
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Extinction of Robust Sea Ports - 11

Highway 61
I. Begin Here

This series has not been written for the tree huggers, polar bear huggers, or the like (The TH).

It has been written for the container ship huggers, the flag huggers, and the like (The CH).

The CH
II. The Common Bond

The "common bond" between The TH and The CH is that what they hug is going extinct.

The "distinction" between The TH and The CH is that The CH created their own extinction scenario while making fun of The TH extinction scenario.

III. Review

There isn't much to review about The TH because they have been made famous by the trolling done on them by The CH, however, some readers will need to become more acquainted with the world of The CH.

IV. Top Ten Sea Ports of The CH

According to one of The CH (Who They?) the top ten seaports are:
10. Port of Tianjin
9. Port of Dubai
8. Port of Qingdao
7. Port of Guangzhou
6. Port of Busan
5. Port of Hong Kong
4. Port of Ningbo-Zhoushan
3. Port of Shenzhen
2. Port of Singapore
1. Port of Shanghai
(ArcBest Holdings LLC). According to The World Ocean Database, this means that the WOD Zones where those top ten seaports are located, are as follows:
1010 (Singapore)
1205 (Dubai)
1211 (Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou)
1212 (Ningbo-Zhoushan)
1311 (Qingdao,Tianjin)
1312 (Shanghai, Busan)
(World Ocean Database). A recent Dredd Blog post produced PSMSL tide gauge records and graphs using those PSMSL records concerning those and other zones (Countries With Sea Level Change - 5).

The relevant zones numbers for the top ten seaports above are in highlighted in red below:

SINGAPORE Coastline Id: 555
Zone List: 1010

Tide Gauge SLC:
1st year: 1954, last year: 2017
Span of years: 63 years
Summary: 94.5922 mm SLR (1.50146 mm SLR yr)

Thermosteric Slc:
1st year: 1954, last year: 2017
Span of years: 63 years
Summary: 7.16117 mm tsSlr (0.113669 mm tsSlr yr)
tsSlr percent of SLC: 7.57057% (total SLC: 94.5922 mm)

DUBAI Coastline Id: 482
Zone List: 1205

Tide Gauge SLC:
1st year: 1979, last year: 2016
Span of years: 37 years
Summary: 81.365 mm SLR (2.19905 mm SLR yr)

Thermosteric Slc:
1st year: 1979, last year: 2016
Span of years: 37 years
Summary: 1.07516 mm tsSlr (0.0290584 mm tsSlr yr)
tsSlr percent of SLC: 1.3214% (total SLC: 81.365 mm)

OTHER (CHINA) Coastline Id: 610
Zone List: 1011 1110 1111 1210 1211 1212 1311 1312

Tide Gauge SLC:
1st year: 1925, last year: 2018
Span of years: 93 years
Summary: 83.0678 mm SLR (0.893202 mm SLR yr)

Thermosteric Slc:
1st year: 1925, last year: 2018
Span of years: 93 years
Summary: 13.6852 mm tsSlr (0.147153 mm tsSlr yr)
tsSlr percent of SLC: 16.4747% (total SLC: 83.0678 mm)

HONG KONG Coastline Id: 611
Zone List: 1211

Tide Gauge SLC:
1st year: 1925, last year: 2018
Span of years: 93 years
Summary: 60.7667 mm SLR (0.653405 mm SLR yr)

Thermosteric Slc:
1st year: 1925, last year: 2018
Span of years: 93 years
Summary: 11.2412 mm tsSlr (0.120873 mm tsSlr yr)
tsSlr percent of SLC: 18.499% (total SLC: 60.7667 mm)

BUSAN Coastline Id: 625
Zone List: 1312

Tide Gauge SLC:
1st year: 1951, last year: 2018
Span of years: 67 years
Summary: 29.3968 mm SLR (0.438758 mm SLR yr)

Thermosteric Slc:
1st year: 1951, last year: 2018
Span of years: 67 years
Summary: 5.66714 mm tsSlr (0.0845841 mm tsSlr yr)
tsSlr percent of SLC: 19.2781% (total SLC: 29.3968 mm)

NINGBO-ZHOUSHAN Coastline Id: 612
Zone List: 1212

Tide Gauge SLC:
1st year: 1956, last year: 2018
Span of years: 62 years
Summary: 84.3917 mm SLR (1.36116 mm SLR yr)

Thermosteric Slc:
1st year: 1956, last year: 2018
Span of years: 62 years
Summary: 9.27498 mm tsSlr (0.149596 mm tsSlr yr)
tsSlr percent of SLC: 10.9904% (total SLC: 84.3917 mm)

III. Closing Comments

Most of the top ten are in only a few WOD Zones that are not far apart, and in fact they even border one another in some cases.

