
Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Peak of The Oil Lies - 7

In this series we have been discussing the inexhaustible supply of lies and deceit that Oil-Qaeda has been "providing" to the people through the government and media.

It is a story that has been going on for about a century (The Universal Smedley - 2, Viva Egypt - 2), so long that Oil-Qaeda does not know what "oil" is anymore, and they have never bothered to know what social honesty or truth is.

They have damaged their minds, and some of our minds too, to the point of believing that oil is OK, having no bad affects on the climate or environment, and that it is an "inexhaustible finite resource" that was promised by Cheezus (the Green Bay Jesus) at the signing of the constitution.

The only thing inexhaustible is their treasure trove of lies designed to destroy the notion and reality of peak oil, and designed to cover up the ongoing catastrophe which their lies have made certain (cf. The Peak of Sanity - 3).

Their revolution has succeeded.

What revolution?

They have replaced "the opium of the people", which used to be the addiction to mythical religious ideology, to an addiction based on the mythical religion of "infinite oil" (hiding behind the word "energy"):
The religious tenet, which they try to pass off as science, is epitomized in the Bible's old testament book of Kings:
So Elijah went to Zarephath, and as he came to the town gate, he saw a widow gathering firewood. “Please bring me a drink of water,” he said to her. And as she was going to get it, he called out, “And please bring me some bread, too.”

She answered, “By the living LORD your God I swear that I don’t have any bread. All I have is a handful of flour in a bowl and a bit of live oil in a jar. I came here to gather some firewood to take back home an d prepare what little I have for my son and me. That will be our last meal, and then we will starve to death.”

“Don’t worry, “Elijah said to her. “Go on and prepare your meal. But first make a small loaf from what you have and bring it to me, and then prepare the rest for you and your son. For this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says; ‘The bowl will not run out of flour or the jar run out of oil before the day that I, the LORD, send rain.’”

The widow went and did as Elijah had told her, and all of them had enough food for many days. As the LORD had promised through Elijah, the bowl did not run out of flour nor did the jar run out of oil.
(1 King 17:10-16, emphasis added). Now let's hear what the International Energy Agency wants us to believe, as well as some opposing scientists, so we can compare the conflicting stories:
So, what is peak oil? In short, peak oil will occur when the extraction rate of this resource ceases to rise. Typically, this point is reached when half or less of a natural commodity has been removed. It is the peak of the bell curve; the point at which the tail is longer than the rise to the top.

Last month, Time reported that peak oil had been certified dead by the International Energy Agency (IEA). It seems that unconventional energy sources in North America have delayed the onset of peak oil. To proclaim that peak oil is dead, however, is a little misleading. It would be more accurate to say that peak oil is dormant, or at least, that the rate at which oil is extracted is likely to continue on a bumpy plateau for longer than anticipated.

Of course, it is possible to argue over the exact point at which global peak oil will arrive, but at some time in the not too distant future, we are going to have deal with this problem. Oil is a finite resource and as such, it cannot sustain indefinite extraction.
(Preparing for Extinction of Petroleum Man, [Oil-Qaeda took it down, so Use the Wayback Machine Version], emphasis added). The oil barons want us to believe they can do the same oil miracle that the prophet Elijah did for the widow.
(The Peak of The Oil Lies - 6). One of their own, a whistle-blower of sorts like Edward Snowden, has now gone cold turkey:
A former British Petroleum (BP) geologist has warned that the age of cheap oil is long gone, bringing with it the danger of "continuous recession" and increased risk of conflict and hunger.

At a lecture on 'Geohazards' earlier this month as part of the postgraduate Natural Hazards for Insurers course at University College London (UCL), Dr. Richard G. Miller, who worked for BP from 1985 before retiring in 2008, said that official data from the International Energy Agency (IEA), US Energy Information Administration (EIA), International Monetary Fund (IMF), among other sources, showed that conventional oil had most likely peaked around 2008.

