
Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Saturation Chronicles - 2

"It can happen"

I. Good News?

It could be that the graphs and HTML tables in today's appendices indicate that saturation of the ocean is not the only cause of the acceleration of global atmospheric temperatures.

But, those graphs and tables do indicate that ocean heat saturation is part of the cause of atmospheric temperature increases.

The oceans have generally absorbed over 90% of atmospheric heat increases but that can diminish as the ocean becomes heat saturated.

II. The Data Structures

The calculations upon which the graph lines and HTML columns are based are done using the TEOS-10 C++ library.

The graphs depict the heat content, also known as potential enthalpy (ho), at up to five depth levels because ocean depths vary.

The HTML tables have a column that shows the WOD manual's maximum (ho) at each relevant depth level (WOD Manual).

That (ho) is calculated using the WOD manual's maximum temperature and maximum salinity values which WOD scientists estimated for that depth.

But, the in situ (ho) is calculated using actual measured WOD temperatures and salinity values recorded in the WOD database since 1950, then averaged.

That average is then expressed as a percentage of saturation at that depth.

A maximum saturation is also displayed in each table.

III. Appendices

Take a look at the appendices containing graphs (Arctic, Bering Sea, Equatorial Atlantic, Equatorial Indian, Equatorial Pacific, Mediterranean, North Atlantic, North Indian, North Pacific, NW Pacific, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Sea of Japan, Sea of Okhotsk, South Atlantic, Southern, South Indian, South Pacific, Sulu Sea).

Draw your own conclusions:

Same with the HTML tables in the HTML appendix (HTML Tables).

There are some outstanding details.

For instance, the deepest depths in some ocean areas have the highest saturation.

What this signals is that the Second Law of Thermodynamics (heat spontaneously flows to cold) has been the factor in moving solar photon radiation down into the ocean depths where saturation originates (see e.g. The Photon Current, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 , 17, 18, 19, 20, 21).

IV. Closing Comment

Dredd Blog produces these research results as a public service.

Worthy comments are encouraged so as to also be a public service.

The next post in this series is here, the previous post in this series is here.

1 comment:

  1. "The US is freezing and La Nina usually eases warming. Earth just set another heat record anyway" (Link).
