
Monday, August 19, 2019

Seaports With Sea Level Change - 5

Fig. 1 The Cryosphere of glaciers & Seaports with SLF
The Cryosphere of glaciers is composed primarily of the areas within the Cyan colored lines in Fig. 1.

The Seaports with sea level fall (SLF), and tide gauge stations to measure that SLF, are at zones (in or out of the Cryosphere) that are marked with red squares.

This post is about one easy way to determine if the Cryosphere is a cause of the SLF at the subject seaports, or to the contrary, whether land level change (LLC) or bad records are the likely cause of the measured SLF.

For example, China's Tianjin Seaport is located in Coastline Code: 610, WOD Zone: 1311, and it shows an SLF of ~69.5 mm.

The explanation in the Appendix A-C of Seaports With Sea Level Change - 4 is that the Cryosphere location in Zone 1310 (the "Third Pole" Cryosphere location) is the cause of the SLF.

You can look up any of the seaports with or without SLF in the following links:

Links to Appendices

Appendix: A - C Appendix: A - C Graphs A - C
Appendix: D - G Appendix: D - G Graphs D - G
Appendix: H - L Appendix: H - L Graphs H - L
Appendix: M - O Appendix: M - O Graphs M - O
Appendix: P - T Appendix: P - T Graphs P - T
Appendix: U - Z Appendix: U -Z Graphs U -Z

There can be one or more explanations for true SLF, and also for "pseudo SLF" (e.g. LLC).

The Cryposphere locations are derived from Global Land Ice Measurements from Space (the GLIMS database).

The next post in this series is here, the previous post in this series is here.

Dr. Eric Rignot voted into the fellowship:

1 comment:

  1. Watched them both - thank you for the links. What I found most interesting is how sea level rise will vary so much.
