
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

eMail From Alliance For Climate Protection

Dear [Dredd],

Koch is responsible for over 300 oil spills in the U.S. and has leaked 3 million gallons of crude oil into fisheries and drinking waters.

That's just one example of what you'll find on -- a new website that pulls back the curtain on the winner of this year's Snake Oil Award from Repower America. I invite you to visit this website to learn more facts about Koch Industries.

Since we launched this website, supporters like you have been submitting new facts each day, and we've been posting them. Take a look at what we've made together.

Koch Industries is one of the biggest funders of groups that deny the science of climate change. Every day, Koch puts our planet's future at risk in order to keep the profits flowing from their oil pipelines and refineries.

But clean energy supporters like you can fight back. You can help Repower America spread the word about Koch Industries' shameful record.

Get the facts about Koch Industries and share them with your friends and family today.

In case you didn't get a chance to read it yet, I'm forwarding you a message from Dave Boundy about Koch Industries. Find out what you need to know about this company and its record of deception. Get the facts.

Thanks for standing up to the big oil companies and fighting for a clean energy future.

Maggie L. Fox
President and CEO
Alliance for Climate Protection