
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The States of War Budgets - 2

In the first post of this series (The States of War Budgets) we took a gander at the effect the oil wars were having on the economies of the 50 states.

That post runs parallel with another post with a theme that seems to describe the current state of mythological affairs concerning the midterm elections.

That is, the media says that the wars are not considered to be an election issue, but the economy really, really is.

Therefore, it is probably time to take another look at the post (The U.S. Mythology Trance - Free Wars), because we seem to be influenced by economists who feel that wars are free, i.e., that they don't cost us anything.

Dredd Blog knows that is a falsehood of monumental proportions.

In this post, therefore, we take a look at how the real costs of endless wars effect the pensions of citizens of the states.

Specifically, notice that the citizens of the states are in dire straits as a result of voodoo economics:
#1 Illinois
Year pension fund runs out: 2018
Bill in the following year: $13.6 billion
Share of state revenue: 32%

#2 Connecticut
Year pension fund runs out: 2019
Bill in the following year: $4.9 billion
Share of state revenue: 27%

#3 Indiana
Year pension fund runs out: 2019
Bill in the following year: $3.6 billion
Share of state revenue: 17%

#4 New Jersey
Year pension fund runs out: 2019
Bill in the following year: $14.4 billion
Share of state revenue: 34%

#5 Hawaii
Year pension fund runs out: 2020
Bill in the following year: $1.7 billion
Share of state revenue: 24%

#6 Louisiana
Year pension fund runs out: 2020
Bill in the following year: $4.3 billion
Share of state revenue: 27%

#7 Oklahoma
Year pension fund runs out: 2020
Bill in the following year: $3.7 billion
Share of state revenue: 30%

#8 Colorado
Year pension fund runs out: 2022
Bill in the following year: $7.8 billion
Share of state revenue: 54%

#9 Kansas
Year pension fund runs out: 2022
Bill in the following year: $2.5 billion
Share of state revenue: 23%

#10 Kentucky
Year pension fund runs out: 2022
Bill in the following year: $5.3 billion
Share of state revenue: 35%

#11 New Hampshire
Year pension fund runs out: 2022
Bill in the following year: $1.0 billion
Share of state revenue: 30%
(Yahoo Finance, see also The Economist). The only reason the populace would think that war would have no effect on their lives is that they have been mentally impaired by the deceit machine Dredd Blog calls MOMCOM.

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