
Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Earth Now Has A Toyota Gas Pedal - 2

By now readers have probably forgotten the massive Toyota recall of substantial quantities of their vehicles which had a "runaway gas pedal."

In the first post of this series we discussed that event, but "extrapolated" that phenomenon, comparing it to a runaway global warming induced climate change post.

Subsequent to that, we had a series about the impact that sea rise (more water in oceans = more weight on the Earth's crust in new places) would have on the earth's crust, when weight is redistributed by sea level rise (Is A New Age Of Pressure Upon Us? - 3).

Anyway, here is the text of the first post from this date in 2010:

Yesterday we linked to the Ecocosmology Blog post about the volcanic eruption which is so prevalent in the news.

If the distinguished scientist quoted in that post is correct (who predicted that if the Eyjafjallajökull ice sheet of Iceland melted down to a certain thinness, the Eyjafjallajökull volcano would erupt) then we have our first "popular" global warming event of the 21st Century.

How does it feel to the global warming deniers among the 7 million travelers, who thought global warming effects were being reserved for your children (ghastly thougThe Earth Now Has A Toyota Gas Pedal ht in itself)?
Or those global warming deniers among the business people who are economically endangered because they cannot ship fresh products to Europe via the aircraft that normally carry them?

Or some of you global warming deniers who will hunger again today for your favorite fresh food flown in from somewhere over the flat earth rainbow?

The Eyjafjallajökull eruption is only "popular" in the sense that it is well known to have happened, but it is not popular to acknowledge this event as a confirmation of global warming via of the tests of science.

One main test of a scientific hypothesis is the ability of that hypothesis to predict a future event based upon the assertions within the confines of that hypothesis.

For example, Einstein predicted that a certain star, which in "straight line reality" was actually behind the Sun and (everyone thought) invisible from earth, would actually be visible during an upcoming eclipse of the Sun because space is curved, not "straight line".

When Einstein's prediction was shown to be true, it was considered further evidence in support of his "curved space reality" hypothesis, which helped move Einstein's hypothesis further along toward theory status.

The Eyjafjallajökull prediction by scientist Bill McGuire, over 2.5 years ago, has likewise been shown to be "curved space reality".

His hypothesis indicated that man-made global warming would continue to melt the Eyjafjallajökull ice sheet until a certain thinness was reached, at which time all hell would break loose, in that, the Eyjafjallajökull volcano would erupt.

Senator Inhofe, the earth is not flat, no matter what Beavis & Butthead say!

Scientist Bill McGuire and his fellow scientists know that the ice sheet was like a lid on a boiling pot that would allow the steam, etc. to escape into the air once that lid was removed.

Now Europeans are itching to fly again, so scientist Bill McGuire, along with the mighty roar of Eyjafjallajökull may be ignored.

It is as if recklessness is an obsession which decision makers resist, but don't resist very well.

Ignoring the reality and the risky potentiality for air disasters of the airliner type, Europeans are chomping at the bit to get flying again ... evidently not facing up to the risks to aircraft the fine shards of hard glass (volcanic rock) in the air can mean.

What an exact microcosm for the global warming ideology, environmental policy, and delusions world governments are intoxicated by.

They, like Toyota, will ignore the problem, write a secret internal memo, thinking at first that such policies will make it go away.

They will not recall the earth at first.

But when that denial policy fails, they will placate the populace with propaganda saying they will pass laws which will recall the earth to replace the problem of the runaway accelerator.

When collapses of the global warming kind make it necessary to build an ark for those too big to fail, they will leave the rest of us to a policy of triage ("take your foot off the accelerator and hit something soft").

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