
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Senate Passes Health Care Bill 60-39

I just watched what is being called an historic vote in the U.S. Senate.

The President of the Senate, Vice President Joe Biden, presided over the proceedings.

All Senate Democrats and Independents voted for the bill, and all Republicans who were present voted against the bill.

Now, since the Senate version just passed is different from the House version that passed a while back, the two bills go to a conference committee in January, where the differences will be hammered out and a final bill produced.

Then both the House and the Senate will have to have a floor vote on the final, combined bill.

UPDATE: President Obama just finished making comments on the Senate's passage of the bill, saying it is the most reform concerning insurance companies ever.

He said it will add 31 million Americans to the list of those having health care coverage.

He said he will work with the Conference Committee to resolve the differences in the two bills, then he will sign the final version upon its passage by both the Senate and the House.

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