
Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The US States of Sea Level Change - 9
Fig. 1 East Coast

This post presents a closer look at thermal expansion and contraction caused sea level change as compared to ice sheet melt caused sea level change.

In previous posts the thermal expansion and contraction was a straight line at point zero because the actual sea level change is so much larger (Appendix: State SLC).

Today's graphs contain an additional separate graph for displaying the thermal expansion.

House on top of a crumbling cliff above ocean waves
Fig. 2 West Coast
This makes it abundantly clear how insignificant thermal expansion and contraction is when compared to the melting of Antarctica, Greenland, Glacier Bay Alaska, and to a lesser extent Patagonia.

Additionally, an HTML table is provided for each thermal expansion and contraction graph so that if needed the HTML table figures can be compared to the graph.

The economic impact of sea level change comes at a time when natural disasters are destroying more and more structures (Beach erosion will make Southern California coastal living five times more expensive by 2050).

Add to that the fact that cities can burn, and the old saying about homes has new meaning:

"That the house of every one is to him as his Castle and Fortress as well for defence against injury and violence, as for his repose; and although the life of man is precious and favoured in law; so that although a man kill another in his defence, or kill one per infortuntun’ (by misfortune), without any intent, yet it is felony, and in such case he shall forfeit his goods and chattels, for the great regard which the law hath of a mans life; But if theeves come to a mans house to rob him, or murder, and the owner or his servants kill any of the theeves in defence of himself and his house, it is no felony, and he shall lose nothing, and therewith agreeth 3 Edw. 3. Coron. 303, & 305. & 26 Ass. pl. 23. So it is holden in 21 Hen. 7. 39. every one may assemble his friends or neighbours to defend his house against violence: But he cannot assemble them to goe with him to the Market or elsewhere to keep him from violence: And the reason of all the same is, because domus sua cuique est tutissimum refugium. [everyone’s house is his safest refuge (“Every man’s home is his castle.”)]

(Online Library). "One thing is for sure on the subject of global warming induced climate change: if there was ever a time to err on the safe side, it was long ago." (Dredd Links Page).

Check out the graph appendices (GRAPHS NC OR RI SC TX VA WA, GRAPHS MD MA NJ NY, GRAPHS AK CA FL GA HI).

Also check out the HTML appendices (HTM NC OR RI SC TX VA WA, HTM MD MA NJ NY, HTM AK CA FL GA HI) [UPDATE: the HTML files have been updated. "span" in them means "lowest value to highest value", "epi, meso, and bathy" mean "epipelagic, mesopelagic, and bathypelagic" depth levels; and finally "TsSlc" means all three pelagic depths summed into one value, i.e. epi+meso+bathy].

The relevant state data in those appendices can be selected by noting that they are abbreviated (e.g. AK = Alaska, HI = Hawaii).

The previous post in this series is here.

"Come gather 'round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you is worth savin'
And you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'"

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