
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Political Limbo - How Low Can You Go?

Politics (a.k.a. "justice") once lagged behind the old limbo song by Chubby Checker, which had the lyrics "how low can you go".

But lowliness of the corrupt kind is now taking over the race to be the number one low life in America. The Department of Just Us having been resurrected following the election, is leading the way by now seeking to protect John Yoo, one of those mentally impaired from time spent in the new department that now draws the worst of humanity to it.

And what used to be an impeachable offense, one president having been impeached thereby, is now not enough to impeach even a governor who stole state funds while doing it, then lied about it as well.

How far we have fallen, from a president that would have put Cheney in jail, to one that dances when Cheney sings.

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