
Saturday, January 25, 2025

APPNDX p enthalpy

This is an appendix to: The Photon Current - 21

The graphs below depict potential enthalpy (ho) at various depths in various ocean locales. There are as many as 33 depths represented, but only 5 colors represent them. The colors represent pelagic depths (epipelagic, mesopelagic, bathypelagic, abyssopelagic, and hadopelagic):

All depths are in meters (m).

The following graph line colors indicate the WOD depths in all ocean areas on all of the graphs in all of the appendices:

Sea level to 200m (red)
201m to 1000m (green)
1001m to 4000m (brown)
4001m to 5500m (orchid)
5501 to bottom (blue)

The pelagic depths contain multiple WOD depth levels as follows:

WOD (L1 - L33) vs Pelagic (epi, meso, bathy, abysso, hado)

L1-L9 = epipelagic (0-200m)
L10-L18 = mesopelagic (201-1000m)
L19-L29 = bathypelagic (1001-4000m)
L30-L32 = abyssopelagic (4001-5500m)
L33 = hadopelagic (>5500m)

L1/10m, L2/20m, L3/30m, L4/50m, L5/75m, L6/100m,
L7/125m, L8/150m, L9/200m

L10/250m, L11/300m, L12/400m, L13/500m, L14/600m,
L15/700m, L16/800m, L17/900m, L18/1000m

L19/1100m, L20/1200m, L21/1300m, L22/1400m, L23/1500m,
L24/1750m, L25/2000m, L26/2500m, L27/3000m, L28/3500m,

L30/4500m, L31/5000m, L32/5500m,


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