
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Closer Look At MOMCOM's DNA

If we say we are a child of the industrial revolution, that we experience mobile urban life, the space age, or the computer age, then we have suckled the milk from the breasts or plastic bottles of MOMCOM.

We all have.

MOMCOM is all around us and in us every day, because we use plastics, drive a car or truck, use petroleum to power our vehicle, petroleum generated energy or gas to heat and cool our home, watch, read, or listen to the media, and we say we support the troops whether or not we support the wars.

But like all of our mothers, MOMCOM will die too:
... the current reign of plastic is bad because the leaders in the plastic industry are hooked on petroleum.
(Peril of Petroleum). Those in the know understand that petroleum is running out even as usage increases, like a cancer, hastening the demise of MOMCOM:
There is a convergence of security threats to all nations by this conundrum of the convergence of global warming and peak oil.

This blog has focused on the security threat to the nations brought about by the spectre of global warming, and on the security threat brought on by the spectre of peak oil.

Some of the concern Dredd Blog raises is due to the reality that we are talking about threats to addicts, who tend to respond with violence when their "stuff" is placed in jeopardy.
(A Peek At The Peak Oil Catastrophe). Like all kids, we are hooked on MOMCOM who is hooked on the military, oil, media, and her dangerous complex.

She is tortured by her complex to the point she feels easily threatened.

Driven by her complex, she has demonstrated that she will invade and occupy the space of anyone she thinks is a threat to the kids.

So she says "it is all about the kids" ... so she says.

Whether she commits ecocide or suicide, watching her die will be scary to the kids.

Some islands of plastic garbage (the plastic archipelago), and at least two continents of plastic garbage, which scientists call "gyre" have been created by MOMCOM's addictions.

In social science, when mom becomes an addict the children become endangered, because everybody needs a home world.
The next post in this series is here.


  1. Hmm... signs of life in politico land. I always viewed Bunning as a complete and total whack job, but I'm happy to say maybe I was wrong. I haven't reviewed Rand Paul's political credentials in depth yet, but as the son of Ron, I'm leaning toward the idea that's he's maybe a slight improvement over the status quo. Of course there's still the small task of actually getting elected in hillbilly Kentucky as part of the GOP; although, it may indeed be from such down and out grid-disconnected districts as this that any prospective near term "pseudo-change" originates. For my part, anything that grinds the gears of the current status quo is a good thing. I'm beginning to sense that a lot more people out there feel the same.

  2. Dredd,
    I'm anxiously awaiting the marketing of the Great Pacific Garbage Gyres. I have no doubt whatsoever that Wall St and Madison Ave can turn this into yet another profit making opportunity for the capitalistic adept. Are you poised to take advantage of it as well?

  3. disaffected,

    RE: political land post above

    The article mentioned Sen. Bunning being at odds ("contentious relationship") with Sen. McConnell (both of KY).

    I note that the odds were not enough for Bunning to vote outside the cement head block of the GOP meme-complex in the senate.

    The "at odds" then is more likely than not that current neoCon proclivity to turn on a dime against anyone who confronts their world view, even down to the minutiae.

    I remember a mini-story in the Alexander The Great saga. When outnumbered by the Persians he defeated Darius with strategy and tactics, then chased Darius and some of his chief generals who ran from Alexander with him.

    As Alexander got close, evidently some of the generals figured they could only save themselves by killing Darius, then surrendering to Alexander explaining what they had done, then getting a reward.

    Alexander, upon capturing them all, and upon hearing their story about how they killed their commander, immediately put them to death for insubordination to their leader, explaining the low life form they represented.

    I am sure Alexander's own generals learned a lesson, because they stuck with him, even withholding valid criticism during brainstorming sessions, which led to demise.

    Anyway, the neoCon doctrines that infect the GOP have not taken down everyone, for example Buckley and Powell, who said publicly that they had voted for Obama in '08.

    That open crack goes deep into the GOP, and it is sometimes difficult to tell whether internal opposition is the petty type like the generals of Darius, or the honest intellectual patterns of valid criticism like Powell and Buckley.

    The problem I have in analysing the GOP storm is that they are habitual liars, and I can't trust them.

    They have no way out if they can't be trusted, like birds in the eye of a hurricane, they must plod on in the direction the hurricane is going.

    I can't see Paul being anything other than one of the birds within the GOP that complains, but can not (or will not) leave the eye of the storm to weather its fury for a time until it passes.

  4. disaffected,

    RE: "the Great Pacific Garbage Gyres"

    You said "I have no doubt whatsoever that Wall St and Madison Ave can turn this into yet another profit making opportunity for the capitalistic adept" ...

    There can be no doubt, because that is what created the gyres in the first place.

    But like all such addicts, they cannot balance it out economically, because they tend to leave costs out. Like the poison nuclear energy leaves, it is not put in the debit column.

    Their lives are lived in the credit column, not having the vision to see across the column to the debit side of life.

    Thus, the cost of their voodoo economics will be great, bringing the bankruptcy of civilization.

    That in turn will validate the observations some of us make: we never really left the dark ages socially.