That means a common area impacted by the same SLC dynamics.

I wrote above that "some readers will need become more acquainted with the world of The CH", so here is a list of posts to read, which is a good way to do that (The Extinction of Robust Sea Ports, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10).

The Antarctica and Greenland Ice Sheet mass loss has increased six fold in recent decades (Forty-six years of Greenland Ice Sheet mass balance from 1972 to 2018, Four decades of Antarctic Ice Sheet mass balance from 1979–2017).

This post is a public service of Dredd Blog (The media are complacent while the world burns).

The next post in this series is here, the previous post in this series is here.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Countries With Sea Level Change - 5

File:Rotating globe.gif
From Wikimedia Commons

I. Background

The previous post of this series dealt with countries with multiple PSMSL coastline codes.

This post today deals with the remaining countries that have only one PSMSL coastline code.

China, for example, has only one PSMSL coastline code, even though it is a giant of a country.

So, to be thorough, I thought this post would tidy up a bit.

II. Appendices Galore

There are two types of appendices today.

The first is an HTML based display of the comparison between tide gauge sea level change (SLC) records and TEOS-10, i.e. Gibbs-SeaWater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox, calculated thermosteric volume change (tsSlc) which impacts upon SLC.

Those appendices are linked to in the first column ("Tide Gauge Data and Thermosteric Data") below in Section III.

The second set of appendices are linked to in the second column ("DNA" Graphs) below in Section III.

The second set is a graph of the "DNA" of SLC in the countries featured in the first set of appendices.

Thus, there is a comparison between the major SLC factor (ice melting) and the minor SLC factor (ocean warming induced ocean volume change), as well as a graph of the attributes of SLC which are sea level fall (SLF) and sea level rise (SLR).

III. Links to Appendices

Tide Gauge Data
Thermosteric Data
Countries: A - C A - C
Countries: D - G D - G
Countries: H - L H - L
Countries: M - O M - O
Countries: P - T P - T
Countries: U - Y U - Y

IV. Closing Comments

The first set of appendices have an explanation of their contents.

It is located at the top of each appendix.

The second set are graphs a la Beyond Fingerprints: Sea Level DNA - 3 except that today's graphs, as I wrote above, are graphs of SLC in countries with only one coastline code.

The number of coastline codes, as you will see, gives no indication of the size of a country.

Small countries can have more coastline codes than large countries, and vice versa.

That is why I think PSMSL made the coastline code system based on characteristics of the coastlines.

Anyway, there is a lot of interesting information in the graphs, which as usual are presented as a public service of Dredd Blog.

The previous post in this series is here.

Appendix P-T To Countries - 5

This file is an Appendix to: Countries With Sea Level Change - 5

This file presents the thermosteric sea level change (tsSlc)
as well as in situ measured sea level change (SLC) caused by
the melting and calving of glaciers and ice sheets.

Records are obtained from two sources:

1) PSMSL (ground-based coastal tide gauge data)
2) WOD (seawater in situ measurements at various depths).

Calculations of thermosteric volume change in ocean water
is calculated with the TEOS-10 software toolkit.

The span of years within which the records were obtained
has been synchronized for equal calculation results (The
SLC and TeSlc beginning and ending years are the same).

A millimeters-per-year value is also calculated to give
a better understanding of the impact that ocean heat content
has on the ocean's volume, compared to the impact that
melting ice and glacial calving has on the ocean's mass.

Both cause SLC, but the thermosteric component is minor.

Graphs of the countries featured below are here.  

