
Friday, February 14, 2020

The Rule of Law Murphy's Law

A head of the game
I. The Mythical Rule of Law

The U.S. Courts' PR sanction of the "rule of law" begs a lot of questions (Overview - Rule of Law).

One question is "who's law".

I make the argument that it is becoming "the rule of Murphy's Law."

One academic search for the origin of this well known law metaphorically implicates the ship of state:
"It is found that anything that can go wrong at sea generally does go wrong sooner or later, so it is not to be wondered that owners prefer the safe to the scientific .... Sufficient stress can hardly be laid on the advantages of simplicity. The human factor cannot be safely neglected in planning machinery. If attention is to be obtained, the engine must be such that the engineer will be disposed to attend to it."
(Murphy's Law, emphasis added). After about two hundred years of government policy, the national theme still is:

And so, what can go wrong on the ship of state is going to go wrong ... Murphy's Law is the law now.

II. Checks And Balances

One of the operative myths of government used by those who hear no evil and see no evil is the "checks and balances" myth.

It is an assertion that there is inherent justice, equal application of law, and liberty created, granted, and axiomatically engendered and spread throughout the populace by our written constitution.

In reality though, the part of Murphy's Rule of Law is that if you have checks you can impact the balance on politicians' campaign bank accounts and thereby have your way with Miss Liberty and Miss Justice.

III. On To The Trances

Another dynamic that morphs the mythical rule of law into the real Murphy's Law is the "it can't happen here" trance:

(Myth Addiction Is Establishment's LSD).

IV. Some Things That Were Myth-ed

The framers had a fetish about the common folk being too ignorant to really know what was good for them so they crafted "The Electoral College" ... the "popular" vote was just so we voters could keep in practice in case we were ever needed (that this is a picture of democracy is a widespread myth).

Another problem they tackled was that colonies with low population would have been unequally yoked in the nation originally contemplated, so those small population colonies wanted nothing to do with it.

So, to keep the contemplated ship of state concept afloat the framers came up with the idea of two senators per state no matter what the population of a state was.

This is why the senate is wacko (50 million population state gets 2 senators and an 800,000 population state gets two senators) these daze to the point that 33.31% of the population determines 70% of the senate (no removal of a crime-infected administration without the say of the senators of 33.31% of the population) ... (How To Identify The Despotic Minority - 13).

"What could go wrong?"

Monday, February 10, 2020

Antarctica 2.0 - 10

Fig. 1 When Even A Disaster Is A Cover-up
I. As I Said

In the previous post of this series I indicated that "In the next post of this series I will show graphs of the sections of Antarctica in terms of how much grounding line (where tidewater glaciers leave the land and begin to float) each one has" (Antarctica 2.0 - 9).

Today's graphs are the fulfillment of that promise, which is important, but more than that they are provided because Antarctica is so important to consider (sea level rise impact on the coasts of all nations, not just the United States, Fig. 1).
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7

II. Even Forbes Is Scary

Additionally, I want to explain why I labeled the graphic "When Even A Disaster Is A Cover-up" even though the story it links to is "These Are The Cities Most People Will Move To From Sea-Level Rise" (Fig. 1).

The reason is threefold: 1) it is nationalistic in the sense that it leaves out the rest of the world, 2) it is incompetent in the sense that it leaves out the fact that U.S. Seaports will be destroyed, and 3) it does not consider that the disaster is incremental and won't all happen at the end of the time span they consider because it is already happening, and not limited to ~80 years from now (2100).

The U.S. seaports in the coastal areas portrayed by Forbes include:
Los Angeles, San Diego, Richmond (CA), Oakland, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Anacortes, Port Everglades, Tampa, Miami, Manatee, Port Arthur, Freeport, Houston, Texas City, Corpus Christi, New Orleans, Savannah, Pascagoula, Jacksonville, Mobile,South Louisiana US LUA, Huntington - Tri-State (WV), Beaumont, Baton Rouge, Plaquemines (Louisiana), Lake Charles, Memphis, Richmond, Wilmington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Hampton Roads, Charleston, Wilmington, Portland (Maine), Pittsburgh, New York/New Jersey, Boston, etc.
(Appendix U-Z ... an appendix to Seaports With Sea Level Change - 2). The president of the U.S. does not seem to care about seaport infrastructure (US port-related funding slashed).

This is why seaports are so important:
"By volume, more than 95 percent of U.S. international trade moves through the nation's ports and harbors, with about 50 percent of these goods being hazardous materials."
(NOAA PORTS, emphasis added). The Forbes idea that it only involves moving to another city is ludicrous (Why Sea Level Rise May Be The Greatest Threat To Civilization).

In case that is not clear, add this to it:
"The international shipping industry is responsible for the carriage of around 90% of world trade.

Shipping is the life blood of the global economy. Without shipping, intercontinental trade, the bulk transport of raw materials, and the import/export of affordable food and manufactured goods would simply not be possible

["About 90% of world trade is carried by the international shipping industry. Without shipping, the import/export of affordable food and goods would not be possible - half the world would starve and the other half would freeze!" - Shipping Facts, emphasis added]
(International Chamber of Shipping, emphasis added). The greatest economic disaster of all history is in the gun-sights of global warming induced climate change induced sea level change (engineered by Humble Oil-Qaeda).

III. The Graphs

The graphs (Fig. 2 - Fig. 7) focus on areas around Antarctica, the source for most of the sea level change in the United States that is a clear and present danger:
"But the main threat to the Antarctic ice sheet doesn’t come from above. What threatens to truly transform this vast icy continent lies beneath, where warming ocean waters (and the vast heat carrying capacity of seawater) have the potential to melt ice at an unprecedented rate."
(Antarctica Is An Environmental Disaster Just Waiting To Happen) Regular readers know that Dredd Blog has been graphing that reality out for years (NASA Busts The Ghost; The Ghost Plumes, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; The Ghost Photons, 2, 3).

One sea level change result is shown by the Forbes graphic (Fig. 1), but the source which is causing that result is the subject of today's graphs.

Fig. 8 Antarctica Areas
Each graph has a list of WOD zone numbers so you can locate them exactly on the WOD Map as well as on Fig. 8.

Additionally, there is a list of grounding line lengths for each zone, with a total for that area of Antarctica at the bottom of the list.

The Conservative Temperature lines above the Ice-melt Temperature lines at the bottom of the graph area indicate Pelagic depths with the same color scheme as the previous post's graphs at Fig. 7 in that post.

The bottom line is that these graphs show clearly that the seawater around Antarctica is above the temperature required to melt tidewater glaciers all around the continent's grounding lines.

That grounding line distance is 53,239 km (33,081 mi), which is the distance traveled by driving from the US east coast to the US west coast (2,092 mi) 16 times (Fig. 1).

Imagine looking up to a 2.16 km deep ice cover beside the highway over that distance, as you travel it 16 times (with seawater up against it's face 24/7, 365 days a year) and you get the picture.

IV. Denial

The deniers in the despotic minority of the voting public can vote into office all the global warming induced climate change deniers that they want to, but they cannot keep burning fossil fuels and avoid the suicide of civilization (How To Identify The Despotic Minority - 14).

The next post in this series is here, the previous post in this series is here.