceland, shown in Fig. 1, will go dry (see video below).

The same can be said of all the ports in Greenland (Fig. 2).

Not to mention that all of the sea ports in Australia will experience different levels of rise (N. Australia) or fall (S. Australia), or stay at the same level (Mid Australia), depending on their distance from Antarctica (compare Fig. 4 with Fig. 5).
(Peak Sea Level - 2). As today's graphs show, "change" is not a word that has only one meaning.

Today's graphs show that some ports will experience sea level fall (The Ghost-Water Constant, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).

In 1888, a scientist named Robert Woodward published a paper indicating that the beginning of sea level change would be sea level fall near ice sheets (e.g. Greenland, Antarctica) and large glacier fields (e.g. Glacier Bay, Alaska).

His paper has been ignored by most modern scientists, but not by the better ones:
To our knowledge, Woodward (1888) was the first to demonstrate that the rapid melting of an ice sheet would lead to a geographically variable sea level change. Woodward (1888) assumed a rigid, non-rotating Earth, and therefore self-gravitation of the surface load was the only contributor to the predicted departure from a geographically uniform (i.e. eustatic) sea level rise. This departure was large and counter-intuitive. Specifically, sea level was predicted to fall within ∼2000 km of a melting ice sheet, and to rise with progressively higher amplitude at greater distances. The physics governing this redistribution is straightforward.
(On the West Side of Zero, quoting Dr. J. Mitrovica). Not heeding or acknowledging that seminal paper was a huge mistake.


Because it indicated what would be a sure sign that ice sheets were beginning to melt (The Gravity of Sea Level Change, 2, 3, 4; NASA Busts The Ghost).

Not only that, since the water that was being released from ice sheet gravity had to go to other places, it would also indicate that sea level rise was taking place in other places at the same time.

Dr. Mitrovica, in the videos below, mentions that scientists were perplexed with tide gauge station readings and called that development "the European problem" because "they didn't have a clue" about what was going on (circa 2000, 2001).

To this day, many if not most, published papers do not mention that sea level is falling or that "the missing water" is going to other locations on Earth to cause sea level rise there (Concern for seaports).

That is a misstep which led to the "thermal expansion must be the cause of most sea level rise" assumption or hypothesis (Hot, Warm, & Cold Thermal Facts: Tidewater-Glaciers - 4).

But the oil industry, Oil-Qaeda, knew very well what they were doing to ice sheets, even bragging about it in a 1962 full page ad in Life Magazine (Humble Oil-Qaeda).

The only thing Oil-Qaeda has changed since then is that they have become criminally insane (The Criminally Insane Epoch Arises, 2, 3, 4), and murderous (Oil-Qaeda & MOMCOM Conspire To Commit Depraved-Heart Murder, 2, 3).

As the public wises up, some in government are trying to do something about it (Oil-Qaeda: The Indictment, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

The civil courts are active, but the results remain unknown (Oilfluenza, Affluenza, and Disgorgement, 2).

Especially since Oil-Qaeda impaired the 2016 election so as to place their operatives in the seats of power for all to see (The Shapeshifters of Bullshitistan - 5, Beware of the Sycophant Epidemic).

The previous post in this series is here.