Dr. Miller critiqued the official industry line that global reserves will last 53 years at current rates of consumption, pointing out that "peaking is the result of declining production rates, not declining reserves." Despite new discoveries and increasing reliance on unconventional oil and gas, 37 countries are already post-peak, and global oil production is declining at about 4.1% per year, or 3.5 million barrels a day (b/d) per year:
"We need new production equal to a new Saudi Arabia every 3 to 4 years to maintain and grow supply... New discoveries have not matched consumption since 1986. We are drawing down on our reserves, even though reserves are apparently climbing every year. Reserves are growing due to better technology in old fields, raising the amount we can recover – but production is still falling at 4.1% p.a. [per annum]."
Dr. Miller, who prepared annual in-house projections of future oil supply for BP from 2000 to 2007, refers to this as the "ATM problem" – "more money, but still limited daily withdrawals."
(Former BP Geologist, Guardian, [Oil-Qaeda is attaching these revelations, so see here or Wayback Machine as needed], emphasis added). He went on to address the holy grail, i.e., the fracking lies about the new oil revolution which the oil gods have promised during their daily religious propaganda rituals:
Dr. Miller is co-editor of a special edition of the prestigious journal, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, published this month on the future of oil supply. In an introductory paper co-authored with Dr. Steve R. Sorrel, co-director of the Sussex Energy Group at the University of Sussex in Brighton, they argue that among oil industry experts "there is a growing consensus that the era of cheap oil has passed and that we are entering a new and very different phase." They endorse the conservative conclusions of an extensive earlier study by the government-funded UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC):
"... a sustained decline in global conventional production appears probable before 2030 and there is significant risk of this beginning before 2020... on current evidence the inclusion of tight oil [shale oil] resources appears unlikely to significantly affect this conclusion, partly because the resource base appears relatively modest."
In fact, increasing dependence on shale could worsen decline rates in the long run:
"Greater reliance upon tight oil resources produced using hydraulic fracturing will exacerbate any rising trend in global average decline rates, since these wells have no plateau and decline extremely fast - for example, by 90% or more in the first 5 years."
Tar sands will fare similarly, they conclude, noting that "the Canadian oil sands will deliver only 5 mb per day by 2030, which represents less than 6% of the IEA projection of all-liquids production by that date."

Despite the cautious projection of global peak oil "before 2020", they also point out that:
"Crude oil production grew at approximately 1.5% per year between 1995 and 2005, but then plateaued with more recent increases in liquids supply largely deriving from NGLs, oil sands and tight oil. These trends are expected to continue... Crude oil production is heavily concentrated in a small number of countries and a small number of giant fields, with approximately 100 fields producing one half of global supply, 25 producing one quarter and a single field (Ghawar in Saudi Arabia) producing approximately 7%. Most of these giant fields are relatively old, many are well past their peak of production, most of the rest seem likely to enter decline within the next decade or so and few new giant fields are expected to be found."
"The final peak is going to be decided by the price - how much can we afford to pay?", Dr. Miller told me in an interview about his work. "If we can afford to pay $150 per barrel, we could certainly produce more given a few years of lead time for new developments, but it would break economies again."
(ibid, emphasis added). Even though "Oil is the lifeblood of America’s economy", what was said above is the "good news."

The "bad news" is that if we use the oil that is still in the ground, rather than going emergency "green" and emergency "renewable resources", we will damage the global climate system further, which will be way worse than the inevitable peak-oil collapse and subsequent very damaged economy (Scientists Warn of 7.2 deg. F. warming).

Dredd Blog has asked: "Why Is The Government Conditioning Us To Austerity? as they claim to celebrate never ending oil and as they chant Oilah Akbar! Oilah Akbar! in the Oil-Qaeda controlled media?" (cf. "OIL (as a source of wars)" on the "Series Posts" page - click here, or the "Series Posts" Tab at the top of any Dredd Blog page).

The forever green ocean garden no matter what we dump into it is another one of their inexhaustible supply of lies and deceit ideas of growing growth.

The next post in this series is here, the previous post in this series is here.

1 comment:

  1. Various utility companies are fighting hard to prevent solar energy from saving civilization from Oil-Qaeda: Link