PAKISTAN Coastline Id: 490
Zone List: 1206

Tide Gauge SLC:
1st year: 1933, last year: 2016
Span of years: 83 years
Summary: 136.985 mm SLR (1.65042 mm SLR yr)

Thermosteric Slc:
1st year: 1933, last year: 2016
Span of years: 83 years
Summary: 4.05796 mm tsSlr (0.0488911 mm tsSlr yr)
tsSlr percent of SLC: 2.96234% (total SLC: 136.985 mm)

PALAU Coastline Id: 711
Zone List: 1013

Tide Gauge SLC:
1st year: 1969, last year: 2016
Span of years: 47 years
Summary: -65.91 mm SLF (-1.40234 mm SLF yr)

Thermosteric Slc:
1st year: 1969, last year: 2016
Span of years: 47 years
Summary: 10.813 mm tsSlr (0.230064 mm tsSlr yr)
tsSlr percent of SLC: 14.0935% (total SLC: 76.723 mm)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA Coastline Id: 670
Zone List: 3014 3015 3115

Tide Gauge SLC:
1st year: 1957, last year: 2018
Span of years: 61 years
Summary: 50.005 mm SLR (0.819754 mm SLR yr)

Thermosteric Slc:
1st year: 1957, last year: 2018
Span of years: 61 years
Summary: 13.14 mm tsSlr (0.215409 mm tsSlr yr)
tsSlr percent of SLC: 26.2773% (total SLC: 50.005 mm)

PERU Coastline Id: 848
Zone List: 5007 5008 5107

Tide Gauge SLC:
1st year: 1941, last year: 2016
Span of years: 75 years
Summary: -66.46 mm SLF (-0.886133 mm SLF yr)

Thermosteric Slc:
1st year: 1941, last year: 2016
Span of years: 75 years
Summary: 6.77357 mm tsSlr (0.0903142 mm tsSlr yr)
tsSlr percent of SLC: 9.24927% (total SLC: 73.2336 mm)

PHILIPPINES Coastline Id: 660
Zone List: 1011 1012 1112

Tide Gauge SLC:
1st year: 1935, last year: 2017
Span of years: 82 years
Summary: 26.8507 mm SLR (0.327448 mm SLR yr)

Thermosteric Slc:
1st year: 1935, last year: 2017
Span of years: 82 years
Summary: 15.6056 mm tsSlr (0.190312 mm tsSlr yr)
tsSlr percent of SLC: 58.1197% (total SLC: 26.8507 mm)

POLAND Coastline Id: 110
Zone List: 1501

Tide Gauge SLC:
1st year: 1900, last year: 2018
Span of years: 118 years
Summary: 72.7622 mm SLR (0.616629 mm SLR yr)

Thermosteric Slc:
1st year: 1900, last year: 2018
Span of years: 118 years
Summary: 1.93325 mm tsSlr (0.0163835 mm tsSlr yr)
tsSlr percent of SLC: 2.65694% (total SLC: 72.7622 mm)

PUERTO RICO Coastline Id: 938
Zone List: 7106

Tide Gauge SLC:
1st year: 1955, last year: 2018
Span of years: 63 years
Summary: 39.5189 mm SLR (0.627284 mm SLR yr)

Thermosteric Slc:
1st year: 1955, last year: 2018
Span of years: 63 years
Summary: 10.062 mm tsSlr (0.159715 mm tsSlr yr)
tsSlr percent of SLC: 25.4614% (total SLC: 39.5189 mm)

REUNION Coastline Id: 451
Zone List: 3205

Tide Gauge SLC:
1st year: 1942, last year: 2018
Span of years: 76 years
Summary: 94.98 mm SLR (1.24974 mm SLR yr)

Thermosteric Slc:
1st year: 1942, last year: 2018
Span of years: 76 years
Summary: 6.66808 mm tsSlr (0.0877379 mm tsSlr yr)
tsSlr percent of SLC: 7.02051% (total SLC: 94.98 mm)

ROMANIA Coastline Id: 297
Zone List: 1402

Tide Gauge SLC:
1st year: 1929, last year: 2017
Span of years: 88 years
Summary: 147.795 mm SLR (1.67949 mm SLR yr)

Thermosteric Slc:
1st year: 1929, last year: 2017
Span of years: 88 years
Summary: 2.94808 mm tsSlr (0.0335009 mm tsSlr yr)
tsSlr percent of SLC: 1.99471% (total SLC: 147.795 mm)