
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Will Copenhagen Be Snuffed Out? - 2

Two years ago on this date we pondered the fate of the Copenhagen talks concerning global warming.

That post, reposted below, held out hope that politicians would be mature, but Copenhagen went badly.

Now it may get worse when the talks in South Africa take place because "Obama's envoy for climate change casts doubt on Kyoto protocol".

The South Africans do not want it to go bad again, but "Copenhagen’s dark cloud looms over SA".

Here is the post from two years ago on this date:

The photo is of a continent of garbage where there are plenty of Copenhagen snuff cans floating around, but that is not the Copenhagen where a meeting of world leaders will take place soon, even though that would be an excellent place to have the meeting.

Gordon Brown, who will be among the participants, is concerned that the Copenhagen Convention under the auspices of The United Nations may fail:
It is a historic moment: the ultimate test of global cooperation. Yet the negotiations are proceeding so slowly that a deal is in grave danger.

If we miss this opportunity, there will be no second chance sometime in the future, no later way to undo the catastrophic damage to the environment we will cause. So when world leaders gather this week, first at the United Nations in New York and then at the G20 summit in Pittsburgh, it is essential that we move toward resolving the issues that still divide our nations. As scientists spell out the mounting evidence both of the climate change already occurring and of the threat it poses in the future, we cannot allow the negotiations to run out of time simply for lack of attention. Failure would be unforgivable.
(Newsweek). We can be sure that elements in the U.S. Government, such as Senator Inhofe, will fight this "communist fascist socialist lefty liberal conspiracy" called global warming and global climate change.

But if President Obama's speech to the United Nations today is any indication, the United States is committed Mr. Brown.

As we most certainly should be.

We share a common destiny as members of the human species, which is to survive together or to become extinct together in this cosmos.


  1. Another thing that hasn't changed:

    BP oil is coming onshore with the same toxins, meaning the ocean is not breaking them down.

    Another myth bites the dust: Auburn University Study

    Burning that fossil fuel caused more climate change, the worst drought many farmers can remember: The Great Texas Drought

  2. The pesticide attacks on bees, which are crucial for food growing, are killing more and more.

    Dan Rather did an investigative report identifying as many as 17,000 "systemic pesticides" and other types, that work in ways the EPA and industry are unaware of.
