
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Famous Last Words

Ambassador Richard Holbrooke's last words were reported as "You've got to stop this war in Afghanistan".

The legal system of Americans allows death-bed testimony that would not otherwise be admissible.

That is because when a person knows they are dying they are considered to be more serious than at any other time of their lives.

The Obama administration (evidently seeking to gloss over the implications of everyone knowing Holbrooke and V.P. Biden were/are against the insane perpetuation of that ill fated war zone) said Holbrooke was just joking.

The world is turning upside down they must think, when actually they are the ones who have turned upside down.

It reminded me, for some reason, that the BP officials were on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig celebrating the completion of a safe operation when the oil rig blew itself and 11 souls to smithereens. Some of those BP executives were injured, but none died.

Those are the kind of folks the Obama Administration seems to like to hang with.


  1. Dredd,

    Relax. We'll end the war in Afghanistan alright - just as soon as we've extracted everything of value from the region and there's no more strategic and/or economic benefit from being there. All that shouldn't take but another 50 years or so, which is really nothing at all in the long view of things.

    Now the other wars that will no doubt crop up in the meantime? All bets are off there, but at least we know now that the dems and the Repubes are BOTH committed to supporting foreign wars of occupation in perpetuity, so at least all the drama's gone out of it. We're all imperialists now, so we neither owe nor make apologies to anyone for our acts of aggression. It's GOOD to be the cock of the walk!

  2. On Morning Joe, they viewed the latest poll which shows 28% of Americans think the country is going in the sane direction, while 68% think the nation is going in the insane direction.

  3. Ending the wars, cutting imperialism entitlements in half, is the best way to heal the economy.

    Mort Zuckerman repeated the feckless mantra "spending on infrastructure will create jobs".

    But no-one, and I mean no-one has explained why the largest infrastructure spending bill in U.S. history, which went into major effect in 2008, had no effect because the economy went down then so Bush II & Treasury Sec. Paulson went TARP bailout crazy.

    I asked the infrastructure bill question in Mohammed Has Dick Cheney Eyes and in Mega Infrastructure Bill To Make Jobs?.

    All I hear in response is crickets, along with the odd cries in the night mumbling that increasing the deficit is good for the economy.

    Pathetic at best, criminal at worst.

  4. I asked the infrastructure bill question in Mohammed Has Dick Cheney Eyes and in Mega Infrastructure Bill To Make Jobs?.

    All I hear in response is crickets, along with the odd cries in the night mumbling that increasing the deficit is good for the economy.

    Pathetic at best, criminal at worst.

    Hey, these guys are professional criminals! They don't steal without having a plan to cover their tracks. If it went to the Pentagon, and odds are that it did, you can be sure it came off the books post-haste in the interests of "national security." You'd need an army of forensic accountants (yes, there's really such a thing) to find it if that's the case.
