
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Snoring While Woke - 5

Fig. 1 Don't Mention It

Among other things this series has pointed out that "woke" is a psychological essence (Snoring While Woke, 2, 3, 4) because that word's use was forbidden in the state of Florida mind but woke courts have taken issue with it (Court rules Florida’s ‘stop woke’ law is unconstitutional).

The words "Climate Change" also reflect in plain sight a snoring while woke state of Florida mind which has increased over time (Florida reportedly bans term ‘climate change’).

Possibly that snoring while woke came from another state of mind (New Law in North Carolina Bans Latest Scientific Predictions).

The psychological condition becomes more rampant even while "conditions on the ground" silence some of the snoring (The Climate Bubble: Real Estate and Extreme Weather).

Nevertheless, there are those who hypothesize that the "what's in your wallet" or pocket book syndrome is an alarm clock that will stop the snoring:

"This bubble could already be in the process of popping in insurance deserts like Florida, Louisiana and California, where the prevalence of flooding, hurricanes and wildfires has made homeowner’s insurance prohibitively expensive or simply impossible to procure."

(ibid). Got alarm clocks?

The alarm clock sounds that Dredd Blog has continually repeated so as to stop the snoring of woke folk is also in the news (Here Come De Conservative Judges, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12).

So take note that the issue of the Supremes who banned women's rights could have much more to follow as was illustrated once again on Monday night (see video below, video excerpt, Lawrence O'Donnell).

Stop the snoring!

The previous post in this series is here.


  1. "the lingua franca of social media" (Link).

  2. "to cease sleeping : to wake up", "to become conscious or aware of something", "fully conscious, alert, and aware : not asleep"Meriam-Webster
