
Thursday, December 12, 2024

The Ghost Photons - 5

"Hi! I'm Not Lost Anymore"
- The Ghost Photon

I. Introduction

In today's post we will explore the infrared photon mol/mole equivalent in the ocean depths using the concept Potential Enthalpy.

The exercise is to show that ocean heat a.k.a. potential enthalpy, as discussed in the previous post of this series, can be detected if we notice the World Ocean Database in situ measurements over several decades.

Appendix One shows those measurement averages in various oceans and seas at all depths, while Appendix Two (Epipelagic), Three (Mesopelagic), Four (Bathypelagic), Five (Abyssopelagic), and Six (Hadopelagic) show individual depths in those Pelagic layers.

The oceans featured are Arctic, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, and Southern, but there are also three groups "Misc_1, Misc_2, and Misc_3", which are:

Group Misc_1 is composed of data from
Mediterranean, Black_Sea, Baltic_Sea,
Persian_Gulf, Red_Sea, Sulu_Sea and
Yellow_Sea sources.

Group Misc_2 is composed of data from
Sea_of_Japan, Seto_Inland_Sea, Hudson_Bay,
Andaman_Sea, Arabian_Sea, Bay_of_Bengal,
and Bering_Sea sources.

Group Misc_3 is composed of data from
Caribbean_Sea, Gulf_of_Mexico, North_Sea,
South_China_Sea, Sea_of_Okhotsk, and
Adriatic_Sea sources.

The oceans and groups are processed the same way and the results are displayed in the same appendices of today's post.

II. The Nature Of The Measurements And Calculations

The bulk quantity value used in today's post and appendices for the quantity of photons in a seawater kilogram (kg) is the "Mol" or "Mole" (Wikipedia). 

That photon quantity is derived from the World Ocean Database (WOD) in situ measurements and then the TEOS-10 calculated value Potential Enthalpy as follows:

T = WOD in situ temperature
SP = WOD in situ salinity
lat = WOD in situ latitude
lon = WOD in situ longitude
D = WOD in situ depth at which T and SP were measured

Using those variables the TEOS-10 C++ library software is utilized to calculate:

Z = teosSea.gsw_z_from_depth (D)
P = teosSea.gsw_p_from_z (Z, lat)
SA = teosSea.gsw_sa_from_sp (SP, P, lon, lat)
CT = teosSea.gsw_ct_from_t (SA, T, P)
PT = teosSea.gsw_pt_from_ct (SA, CT)
ho = teosSea.gsw_pot_enthalpy_from_pt (SA, PT)

Now we can calculate infrared photon equivalent  in that potential enthalpy value (ho) using these quantities:

planckConst = 6.62607004e-34 (h at m2 kg / s)
lightSpeed_m = 2.99792457999998645e8 (c at meters / sec)
lightSpeedSq_m = 8.987551787e16 (c2 at meters / sec sec)
avogadroNum = 6.02214154e23 (Avogadro’s number)
nm_to_m_Coeff = 1e-9 (nanometers to meters)

wIR = 1.30e-6 (λ near-infrared photon wavelength used)
vIR = 2.30609583076922e14 (ν infrared photon frequency)
eIR = 1.52804e-19 (infrared photon energy in joules)
jMole = 92020.7 (joules per mole of infrared photons)

(Note that the wIR value is "near infrared" which water absorbs - "Near infrared (NIR) light includes wavelengths between 700 and 1,100 nanometers. Water absorbs NIR, so these wavelengths are useful for discerning land-water boundaries that are not obvious in visible light. " - NASA Earth Observatory, emphasis added).

And this process:

wavelength = wIR
photon_nm = wavelength / nm_to_m_Coeff
photon_frequency = lightSpeed_m / wavelength
photon_e = planckConst * frequency
photon_e_mole = photon_e * avogadroNum
photonsPerMole = avogadroNum / e_mole
photon_massEquiv = photon_e / lightSpeedSq_m
photonCount = ho / photon_e
moles = photonCount / avogadroNum

The number of moles per potential enthalpy value (ho) at each depth in each location in each year can be determined.

III. The Graphs Show Variation In Potential Enthalpy

Photons on the move transferring ocean heat is a constant event in nature: 

"Radiant heat, also known as thermal radiation, is the transfer of electromagnetic radiation which describes the heat exchange of energy by photons. Radiant heat is a mechanism for heat transfer which does not require a medium in which it propagates (unlike convection and conduction). All substances above absolute zero have thermal energy, which means that the particles contained in them have some form of motion. This motion of the particles contributes to the temperature of the object, with objects of 'ordinary' temperatures (less than 1000 Kelvin) emitting their radiant heat primarily in the infrared spectrum of light. The photons emitted by these moving charged particles will travel at the speed of light until they hit another particle, which absorbs its energy as kinetic energy. Interacting systems at different temperatures will do so by the exchange of radiant heat until they reach thermal equilibrium with one another [2nd Law of Thermodynamics]. Although the exchange of photons doesn't stop at equilibrium, it cannot be noticed because of the identical temperature of the systems."

(Radiant heat, emphasis added). Notice that in the graphs sometimes moderate changes take place in infrared photon count, also less moderate changes, but also wild changes.

IV. Closing Comments

These are radiant heat (potential enthalpy [ho]) patterns changing as The Photon Current flows to where the laws of thermodynamics cause the flow to go.

Quite natural!

The previous post in this series is here.

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