
Friday, November 29, 2024

Oil-Qaeda & MOMCOM Conspire To Commit Depraved-Heart Murder- 7

"Strict Father morality"
Sociology or Psychology?

Both regular Dredd Blog readers and irregular Dredd Blog readers know that the hypotheses set forth in this series have caught the eye of the power brokers.

Power brokers who have the power to mass produce books (Oil-Qaeda & MOMCOM Conspire To Commit Depraved-Heart Murder- 6).

"Drill Baby Drill" is one of their mantras and is one that the president elect blurted out during the 2024 presidential election.

President Biden also enured himself to a mantra that has recently emerged "we're number one" when it comes to the USA being the number one oil producer in the world during 2024.

Why that same notion worked better for one political state of mind than it did for the other is a cultural psychology issue:

"All politics are moral politics. Trump won because he has tapped into something deep in the American psyche: Strict Father morality. This is a hierarchical view of the world, rooted in the metaphor of a family with a dictator-like patriarch whose word is law. Millions of American brains are wired to accept this moral system, and this is why none of the facts about Trump (his impeachments, his convictions, his lies) mattered."

(Frame Lab; cf. Political party goes full strict 'daddy'). Like waves moving along in an ocean, political conditions and realities move across groups, nations, and civilizations.

In the immediate future, the world will experience "sea change" of that type along with the other type of  "sea change".

Let's hope and pray that 'optimism' is not a form of illusion (USA Facts).

The previous post in this series is here.


Some people get a cheap laugh breaking up the speed limit
Scaring the pedestrians for a minute
Crossing up progress driving on the grass
Leaving just enough room to pass
Sunday driver never took a test
Oh yeah, once upon a time in the west

Yes it's no use saying that you don't know nothing
It's still gonna get you if you don't do something
Sitting on a fence that's a dangerous course
Oh, you could even catch a bullet from the peace-keeping force
Even the hero gets a bullet in the chest
Oh yeah, once upon a time in the west

Mother Mary your children are slaughtered
Some of you mothers ought to lock up your daughters
Who's protecting the innocents
Heap big trouble in the land of plenty
Tell me how we're gonna do what's best
You guess once upon a time in the west

Oh yeah, once upon a time in the west


  1. Once upon a time "a sea level change" was an expression meant to indicate a serious change in things. But as Dylan says: things have changed... "sea level: The altitude in which the gluteal region is found. To catch someone 'below sea level' is to find someone staring at another's posterior". (Link)
