
Thursday, November 28, 2024

The Photon Current - 17

A Look At Photons
I. Background

The infrared photon is an interesting quanta that is ubiquitous in the oceans as has been shown in this series.

This series has pointed out that ocean heat ('potential enthalpy') is composed of infrared photons when in transit.

Today, let's take a look at some interesting characteristics of  the infrared photon.

II. Fun With Photons

First, there are physics constants that apply:


h = 6.62607004-34 (planck's constant)
C2 = 8.98755178716 (speed of light2)

And there are variables:


ν = 2.3060958307692214 (an infrared photon frequency)
e = energy value

There are formulas:


e = hν (energy of photon)
e = mc2 (energy of mass)

Let's use those to formulate a hypothesis asserting that photon heat can be closely calculated like other quanta:


hν = mc2
e = emc2
emc2 = e

Let's process that information a bit more:

emc2/c2 = e/c2
em = e/c2

m = hν/c2
mass = (planck constant x photon frequency) ÷ speed of light2

e = emc2
eν = emc2 /h
ν = mc2/h
photon frequency = (mass x speed of light2) ÷ planck constant

We can test this relationship of mass, speed of light, and constants using simple differential equation techniques:


m = hν/c2
m = 6.62607e-34 * 2.3061e+14 / 8.98755e+16
m = 1.70017e-36

ν = mc2/h
ν = 1.70017e-36 x 8.98755e+16 / 6.62607e-34
ν = 2.3061e+14

III. What Have We Done?

We have taken the concept of  'mass' and used it in formulas (e=mc2) that will also work with particles of matter that have weight (by gravity), and the like.

The bottom line is that energy is our lowest common denominator, eh? 

Have a happy thanksgiving.

The next post in this series is here, the previous post in this series is here.


  1. Is the physics bankruptcy a Chapter 7, 11, or 13 bankruptcy (Link)?

  2. hv=mc^2 (two footprints of abiotic events) is matched by footprints of biotic events:

    "A stunning discovery of fossilized footprints pressed into soft mud preserved the unexpected and extraordinary moment, suggesting that the two distinct types of hominin were able to live as neighbors sharing a habitat, rather than as competitors who kept to their own territory."

    (Discovery of fossilized footprints reveals the moment two ancient human species crossed paths).
